HEART DISEASE? | Common Signs You May Be Ignoring!

HEART DISEASE? | Common Signs You May Be Ignoring!

HEART DISEASE? | Common Signs You May Be Ignoring!

Heart Disease is the leading cause of death throughout the industrialized world. We all know that Chest pain is a sign of a heart attack but there are other lesser known signs that are even more common. Learn the most common signs that you or a loved one may be having problems with their heart. Recognizing these signs in your self can save your life!

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0.03 -> we're all aware that chest pain is a
1.77 -> common sign of a heart attack but are
3.84 -> there other lesser known more common
5.52 -> signs that you may be missing that's the
7.529 -> question we're gonna tackle coming up
15.74 -> welcome back to Family Med if you're new
18.029 -> here I'm dr. Eric Richardson a
19.619 -> board-certified family practice
21.39 -> physician on our channel we focus on
23.58 -> trying to give you practical and
24.93 -> accurate medical information to help you
26.73 -> and your family make healthy decisions
27.72 -> if you think this would be something to
29.97 -> be helpful to you make sure you
31.05 -> subscribe hit that notification button
33.03 -> and if all along with us welcome to our
35.64 -> latest installment of I have a question
37.2 -> in this series we tackle common
39.239 -> questions that you have about day to day
40.68 -> medical issues that you may be facing
42.8 -> today we're gonna be going over some
44.789 -> common hit maybe it's some lesser known
46.59 -> symptoms of heart disease that you
48.45 -> should be looking out for and talk to
49.829 -> your doctor about if you have them in
52.14 -> the United States in most developed
53.61 -> countries heart disease has been for
55.71 -> some time and will continue to be the
57.84 -> leading cause of death in both men and
59.46 -> women the classic symptom of a heart
61.379 -> attack is that pressure like crushing
63.239 -> chest pain the radiates your jaw on your
65.189 -> arm but unfortunately this isn't the
67.5 -> only sign these can be signs of an
69.659 -> active heart attack going on but there
71.369 -> are many other things that you can feel
72.99 -> that may not fit that mold and because
75.54 -> of that sometimes patients may dismiss
77.61 -> or not even recognize concerning signs
79.74 -> because it really doesn't seem to match
81.15 -> the symptoms that they're expecting the
83.43 -> things that we're gonna go over are not
84.72 -> only symptoms that you may have an
86.159 -> active heart attack but other maybe more
88.59 -> subtle symptoms that may show that
90.299 -> you're having problems in your heart
91.59 -> that need to be addressed so what are
93.96 -> some of those symptoms that you should
94.979 -> be looking for well the first and in my
97.29 -> experience the most common symptom that
98.909 -> I see my practice is shortness of breath
100.65 -> with exertion I usually see that some
103.35 -> patients come to me and complained that
105.329 -> they just aren't able to mow the lawn
106.409 -> like they used to or over the past
108.42 -> couple months they aren't able to go up
109.89 -> a flight of stairs without getting
111.119 -> winded and more often than that it's my
113.52 -> patients wife that is tattling on her
115.17 -> husband because he hasn't wanted to come
117.36 -> in and be seen about it if you start
119.67 -> noticing that this is happening to you
121.14 -> it's important you get in to your doctor
122.67 -> and get this
123.26 -> doubt ii common symptoms that I see is
125.96 -> somewhat related to the first but
127.28 -> present a little bit different my
129.38 -> patients often present just complaining
131.42 -> that they feel a lot more tired lately
132.77 -> they may not recognize or notice any
134.93 -> shortness of breath but they notice that
137.12 -> they just have to stop and rest more
138.86 -> frequently than they used to they can't
140.93 -> walk as far because they just don't feel
142.64 -> like they have the energy to go anywhere
144.11 -> they find themselves just wanting to sit
146.33 -> because doing much more it's just too
148.16 -> hard now the next thing you need to
149.84 -> watch for is persistent issues with
151.73 -> nausea indigestion heartburn or stomach
154.4 -> pain now just because you have these
156.5 -> doesn't mean you're having a heart
157.73 -> attack but persistent and severe
159.62 -> symptoms that just don't go away with
161.57 -> the usual treatments can be a sign that
163.19 -> you're having a problem women actually
165.23 -> tend to present this way a little more
166.7 -> often than men the next symptom is
168.89 -> feeling dizzy or lightheaded
170.39 -> especially with standing or exertion
172.36 -> this can be a sign that your heart isn't
174.92 -> able to keep up with a demand that
176.42 -> you're putting on it when you can't get
178.55 -> blood to your brain this is how you
179.66 -> start to feel this is certainly a big
181.82 -> symptom that a lot of other things can
183.23 -> cause but if you start feeling dizzy
184.94 -> with exertion or it's associated with
187.22 -> some shortness of breath or chest
188.42 -> pressure then you need to be seen the
191.03 -> next symptom is sudden swelling in your
192.83 -> feet and ankles this could mean that you
195.17 -> just ate too much salt or if we're on
197.15 -> your feet too long but if you have
199.01 -> severe swelling especially associated
200.78 -> with other symptoms that we described
202.31 -> above or if you're having to prop
204.11 -> yourself up with pillows at night in
205.76 -> order to breathe and your baby having
207.59 -> issues with your heart another common
209.72 -> symptom is a feeling of a racing heart
211.61 -> or what we call palpitations in your
213.59 -> chest
214.25 -> a few skip beeps here and there is a
216.11 -> common we usually don't worry about that
217.489 -> but if you're having persistent racing
219.62 -> heart or very frequent skip beats then
221.93 -> you need to get that looked at now we
223.82 -> alluded to this one a little in the
225.38 -> beginning but I think it's worth
226.4 -> mentioning this will be unexplained
228.47 -> aches and pains that don't necessarily
229.91 -> have to be associated with chest pain
231.92 -> you can have pain in your back shoulders
234.5 -> and in your jar arm or even in your
236.93 -> abdomen that doesn't have another
238.37 -> explanation this could be especially
240.83 -> concerning if these symptoms associated
242.239 -> with exerting yourself or her relief
245 -> when you rest so those are some of the
246.89 -> more physical symptoms that you can
248.18 -> watch out for that can show that you're
249.89 -> having active issues but there are other
252.23 -> signs that you may have that can show
254.359 -> that you may be at risk for heart
255.38 -> disease
255.739 -> now these are by no means proof the air
258.079 -> having any problems but looking for them
260.269 -> may motivate you to improve some of your
261.979 -> lifestyle choices for one sign of
264.02 -> possible heart disease you need to look
265.25 -> no further than your ears there are
267.139 -> actually two things that researchers
268.37 -> have found that may show that you're at
269.9 -> risk for heart disease one is developing
272.09 -> a crease in your earlobe as well as
274.13 -> having an increase in hair growth in
275.509 -> your ears several studies have looked at
278.12 -> this and although not completely proven
279.47 -> have shown an association with having
281.6 -> heart disease
282.37 -> now another sign especially in men is
284.78 -> receding hair in the temples and in the
286.46 -> crown now going bald overall isn't
289.039 -> necessarily one of them but when this in
290.72 -> these other areas it can be a sign well
293.36 -> the next one is developing little fatty
294.8 -> deposits around the eyes we call these
296.78 -> int'l asthma's their little cholesterol
299 -> deposits that can develop around the
300.44 -> eyes but also in other parts of the body
302.419 -> and they can be a sign of developing
304.19 -> heart disease as well so several years
306.59 -> ago these Dutch researchers they looked
308.15 -> at all these signs together and found
310.07 -> that when you had all of them you were
312.02 -> at a 57% increased risk for a heart
314.599 -> attack and 39% more likely for
317.33 -> developing heart disease over the next
318.889 -> 35 years so if you're having these signs
321.77 -> do you need to be running to your doctor
323.18 -> and getting a bunch of tests well not
325.4 -> really
325.789 -> at least not more than you normally
326.99 -> would at your regular physicals or you
328.94 -> look at your cholesterol and diabetes
330.08 -> risk what it can do though that's
332.93 -> hopefully motivate you to work harder
334.729 -> and improving your diet and lifestyle
336.32 -> including smoking making significant
338.81 -> lifestyle choices like this is key to
340.4 -> preventing not only heart disease but a
342.59 -> host of other problems that I see in my
344.06 -> office every day well hopefully going
346.46 -> over some of these lesson on signs and
347.81 -> symptoms of heart disease will help you
349.699 -> know when you need to be giving in to
351.02 -> talk to your doctor prevention is key
352.88 -> when it comes to avoiding all these
354.32 -> problems that come with heart disease
355.61 -> look for these signs and symptoms in
357.68 -> yourself or your loved ones and get into
359.479 -> your primary care doctor to make a plan
360.919 -> to put yourself back on the road of good
363.199 -> health well hopefully you found this to
365.18 -> be helpful if so do me a favor give this
367.25 -> video a like and if you haven't
368.659 -> subscribed yet make sure you do so
370.25 -> I hit that notification button so you
371.93 -> don't miss out on the next episode of I
373.31 -> have a question now if you have your own
375.259 -> question you would like us to answer
376.4 -> make sure you let us know in the
377.63 -> comments below and we'll try to address
379.28 -> it in a future video well until next
381.77 -> time this is family met with dr.
383.18 -> Richardson and remember take care of
385.039 -> your body because it's the only one you
386.63 -> have
386.84 -> [Music]
388.54 -> you

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mX16iJaTW80