How Not to Die from High Blood Pressure

How Not to Die from High Blood Pressure

How Not to Die from High Blood Pressure

How to prevent and reverse hypertension, the #1 risk factor for death in the world.

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You can imagine how overwhelming might be for someone new to the site. With videos on more than 2,000 health topics, where do you even begin? Imagine someone stumbling onto the site when the new video-of-the-day is about how some spice can be effective in treating a particular form of arthritis. It would be easy to miss the forest for the trees. That’s why I created this new series of overview videos, which are basically taken straight from my hour-long live 2016 presentation How Not to Die: Preventing, Arresting, and Reversing Our Top 15 Killers (

If you missed the first four videos in this series, check out:
• How Not to Die from Heart Disease (…)
• How Not to Die from Cancer (…)
• How Not to Die from Diabetes (…)
• How Not to Die from Kidney Disease (…)

If this video inspired you to learn more about the role diet may play in preventing and treating high blood pressure, check out some of these other popular videos on the topic:
• Hibiscus Tea vs. Plant-Based Diets for Hypertension (…)
• Flax Seeds for Hypertension (…)
• How to Prevent High Blood Pressure with Diet (…)
• How to Treat High Blood Pressure with Diet (…)
• High Blood Pressure May Be a Choice (…)
• Sprinkling Doubt: Taking Sodium Skeptics with a Pinch of Salt (…)
• Drugs and the Demise of the Rice Diet (…)
• Kempner Rice Diet: Whipping Us Into Shape (…)
• The Evidence That Salt Raises Blood Pressure (…)
• Oxygenating Blood With Nitrate-Rich Vegetables (…)

Have a question about this video? Leave it in the comment section at… and someone on the team will try to answer it.

Want to get a list of links to all the scientific sources used in this video? Click on Sources Cited at… You’ll also find a transcript of the video, my blog and speaking tour schedule, and an easy way to search (by translated language even) through our videos spanning more than 2,000 health topics.

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

Videography courtesy of Grant Peacock.
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7.12 -> high blood pressure is the number one
8.48 -> risk factor for death
10.639 -> in the world affecting nearly 78 million
13.04 -> americans that's one in three adults and
15.839 -> as we age our pressures get higher and
17.44 -> higher such that by age 60
19.92 -> it strikes more than half well if it
22.88 -> affects most of us when we get older
25.599 -> maybe it's less a disease a more just
28.08 -> inevitable consequence of aging
31.599 -> no we've known since the 1920s that high
34.399 -> blood pressure need not occur
37.28 -> researchers measured the blood pressure
38.8 -> for a thousand people in rural kenya who
40.64 -> ate a diet centered around whole plant
42.719 -> foods whole grains beans vegetables
44.8 -> fruit and dark green leafies our
46.8 -> pressures go up as we age their
49.36 -> pressures actually go
51.6 -> down
53.12 -> and the lower the better the whole 140
56.16 -> over 90 cut off his arbitrary even
57.92 -> people who start out with blood
59.039 -> pressures under 120 over 80 appear to
61.68 -> benefit from blood pressure reduction
63.84 -> if you went to your doctor with a blood
65.119 -> pressure 120 over 80 you'd get a gold
67.439 -> star but the ideal blood pressure
70.56 -> the no benefit from reducing it further
73.04 -> blood pressure may actually be 110 over
75.84 -> 70.
77.439 -> 110 over 70 is it even possible to get
80.64 -> blood pressures down that low it's not
82.799 -> just possible it's normal
85.759 -> for those eating healthy enough diets
90.079 -> for two years at a rural kenyan hospital
91.92 -> 1800 patients were admitted how many
94 -> cases of high blood pressure did they
95.28 -> find
96.079 -> zero
97.6 -> wow they must have low rates of heart
99.119 -> disease no they had no rates of heart
101.6 -> disease not a single case of
102.84 -> arteriosclerosis our number one killer
104.88 -> was found
106.96 -> rural china too about 110 over 70 their
109.28 -> entire lives 70 year olds with the same
112 -> average blood pressure as 16 year olds
115.68 -> now africa china vastly different diets
118.479 -> but what they shared in common is that
120.56 -> they were plant-based day-to-day with
123.439 -> meat only eaten on special occasions now
125.92 -> why do we think it's the plant-based
127.36 -> nature of their diets that was so
128.879 -> protective
129.92 -> because in the western world as the
132.72 -> american heart association has pointed
134.4 -> out the only folks really getting it
136 -> down that low
137.76 -> were those eating strictly plant-based
140.48 -> diets coming in
142.4 -> at about 110 over 65.
145.84 -> this is the largest study of those
147.2 -> eating plant-based diets to date 89 000
149.84 -> californians comparing non-vegetarians
152.239 -> to so-called semi-vegetarians or
154.16 -> flexitarians eating meat more on a
156.56 -> weekly basis than a daily basis
158.72 -> compared to those who eat no meat except
160.56 -> fish compared to those who eat no meat
162.64 -> at all compared to those who eat no meat
164.72 -> eggs or dairy
166.4 -> now this was an adventist study so even
168.8 -> the non-vegetarians didn't eat a lot of
170.959 -> meat and they tended to eat lots of
172.72 -> fruits and vegetables and exercised and
175.04 -> you know not smoke and so even compared
178 -> to a group of relatively healthy meat
180.319 -> eaters there appeared to be a stepwise
183.44 -> drop in hypertension rates as people eat
185.92 -> more and more plant-based
187.92 -> same thing with diabetes and obesity
190.56 -> so yes we can wipe out most of our risk
192.8 -> eating strictly plant-based but but it's
194.64 -> not all or nothing it's not black or
196.319 -> white any movement along this spectrum
198.879 -> towards eating healthier can accrue
200.8 -> significant health benefits
204 -> you can show this experimentally you
205.599 -> take vegetarians you give them meat and
208.08 -> pay them enough to eat it and their
209.76 -> blood pressures go up or you remove meat
212.799 -> from people's diets and blood pressures
214.319 -> go down in just seven days
217.68 -> and this is after the vast majority
219.2 -> reduced or stopped their blood pressure
220.64 -> medications completely they had to stop
223.04 -> their medications once you treat the
224.72 -> cause once you eliminate the disease you
227.12 -> can't be on blood pressure pills with
228.56 -> normal blood pressure you can drop your
230.159 -> pressures too low get dizzy fall over
232.4 -> hurt yourself so your doctor has to pull
234.959 -> you off the pills
236.64 -> lower pressures on fewer drugs that's
239.76 -> the power of plants
242.56 -> so
243.599 -> does the american heart association
245.04 -> recommend a no meat diet no they
247.519 -> recommend a low meat diet the so-called
249.84 -> dash diet
251.36 -> why not completely plant-based when the
254.239 -> dash diet was being created were they
255.84 -> just not aware of this landmark research
258.239 -> done by harvard's frank sachs
260.959 -> no they were aware the chair of the
263.84 -> design committee that came up with the
265.52 -> dash diet was frank sax
268.96 -> see the dash diet was explicitly
270.8 -> designed with the number one goal of
272.72 -> capturing the blood pressure lowering
274.24 -> benefits of a vegetarian diet yet
277.44 -> contain enough animal products to make
279.199 -> it palatable to the general population
281.84 -> they didn't think the public could
283.04 -> handle the truth
285.759 -> now in their defense you can see what
287.759 -> they were thinking just like drugs never
290.4 -> work
291.28 -> unless you actually take them diets
293.28 -> never work unless you actually eat them
295.68 -> so they're like look no one's going to
297.36 -> eat strictly plant-based so if they
299.24 -> soft-peddled the message and came up
301.36 -> with some kind of compromised diet then
303.68 -> maybe on a population scale they'd do
306.08 -> more good
308 -> okay tell that to the thousand american
310.72 -> families a day
312.8 -> that lose a loved one to high blood
315.36 -> pressure
316.72 -> maybe
317.759 -> it's time to start telling the american
319.52 -> public
320.8 -> the truth
342.639 -> you
