How Does Angioplasty Treat Coronary Artery Disease? - Sam Kalioundji, MD - Interventional Cardiology

How Does Angioplasty Treat Coronary Artery Disease? - Sam Kalioundji, MD - Interventional Cardiology

How Does Angioplasty Treat Coronary Artery Disease? - Sam Kalioundji, MD - Interventional Cardiology

Angioplasty can improve blood flow to the heart, which will improve blood flow to other parts of the body. In this video, Sam Kalioundji, MD, of West Hills Hospital explains how this procedure helps treat coronary artery disease. To find out more information about our hospital please visit


0.52 -> - Angioplasty can save lives.
2.705 -> It can also prevent damage from the heart muscle tissue.
7.337 -> How it does that, it does that by improving flow
10.759 -> to the heart, improving blood flow to one of
14.895 -> the most essential organs in your body,
17.364 -> that circulates blood throughout the whole structure.
20.565 -> So what we like to do is optimize the blood flow
24.109 -> through the heart.
26.309 -> You improve blood flow to the kidneys,
28.524 -> you improve blood flow to the lower extremities
32.708 -> or legs, and arms.
34.849 -> All through better blood flowing improving the pump.
37.665 -> Patients improve the majority of the time with symptoms.
41.561 -> They feel stronger, they feel like they're
43.832 -> less short of breath, they feel like they can get
46.6 -> through their daily activities without feeling
49.243 -> this constant fatigue or weakness or
51.558 -> not being able to do what they could do a few years ago,
55.66 -> sometimes even a few weeks before.
58.332 -> This is the most common presentation of a patient with
61.839 -> coronary artery disease who's not having
64.558 -> a major heart attack.
66.214 -> One of the most common discussions with their doctors,
68.978 -> Doc I just don't feel the same.
71.12 -> I'm feeling a little more tired than I normally have or
74.341 -> I felt sick a few weeks ago and I just haven't recovered.
78.394 -> This is the concern.
80.11 -> The heart, this pump that's essentially circulating,
85.175 -> you know, the size of your fist, that's circulating
87.009 -> blood throughout the body has weakened and is not able
90.848 -> to meet the demand of the body.
