VA Benefits for Heart Conditions | Are You Rated Properly?!

VA Benefits for Heart Conditions | Are You Rated Properly?!

VA Benefits for Heart Conditions | Are You Rated Properly?!

0:00 Introduction
0:25 What are the most common heart conditions veterans claim disability for?
1:07 How do you get VA benefits for a heart condition?
1:54 Are there heart conditions related to Agent Orange? Are there presumptive benefits?
3:09 Do Thailand and Korea vets get presumptive benefits for heart conditions?
4:12 What are some possible secondary service connections with heart disease? How does obesity play a role?
6:15 Discussion of how heart conditions are rated and whether or not you can receive 100% benefits for a heart condition.
10:58 Can you get individual unemployability for a heart condition? What is TDIU?

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Natalia Jofre - COO
Allison Reddick - Attorney


0.38 -> - Hi, welcome back to Hill and Ponton's
2.19 -> Veterans Disability Blog.
3.68 -> I'm Natalia Jofre, the company's COO.
6.36 -> - And I'm attorney Allison Reddick.
8.42 -> - And we're continuing our new format
10.26 -> to stay happy and healthy, right Allison? (laughs)
12.85 -> - Yes, social distancing.
14.55 -> - Social distancing at its best.
16.55 -> So today we're gonna be talking about VA disability
20.22 -> for heart conditions.
22.2 -> So Allison, first question for you are,
26.01 -> what are some of the most common heart conditions
28.48 -> you've seen to file claims for?
31.5 -> - Well, as we live in the United States
34.09 -> we know that heart disease is one of the main contributors
37.94 -> to death in the United States.
39.48 -> And that does not separate veterans at all.
43.46 -> There are many, numerous heart conditions.
46.56 -> Some of the umbrella terms that are most recognized
50.07 -> would be coronary artery disease,
52.5 -> which is also known as ischemic heart disease,
55.71 -> congestive heart failure's a big one,
57.7 -> hypertension is a huge one,
59.96 -> as well as arrhythmias and atrial fibrillation,
63.96 -> also known as AFib.
65.64 -> - Yeah, okay.
67.57 -> How do you get direct service connected benefits
71.04 -> for a heart condition?
73.26 -> - So, for a heart condition would be
75.13 -> like any other condition
77.1 -> trying to get direct service connection.
79.38 -> You need a diagnosed heart condition,
81.47 -> whether it be coronary artery disease,
83.46 -> ischemic heart disease, et cetera.
86.22 -> This incident or condition that may be symptoms in service,
92.15 -> and a medical nexus to show
94.18 -> that the two are linked together.
96.36 -> - Okay.
97.193 -> I was previously talking to Melanie a couple days ago,
101.3 -> and we were talking about the link with hypertension,
104.579 -> and how the medication for hypertension can give you.
108.75 -> Talked about Agent Orange
110.98 -> and the presumption with Agent Orange and diabetes.
113.69 -> And so, my question to you is
116.28 -> are there any heart conditions related to Agent Orange,
120.41 -> and how does that work?
121.76 -> Are there any presumptions there with heart conditions?
124.35 -> - Oh, absolutely.
125.29 -> I would say heart disease is probably
127.36 -> one of the largest conditions
131.47 -> that are claimed for Agent Orange presumptive conditions.
136.78 -> If you can show that you were exposed to herbicides,
139.64 -> whether you were boots on the ground in Vietnam
142.53 -> or now with the new act for Blue Water Navy,
146.2 -> if you were within 12 nautical miles
148.48 -> as well as some Thailand veterans and Korea veterans,
152.1 -> then basically you don't need that nexus.
154.65 -> You still need a diagnosed condition.
157.64 -> And then your service in one of those areas
162.45 -> makes it presumptive that it's assumed,
165.61 -> okay, you were exposed to Agent Orange
168.03 -> and you have a diagnosed heart condition,
170.61 -> then you get presumptive service connection.
172.75 -> - So is it the same in that if you were in a certain place
176.23 -> at a certain time,
177.67 -> it is presumed that you were exposed to Agent Orange,
180.75 -> and therefore if you have this heart condition
182.827 -> there's that connection?
184.89 -> Is it automatic?
186.571 -> - Yes, depending on the area.
188.91 -> So Thailand and Korea,
191 -> there are caveats that you need to fulfill,
194.958 -> but for the 12 nautical miles, being a Blue Water veteran,
198.88 -> or boots on the ground in Vietnam, then it's automatic.
202.51 -> However, one of the conditions that is very prevalent
206.41 -> is hypertension.
207.55 -> And that is not a presumed condition,
210.28 -> even though there is tons of evidence
212.54 -> showing that hypertension is caused by Agent Orange.
216.94 -> So that is a situation where you can still claim it
220.51 -> but it's not presumptive.
221.78 -> You don't get that presumptive, you have to claim it direct.
227.23 -> You have to provide that nexus opinion.
229.56 -> - That's where you come in, right?
230.82 -> With your attorney superhero powers.
234.124 -> - Absolutely, there are-- - To prove that connection.
235.784 -> (laughs) - Yes.
236.785 -> And there's an umbrella term,
239.15 -> that it's coronary heart disease or ischemic heart disease,
243.112 -> but there are so many conditions that may not fall into it.
248.48 -> And that's where we come in,
249.56 -> to be able to provide a nexus if necessary.
252.47 -> - Okay, great.
253.88 -> What are some possible secondary service connections
258.071 -> for heart disease, or heart conditions, pardon me?
262.61 -> And also, a backup question is
264.36 -> how does obesity play a role?
266.77 -> Because I often see that connection.
269.9 -> - So there's two ways to come from that.
271.97 -> There is, you have a condition
274.17 -> and then your heart disease is secondary to that condition.
278.09 -> So that would be conditions like diabetes,
281.34 -> potentially PTSD, you have a lot of anger,
283.87 -> it increases your blood pressure, it causes heart disease,
286.45 -> causes hypertension.
288.53 -> Medications can also cause some heart conditions.
292.24 -> And then there's the flip side,
293.95 -> you're service connected for a heart condition
296.61 -> and you have secondary conditions to that.
301.16 -> A heart attack would be a condition, stroke,
305.39 -> atrial fibrillation, sleep apnea, hyperlipidemia,
310.26 -> chronic kidney disease.
311.69 -> And obesity does play a large part in a lot of these.
316.35 -> If you have heart disease and you're fatigued
320.34 -> and you're short of breath, you can't exercise as much
323.03 -> so you develop obesity.
324.73 -> And obesity alone doesn't contribute it
329.82 -> but it's kind of a step between
332.61 -> a service-connected condition like heart disease
334.9 -> and another condition.
336.39 -> So let's say you have coronary artery disease
340.22 -> and it's severe to the point where you can't exercise,
344.95 -> it's hard for you to do your activities of daily living,
348.52 -> you gain a lot of weight, you become obese,
350.9 -> and then you develop diabetes.
352.96 -> So obesity is kinda that step in between the two conditions
357.3 -> that shows, okay,
358.55 -> I have this service-connected heart condition,
361.09 -> I became obese, and because of that obesity
363.33 -> I developed diabetes.
365.36 -> - Gotcha.
366.29 -> It's almost like you're playing connect the dots, isn't it?
368.98 -> Like this links to this and then that links to the other.
372.37 -> - Yes, it's a puzzle.
374.57 -> - It is a puzzle, yeah.
376.24 -> How are heart conditions rated by the VA?
379.78 -> - So, heart conditions are rated based off of testing.
383.51 -> It can be a physical test like a stress test on a treadmill
387.84 -> where you run, and as much activity you can complete
393.78 -> at certain strenuous levels, that's how it's calculated.
399.07 -> Or it can be interview-based testing
401.81 -> if it's unsafe for you to complete a physical test.
405.37 -> So how they do that is
407.59 -> they rate it based off of your METS testing,
410.63 -> which is Metabolic Equivalents Test,
412.89 -> and that's what they figure out
414.344 -> based off of the physical stress test
416.73 -> or asking you questions about the symptoms you have.
421.07 -> Basically, the lower your METS rating is,
424 -> the higher your rating is going to be.
426.81 -> So one to three METS is if you're having issues
431.43 -> with your activities of daily living.
433.45 -> Getting dressed you're getting short of breath,
435.56 -> taking a shower you're fatigued,
438.61 -> eating, slow walking a block or two you have to take breaks.
442.26 -> That would be 100% rating.
445.744 -> Three to five METS would be like,
448.89 -> doing light yardwork, some weeding, brisk walking,
453.84 -> that would be a 60% rating.
456.8 -> Five to seven METS is walking up a flight of stairs,
459.77 -> you're getting more strenuous, mowing the lawn,
462.36 -> that's a 30% rating.
464.41 -> And then seven to 10 METS, jogging,
467.21 -> more strenuous activity,
468.98 -> you don't really have any limitations at all,
471.27 -> that's a 10% rating.
473.02 -> And a lot of the time I see that
476.41 -> the veterans are given lower ratings, 10%, 30%,
480.327 -> when in actuality they probably deserve
483.03 -> a 60% or 100% rating.
485.55 -> - Okay, and that was my next question.
487.3 -> So can you get 100% VA rating for heart conditions?
491.29 -> So the answer is yes. (laughs)
493.05 -> - Yes, absolutely.
493.883 -> I mean, a heart condition can be absolutely debilitating
496.94 -> to the point where if you can't complete
499.71 -> your activities of daily living,
501.71 -> you have shortness of breath, fatigue, chest pain,
506.12 -> weakness, some people even have fainting spells.
509.89 -> You can't really do anything without symptoms,
512.66 -> then you absolutely can get 100% rating
515.57 -> based off that one to three METS rating.
518.77 -> I'll clarify that in the interview-based stress test
523.17 -> they're gonna be asking you questions like
525.51 -> do you have shortness of breath when you're getting dressed,
529.33 -> or chest pain and things like that.
531.1 -> So that's how they determine the METS, in that way,
534.33 -> if you can't do the physical test.
535.597 -> - Okay.
536.43 -> I've heard of temporary 100%.
540 -> Does that exist, is that a thing?
542.4 -> - Yes.
543.233 -> So there are certain conditions or certain surgeries
546.26 -> that you can have
547.56 -> where you get a temporary 100% rating.
551.96 -> So like, if you were to have a heart attack,
555.41 -> you're rated 100% for three months
557.93 -> and then after that they reassess
560.66 -> to get a new rating for it.
562.86 -> If you get a pacemaker put in you get a temporary 100%
567.53 -> for two months after your surgery.
570.57 -> Other surgeries like heart valve replacements,
573.19 -> I believe that's six months you get 100%.
575.6 -> And then if you have
576.94 -> a heart transplant or heart replacement,
580.22 -> you'll get a year of 100%
581.81 -> and then they'll reassess all of those
583.87 -> after those time periods lapse.
586.2 -> - Okay, super, super helpful.
588.31 -> Can you get benefits for harmful side effects
590.85 -> due to heart condition medication?
593.44 -> And we see this a lot, don't we?
595.61 -> Where symptoms of side effects are almost as detrimental
598.59 -> as the condition itself.
600.61 -> So can you get service connected benefits for that?
603.98 -> - Yes.
605.298 -> And it's to the point
606.131 -> where someone's not going to take a medication
609.33 -> unless they have to
610.43 -> if they're having these debilitating side effects.
613.47 -> So in these cases you're probably going to need a nexus
617.6 -> to show that because of the heart medication you're taking,
621.581 -> it's causing harmful side effects,
624.53 -> and so you can get secondary service connection for that.
627.36 -> So an example would be,
629.52 -> you've tried all these different heart medications
631.71 -> but there's just one that works for your condition,
634.64 -> but you have debilitating headaches.
638.61 -> You would get a nexus to show
640.53 -> that there's nothing else that's causing these headaches,
642.93 -> it's the heart medication.
644.14 -> But you have to take that medication
646.41 -> in order to control your heart symptoms.
649.72 -> - Yeah, in order to survive.
651.74 -> And that is a common one, isn't it?
653.97 -> With the heart medication and the headaches.
656.41 -> I hear that a lot. - Yes, yes.
658.9 -> - Can you get IU for a heart condition?
662.96 -> - Yes, so--
663.793 -> - I guess maybe tell people a bit what IU is,
665.71 -> and then can they get it for a heart condition?
668.57 -> - So if your heart condition isn't severe
671.66 -> to the point where you have 100% scheduler rating,
675.09 -> you can still potentially be paid at the 100% rate
679.5 -> through individual unemployability.
681.72 -> So basically what that means is
683.848 -> you have a rating lower than 100%
688.19 -> but your conditions are so debilitating
690.88 -> that you're unable to work.
692.595 -> In order to get IU
694.11 -> you have to have at least one condition at 60%
697.52 -> or multiple conditions at 70%
700.36 -> with at least one being rated at 40%.
703.58 -> So if you're not 100% for your heart condition,
707.87 -> the next lower is 60%,
709.75 -> which, that qualifies you for individual unemployability.
713.99 -> It would be one condition at 60%.
717.3 -> So if that condition is debilitating
719.97 -> to the point where you're unable to work,
722.28 -> you're unable to go into the office
725.16 -> or even do sedentary work
726.59 -> because you're getting shortness of breath,
728.61 -> you're fatigued all the time,
729.74 -> or you're having to nap,
730.933 -> your side effects from your medication,
733.38 -> you definitely can get individual unemployability.
736.17 -> Or let's say you have 10% or 30%
739.11 -> but you have other conditions
740.69 -> that your combined rating is 70%
744.03 -> with at least one condition being 40%,
746.29 -> you can get individual unemployability that way as well.
749.61 -> - Okay.
750.443 -> So lots of different ways to get benefits.
753.35 -> And kinda depends on the person
755.02 -> and what their circumstances are, right?
756.97 -> - Yes, absolutely.
758.226 -> - Okay, great.
759.82 -> Well this was helpful.
760.98 -> Allison, thank you so much.
763.03 -> - Thank you.
764.125 -> - All right, if you have any questions
765.985 -> feel free to visit our website or call our office.
769.57 -> Thanks for joining us.
771.083 -> (relaxing music)
