Change Polluted Water. Do Not Change Healthy Water.

Change Polluted Water. Do Not Change Healthy Water.

Change Polluted Water. Do Not Change Healthy Water.

Fish tank water and water changes has become a matter of controversy. How do we keep aquarium water pure and healthy and avoid doing water changes? Are water changes even necessary?
There is a simple rule: Make nature your partner. Going the industry way of dosing your pure, and healthy water with chemicals and other treatments will not only turn your pure, healthy aquarium water toxic, but it also creates the unnecessary need to change water on a weekly or daily basis. But if you follow this simple rule and make nature your partner, nature will do 99% of work for your fish tank and you simply can enjoy your fish keeping hobby and you can stop changing water in your aquarium.
Some in the fishtube community have been going hysterical about the previous video ‘Stop Changing Your Water!’ without understanding how simple it is to maintain pure and healthy fish tank water without water changes. It is time to explain to you and to them how one can maintain a healthy tank, water, plants and fishes by following this simple rule without having to change water at all!

FATHER FISH is an advocate for natural aquariums. His research over 25 years provides a wealth of information about the creation and maintenance of natural aquariums.
On this channel you will find scientific research as well as personal testimonials by countless hobbyists who have applied the Father Fish System and are enjoying its amazing benefits.
THE FATHER FISH SHOAL on Discord is a wonderful way to meet and make new fishy friends as well as get the help you need. Join us at Father Fish Server on Checkout our store! You can buy plants, soil supplement, \u0026 more: https://father-fish-aquarium.myshopif

THE FATHER FISH SHOAL on Discord is a wonderful way to meet and make new fishy friends as well as get the help you need. Join us at Father Fish Server on Checkout our store! You can buy plants, soil supplement, \u0026 more:

24/7 live on Discord:
This is a wonderful way to meet and make new fishy friends as well as get the help you need. Join us at Father Fish Server on DISCORD!

FatherFish “Keep It Dirted” T-Shirt:

FatherFish T-Shirt:

FatherFish Apparel:

Editor: @deadmanswill

All clips used in the video are for representation or visual beauty and there’s intention of maligning anyone. We always use clips contributed to us directly on discord or clips released under the Creative Commons license on YouTube or other platforms.

Our Discord Clip Contributors:
Titia’s Planted Aquariums
   / @titiasplantedaquariums  
Gill in the Grove

Clips used under CC license:
Aquarium Adventures
   • All fish dead - all my fault.  
   • Observing Microorganisms Found at You…  
The king Ajay
   • วิดีโอ  
Michael’s Fish Room
   • These Petsmart Fish are very sick!  
khat sokkhy
   • 🐠Goldfish, Koi Fish, cichlid, Colorfu…  
   • 🐠Goldfish, Koi Fish, cichlid, Colorfu…  
Palawan Ornamental Fish Hub
   • Beginners Planted Tank Update DIY CO2…  
Aqua Apprentice
   • Seachem Flourish review | Does Flouri…  
Dustin Sheffield
   • Lake Tahoe    I     4K  
Mysis Shrimp
Under The Microscope
   • Cyclops Under the microscope  
   • Daphnia  
   • Lil ’ Dippers Toy #asmr #unboxing #as…  

0:00 Teaser
0:29 Controversy and Context
2:29 Stop changing water
3:42 Plastic and Unnatural Aquariums
5:26 Make Natural Aquariums
7:49 Magic Ingredient
9:00 Story of Lake Tahoe
10:07 Nitrates and Carbon
11:40 Bottom Line

#FATHERFISH #deepsubstratetank #naturalaquarium #waterchange #nowaterchange #deepsubstratetank #naturalaquarium #plantedtank #plantedaquarium #fishtube #fishtank #fishkeeping #dirtdtank #walstad #foodweb #fishfood #naturalaquarium #deepsubstrateaquarium #leavesinaquarium #balancedaquarium #selfsustainingaquarium #healthyaquarium #feedfishnaturally #livefoodforfish #livefishfood #sandsubstrate #deepsubstrate #naturalsubstrate #naturalfishkeeping


0.133 -> All of these, ooh nitrate, nitrate!
3.1 -> Nitrate is food. It's food.
6.933 -> They don't know what they're
7.966 -> talking about. In point of fact, nature
10.433 -> will do 99% of the work for
13.266 -> you, if you give it a chance.
15.933 -> This is Father Fish at his harshest.
18.966 -> [Music]
24.566 -> Well, hello! Come right on
26.833 -> in. You're at Father Fish.
28.966 -> We have been very fortunate. We here at
33.433 -> Father Fish, over the
35.933 -> past three or four months,
39.399 -> to have had the advice and support of
43.833 -> some very skilled and talented people
47.366 -> in the YouTube community who have taught
50.866 -> us how to make better
52.866 -> videos and how to reach a wider
56.033 -> audience. We've been about this for three
60.866 -> years or so. So we're
63.266 -> entering our fourth year
65.599 -> and are beginning to see some pretty
68.099 -> substantial growth and we're very
70.866 -> thankful for that and very
72.799 -> appreciative of you and your support for
77.799 -> what we're trying to do.
79.466 -> As is often the case when
81.933 -> someone breaks into an established
85.599 -> community with ideas that are
89.366 -> unique and that may challenge
92.733 -> popular wisdom, there is feedback, even
96.666 -> hit back. And we've had some of that.
100.833 -> There are a few very
102.566 -> large YouTubers, one or two, who are
106 -> hysterical about what we are
108.666 -> suggesting and others who are
111.533 -> more measured and comfortable while at
118.633 -> the same time raising
120.833 -> the specter of catastrophe
124.966 -> if everything we say and do is followed
128.866 -> to the letter. So it
131.166 -> becomes really imperative
135.199 -> to come back to this and to answer these
140.033 -> concerns with as much legitimacy
145.133 -> and effectiveness as I
147.066 -> am able. So here we go.
153.033 -> As to the matter of new water changes,
156.166 -> water that is healthy, that
159.433 -> is to say in which everything
161.933 -> that is living in the water is healthy,
165.366 -> the microorganisms, the
167.866 -> bacteria, the fish, the
170.566 -> inverts, the plants, if they are all
173.533 -> healthy, there is
174.733 -> absolutely no reason to change water.
178.966 -> In point of fact, changing water in a
181.866 -> healthy environment
183.666 -> creates far more potential for
187.133 -> catastrophe than it does benefit. What we
192.266 -> are teaching is how to
195.233 -> create and to maintain that
198.633 -> stable, healthy community. And it is not
203.533 -> difficult to do. It doesn't
205.633 -> require 25 years in the hobby.
209.766 -> It doesn't require enormous sweat and
212.766 -> labor and effort. It
215.466 -> requires some common sense
218.233 -> and a willingness to do what is obviously
221.233 -> true, but what by the
223.266 -> same token has been rejected
226.166 -> out of hand by much of the industry and
229.633 -> many of the hobbyists who
232.233 -> are in the industry who have
234.4 -> themselves been caught up in a complex of
239.366 -> ideas that are frankly plastic and
244 -> unnatural. There are
246 -> plenty of tanks and you all have seen
248.633 -> them. We've all seen them. They are
250.866 -> unnatural tanks. They are
253.566 -> plastic filled with plastic. They depend
257.633 -> on daily water changes just
261.166 -> to keep the toxicity down.
264 -> That's not the way to run an aquarium. By
268 -> loading it up with toxins,
270.233 -> with poisons, with excess
273.266 -> nutrients on a daily basis and then
276.833 -> having to dump the water out
278.666 -> because you've so fouled it
282.033 -> that it can't sustain life anymore.
284.466 -> That's not a balanced aquarium. That's
287.466 -> the precise opposite.
289.933 -> That is an unbalanced aquarium and there
293.399 -> are too many hobbyists who are being told
296.866 -> that that's the way to keep fish. Well,
299.033 -> it's not. It is the
301.466 -> unhealthiest way that it is possible to
305.733 -> keep fish. We're providing an option to
308.3 -> that. It's not a matter of
310.733 -> laziness, you see. It's a matter
313.633 -> of being reasonable and sensible
318.199 -> and doing what is obviously the right thing
322.166 -> to do. So where do we begin?
330.199 -> We begin with nature. We begin by
334.566 -> thinking about our aquarium
336.933 -> as a natural environment. Now,
340.899 -> I know there are those who say, "Oh, you
343.866 -> can't have nature in a
345.399 -> little glass box." Well,
347.033 -> that's sheer foolishness. It's
350.1 -> argumentative. It's ignorant. It's
352.966 -> foolishness. Of course you can.
355.633 -> You ever raised a flower in a flower pot?
358.399 -> My word! There are countless
361.466 -> little tiny biomes out there
364.433 -> in nature that are no more than a hundred
367.5 -> gallons, if that, that
369.666 -> have fish living in them
371.5 -> year round. Tiny little spaces. How is
374.899 -> that possible? It is
376.466 -> possible because they are being
379.666 -> run by the natural system. So here's what
383.866 -> you need to do to get a
386.466 -> natural system running in your
390.166 -> aquarium. You put a little dirt in it.
393.699 -> That's right, dirt. You put
395.333 -> some dirt in it. Now, we know,
397.633 -> you and I know, everybody knows that if
400.699 -> you put dirt in an aquarium,
402.566 -> dump it in the water, it'll
404.199 -> make it muddy and it'll make a mess and
406.666 -> it'll look terrible. So we
408.199 -> don't do that, do we? Before we do
411.066 -> anything else in the bare empty dry tank,
416.366 -> we put about an inch of
418.1 -> mud. Now, not any kind of mud,
421.533 -> but truthfully, nearly any kind will do.
424.466 -> We've got a formula for
425.966 -> this. Look it up. And then we put
428.399 -> sand on top of it. Now, why do we do
430.733 -> that? Well, to keep the mud out of the
433.8 -> water for one thing,
435.366 -> to provide a means for the precipitates,
440.666 -> the particulate matter
442.066 -> in the water to go down
445.533 -> into the substrate, you see it sifts down
449.666 -> into the sand. So we put
452.733 -> sand, two inches of sand,
456.133 -> one inch of soil, dirt, and then what?
459.8 -> Well, then you fill it up. And
461.733 -> then what? Well, then you put
463.733 -> plants in it. Then what? And then you put
466.466 -> a few fish in it. Then
468 -> what? And then you put the magic
470.8 -> in it. And what's the magic? Dead tree
474.866 -> leaves. That's right. Dead
477.8 -> tree leaves. All of the research
481.333 -> that has been done and is being done on
484.766 -> freshwater systems all over the world,
489.833 -> demonstrate conclusively that the
493.433 -> foundation, the nutritional
496.3 -> foundation of freshwater systems,
501.266 -> is tree leaves and all the other things
505.066 -> that fall off of the tree.
507.699 -> Now, don't go out picking a bunch
509.166 -> of tree leaves off a tree, throwing them
511.5 -> out and throwing them in
512.399 -> the tank. Don't do that.
514.166 -> You collect the leaves first that are in
517.866 -> a little body of water. Why
519.633 -> is that? Why? So you can have
522.566 -> some of the animals in your tank that are
526.733 -> eating those leaves and
529.6 -> eating the waste and maintaining
533.6 -> the stability of the tank. You see,
535.833 -> that's called nature. That's what nature
539.033 -> is. Lake Tahoe. And if
541.633 -> you know anything about Lake Tahoe,
544.433 -> really interesting story.
546.633 -> Somebody put some shrimp in
548.7 -> Lake Tahoe about 15 years ago. They ate
552.566 -> all of the cyclops. That's a little
554.566 -> microscopic bug. And all
556.5 -> of the Daphne, another one. And guess
559.5 -> what happened? It became so
562.233 -> murky, loaded with algae, foul,
567.533 -> that the government decided they had to
569.733 -> spend a billion dollars to
571.766 -> fix it. Well, fortunately,
574.666 -> before they could spend all that money,
576.799 -> the shrimp ate all the
578.133 -> cyclops and Daphnia, starved,
581.266 -> died off the Daphnia and cyclops
584.566 -> returned. And guess
585.933 -> what? The water is clear now.
588.799 -> Nature knows how to deal with natural
594.566 -> things. Nature has been
597.533 -> at it for only 100 million
602.399 -> years or so. You really can trust it. You
607.466 -> see, the bottom line here is
609.566 -> what this is really all about
612.333 -> is saying to people who want to keep
614.833 -> fish. Okay, great. But
616.633 -> let's do it in a way that's
619.466 -> good for the fish and that allows them to
623.133 -> have the kind of
624.833 -> environment that they need and want.
629.133 -> Now, if we can learn to do that in a fish
631.533 -> tank, maybe we can learn
633.5 -> to do that outside our door.
636.166 -> You see, it's not a matter of controlling
638.866 -> carbon. That's ignorant.
641.233 -> I'll tell you what that is.
643.133 -> Carbon sequestration, controlling carbon,
646.233 -> it's the same thing as nitrate
649.5 -> sequestration in the
651.533 -> fish tank. All of these, ooh, nitrate,
654.166 -> nitrate. Nitrate is food.
657.399 -> It's food. It's food for plants.
660.5 -> That's what plants eat. They eat
662.766 -> nitrates. Without nitrates, the plants
665.733 -> die. Where do nitrates come
668 -> from? They come from the waste from the
670.399 -> fish. You see, it's a
672.1 -> cycle. They depend on each other.
674.733 -> Same thing is true with carbon. Without
676.933 -> carbon, no plants are able to live. Do
679.866 -> you know that there are
681.299 -> 25 percent more plants on this earth
685.633 -> today than there were 25
688.233 -> years ago? Why is that? Because
690.966 -> the carbon has increased. When nitrates
695.533 -> go up, plant growth goes
698.833 -> up. So here's the bottom line,
701.533 -> people. What we're really all about here
704.366 -> is nature. We're all about nature. Not
708.466 -> about plastic plants
710.466 -> and plastic substrate and plastic food.
714.399 -> Might as well have plastic
715.866 -> fish. No, we're all about
717.866 -> a natural environment. It is not hard to
721.966 -> do. I have five-year-old
724.366 -> children who are setting up
727.133 -> natural aquariums. It is easier than
731.766 -> trying to do this madness
733.933 -> of maintaining water quality
736.966 -> when you're polluting it every single
738.933 -> day. So let's get straight
741.366 -> about a few things. We're not
742.899 -> trying to make things complicated. We're
745.366 -> trying to make things
746.266 -> simple. We're not trying to lose
748.166 -> people in the hobby. We're trying to save
750.366 -> people from being lost. And those who
753.766 -> want to come against
755.033 -> us and come after us, bring it on because
758.933 -> I'll tell you frankly,
760.633 -> they don't know what they're
761.766 -> talking about. Well, this is Father Fish
764.933 -> at his harsh. It don't mean
767.433 -> to be that way. Just don't
769.166 -> let getting beat up by bullies who think
772.5 -> they're being smart when
774.033 -> they're really not. Who think
775.7 -> they're coming after me for saying things
778.166 -> I really haven't. Who
779.899 -> prefer not to understand, but to
782.533 -> simply carp and whine and bitch and
785.166 -> complain and moan. So enough of that.
789.133 -> Let's get on with it.
790.733 -> Let's stand together and make this hobby
792.733 -> work. Make it successful.
795.566 -> Keep people from failing.
797.433 -> You don't have to bust your buns 24-7 to
800.633 -> keep fish in a tank. In
802.333 -> part, in fact, nature will do
804.166 -> 99% of the work for you if you give it a chance!
809.5 -> Love you all. Bye for now.
