Recovery After Stroke

Recovery After Stroke

Recovery After Stroke

Learn about the impact of stroke on the brain. Find out about types of therapy and how you can help in your recovery.

Recovery From Stroke
After a stroke, patients and their caregivers are often left with many questions related to recovery. This educational video series developed by health care experts, patients and caregivers is designed to support you in the recovery journey and provide practical advice you can refer to again and again.

Video Resources for Stroke Patients and their Caregivers
In this video series you will learn about how to manage risk factors, the physical and emotional changes that you might experience and how to take an active role in your recovery. These six modules can be watched in sequence or by individual topic.

These videos were developed by Sinai Health’s Bridgepoint Active Healthcare, a rehabilitation and complex continuing care hospital that has achieved Stroke Distinction three times, most recently in 2019. Stroke Distinction helps organizations improve and stand out as leaders in stroke care.


5.14 -> The impact of a stroke can vary person to person,
8.24 -> and how people are affected can depend on the type of stroke,
11.46 -> the areas in the brain where the stroke happened,
14.08 -> or the size of the area in the brain that was affected.
17.86 -> The brain is divided into two large halves called hemispheres.
22.26 -> The right side or right hemisphere controls the left side of the body
26.26 -> and is more involved in tasks that are artistic and creative.
30.16 -> This side also controls things like paying attention,
33.48 -> memory,
34.68 -> insight,
35.66 -> problem-solving,
36.72 -> and even understanding a joke.
41.22 -> The left side of the brain controls the right side of the body
44.58 -> and is involved in logic like science and math,
48.04 -> and for most people,
49.28 -> it helps with communication which includes understanding,
52.54 -> speaking,
53.3 -> and writing.
55.5 -> Each area of the brain also has different functions.
59.32 -> The frontal lobe is important for problem-solving,
61.8 -> memory,
62.78 -> behaviour,
63.54 -> and movement.
64.86 -> The temporal lobe is involved in understanding speech,
68.24 -> hearing,
69.04 -> learning,
69.84 -> and emotions.
72.78 -> The parietal lobe is important for sensation,
75.8 -> reasoning,
76.72 -> language,
77.7 -> and attention to one side of the body or your surroundings.
81.78 -> The occipital lobe helps us to understand what we see.
86.56 -> When a stroke occurs in the cerebellum,
88.98 -> it can impact coordination,
90.88 -> balance,
91.7 -> and fine motor control.
94.62 -> In the brainstem,
96 -> it can affect facial movements,
97.68 -> swallowing,
98.58 -> and basic body functions like breathing or alertness.
103.72 -> So, depending on where the stroke happens,
106.04 -> you may have:
107 -> weakness or difficulty moving around,
110.28 -> changes to sensation or pain in parts of the body,
114.48 -> changes to how you can safely eat and drink,
118.18 -> changes to memory and learning new things,
122.14 -> difficulty seeing to one side or interpreting what you're seeing
126.62 -> you may feel more emotional or depressed,
130.7 -> or have difficulty speaking
132.3 -> or understanding what is said.
137.42 -> Recovery from a stroke begins right away.
140.68 -> You may attend a rehabilitation program to help you recover.
144.72 -> Some will continue therapy at an outpatient clinic
147.54 -> or go to community programs to further improve.
151.38 -> Natural healing does occur
152.92 -> and therapy helps guide recovery through exercises and activities.
157.74 -> Therapy helps with what is called neuroplasticity,
160.54 -> so your brain can change,
162.08 -> form new connections, and learn.
164.7 -> The most changes tend to happen in the first six months,
167.24 -> however, recovery can continue for some time after this.
171.3 -> Your therapy team can help you to find ways to do things differently after a stroke,
175.74 -> so, participation in therapy is important,
178.3 -> both with your therapist and on your own outside of sessions.
183.3 -> So, who is part of your therapy team?
188.3 -> A physiotherapist helps to improve your balance,
190.92 -> endurance,
191.9 -> strengthening of your limbs,
193.52 -> and managing any pain you may have.
196.8 -> An occupational therapist works on improving your independence
200.02 -> and daily activities like,
201.44 -> getting dressed,
202.76 -> cooking,
203.46 -> and knowing how to get around in the community.
205.88 -> They may suggest equipment to help with these tasks.
209.66 -> Returning to driving,
210.76 -> work,
211.44 -> or school could also be a focus.
214.88 -> A speech-language pathologist helps to improve your speech
217.78 -> and teach you ways to communicate.
219.98 -> They may also help to manage any swallowing difficulties.
223.92 -> With the occupational therapist, they also work on your thinking skills.
229.62 -> A doctor oversees your day-to-day medical care.
234.94 -> You may also work with a physiatrist -
237.2 -> - a doctor who specializes in physical medicine
239.66 -> and rehabilitation.
242.42 -> A pharmacist helps with your medications.
245.98 -> Nurses help to manage your health and personal care needs.
249.84 -> A social worker has information about community resources
253.2 -> and helps you to find ways to cope with any changes to your emotions.
258.6 -> A recreation therapist provides ways to engage in meaningful recreation and leisure activities.
264.96 -> And a registered dietitian advises and educates about nutrition and healthy eating.
270.82 -> Many of these therapists may also work with trained assistants to help you with your recovery.
277.42 -> What if I'm a caregiver or support person for someone that's had a stroke?
281.4 -> What can I do to help?
283.32 -> Your role as a caregiver is very important
285.5 -> and it can be hard to see your family member or friend go through these changes
289.02 -> and know what to do to help.
291.06 -> Understanding the effects of stroke is a great first step.
294.04 -> Try to attend therapy sessions.
296.64 -> Talk with your health care team to learn strategies and exercises that can be completed outside of sessions
304.08 -> Getting rid of distractions in the environment,
306.8 -> knowing where to place yourself to help bring awareness to the affected side of the body,
311.54 -> keeping activities simple,
313.98 -> and having a routine
315.46 -> allowing time and space to work on recovery
317.9 -> are all ways a caregiver can help.
320.3 -> Remember: Everyone's stroke recovery is different.
323.22 -> Whether you've had a stroke or are a caregiver,
325.64 -> work with a health care team to focus on your strengths to get back to life.
329.88 -> Be sure to check out the next video in the series:
332.46 -> Swallowing And Communication After Stroke
