5 Healthy EGG Breakfast Meals | SHREDDED + MUSCLE

5 Healthy EGG Breakfast Meals | SHREDDED + MUSCLE

5 Healthy EGG Breakfast Meals | SHREDDED + MUSCLE

Join Chris Heria has he shows us 5 meals you can try at home to keep a clean and healthy eating while burning fat.


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0 -> what's up it's Chris Heria eggs have
1.979 -> always been a very important ingredient
3.36 -> in my diet when it comes to building
4.799 -> solidine muscle while simultaneously
6.72 -> burning fat and getting shredded and
8.46 -> pretty much help build the muscle
9.599 -> strength and physique that I have today
11.16 -> eggs are loaded with high quality
12.96 -> proteins vitamins minerals and good fats
15.299 -> while also being low in calories perfect
17.22 -> for building muscle and staying lean
18.9 -> they can even reduce risks of heart
20.279 -> disease and stroke and you can eat them
21.9 -> every single day if you wanted to now
23.4 -> you guys have already seen me make my
24.66 -> deviled eggs my McGriddle that's way
26.34 -> better than McDonald's and my omelets so
28.08 -> today I'll be showing you five new
29.4 -> recipes that you can try right from home
30.84 -> starting with the very first one one of
32.82 -> my absolute favorites French toast and
34.62 -> eggs all five meals including this dish
36.42 -> are high in protein and low calories
38.04 -> which as I said before is great for
39.66 -> building muscle and getting shredded
40.92 -> simultaneously and for our first meal
42.66 -> the macros are going to be 537 calories
44.879 -> 41 grams of protein 18 grams of carbs
47.76 -> and 27 grams of fat and a thousand
49.559 -> percent healthy and delicious all right
51.42 -> here we go guys this is actually one of
52.98 -> my favorite meals to make so we're gonna
54.66 -> have fun making this one let's get out
56.46 -> our pan Sprout some avocado oil and then
58.44 -> start heating it up next we're going to
59.699 -> get a bowl crack all four eggs inside
61.44 -> then add a teaspoon of vanilla extract
63.12 -> and some cinnamon now we gotta mix this
64.86 -> up damn that smells amazing once it's
67.439 -> all mixed up you want to take out your
68.76 -> bread I'm using Arnold keto bread it's
70.68 -> also low in calorie with 60 calories per
72.72 -> slice and 3 grams of protein so for me
74.64 -> this is the best bread option we're
76.08 -> gonna take each slice of bread and let
77.46 -> them soak in the eggs until they absorb
79.14 -> as much of that egg mixture as they
80.52 -> possibly could once your bread slices
82.08 -> are soaked we're going to cook each
83.4 -> slice over low to medium heat to make
85.439 -> sure that it's thoroughly cooked all the
86.82 -> way to the inside without burning the
88.38 -> outside flip over to the other side and
90.299 -> do the same thing all right while this
91.619 -> is cooking I'm just going to sprinkle a
93.6 -> little bit more cinnamon as each one
95.28 -> comes out fully cooked and nicely
96.659 -> browned you want to begin to Plate them
99.24 -> now if you want extra credit you can
100.92 -> always throw these into a toaster and
102.659 -> make them just a little bit more toasty
104.159 -> take a look at our bowl with the egg
105.54 -> mixture all four eggs into those four
107.88 -> slices of bread now for a Finishing
109.38 -> Touch we're going to drizzle some of
110.52 -> Carrie's sugar-free syrup each
112.2 -> tablespoon only has five calories and
114.24 -> there you have it Chris hairy is
115.74 -> delicious and healthy french toast now
117.78 -> all that's left is to give it a taste
119.759 -> test Stephanie want to do the honors
125.1 -> for a real taste test we got to get the
126.719 -> kids to try first up my son's in let me
129.119 -> know what you think
130.619 -> that's really good I'll give it like
133.08 -> and eight and a half all right my
136.02 -> nephewati you want to give it a try
140.4 -> do you like it
142.14 -> you do
143.459 -> all right do you want some more
147.36 -> okay
149.459 -> that boy wants more here's another bite
153.84 -> um
154.56 -> all right kids approved adult approved
157.02 -> on to the next meal all right next meal
159 -> is a favorite from my generation that's
160.68 -> gonna be avocado toast and normally when
162.84 -> you go buy avocado toast it can be
164.34 -> anywhere from eight to eighteen dollars
166.14 -> but I'm gonna show you how to make it a
167.58 -> lot more cost effective by making it
169.2 -> from home let's get into it the macros
171.12 -> on our avocado toast is 506 calories 27
174.239 -> grams of protein 35 grams of carbs and
176.58 -> 32 grams of fat and the ingredients
178.08 -> you'll need for this recipe and for one
179.58 -> serving is two slices of bread I'm using
181.56 -> Dave's Killer power seed organic bread
183.48 -> half of a Haas avocado which is 100
185.519 -> grams two teaspoons of crushed red
187.44 -> pepper flakes three large boiled eggs
189.42 -> lemon juice a pinch of salt so let's get
191.819 -> started first we need to boil the eggs
193.379 -> so we're gonna place the eggs in a
194.76 -> saucepan pour cool water over the eggs
196.379 -> until fully submerged then bring the
198.06 -> water to a rolling boil on the stove
199.739 -> once it begins to boil you want to
201.239 -> reduce the heat to low and cook
202.62 -> according to the desired doneness four
204.42 -> minutes for a soft boil six minutes for
206.22 -> a medium boil and 12 minutes for
207.54 -> hard-boiled eggs next you'll want to
208.98 -> prepare a bowl of ice water transfer the
210.959 -> cooked eggs to the ice water to cool
212.64 -> completely before peeling this is going
214.319 -> to make it way easier to peel and the
215.879 -> shell will just come right off as you
217.739 -> can see this is like the best technique
219.36 -> for cracking your eggs just take them
221.4 -> out drop them a little bit very very
223.56 -> gently and then just roll them around
225.42 -> you'll see that the shell just kind of
227.34 -> like comes right off once we have our
228.599 -> boiled eggs next we'll make the mashed
230.34 -> avocados which is a basic guacamole
232.14 -> recipe so first we're going to pick some
233.7 -> ripe avocados and really it all comes
235.739 -> down to the avocados try to find an
237.299 -> avocado that's ripe but not overripe so
239.28 -> we're gonna grab a bowl in our half Haas
240.9 -> avocado and begin to mash it up and for
242.879 -> more flavor you can add lemon or lime
244.62 -> juice with a bit of salt and pepper you
246.18 -> can also add fresh herbs like cilantro
247.92 -> parsley or basil and spices like crushed
250.019 -> red pepper cumin or paprika we're going
251.76 -> to keep it simple we're just gonna add
253.08 -> some basil parsley squeeze lemon juice
255.36 -> pepper flakes and a bit of salt all
257.28 -> right time to mix this up lastly all we
259.079 -> need to do is toast our bread and while
260.88 -> the bread's toasting we're going to
262.139 -> slice up our eggs
263.58 -> you want to spread the avocado mix over
265.38 -> the bread all right let's take out our
267.3 -> egg nice and gentle
269.88 -> and there you have it a delicious and
271.5 -> healthy avocado toast that you can make
273.12 -> right from home in a couple minutes and
274.62 -> didn't cost 20 bucks avocados are a
276.72 -> great source of vitamin C E K and B6 as
279.419 -> well as being rich in folate magnesium
281.34 -> and potassium they do contain fats but
283.38 -> they're healthy fats that are great to
284.639 -> include in your diet lastly sprinkle on
286.74 -> some the red cayenne peppers again
289.199 -> all right there we have it as you can
290.94 -> see a mountain of eggs on these avocado
292.62 -> toast let's go ahead and give it a taste
294.6 -> test
295.38 -> this time I'll give it a try
300.18 -> that's delicious I'm gonna give it like
301.8 -> an eight because honestly I like Mayo
303.66 -> with my bread and eggs but today we're
305.4 -> keeping it healthy and it still tastes
306.479 -> really delicious Stephanie let me know
308.22 -> what you think
311.88 -> damn okay okay all right we're gonna
314.1 -> move on to the next one I'm gonna finish
315.18 -> eating this all right next up we're
316.62 -> gonna be making an arugula salad with a
318.24 -> poached egg now this delicious meal is
319.919 -> going to be super low in carbs and this
321.72 -> is like a nice little classy dish with a
323.94 -> little candle lit and some Italian food
325.56 -> you feel me and your girl or your man is
327.36 -> gonna be wondering how you even learned
328.5 -> to cook like this and you also just
329.94 -> thank me later and the macros for this
331.199 -> meal is only 376 calories 28 grams of
334.32 -> protein 6 grams of carbs and 25 grams of
336.539 -> fat and our list of ingredients for that
337.86 -> one serving size is going to be two cups
339.6 -> of arugula two tablespoons of Light
341.22 -> balsamic vinaigrette dressing I'm using
343.259 -> the Ken's brand one tablespoon of shaved
345.24 -> Parmesan cheese a bit of pepper and four
347.22 -> eggs but before we begin to poach our
348.9 -> eggs we're first gonna prepare a bit of
350.46 -> arugula so when the eggs are ready we
352.199 -> can just put them right on top all right
353.52 -> now for poaching the eggs first thing we
355.139 -> want to do is heat two to three inches
356.759 -> of water in a large saucepan or a deep
358.86 -> Skillet to Boiling once the water is
360.539 -> boiling you want to adjust the heat to
362.039 -> keep the water simmering gently and now
363.9 -> you're ready to put in your eggs so you
365.4 -> want to break your eggs one at a time
366.84 -> into a cup holding the dish close to the
368.759 -> surface of the water in your pot you're
370.32 -> going to slip the egg into the water you
372.3 -> could use an egg shaper if you'd like to
373.86 -> help keep the whole egg intact otherwise
375.78 -> you may find a bit of the white starting
377.1 -> to float around another alternative is
378.96 -> to spin the water and create a Vortex
380.58 -> and drop the egg right in the middle
381.84 -> that would help keep the egg in position
383.1 -> and in place you want to cook your eggs
384.66 -> one at a time until the whites are
386.4 -> completely set and the yolks begin to
388.02 -> thicken but are not hard that should
389.46 -> take about three to five minutes don't
390.9 -> Stir It lift the eggs from the water
392.4 -> with a slotted spoon one poached egg
394.319 -> down three more to go all right there we
396.6 -> go let's take the rest of our eggs and
398.34 -> let's put them onto our bed of arugula
400.74 -> and then drizzle the balsamic
402 -> vinaigrette over it spread the shaved
403.56 -> Parmesan cheese over the eggs and just a
405.419 -> couple tips for poaching perfect eggs
407.039 -> you want to use very fresh eggs for
408.72 -> poaching they hold their shape better
410.1 -> and form fewer wispy threads in the
411.96 -> water and it's that simple and easy of
413.58 -> course you can add other ingredients to
415.02 -> decorate and enhance this meal but we
416.52 -> want to keep it healthy delicious and
418.139 -> low calorie so we're only using what's
419.819 -> necessary time for the taste test
424.68 -> oh damn it's so simple but it's so
426.9 -> delicious this one I'm definitely giving
428.88 -> a 10 out of 10. perfect
431.28 -> all right this next dish is so good I
433.38 -> eat it every day if I could I pretty
434.94 -> much grew up on this stuff and if you
436.38 -> can't tell by the ingredients we're
437.819 -> going to be making fried rice one
439.44 -> serving of this fried rice is going to
440.759 -> be 455 calories 32 grams of protein 55
444 -> grams of carbs and 11 grams of fat and
445.979 -> the ingredients to make one serving will
447.479 -> be two eggs a quarter cup of chopped
449.28 -> carrots one tablespoon of chopped raw
451.139 -> chives 1 cup of white rice four ounces
453.06 -> of raw shrimp Liquid Aminos and a
454.8 -> quarter cup of chopped onions all right
456.24 -> so first things first we need to prep
457.44 -> our ingredients and starting off with
458.819 -> the rice we have three options option
460.62 -> one we can boil fresh rice option two
462.599 -> you can use rice that was made in
464.099 -> advance or option three if you're really
465.78 -> short on time and you just want to make
466.979 -> this right away you can even use one
468.599 -> minute rice from a cup I already made
470.16 -> one cup of rice in advance so that's
471.66 -> what we'll be using today next we're
472.919 -> going to move on to our other
473.699 -> ingredients we're going to wash and
475.02 -> clean our carrots and dice them very
476.88 -> small and then we're going to do the
478.139 -> same thing with the onions and the
479.4 -> chives my japo my grandma has been
481.68 -> making me this since I was like sheesh
484.02 -> I'm like three years old
486.539 -> so this is super nostalgic for me
491.16 -> next we'll move on to our shrimp and
492.72 -> we're going to cut them up into small
493.8 -> pieces you can buy the shrimp already
495.36 -> cleaned shelled empty veins to save time
497.46 -> or you can buy the shrimp hole and clean
498.9 -> it yourself as you can see I opted for
500.46 -> the shrimp that has already been cleaned
501.96 -> shelled and deveined all right next
503.4 -> we're going to crack two eggs into a
504.599 -> bowl and mix them up and now that we
505.8 -> have all our ingredients prepped we can
507.36 -> start to cook prepping the ingredients
508.86 -> is actually what it takes up most of the
510.24 -> time and once your ingredients are
511.379 -> already prepped it should only take
512.64 -> about five to six minutes to actually
514.08 -> cook it all right now we're ready to
515.399 -> start cooking I know the pros use wax
516.959 -> and frying pans and all that stuff to
518.399 -> make authentic fried rice but I'm
519.779 -> probably one of the only Asians that
520.979 -> don't have a wok in their kitchen right
522.36 -> now so we're just gonna use a pan all
523.919 -> right I wet my finger let's see if the
525.3 -> pots Pan's ready
527.459 -> all right you hear that
529.92 -> that means it's ready we're gonna go
531.36 -> ahead make sure it's not too hot all
534.12 -> right now we're ready to throw in our
535.2 -> chopped onions and carrots here goes the
536.88 -> carrots and when it starts to become a
538.44 -> bit translucent or glazed that's when
540 -> you want to begin to pour in your eggs
541.26 -> all right now we're just going to
542.7 -> scramble this up a bit and once you
544.32 -> scrambled it up a bit just like this we
545.94 -> can go ahead and start adding in our
547.86 -> rice
549.72 -> all right I'm gonna go ahead and grab my
551.7 -> Liquid Aminos it's really good for you
553.32 -> it has 16 amino acids in it and it's
555.12 -> only five calories per teaspoon zero fat
557.459 -> and zero carbs now this tastes just like
559.32 -> soy sauce and once the rice is hot we're
561.3 -> gonna go ahead and throw in the shrimp
562.62 -> and the chives the heat from the hot
564.18 -> rice should help cook the shrimp you
565.8 -> could have cooked the shrimp first and
567 -> then add it now but this is how my
568.74 -> grandma does it just make sure to cut up
570.06 -> the shrimp into smaller pieces so that
571.44 -> it cooks faster we'll know it's done
573 -> when you take a look at the shrimp and
574.32 -> it looks more white and pinkish and at
576.18 -> that point you could add a little Liquid
577.5 -> Aminos for added flavor and that's it
579.66 -> you're all done all right this fried
581.279 -> rice looks ready to go
583.2 -> let's go ahead and plate that this is
584.94 -> really special if you make this dish you
586.68 -> guys are literally going to be trying
587.82 -> some food that my grandma has been
589.56 -> making me since I was like three years
590.88 -> old or maybe even younger there you have
592.62 -> it some delicious homemade fried rice
595.14 -> I'm actually gonna have my brother try
596.76 -> this because he's been eating this with
597.959 -> me since I was a little kid too
599.22 -> Stephanie let me know what you think if
601.32 -> it tastes as good as japos my
602.94 -> presentation it looks amazing does it
604.92 -> look like jaffos
607.26 -> yeah
608.64 -> excellent you're not gassing me up are
610.44 -> you
611.399 -> it actually looks like it too I mean we
613.14 -> did get her recipe so
614.7 -> let's see
618.06 -> wow I'm gonna give this like a 20 out of
620.1 -> 10. let's keep the video going before I
621.66 -> eat all of this
623.64 -> definitely give it a try
626.04 -> so good all right this next meal is
628.14 -> gonna go perfect with breakfast we're
629.519 -> gonna be making a turkey breakfast
630.72 -> burrito this turkey breakfast burrito
632.339 -> has just the right ingredients to make
634.2 -> it low on calories while slammed with
635.76 -> protein and slam with flavor one serving
637.74 -> is two wraps and the macros are 474
640.14 -> calories 42 grams of protein 47 grams of
643.14 -> carbs and 27 grams of fat and to make
645.24 -> one serving of two wraps our ingredients
646.86 -> list is going to be two eggs two car
648.839 -> balanced whole wheat tortillas a quarter
650.64 -> cup of shredded cheese two ounces of
652.2 -> ground turkey a quarter cup of chopped
653.88 -> onions and a quarter cup of diced mixed
655.8 -> peppers a pinch of crushed red pepper
657.48 -> and a pinch of salt and that's it the
659.1 -> only prep you need is dicing your
660.42 -> peppers and onions one of my favorite
662.04 -> ingredients to add to eggs is peppers
663.959 -> and onions that greatly brings out the
665.579 -> flavor if you've never tried it today
666.899 -> you're going to give it a try but before
667.98 -> we do that let's heat up a pan on the
669.6 -> stove and spray some avocado cooking oil
671.279 -> on it now while that Pan's heating up
672.6 -> we're going to crack our two eggs into a
673.98 -> bowl you can add a pinch of salt if you
675.6 -> want and then whisk it up until the
676.86 -> yolks and whites are combined and then
678.36 -> you can put it aside for now and once
679.92 -> the pan is heated up throw in your diced
681.66 -> Peppers all right the Pan's hot we're
682.98 -> gonna go ahead and add in our diced
684.839 -> peppers and onions
688.74 -> I'm going to mix these up a little bit
690.24 -> next you can add your ground turkey all
691.8 -> right let's go ahead and drop it in
692.82 -> there with the onions and the peppers
696.24 -> all right time to mix this all together
697.86 -> this is already beginning to smell so
700.14 -> good all right now that we got a turkey
701.519 -> in there we're gonna go ahead and add
702.959 -> some crushed red pepper
705.959 -> and a pinch of salt and once it's cooked
708.06 -> you just pour your eggs in and scramble
709.62 -> it with the turkey all right our ground
711.36 -> turkey peppers and onions and eggs are
714.3 -> done cooking we're gonna go ahead and
715.5 -> put that on the side
718.86 -> and we're gonna prepare our wraps we're
720.42 -> gonna use the same pan
722.04 -> so we keep the flavor soak it into the
724.14 -> wrap all right let's check if this
725.22 -> tortilla is ready yes it is I'm only
727.68 -> going to toast one side so that it stays
729.899 -> toasty but I can still fold it let's go
732.24 -> for one more we're going to go ahead and
733.8 -> drop in our eggs
736.079 -> onions green peppers
739.86 -> and ground turkey oh my God this smells
743.1 -> so good now I'm using a quarter cup of
745.2 -> Mexican style four cheese but of course
746.94 -> depending on the type of cheese you use
748.44 -> that's either going to increase or
749.76 -> decrease the macros and the calories as
752.22 -> well the final step
755.399 -> I can't wait to give this a taste test
757.2 -> let me know down in the comment section
758.7 -> what you guys think about this visually
760.44 -> and the serving size because you have
762.12 -> two of these in one serving and it's
764.16 -> still low in calories the cheese is
765.6 -> already melted on top all you have to do
767.16 -> is wrap it up and enjoy some delicious
769.26 -> gains I can't believe this is one
770.76 -> serving for both of these I really want
772.38 -> to give this a taste test but I'm going
773.7 -> to be a gentleman and let my brother go
774.899 -> first
777.12 -> foreign
782.54 -> come here I know you like eggs and
785.04 -> breakfast burritos try this one turkey
787.56 -> sausage
790.26 -> eggs
792.36 -> peppers and onions a little bit of
794.519 -> cheese you like it it's really good
796.68 -> after this video I'm gonna eat all of it
798.959 -> well here how about you take that one
800.76 -> enjoy that over there all right there
802.62 -> you have it guys they taste tested it
804.24 -> not me you heard it from them it's good
806.1 -> definitely give it a try and if you have
807.66 -> kids or you are a kid that's trying to
808.98 -> make some gains it's kid certified by my
810.959 -> son so don't sleep on this recipe follow
812.7 -> along with me and make one yourself five
814.44 -> healthy and delicious breakfast meals
816.06 -> using eggs that are packed with protein
817.8 -> and like I said eggs have been a staple
819.839 -> in my diet for years pretty much my
821.399 -> entire life but to really make a change
822.899 -> in your physique building muscle while
824.519 -> getting shredded simultaneously you need
826.32 -> to ensure your calories and macros are
828.06 -> aligned with your goals meaning a slight
829.74 -> deficit to burn fat or a slight Surplus
831.779 -> to prioritize more muscle growth you
833.519 -> also want to make sure that you're
834.48 -> prioritizing protein getting enough
836.04 -> protein every single day to ensure
837.72 -> muscle growth and that's going to be
838.86 -> around one gram of protein per pound of
840.54 -> body weight I've made many videos on
842.04 -> nutrition I'll put them on screen and
843.72 -> Link them down in the description you
844.98 -> guys should check out those videos and
846.24 -> after finishing those other videos
847.26 -> you're gonna have a complete game plan
848.76 -> to unlocking the best physique you've
850.5 -> ever had and of course it's not just
851.82 -> having the right nutrition but the right
853.44 -> workout plan as well and if you're
855.18 -> looking for the right workout plan with
856.74 -> specific goals in mind like burning fat
858.3 -> while simultaneously building solid
860.16 -> muscle all you need to do is download
861.779 -> the Heria Pro app in the app store or
863.519 -> Google Play Store get full access to all
865.56 -> my personal workouts and workout
866.639 -> programs it's like having me as a
868.5 -> personal trainer right in your pocket

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDb1RpbvWq8