Acute treatment of stroke with medications | NCLEX-RN | Khan Academy

Acute treatment of stroke with medications | NCLEX-RN | Khan Academy

Acute treatment of stroke with medications | NCLEX-RN | Khan Academy

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1.712 -> - [Voiceover] After you start to recognize
3.623 -> that someone might be having a stroke, right,
6.27 -> maybe they have some of the symptoms
7.826 -> we know to be common stroke symptoms,
9.831 -> like maybe one side of their face starts to droop.
13.027 -> Or maybe all of a sudden they have some vision loss
15.424 -> or some numbness or weakness on one side of their body.
18.413 -> Then you want to make sure that this person
20.44 -> gets to the hospital as quickly as possible
24.027 -> because remember more than any organ in the body,
27.371 -> our brains love oxygen.
29.837 -> Brain tissue cannot live without it even for a few minutes,
32.948 -> so in a stroke when blood stops flowing
36.229 -> to a part of the brain
37.392 -> and thus deprives the brain of the oxygen it carries,
40.935 -> the brain tissue that's missing out on oxygen
43.676 -> starts to die off.
45.882 -> So super important that whoever you're suspecting
48.271 -> of having a stroke is taken to the hospital
50.562 -> as quick as possible to save as much brain as possible.
54.565 -> So now that we're at the hospital,
56.191 -> what goes on there, what's gonna happen?
59.226 -> A few things are gonna happen.
60.804 -> I mean the plan is to diagnose the stroke, right,
63.356 -> with some tests and some imaging,
65.771 -> and then to treat the stroke with some medications.
68.908 -> So let's take a look.
70.626 -> We know that part of diagnosis includes a physical exam
73.761 -> to look for any physical signs
75.386 -> that the person has had a stroke.
77.592 -> Really importantly, it also includes imaging
79.967 -> like CT and MRI scans.
82.997 -> It includes lab tests, blood work to look for
85.771 -> an underlying cause of the stroke
87.367 -> or to rule out other diagnoses
89.201 -> like hypoglycemia, which can look like a stroke.
92.638 -> The kind of treatment that the person gets
94.886 -> really depends on the type of stroke that they had.
97.924 -> Let me show you what I mean here.
99.944 -> You could've had an ischemic stroke, for example,
103.984 -> where a clot blocks off a bit of blood vessel in the brain
106.771 -> and causes a stroke that way.
108.977 -> Or you could've had a hemorrhagic stroke, for example,
112.436 -> where a weakened blood vessel in the brain starts to leak,
115.965 -> maybe because of a ruptured aneurysm
118.171 -> or some trauma to the head,
119.68 -> like from a fall or something unpleasant like that.
122.769 -> But how does the type of stroke
124.083 -> you have influence treatment?
126.312 -> Because for ischemic strokes,
129.402 -> which you can usually identify on imaging,
132.49 -> actually let me clarify that.
134.338 -> You won't be able to see any brain changes on CT scan
137.483 -> right after a patient's had an ischemic stroke.
140.524 -> That's why this CT up here looks pretty normal.
143.45 -> But the key is that it doesn't look like
145.569 -> a hemorrhagic stroke CT scan,
147.699 -> which I'll show you in a few minutes.
149.998 -> So the patient in whom you're suspecting an ischemic stroke
154.137 -> gets certain medications that you
156.317 -> definitely do not get in hemorrhagic stroke.
160.085 -> Let me show you what I mean here.
162.757 -> Let me bring up a blood vessel here
164.336 -> to just show you how these medications work.
167.29 -> If the patient had an ischemic stroke
170.43 -> and came to the hospital quickly enough,
173.603 -> they'd often be given two types of medication.
177.363 -> One is aspirin, and aspirin doesn't actually do anything
180.692 -> about the existing clot.
182.42 -> It can't break it up or anything like that,
184.277 -> but what it can do, what it can do
187.341 -> is prevent new clots from forming.
190.314 -> So it stops platelets in your blood from working properly
193.495 -> because platelets in your blood are responsible
195.592 -> for forming the initial component of a blood clot.
200.051 -> It stops those from forming.
202.952 -> Really importantly, you might be given a type of medication
206.342 -> called a thrombolytic.
208.688 -> This thrombolytic is the one that can potentially
211.431 -> break up that clot that's causing the stroke, right?
214.729 -> You might have heard of clot-busting medication
217.233 -> and this would be type of that.
219.314 -> Thrombo means clot and lytic means to break something up.
223.828 -> This one in particular is called
225.675 -> tissue plasiminogen activator or TPA.
229.407 -> That sounds like a pretty confusing name
231.751 -> but it's called tissue plasminogen activator
234.532 -> because of what it does.
236.018 -> It activates a compound called plasminogen
240.197 -> that's already naturally found floating around in your blood
242.844 -> as part of the body's natural mechanism
245.305 -> to break up any clots that shouldn't be hanging around.
249.36 -> So TPA sort of kick starts this natural system
252.48 -> already in your bloodstream to try to bust up
254.662 -> the clot that causes the stroke, right?
257.727 -> Actually when plasminogen gets activated by TPA,
261.085 -> it turns into this compound called plasmin
263.741 -> and that's what's actually doing the busting up,
265.754 -> the clot busting, that's why I wrote plasmin here.
268.636 -> Really importantly about this drug,
270.188 -> the benefit of TPA is the highest
272.956 -> right after the stroke has occurred,
275.266 -> and then it just kinda gets
276.481 -> less and less effective from there.
278.315 -> Again, I'm just trying to highlight the fact
280.226 -> that the earlier the patient gets to the hospital,
282.75 -> the better the outcome,
284.283 -> the better the TPA will work.
286.721 -> That's ischemic strokes.
288.222 -> That's acute management of an ischemic stroke.
292.469 -> With hemorrhagic strokes though it's a different story
295.163 -> because when you have vessels that are bleeding out,
298.723 -> the first thing you want is for it
301.015 -> to clot off and stop bleeding,
303.245 -> and therefore the last thing you want is
305.458 -> to activate your plasminogen clot-busting system.
308.701 -> You won't be given TPA
310.443 -> because if you are given TPA,
312.347 -> then your blood will be far less likely to clot, right,
315.528 -> as we saw earlier.
316.968 -> Blood will just continue to pour out
318.524 -> of this deficiency in the blood vessel here, see?
321.589 -> Actually let me bring up a CT scan
323.483 -> of a hemorrhagic stroke.
325.443 -> You remember I said I was gonna bring one up.
327.918 -> You can see all of this blood here.
330.116 -> This bright spot is a big collection of blood
332.548 -> that's been sort of leaking out of blood vessels
335.073 -> in the brain that have ruptured.
338.692 -> You can see that this looks really different
341.262 -> from the CT scan over here on the left
343.599 -> of an ischemic stroke.
346.052 -> This is why brain scanning is super important
349.544 -> when you're diagnosing a stroke
351.587 -> 'cause it really has big implications
353.761 -> on how you treat the stroke afterward.
356.408 -> For hemorrhagic strokes the focus of initial treatment
359.372 -> has to be a little different than with ischemic strokes.
362.99 -> For example, with hemorrhagic strokes
365.219 -> it's really important to find out
366.659 -> which blood vessel's bleeding,
368.418 -> so where exactly in the brain the bleed is.
371.343 -> That can be done by the imaging tests like CT
374.392 -> or MRI or angiography that we talked about.
377.781 -> Because the goal is to stop the bleed,
380.622 -> it's important to first know where it is.
383.4 -> Another thing, anytime you're bleeding
385.805 -> from a vessel, right, losing blood,
388.508 -> your heart starts to get a little worried, right?
391.497 -> Good ol' heart always looking out for you.
394.126 -> It starts to pump blood out a little harder
396.519 -> and it's thinking that that's what it'll take
398.602 -> to get blood going everywhere again.
401.04 -> Now your blood pressure's gone up.
403.223 -> But there's two main drawbacks to that.
405.591 -> One is that if a little clot has started to form, right,
408.931 -> to seal up the initial tear in the blood vessel,
412.089 -> is that new maybe not so stable clot
414.866 -> gets hit with blood racing along at high pressure,
418.047 -> it might get dislodged and rebleeding might happen.
421.771 -> The second drawback to blood pressure that gets too high is,
426.108 -> let's say that a clot hasn't formed
427.961 -> and it's still bleeding, it's still active.
431.384 -> Then now blood'll just start coming out
433.705 -> of the vessel even faster, right,
435.679 -> and that's probably the last thing that we want.
438.233 -> The patient might be given antihypertensives
440.764 -> or blood pressure lowering drugs
442.32 -> to try to keep the blood pressure from getting too high.
446.058 -> It's also really important with hemorrhagic strokes
448.286 -> that the healthcare team stops or reverses the effects
451.38 -> of any medication that the patient's regularly taking
454.215 -> that might increase bleeding,
456.004 -> such as warfarin or the aspirin that we mentioned earlier.
459.982 -> Also really important is that pressure building up
463.375 -> in the brain and the skull
464.796 -> from all this blood is controlled.
467.742 -> For starters one simple way to do that is to just make sure
470.855 -> that the head of the patient's bed is elevated.
473.702 -> This works just because of good ol' gravity.
475.709 -> When the patient's head is elevated,
477.938 -> then more blood will flow out of the head
480.304 -> in the jugular veins, right?
482.642 -> That's one way of lowering pressure in the head a bit.
485.931 -> One reason why keeping pressure in the head
488.529 -> at a normal-ish level is really important is that
491.683 -> when your brain starts to get pushed on or compressed,
495.318 -> it kinda disrupts the normal electrical activity
498.322 -> in the brain and you could end up having a seizure.
500.833 -> So the doctors might consider giving an anticonvulsant,
505.336 -> which is a medication to prevent seizures from happening.
509.267 -> Another reason is just because
510.714 -> some pretty vital areas in your brain,
512.65 -> particularly your brain stem,
514.415 -> they might get compressed
515.971 -> with all of this pressure building up
517.805 -> and that's pretty quickly fatal so we don't want that.
522.635 -> There are some other surgical ways
524.234 -> to keep pressure under control
526.198 -> but we won't focus on that right now.
528.08 -> But you can definitely start to see
529.426 -> that management of hemorrhagic stroke
531.145 -> is really about managing the patient
532.909 -> until interventions like surgery can happen.
535.672 -> Whereas with ischemic strokes,
537.53 -> while you might still need
539.037 -> more invasive treatment down the line,
541.733 -> at least you can give TPA initially
543.929 -> to try to get things resolved beforehand,
546.121 -> try to bust up that clot
547.282 -> before you need more invasive treatment.
551.243 -> So that's a quick look at
553.016 -> some of the immediate management
554.796 -> of ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes.
