Heart Failure
Heart Failure
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This video, created by Nucleus Medical Media, shows heart failure, a disease where the heart pumps less blood to the body, typically taking a long time to develop. It shows the effects of left sided heart failure and right sided heart failure. This animation also shows treatments for heart failure as well as preventive measures to keep the heart healthy.
#HeartFailure #LeftSidedHeartFailure #RightSidedHeartFailure
13.2 -> your heart is a muscular organ that
15.44 -> pumps blood
16.24 -> containing the oxygen and nutrients your
18.8 -> body needs
20.8 -> the pumping sections of the heart are
24.48 -> the right atrium right ventricle
30.72 -> left atrium and left ventricle
38.239 -> in your heart oxygen poor blood flows
40.879 -> from your body through large veins
42.96 -> into your right atrium
46 -> next your blood moves into your right
47.84 -> ventricle which contracts
49.84 -> sending blood out of the heart to pick
51.92 -> up oxygen from your lungs
54.879 -> oxygen-rich blood moves out of your
57.039 -> lungs into your left atrium
59.359 -> then moves into your left ventricle
62.48 -> finally your left ventricle contracts
65.199 -> sending
65.76 -> oxygen-rich blood out of your heart to
68.32 -> your body
71.68 -> if you have heart failure your heart has
74 -> lost the ability to pump enough blood
76.4 -> to meet your body's needs you may have
80.08 -> weak or damaged ventricular walls
82.32 -> that are not able to push enough blood
84.32 -> out of your heart
87.6 -> you may also have stiff and thickened
89.759 -> ventricular walls
91.04 -> that do not allow your heart to fill
93.04 -> with enough blood
98.799 -> if you have left-sided heart failure
101.2 -> your left ventricle does not deliver
103.2 -> enough oxygen-rich blood to your body
106.479 -> making you feel tired and out of breath
112 -> your failing left ventricle also
114.32 -> increases the blood pressure
115.92 -> in the blood vessels between your lungs
118.079 -> and left ventricle
123.84 -> this increased pressure forces fluid out
126.399 -> of your blood
127.28 -> and into your lung tissues which makes
129.759 -> it difficult for you to breathe
133.84 -> if you have right-sided heart failure
136.08 -> your right ventricle is unable to
138 -> contract with enough force
139.84 -> to push blood to your lungs
143.44 -> the result is a buildup of blood in your
145.84 -> veins
147.92 -> which causes a buildup of fluid called
150.319 -> edema
151.04 -> throughout the tissues in your body over
156.319 -> time
156.879 -> heart failure on either side of your
158.8 -> heart results in weakened enlarged
161.12 -> ventricles
161.92 -> that deliver less blood to your body
169.36 -> to make up for the decreased amount of
171.28 -> blood your nervous system
173.12 -> releases stress hormones that increase
175.36 -> the speed and force of your heartbeat
178.4 -> unfortunately the continued release of
180.64 -> these stress hormones makes your heart
182.64 -> failure worse because
184 -> they damage the muscle cells in your
185.92 -> ventricles
190.64 -> the most common cause of heart failure
192.959 -> is coronary artery disease
204.159 -> other causes that damage your heart and
206.319 -> lead to heart failure
207.68 -> include high blood pressure diabetes
212.4 -> diseased infected or damaged heart
214.72 -> valves
216.08 -> diseased infected or damaged heart
218.239 -> muscle
219.84 -> irregular heartbeats called arrhythmias
223.44 -> heart defects poisons or substance abuse
228.4 -> lung diseases and breathing problems
231.44 -> during sleep called sleep apnea
235.92 -> treatment for heart failure includes
237.92 -> medications
239.12 -> lifestyle changes or an extreme heart
241.76 -> failure
242.56 -> heartbeat assisting devices or surgery
247.04 -> diuretic medications reduce the swelling
249.599 -> in your body
250.319 -> by increasing the amount of urine
252.319 -> produced by your kidneys
256 -> ace inhibitors are medications that
258.32 -> allow your blood vessels to expand
261.359 -> this helps decrease your blood pressure
263.52 -> and prevents further damage to your
265.28 -> heart
265.759 -> by making it easier for your heart to
267.84 -> pump blood
270.88 -> beta blockers are medications that block
273.28 -> the effects of stress hormones on your
275.28 -> heart
276.56 -> although beta blockers slow down your
278.72 -> heartbeat they are mainly used to
280.72 -> protect your heart muscle from the
282.32 -> long-term damage
283.6 -> caused by stress hormones
288.72 -> you may need to make some lifestyle
290.639 -> changes including
292.88 -> exercising on a regular basis
296.639 -> maintaining a healthy weight
300.479 -> quitting smoking
303.68 -> limiting salt and alcohol
307.199 -> and eating a heart-healthy diet
312.72 -> surgeries for advanced heart failure
314.96 -> include
316 -> coronary artery bypass surgery to
318.56 -> improve blood flow to your heart muscle
321.759 -> heart valve reconstruction surgery to
324.96 -> improve blood flow through your heart
329.44 -> and left ventricle reconstruction
331.44 -> surgery to remove
332.8 -> damaged heart muscle
336.56 -> surgeries for extreme heart failure
338.8 -> include
339.84 -> insertion of a device to help your heart
342.32 -> pump blood
346.4 -> and heart transplant
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhYeO2fwSps