How to tell if you are having a stroke

How to tell if you are having a stroke

How to tell if you are having a stroke

Unfortunately, stroke is the leading cause of adult disability and the third leading cause of death in the United States. Some symptoms of stroke can seem like normal aches while others are more pronounced. When in doubt, remember the acronym FAST to help spot stroke symptoms, so you can act quickly to prevent life-altering outcomes.

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7.38 -> you lose as many as two million brain
9.93 -> cells for every minute passes from the
12.66 -> onset of the stroke until its effective
14.549 -> treatment
15.19 -> [Music]
23.43 -> there are approximately 800,000 strokes
26.82 -> per year in the United States a stroke
30 -> is a sudden cessation of blood flow to
33.329 -> the brain
33.96 -> it's an ischemic stroke which is the
35.7 -> most common type of a stroke there is a
37.35 -> abrupt blockage of a blood vessel that
39.96 -> leads to death of brain tissue one of
43.14 -> the key things about stroke is it really
45.03 -> is a brain attack so as fast as you can
47.91 -> recognize a stroke and get to medical
50.16 -> attention the much greater your chances
53.16 -> of having a better recovery or a better
55.29 -> outcome from the disease we like to use
58.26 -> a term fast f stands for face so if
61.019 -> somebody's face suddenly starts drooping
63.629 -> on one side that could be a warning sign
66.119 -> of a stroke a stands for arm so if
68.7 -> somebody's arms suddenly becomes weak
70.439 -> that is a common sign of a stroke ass in
73.53 -> the fast stands for speech so if
75.24 -> somebody's speech is suddenly slurred
76.95 -> that is a big red flag and then the T
79.83 -> and fast stands for time so if you
82.11 -> suspect a stroke then it's T time to
84.63 -> call 9-1-1 most strokes don't have any
87.51 -> pain associated with it
89.07 -> it's the sudden loss of an ability to do
92.07 -> something in your body that is the
94.47 -> warning sign or symptom Washington
97.26 -> Hospital is a certified Primary Stroke
99.48 -> Center there are limited a number of
102.12 -> primary stroke centers in the country
103.71 -> and so Washington Hospital has been
105.78 -> certified by the Joint Commission as a
108.06 -> certified Stroke Center we have
111.38 -> neurologists neurosurgeons radiologists
115.01 -> stroke nurses emergency room physicians
117.87 -> who are capable and aware of stroke
121.86 -> treatments and are immediately available
123.89 -> to provide the neurologic care that need
126.75 -> so that we can reverse their disability
129.75 -> so the risk factors for stroke are high
132.93 -> blood pressure number one cause of all
134.849 -> strokes and then there's a lot of things
136.049 -> that you may not feel until they're
137.94 -> pretty advanced so like diabetes high
140.25 -> cholesterol obesity
142.47 -> being inactive we used to say people
144.48 -> were too young to have a stroke we don't
146.07 -> say that anymore
146.94 -> anybody can have a stroke at any age my
158.25 -> on my wedding anniversary day went to
161.1 -> sleep that night and woke up in the
162.99 -> middle and I were just booming headache
165.06 -> and I didn't know like what they doing
168.42 -> I'm sweating and I just told my wife
171.09 -> called an ambulance and then she called
172.86 -> when I woke up like what am I doing here
175.89 -> my wife is like you have to stroke and I
178.23 -> was like a stroke I couldn't move my
180.06 -> right hand at all and I could barely
181.89 -> with his right leg my frame I thought
183.9 -> was I'm gonna move his hand and I'm
186.87 -> going to move this leg took a lot of
188.64 -> stuff to get up there I made it I did it
192.42 -> I always had confidence and I had
195.18 -> support nepata had no support I want to
198.21 -> be where I'm at right now
201.26 -> it's just same people who has a most
203.31 -> at-risk I think it's the person that
204.69 -> thinks it's not me and doesn't go to the
206.64 -> doctor and doesn't know what their blood
207.989 -> pressure is doesn't know what their
209.31 -> cholesterol is doesn't know if they're
210.87 -> diabetic most strokes are preventable
212.58 -> and so you have to form a partnership
214.56 -> with your health care provider and get
216.63 -> regularly checked up I woke up was
224.459 -> sitting on the edge of the bed and my
227.16 -> right hand felt tingly and then
231.66 -> within about a minute my entire right
234.03 -> side went numb and so I went back to
237.3 -> sleep and woke up a couple of hours
240.9 -> later and it wasn't any better and then
244.95 -> went to the hospital I was put in a bed
248.73 -> within 15 minutes I was already having a
251.88 -> CT I mean it was like instantaneous it
255.48 -> was just this rapid response it was
257.91 -> amazing to have that many people all
261.09 -> doing their thing making sure that I'm
263.28 -> okay and trying to determine what that
264.78 -> are wrong with me
265.59 -> I cannot say enough good things about
268.4 -> Washington Hospital and their staff I
271.35 -> know that it sounds weird but I almost
273.66 -> didn't want to go home
278.06 -> it was so nice there it put me at ease I
282.36 -> just I felt fortunate to be there
284.4 -> because I lucked out learn more about
287.91 -> stroke at Bay Area healthier together
290.37 -> calm
