CT Perfusion In Acute Ischemic Stroke
Aug 26, 2023
CT Perfusion In Acute Ischemic Stroke
00:00 - Intro 01:14 - Objectives 01:38 - Why CT perfusion? 04:23 - ASPECT scoring on non-contrast head CT 08:02 - Fundamental hemodynamic properties: CBF, CBV, MTT, Tmax 13:35 - Clinical uses: DEFUSE 3, DAWN, EXTEND 18:26 - Clinical examples 22:03 - Hypoperfusion index and multi-threshold Tmax maps 23:37 - Caveats and pitfalls: Caveats in estimating core 30:15 - Caveats and pitfalls: Caveats in estimating penumbra 35:37 - Summary 36:11 - Quality of study: Vessel selection, contrast opacification, patient motion 38:27 - Additional uses of CTP: Medium vessel occlusion 40:28 - Additional uses of CTP: Posterior circulation stroke 44:59 - Additional uses of CTP: Stroke mimics 46:52 - Can we use CTP like cardiologists use troponin? 47:58 - Summary and algorithm Algorithm PDF may be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QLYj … This video is intended for residents and fellows to understand the interpretation and clinical applications of CT perfusion imaging for the treatment of patients with acute ischemic stroke. Created, produced, and narrated by: Igor Rybinnik MD Neurology Clerkship Director Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Content experts: Raymond Mirasol MD, Roger Cheng MD Division of Stroke and Neurocritical Care Department of Neurology Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Sudipta Roychowdhury, MD FACR Clinical Professor of Radiology, Neurosurgery, and Neurology Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Director of Interventional Neuroradiology Director of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital References: 1. Saver JL, et al. JAMA 2016, 316(12):1279 2. Nomani AZ, et al. Neurology 2021, 97:e2079-87 3. Sarraj A, et al. Stroke 2021, 52(1):57-69 4. Barber PA, et al. Lancet 2000;355(9216):1670-4 5. Almallouhi AZ, et al. JAMA Network Open. 2021;4(12):e2137708 6. Adapted from Sotoudeh H, et al. Acad Radiol 2019;26(11):1565-79 7. Albers GW, et al. NEJM 2018;378:708-718 8. Nogueira R, et al. NEJM 2018(1);378:11-21. 9. Ma H, et al. NEJM 2019;380(19):1795-1803 10. MacLellan A, et al. JSCVD 2022;31(1):106-208 11. Normani AZ, et al. Neurology 2021;97(21):e2079-87 12. Albers GW, Stroke 2018;49:1-5 13. Martins N, et al. Intervent Neurol 2018;7:513-521 14. Campbell BC, et al. Int J Stroke 2015;10:51–54 15. Amukotuwa SA, et al. Stroke 2021;52:3308-3317 16. Katyal A, et al. Eur J Neurol 2021;28:2657-2668 17. Tao WD, et al. Stroke 2012;43(8):2060-2065 18. Capasso R, et al. Neuroradiology 2021;63:317–330 19. Novakovic-White R, et al. Neurology 2021;97:S158-S169 20. Vagal A, et al. Neurology 2019;93(20):888-898. 21. Benson JC, et al. AJNR 2016;37:2239-44 Images adapted from: - Articles referenced above - Adobe Creative Cloud - Blumenfeld H. Neuroanatomy Through Clinical Cases, 2nd ed. Sinauer, 2010. Music: - The Itch (Instrumental) - NEFFEX - Icelandic Arpeggios - DivKid - Under Cover - Wayne Jones Disclaimer: Please note that this material was simplified for educational purposes. For patient management, please review your clinical society’s guidelines and engage expert consultation where appropriate. Also, the opinions of the presenters do not necessarily reflect those of Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, RWJBarnabus Health, or Rutgers University as a whole.
7.04 -> Welcome back, neurophiles.
8.4 -> Dr. Rybinnik here.
9.68 -> Today’s topic is interpreting CT perfusion
11.84 -> for the treatment of acute ischemic stroke.
14.32 -> This talk is a bit long and complicated,
16.16 -> but then perfusion is a complicated topic.
18.32 -> So, feel free to use chapter markers below,
20.56 -> slow things down,
21.52 -> speed things up.
22.4 -> Whatever helps you learn.
26.72 -> This video is rated R, for “Resident”
due to clinical uncertainly, complex language
29.68 -> and moderate quality of evidence.
30.8 -> Medical students require accompanying
resident or attending guardian.
35.92 -> I have no relevant financial conflicts
to disclose.
39.76 -> As always,
40.4 -> the cases presented in this talk
were modified slightly for teaching purposes.
45.6 -> CT perfusion is an exciting and rapidly evolving imaging modality,
49.12 -> but for the purpose of this talk,
50.56 -> we will try to adhere closely
to high-quality evidence.
53.76 -> Debates about the finer points of perfusion
55.92 -> are outside the scope of this video.
58.88 -> Lastly,
59.6 -> no single imaging modality can qualify
a patient for stroke intervention.
63.76 -> Let me say that again.
65.6 -> No single imaging modality can qualify
a patient for stroke intervention.
70.24 -> You must always look
at the entire clinical picture.
74.96 -> Why do we need CT perfusion?
76.8 -> Hopefully that will become clear
in the first section.
79.76 -> We will then discuss the
fundamental hemodynamic properties,
83.68 -> review well-validated
clinical uses of CT perfusion,
87.52 -> discuss some caveats and limitations,
90.48 -> and conclude with some additional
uses of this imaging tool,
93.04 -> and a tidy algorithm to bring it all together.
98.8 -> For decades,
99.68 -> we have used a non-contrast head CT
101.76 -> and CT angiogram to select
patients for reperfusion therapy.
105.68 -> Why then do we need CT perfusion all of a sudden?
109.28 -> In 2015, multiple high-quality trials established
thrombectomy as the new standard treatment
114.24 -> for acute ischemic stroke caused by large
vessel occlusion.
117.6 -> These trials evaluated endovascular therapy
within the standard window
121.36 -> (0-6 hours from stroke onset).
124.64 -> HERMES collaboration pooled data
from these major trials
127.44 -> and analyzed how time from symptom
onset to start of intervention
131.36 -> affects outcome.
134.32 -> The longer it takes to intervene on a
patient with large vessel occlusion,
138.24 -> the lower the chance of favorable outcome.
141.84 -> And by about 7 hours from stroke onset,
144.48 -> the benefit of endovascular therapy
146.8 -> disappears.
149.36 -> There is no getting around it.
150.56 -> Time is still brain!
151.84 -> Time still matters when it comes
to acute stroke interventions.
155.68 -> But there are some patients that
can still benefit from intervention
159.04 -> beyond the conventional time windows.
162 -> Hypothetical scenario:
163.28 -> Say, you have 3 patients
164.56 -> with left middle cerebral artery occlusion.
166.96 -> At the time of occlusion,
167.84 -> the supplied brain is hypoperfused.
170.4 -> The entire territory is penumbra.
173.12 -> Without blood flow,
174.48 -> this hypoperfused brain
175.92 -> shifts to permanent infarction over time.
179.6 -> At 6 hours from occlusion,
181.12 -> in the first patient,
182 -> the entire MCA territory may
have progressed to ischemic core.
186.64 -> In the second patient,
187.92 -> only half of MCA territory
189.76 -> progresses to irreversible ischemia.
192.96 -> And the third patient is still doing quite
195.12 -> with a very small ischemic core.
197.76 -> By 12 hours from the onset of occlusion,
199.92 -> patient 2 may look like patient 1
201.68 -> with completed MCA stroke.
204.24 -> But even at 24 hours,
206.4 -> the third patient may still
have much viable brain.
209.44 -> This is the patient that may still benefit
from reperfusion.
213.2 -> By the way,
213.68 -> the rate of stroke progression
to ischemic core is highly variable
217.04 -> and depends on initial stroke size,
219.28 -> collaterals,
219.92 -> and age of the patient
221.2 -> (among other factors).
224.96 -> Let’s make this example more concrete.
227.84 -> A 46-year-old man with
multiple vascular risk factors
230.64 -> presents with a left MCA occlusion.
233.28 -> Time from last known well is 1.5 hours.
236.64 -> His deficits are quite disabling
237.96 -> -- right hemiparesis, left gaze deviation,
right field cut, significant aphasia
242.48 -> (what you would expect for a left MCA syndrome).
245.68 -> NIH stroke scale score is 14.
249.52 -> HERMES data tells us that within
the standard thrombectomy window
252.8 -> (6 hours from stroke onset),
254.32 -> chances are there is significant
amount of viable brain,
257.76 -> and we can use the good old non-contrast head CT
260.48 -> to select patients for intervention.
263.2 -> To assess ischemic core systematically,
265.12 -> let’s apply the ASPECTS,
266.8 -> which stands for
267.44 -> Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score.
270.56 -> This scale divides the MCA territory
272.64 -> into 10 segments:
274.4 -> Head of caudate,
275.68 -> internal capsule,
277.04 -> lentiform nucleus,
278.64 -> insula,
279.92 -> and the 6 cortical segments.
282.88 -> A point is subtracted for each
segment that is hypodense.
286.48 -> For example,
287.36 -> a patient with a completed deep
MCA stroke
290.16 -> would lose 4 points,
292.08 -> and hypodensity in the cortical
MCA territory could subtract
295.44 -> up to another 6 points.
300.32 -> What is this patient’s score?
304.16 -> Yep, this is a normal head CT.
305.92 -> So, the ASPECT score is 10.
309.2 -> Ok.
310.32 -> What if we change the timing?
312.72 -> Now we have a 67-year-old man with
multiple vascular risk factors
316.08 -> who presents with a left MCA occlusion
318.08 -> just like in the last case.
320.48 -> But this time,
321.36 -> the patient woke up with deficits.
324.08 -> Time from last known well is 11 hours.
327.44 -> He has a full MCA syndrome,
328.88 -> and NIH stroke scale score is 20.
333.28 -> What is the ASPECTS in this case?
335.52 -> I’ll give you a minute.
340 -> If you find it difficult to call,
341.44 -> you are not the only one.
343.28 -> If you find it obvious,
344.56 -> don’t get too excited
patting yourself on the back.
346.72 -> I adjusted the contrast for
the purpose of this video,
348.96 -> so that the hypodensity projects better.
351.52 -> And there is a hypodensity
353.52 -> in the left head of caudate,
354.8 -> internal capsule,
355.6 -> and lentiform nucleus.
357.44 -> So, I would say that the ASPECTS is 7.
361.28 -> We certainly had to work hard to calculate it.
363.92 -> I think we can all agree that it is
difficult to define ischemic core
367.04 -> on a non-contrast head CT.
370.24 -> Low ASPECTS supposedly correlates
with a large core infarction.
373.6 -> But it is not even clear how well
low ASPECTS predicts poor outcome.
377.84 -> For example,
379.04 -> in the large multicenter retrospective
Stroke Thrombectomy and Aneurysm Registry
383.84 -> (STAR registry),
385.12 -> which was comprised of over 2000 patients
387.44 -> with internal carotid or M1 occlusion
389.52 -> presenting in the extended window,
391.36 -> patients with ASPECTS score of 2 to 5
393.52 -> (that’s up to 80% of the MCA
territory supposedly damaged)
397.28 -> had 4 times higher chance of
functional independence at 90 days
400.64 -> if they received mechanical thrombectomy.
403.76 -> What!?!
405.36 -> Come on!
406.16 -> I know it’s a retrospective cohort, but
408.72 -> good outcome with low ASPECTS!?
411.2 -> Clearly, we need a more reliable imaging modality
413.68 -> to select patients for interventions.
416.48 -> MRI is obviously the gold standard.
418.88 -> Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI)
422.08 -> reflect actual histological changes
424 -> that occur as a consequence of cerebral ischemia.
426.64 -> But MRI is slow and cumbersome.
428.72 -> Try getting a disoriented patient
with a large vessel occlusion
431.6 -> to stay still for 30 minutes
inside the MRI machine.
435.68 -> I am being a bit facetious.
437.76 -> Most major stroke centers do have
protocols to get MRI quicker,
441.04 -> but CTP is more still prevalent
443.12 -> and only takes a few minutes.
447.28 -> This is a CT perfusion for the
patient with just discussed.
450.56 -> An automated algorithm calculates
and color-codes the ischemic core
454.4 -> and penumbra.
455.76 -> I bet I don’t even have to explain
the numbers at the bottom of the page
458.64 -> for you to guess that the core is in pink,
460.56 -> and penumbra is in green.
464.4 -> And, there is a huge mismatch between the two.
468.72 -> Got it?
469.6 -> Awesome!
470.16 -> The talk is over.
470.96 -> See you later.
472.88 -> No, no, no.
473.68 -> That's not how we work around here.
474.88 -> Of course we will explain it.
476.48 -> Let’s dive in and briefly
review the fundamentals first.
482.24 -> The mismatch map you just saw
483.84 -> is generated from the source images.
485.6 -> These are called image columns.
487.44 -> The first column are baseline CT images,
489.76 -> followed by four useful parameters:
493.28 -> Cerebral blood volume
494.8 -> is defined as the volume of blood
flowing in 100 grams of brain tissue.
499.28 -> It’s an indirect measure of
collateralization and autoregulation
502.48 -> -- the amount of blood that can
be delivered to brain tissue.
507.92 -> Mean transit time
509.28 -> is the average time
510.24 -> it takes for blood to travel
from intracranial arteries
513.04 -> to veins
513.92 -> across a capillary bed
515.76 -> (4 to 5 seconds is considered normal).
519.84 -> Cerebral blood flow
521.6 -> is the cerebral blood volume
523.52 -> (in 100 grams of brain tissue)
525.44 -> per minute.
527.04 -> Cerebral blood flow
528.32 -> is essentially cerebral blood volume
530.64 -> divided by the mean transit time
532.8 -> (the time it takes to deliver that volume).
535.6 -> Cerebral blood flow predicts the core infarction,
538.08 -> and does so better than cerebral blood volume.
541.84 -> Notice that CBV and CBF are preceded
by a letter “r” for “relative.”
547.12 -> CT perfusion does not actually measure
549.2 -> the absolute volume or flow.
552.32 -> Instead,
553.04 -> blood flow and blood volume
are expressed as a percentage
556.08 -> of a presumed healthy brain tissue.
558.16 -> So, in each patient,
559.2 -> an ischemic lesion in one hemisphere
561.28 -> may be compared to healthy tissue
in the opposite hemisphere.
567.12 -> The last parameter,
568.16 -> time-to-Maximum, or Tmax,
570.24 -> represents the time from the start of the scan
572.64 -> until the maximum intensity of contrast
bolus arrives into the brain.
578.88 -> Delay in Tmax correlates with penumbra.
583.76 -> For those of you who enjoy graphs,
585.76 -> if you plot the density
587.04 -> (or brightness)
587.76 -> of injected contrast bolus versus time,
590.32 -> you will get a graph like this.
595.28 -> Tmax is the timepoint at which
contrast peaks intracranially.
600.88 -> Mean transit time
601.84 -> is the average time
603.2 -> that contrast spends inside
the intracranial blood vessels.
609.28 -> Cerebral blood volume
610.4 -> is the area under the curve.
612.88 -> and cerebral blood flow is related to
614.72 -> how quickly that blood volume
gets to the brain tissue
617.84 -> -- the slope of the upstroke.
622.32 -> In a patient with early large vessel occlusion,
624.56 -> arrival of the blood to brain tissue is delayed
630.64 -> (blood flow takes the side streets or collaterals
632.8 -> instead of the main highway).
637.28 -> But neurons are still ultimately
getting the same blood volume,
641.2 -> at least until ischemia sets in.
645.92 -> Since cerebral blood flow
646.96 -> is cerebral blood volume
divided by mean transit time,
650.32 -> when mean transit time increases,
653.12 -> cerebral blood flow decreases.
657.28 -> Again,
657.6 -> CT perfusion does not actually
measure absolute blood flow
660.88 -> or ischemic changes like MRI does.
663.2 -> We use CTP abnormalities as a surrogate marker
666.16 -> of tissue hypoperfusion.
668.24 -> This will become important when
we talk about CTP’s pitfalls
671.04 -> and limitations.
674.8 -> Back to the image columns.
676.48 -> Note the color scale.
677.84 -> Lower values are in blue,
679.68 -> intermediate values are in green-yellow,
681.84 -> and high values are in red.
686.08 -> Let’s take a look at our patient with left
MCA occlusion.
689.6 -> Which parameter is most obviously abnormal?
693.28 -> Yes!
694.08 -> Tmax is clearly delayed
696 -> (colors are more yellow-red).
698.32 -> Tmax is great at identifying penumbra
700.72 -> because it reveals high
contrast between areas of delay
704.16 -> and normal tissue.
706 -> Tmax does not vary with tissue type
like cerebral blood volume does
710 -> (grey and white matter receive
different blood volumes),
712.88 -> and this uniformity produces
flat contrast in normal brain.
716.72 -> So even small or subtle areas of Tmax delay
719.84 -> are highly visible.
722.8 -> Mean transit time is also increased
725.04 -> as expected.
727.04 -> The decrease in cerebral blood volume
in the subcortical left MCA territory
731.28 -> (the bluer colors on the patient’s left),
733.36 -> represents infarcted tissue.
736.32 -> And since cerebral blood flow
738 -> is cerebral blood volume
divided by mean transit time,
741.6 -> cerebral blood flow is also decreased.
745.76 -> Interpreting these perfusion maps
747.28 -> is like reading your fortune in tea leaves.
749.2 -> I get it, I get it.
750.56 -> So for more consistent and objective results,
752.88 -> these perfusion maps are usually
subjected to some form of
756.24 -> thresholding.
757.36 -> We don’t want to see everything all at once.
759.36 -> Just the important bits.
761.28 -> And that’s how we end up with this final image.
764.48 -> On the left,
765.6 -> is the volume of a region with
cerebral blood flow less than 30%
768.8 -> of patient’s normal.
770.48 -> CBF less than 30% cutoff is widely
validated in clinical trials.
775.44 -> On the right,
776.64 -> is an area of Tmax with a delay
more than 6 seconds.
780.32 -> This metric provides a reasonable
estimate of final infarction
784 -> in patients without reperfusion.
785.92 -> So Tmax is used as a surrogate for penumbra.
789.68 -> Subtract this patient’s
volume of the ischemic core
792.48 -> (13 mL)
793.68 -> from the volume of penumbra
795.44 -> (110 mL),
796.8 -> and we arrive at the final
mismatch volume of 97 mL.
800.8 -> The difference between ischemic core and penumbra
802.8 -> can also be represented as a ratio.
805.36 -> In other words,
806.08 -> our patient has 8.5 times more penumbra
809.6 -> than core.
811.6 -> Let’s see how this works in clinical practice.
816.56 -> Our clinically relevant cutoffs for stroke
intervention come from three landmark trials:
821.52 -> DEFUSE 3, EXTEND, and DAWN.
827.2 -> DEFUSE 3 showed that patients
with an ischemic core of at most 70cc
832.64 -> (about one third to one half of MCA territory),
835.84 -> and
836.48 -> a potentially salvageable penumbra of
at least 1.8 times that of the core
841.6 -> have better outcomes with thrombectomy.
846.16 -> The difference between the core and penumbra
847.84 -> was also expressed as an absolute volume
of potentially reversible ischemia
851.84 -> of at least 15ccs.
857.76 -> EXTEND trial
858.8 -> extended the window for intravenous
861.2 -> to 9 hours.
862.96 -> That trial selected patients with similar
core size as DEFUSE 3,
867.44 -> but allowed a smaller core-to-penumbra mismatch
870 -> of at least 1.2 times
872.96 -> (or least 10cc absolute difference).
876.88 -> By the way,
877.6 -> large vessel occlusion was not
required in the EXTEND trial.
880.96 -> But by definitions,
882.64 -> you can see that some patients
that meet DEFUSE 3 criteria,
886.56 -> may also meet the EXTEND criteria.
892.32 -> The DAWN trial had the most
complicated inclusion criteria.
896.32 -> Since size of the completed stroke
898.24 -> is arguably one of the most important
predictors of clinical outcome,
901.84 -> that trial focused on selecting a
group of patients
904.48 -> with smaller ischemic cores
907.6 -> and a large clinical deficits.
912.4 -> Did you catch that?
914.48 -> There was no penumbral requirement.
917.12 -> As long as patients had small core infarctions,
919.92 -> clinical deficits were used as a surrogate
922.08 -> for potentially reversible ischemia.
926 -> For the very elderly (over the age of 80),
929.36 -> intervention was offered to patients with
a small core
932.48 -> (at most 20 cc),
934.32 -> and moderate-to-severe clinical deficits
936.56 -> (NIH stroke scale score of at least 10).
939.76 -> For patients under 80 years of age,
942.4 -> a core of at most 30 cc was allowed with moderate
946.24 -> (NIH stroke scale score of 10-19),
951.12 -> and a core of up to 50 cc
953.28 -> was allowed if the deficits were severe
956.24 -> (NIHSS score of at least 20).
962.96 -> In the DEFUSE 3 trial,
964.16 -> patients who received thrombectomy
965.76 -> presented with a proximal large
vessel occlusion
968.48 -> within 6 to 16 hours from last known well.
971.92 -> Median age was 70,
973.28 -> give or take 11 years.
975.52 -> Deficits were severe
976.88 -> with median NIHSS score of 16.
980 -> Most (about two thirds) had unwitnessed stroke
983.2 -> usually awakening with stroke symptoms.
985.68 -> While MRI was allowed was patient selection,
987.92 -> majority of the patients were selected by
CT perfusion.
991.76 -> Median ischemic core was 9cc,
994.24 -> far less than the maximum of 70cc's.
997.44 -> And median penumbra was 115cc,
1000.24 -> with a mismatch of over 10 times,
1002.8 -> again, far exceeding the
prespecified ratio of 1.8.
1007.84 -> DEFUSE 3 was terminated early
1010.4 -> for efficacy
1011.68 -> after only 182 patients were enrolled.
1016.16 -> DAWN trial offered thrombectomy to patients
with a proximal large vessel occlusion
1021.44 -> presenting within 6 to 24
hours from last known well.
1025.6 -> Median age was and deficit severity
1027.2 -> were similar to the DEFUSE 3 patient population.
1030.32 -> Vast majority of patients in the DAWN trial
had unwitnessed stroke onset.
1035.44 -> Just like in DEFUSE 3, most
patients were selected by CTP.
1040.8 -> And the median ischemic core was small (8cc).
1046.48 -> EXTEND focused on intravenous TPA,
1048.88 -> enlarging the window from four and half to 9 hours
1052.4 -> after last known well.
1054 -> By the way, if patients woke up with stroke
1057.2 -> the onset of stroke was defined
to be the midpoint of sleep.
1061.04 -> Technically, if a patient went to sleep at 11pm
1063.68 -> and woke up at 9am with stroke symptoms,
1066.24 -> as far as the EXTEND trial is concerned,
1068 -> stroke onset would be 5 hours ago.
1071.36 -> EXTEND patient population was aged similarly
to DEFUSE 3 and DAWN populations,
1075.68 -> but had milder strokes
1077.6 -> (median NIH stroke scale score of 12).
1080.64 -> Majority of strokes were unwitnessed.
1083.12 -> Most patients were selected by CTP.
1086 -> And ischemic cores were small.
1088 -> Median penumbra was 74cc,
1090.32 -> with a mismatch of nearly 15 times,
1093.36 -> far exceeding the prespecified ratio of 1.2.
1097.36 -> Also, large vessel occlusion was not a requirement
1100.56 -> but nearly 70% of patients
ended up having occlusions.
1106.88 -> Take one last look at the criteria, because
we are about to apply them to real cases.
1114.24 -> Let’s get back to the patient with whom
I started the discussion of CT perfusion.
1118.16 -> As a reminder,
1118.88 -> he is 67-year-old man
1120.24 -> with multiple vascular risk factors
1122.48 -> who presented within 11 hours from last known well
1125.36 -> with global aphasia, right hemianopia, left gaze
deviation, and right hemiparesis.
1130.32 -> NIHSS score was 20.
1133.04 -> Left M1 occlusion was confirmed with CTA.
1137.2 -> Would you offer thrombectomy?
1143.52 -> Let’s apply DEFUSE 3 criteria.
1146.16 -> Ischemic core is only 13cc,
1148.4 -> which is less than the pre-specified 70cc.
1151.76 -> And the core-to-penumbra mismatch is 8.5 times,
1155.2 -> which is certainly higher than
the prespecified 1.8 times.
1159.12 -> So, this patient will benefit from thrombectomy.
1166.08 -> Here is another case:
1167.44 -> A 74-year-old man with atrial
fibrillation but off anticoagulation.
1172 -> He presented 7 hours from midpoint of sleep
1174.96 -> (11 hours from last known well).
1177.2 -> Right A2 was occluded.
1179.6 -> He has left sensorimotor deficits, paucity
of speech, and dysarthria.
1183.52 -> NIH stroke scale score is 11.
1187.04 -> Would you offer reperfusion therapy?
1194.16 -> We can apply EXTEND criteria here.
1196.72 -> Mismatch is more than 1.2 times,
1199.44 -> and the ischemic core is
1203.28 -> so intravenous TPA may be considered.
1206.24 -> Technically DEFUSE 3 criteria would apply
here as well,
1209.68 -> but the lesion is too distal for thrombectomy
1212.8 -> (at least according to our current evidence).
1217.36 -> Ok.
1218.24 -> What about this patient?
1219.84 -> 94-year-old woman with atrial fibrillation,
1222.16 -> who presented 12 hours from last known well
1224.8 -> with acute left M1 occlusion
1226.96 -> causing encephalopathy, left gaze deviation, right
hemiparesis, right field cut, and global aphasia.
1232.56 -> NIH stroke scale score is 18.
1235.92 -> To intervene or not to intervene?
1242.88 -> Let’s apply DEFUSE 3 criteria.
1244.88 -> Mismatch is favorable
1246.24 -> (more than 1.8 times),
1248.48 -> but the ischemic core is over 70cc.
1253.44 -> Risk/benefit profile for a thrombectomy in
this patient is likely unfavorable.
1261.28 -> And the last example.
1263.2 -> 48-year-old man with dyslipidemia
1265.28 -> presents six and a half
hours from last known well.
1268.56 -> He went to sleep and awakened with severe
1271.12 -> including disorientation, right gaze
1272.88 -> preference, left sensorimotor
deficits, dysarthria, and neglect.
1276.8 -> NIH Stroke Scale score is 19.
1279.92 -> Right M1 occlusion is confirmed.
1282.96 -> Here is his perfusion imaging.
1284.96 -> Would you recommend thrombectomy for this
1289.52 -> Of course!
1290.56 -> DEFUSE 3 criteria are satisfied here.
1293.28 -> Patient is within 6-16 hours from last known well.
1296.56 -> There is a large vessel occlusion.
1298.4 -> Ischemic core is 24cc,
1300.4 -> which is less than 70,
1302.08 -> and penumbra is 4 times larger than the core.
1308.32 -> And speaking of penumbra,
1310.24 -> can we predict if this penumbra is
about to convert to ischemic core?
1314.32 -> What are the chances of this infarct growing?
1319.12 -> For that,
1319.84 -> we need to discuss different Tmax thresholds.
1324.96 -> Tmax of more than 6 seconds (in green) is
how we typically define penumbra.
1329.6 -> Tmax of more than 10 seconds (in red)
1333.04 -> estimates the tissue at
immediate risk of infarction.
1337.04 -> Dividing the volumes defined
by these two delay thresholds,
1339.84 -> gives you the hypoperfusion index
1342.08 -> (also known as the hypoperfusion
intensity ratio or HIR).
1346.88 -> Hypoperfusion index of over 0.34 in the DEFUSE
3 cohort
1352.56 -> predicted poor collateral flow
and significant infarct growth
1357.12 -> early over the first 24 hours.
1360.24 -> In this patient, we expect the ischemic core
to grow rapidly without treatment.
1367.52 -> By contrast, the 4-6 second delays are mild enough
1370.56 -> that the tissue is unlikely to infarct.
1373.76 -> By the way,
1374.16 -> in a nice bit of synergy,
1375.36 -> the colors on this multi-threshold map correspond
to the colors on the original image columns
1380.08 -> without any thresholds applied.
1385.36 -> So riddle me this:
1387.52 -> Based on these Tmax multi-threshold maps,
1389.92 -> which of these two patients
with left MCA occlusion
1392.4 -> is more likely to experience ischemic core growth?
1400.64 -> Yes, this one.
1403.52 -> Sadly, he completed his MCA infarction
1406.16 -> and needed decompressive hemicraniectomy
to treat malignant cerebral edema.
1413.12 -> I hope by now you have realized
1414.56 -> that CT perfusion is incredibly useful.
1416.96 -> But just like any tool,
1418.4 -> it is not without limits.
1421.12 -> We determine candidacy for intervention based
on estimation of ischemic core and penumbra.
1427.36 -> But, what if those estimations are inaccurate?
1430.48 -> Are there situations where CTP can lead us astray?
1434.08 -> By the tone of my question,
1435.2 -> the answer of course is “yes.”
1437.04 -> Let’s take ischemic core for example.
1439.12 -> Cerebral blood flow measurement may under
or overestimate the ischemic core.
1444.16 -> Let’s talk about underestimating the core first.
1448.48 -> Remember that CTP maps do not
actually identify infarcted tissue.
1452.48 -> They identify regions with low blood flow
that can predict infarcted tissue.
1457.12 -> But cerebral blood flow in a patient
with a large vessel occlusion
1459.84 -> can change with time.
1462.4 -> Imagine a hypothetical patient
1463.84 -> with acute left middle cerebral artery occlusion.
1466.08 -> Cerebral blood flow is illustrated
here as a function of time.
1469.84 -> Here is the well-accepted
CBF less that 30% threshold.
1474.24 -> At 2 hours after stroke onset,
1476.32 -> cerebral blood flow drops significantly
1478.8 -> (below 30% of normal).
1481.36 -> Non-contrast head CT is still normal,
1483.92 -> and CBF maps register a core infarction
1486.72 -> (in pink).
1487.84 -> As expected, Tmax map show a sizable penumbra.
1492.72 -> By 8 hours,
1493.84 -> a hypodensity may be now visible on CT,
1496.48 -> corresponding to a larger core
infarction on the CBF map.
1500.88 -> But at the extreme of the 24-hour time window,
1503.28 -> leptomeningeal collaterals may have already
been recruited,
1506.64 -> and cerebral blood flow may improve a bit
1509.52 -> just above the 30% threshold.
1512.96 -> So, core infarction “disappears” from the CBF map,
1516.16 -> while Tmax still shows a significantly
delayed flow in the left MCA territory.
1520.88 -> This is a situation where collaterals came in
1523.2 -> “too little, too late.”
1524.56 -> It doesn’t matter that blood flow is better.
1526.72 -> The tissue is already irreversibly injured.
1530.64 -> In this case, only the non-contrast head CT
1533.84 -> (or diffusion weighted imaging MRI)
1535.92 -> can show you the true ischemic core.
1538.8 -> Practically, this discussion is relevant for
two reasons.
1541.76 -> First,
1542.4 -> in a patient with unknown time of stroke onset,
1544.96 -> CT perfusion must be interpreted together
1547.68 -> with the non-contrast head
CT and clinical history.
1552 -> Some software packages make this easier
1554.08 -> by overlaying the CT hypodensity on the CBF map.
1557.76 -> Here, an area in blue is a hypodensity threshold
of 5-12 Hounsfield units,
1562.24 -> which is typical of acute infarcts.
1564.96 -> Some people even advocate relying on the gold
standard MRI
1568.4 -> instead of the non-contrast
head CT or CT perfusion
1571.76 -> the closer you get to the
extreme of that 24-hour window.
1578.4 -> The other practical point
1580.08 -> is that CT perfusion maps are very time dependent!
1583.92 -> They only reflect the hemodynamics
1585.92 -> at the moment the scan is done.
1588.32 -> So, if the CTP is performed
at a primary stroke center,
1591.28 -> and the patient is transferred
to a thrombectomy-capable center
1594.72 -> by the time that patient arrives,
1596.88 -> the initial CTP may no longer be valid,
1599.52 -> especially if there is a
significant transfer delay.
1602.48 -> So, you might have to repeat the imaging.
1607.76 -> A similar situation of underestimating core
also occurs after thrombectomy.
1612.72 -> Cerebral blood flow improves,
1614.48 -> and the ischemic core disappears from CTP
1617.36 -> because there is now blood
flow in the irreversibly
1619.84 -> injured
1621.2 -> But in this case,
1622.08 -> penumbra also disappears
1623.6 -> so you know you’ve made progress
at improving blood flow delays.
1629.44 -> So, core may be underestimated when ischemic
tissue is reperfused by thrombectomy
1633.6 -> or after leptomeningeal collaterals are recruited.
1636.88 -> Overestimation of the core
is arguably a bigger problem
1640.4 -> because large core may exclude
a patient from intervention.
1644.32 -> When a large vessel occludes,
1645.92 -> cerebral blood flow in that
vessel’s territory dips below
1648.72 -> 30% of normal in fairly quickly.
1651.28 -> But, hypoperfusion does not necessarily
translate to tissue ischemia.
1656 -> Not if it doesn’t last for long.
1658.8 -> If a patient presents early
enough after stroke onset,
1661.68 -> and reperfusion is quickly accomplished,
1664 -> the core seen on CTP would disappear.
1666.8 -> This is especially true of patients
1668.88 -> presenting within the golden hour.
1671.68 -> By you will say,
1672.64 -> Dr. Rybinnik,
1673.76 -> in DAWN and DEFUSE 3 trials CTP was performed
at or beyond 6 hours from last known well,
1678.96 -> so none of the patients were
scanned within the golden hour.
1681.6 -> Weren’t they?
1685.04 -> Patients with unknown stroke onset
1686.8 -> were allowed in those trials.
1688.8 -> Let’s say a patient presents
with symptoms on awakening
1691.52 -> (last known well was at bedtime,
1693.28 -> 9 hours ago).
1694.64 -> That patient comes to the emergency department
1696.8 -> and gets the following scan.
1699.12 -> Large core,
1700.32 -> large penumbra,
1701.52 -> no mismatch.
1702.96 -> Patient is not a candidate for intervention.
1705.36 -> Right?
1707.52 -> But what if
1708.72 -> it’s a situation like this
1710.16 -> – severe hypoperfusion but no ischemia.
1714.4 -> The non-contrast head CT provides a clue.
1717.36 -> Head CT is normal,
1718.48 -> suggesting that the patient may
be within the early time window.
1722.72 -> This patient underwent thrombectomy
1724.16 -> for occlusion of the right
internal carotid artery terminus,
1727.44 -> and contrary to the CTP,
1729.04 -> a follow-up CT on day 3 showed
no large, completed infarction.
1734.4 -> The ischemic core in this case was overestimated
1737.04 -> – so-called “ghost” core.
1739.92 -> It didn’t really exist.
1742.8 -> The shorter the time between
symptom onset to imaging
1746 -> and from imaging to reperfusion,
1748.16 -> the higher the probability of
ischemic core overestimation.
1751.76 -> Thankfully, situations like this are rare
1753.84 -> (one in six patients in a retrospective cohort).
1757.04 -> If you think you are dealing with a patient
within this very early time window,
1760.48 -> you may consider a more stringent CBF threshold
1763.36 -> of less than 20%.
1765.04 -> The difference in volume between the less
than 20% and the accepted less than 30%
1769.6 -> cerebral blood flow threshold
1771.36 -> could be quite substantial.
1773.68 -> Look at this example.
1774.88 -> The ischemic core by accepted criteria is 44cc's.
1779.12 -> Now if this patient is over 80 years of age,
1781.52 -> they might be excluded from intervention
1783.2 -> based on the DAWN criteria.
1784.96 -> But applying the more stringent
threshold for ischemic core
1788.48 -> removes the core completely
1790.32 -> and may allow us to intervene.
1795.6 -> So, let’s review:
1797.68 -> CBF may overestimate the core
1799.92 -> if CT perfusion is performed too early
with respect to stroke onset.
1804.4 -> CBF may underestimate the core
1806.96 -> if CT perfusion is performed late
with respect to stroke onset,
1810.24 -> or after reperfusion.
1814.96 -> Ok!
1816 -> Now let’s discuss overestimating penumbra.
1820.8 -> It is 4am,
1821.84 -> and you respond to a stroke
code in cardiothoracic ICU.
1826.24 -> A code was called for a 63-year-old man with
multiple vascular risk factors,
1830.4 -> including atrial fibrillation.
1832.32 -> He was off anticoagulation for a coronary
artery bypass grafting surgery,
1836.56 -> which he underwent earlier
today without any complications.
1840.96 -> When sedation was weaned,
1842.64 -> the nurse noted significant
expressive aphasia, mild right
1845.52 -> hemiparesis, and dysarthria.
1848.24 -> NIH Stroke Scale score is 7.
1851.6 -> He was last known well 11 hours ago,
1854 -> pre-op.
1855.76 -> Non-contrast head CT,
1857.12 -> CTA and CT perfusion is performed.
1859.84 -> Head CT was normal.
1861.84 -> What’s your interpretation
of this perfusion study?
1869.52 -> There are no areas of ischemic core
1871.28 -> (CBF less than 30%).
1873.84 -> Tmax is delayed beyond 6 seconds
1875.68 -> in the left ACA and MCA territories.
1879.44 -> Total mismatch is 115 cc.
1884 -> Seems to me that’s a perfect
patient for intervention?
1888.08 -> But the CTA of the head shows
preserved intracranial flow.
1891.12 -> There is some asymmetry between the two sides,
1893.12 -> but nothing is occluded.
1894.96 -> What’s going on?
1900.16 -> To the source images!
1902.8 -> Tmax is definitely increased
in the left hemisphere.
1906.48 -> Mean transit time is barely increased.
1909.28 -> And cerebral blood flow and cerebral blood volume
1911.84 -> are essentially symmetric
between the two hemispheres.
1917.36 -> Have you figured it out?
1921.36 -> Tmax,
1922.08 -> the maximum amount of time required
for contrast to reach the brain tissue
1926.08 -> is sensitive to delay in flow.
1928.24 -> For example,
1928.88 -> if the internal carotid artery is
chronically severely stenosed or occluded,
1933.12 -> Tmax will be increased.
1936 -> But a chronically occluded carotid is generally
a well-compensated state.
1940.64 -> Mean transit time may be
mildly increased or normal.
1945.44 -> More importantly,
1947.52 -> cerebral blood volume will be normal.
1950.88 -> That hemisphere is getting enough blood,
1953.2 -> even though it’s delayed,
1954.64 -> probably because it is
arriving through collaterals.
1958.24 -> Don’t believe me?
1959.44 -> Well, thankfully
1960.32 -> perfusion software packages also
provide multi-threshold maps
1963.52 -> for cerebral blood volume.
1965.44 -> In our patient,
1966.4 -> no matter what threshold is applied,
1968.24 -> cerebral blood volume seems to be preserved.
1972.72 -> CBV measures the relative volume
of tissue that is vascularized
1976.48 -> (as compared to the unaffected side).
1978.72 -> This parameter generally does not care
1981.04 -> how long it would take for that
tissue to receive that blood flow,
1984.08 -> as long as that blood flow eventually arrives.
1987.28 -> High CBV is a predictor of good collaterals,
1990.08 -> and low CBV can be a predictor of infarct core.
1993.92 -> (By the way,
1994.32 -> as I said previously,
1995.44 -> CBF seems to perform better at estimating core,
1998.48 -> and that’s why rely on CBF instead of CBV).
2002.96 -> So, cerebral blood volume is not time-dependent.
2007.52 -> Tmax is time dependent.
2010.48 -> If source maps show delayed Tmax with preserved
2014.48 -> you are probably dealing with a chronic
carotid high-grade stenosis or occlusion,
2018.24 -> that's well-compensated by collaterals.
2020.72 -> It is in this situation,
2022.8 -> Tmax may overestimate the penumbra.
2026.88 -> That’s what this patient had.
2030.48 -> The lesion was emergently stented
2032.24 -> because of patient’s severe disabling deficits.
2035.12 -> In the interest of full disclosure,
2036.64 -> I should mention that this
is individualized medicine.
2039.84 -> There is no high-quality
evidence for something like this,
2042.32 -> and certainly not everyone with such
pathology should be acutely stented.
2046.72 -> Case in point,
2047.52 -> here is another example.
2049.28 -> 62-year-old man
2050.4 -> with multiple vascular risk factors
2052.16 -> who noted slurred speech during breakfast
2054.56 -> (the first time he spoke after awakening).
2057.36 -> Last known well was 13 hours ago.
2060.08 -> He exhibits dysarthria, mild left facial droop
and left arm drift.
2064.08 -> NIH Stroke Scale score is 3.
2067.36 -> CTA during the stroke code showed
2069.28 -> complete occlusion of the right cervical ICA,
2071.84 -> but intracranial flow was preserved.
2076.24 -> Interpret his CTP for me.
2081.28 -> Right!
2082.48 -> There is a small ischemic
core in the right hemisphere.
2085.44 -> Once again, penumbra is large
2087.28 -> (152 mLs),
2089.04 -> and there is a significant
mismatch of nearly 14 times.
2093.44 -> But now you know better than to fall for this.
2095.44 -> You are probably saying,
“Show me the source images!”
2099.04 -> Ok!
2100.16 -> Tmax is significantly delayed
2102.24 -> (no surprise there).
2104.16 -> There is even some delay in mean transit time.
2108.08 -> But cerebral blood volume
2109.68 -> once again looks symmetric
between the two hemispheres.
2112.88 -> CBV does not appear to be decreased enough
to meet any of the accepted thresholds.
2118.24 -> Because of mild deficits,
2119.6 -> no intervention was pursued.
2121.2 -> This patient was treated medically with blood
pressure augmentation.
2124.72 -> Patient’s deficits improved,
2126.64 -> and on repeat CT perfusion,
2128.24 -> the area of penumbra has decreased
from 152mLs
2132.32 -> to only 32 mLs.
2137.68 -> Let’s review.
2139.36 -> Again.
2140.96 -> CBF may overestimate the core
2143.36 -> if CT perfusion is performed too early
with respect to stroke onset.
2147.76 -> CBF may underestimate the core
2150.32 -> if CT perfusion is performed late
with respect to stroke onset,
2153.84 -> or after reperfusion.
2156.4 -> Tmax is time-delay dependent
2158.56 -> and may overestimate the penumbra
2160.72 -> in patients with chronic high-grade
stenosis or occlusion
2163.36 -> of the cervical carotid.
2170.56 -> The discussion we’ve been having until this point
2172.8 -> assumed a good quality study.
2175.28 -> Sometimes, you get images
that do not make any sense.
2178.96 -> Then how do we determine that the
study is technically adequate?
2183.12 -> In order to generate the perfusion maps,
2185.2 -> the software needs to identify blood
going into and out of the brain
2188.96 -> by way of normal vessels.
2191.36 -> In this study,
2192.24 -> the algorithm selected right MCA
as it’s arterial input function,
2196.56 -> and the straight sinus as
it’s venous output function.
2200.08 -> Change in brightness is plotted versus time
2202.4 -> as the contrast bolus flows through the artery,
2204.8 -> and then exits the brain through the venous sinus.
2208.32 -> In a technically adequate study,
2210.4 -> the arterial input function
needs to be bright enough,
2213.52 -> and usually exceeds a hyperdensity
of 150 Hounsfield units
2219.68 -> The software also keeps track of
side-to-side and rotational movement
2223.04 -> and generates plots for both in three dimensions.
2227.36 -> So, very little movement is present.
2230 -> Artery and vein are properly selected.
2232.4 -> Arterial input function is appropriately bright.
2235.2 -> This
2235.84 -> is a technically adequate study.
2239.28 -> Now, this image is technically inadequate.
2241.92 -> And that's an understatement.
2244.08 -> Patient moved and rolled during the scan,
rendering arterial input function inadequate.
2249.84 -> So that’s movement.
2250.88 -> But issues with proper selection of vessels
show up from time to time as well.
2255.04 -> Here, the algorithm focused on bone
2257.12 -> instead of an artery.
2258.64 -> Thankfully, the image can be reprocessed
with correct vessel selection.
2263.28 -> And finally,
2264.24 -> the most common locations where
penumbral measurement is overcalled
2267.92 -> are at the base of the skull
2269.28 -> and the orbits.
2270.96 -> Here,
2271.6 -> even minor motion and partial volumed bone
2274.64 -> create this artifactual “delayed” Tmax.
2280.4 -> Remember that the algorithm includes these areas
2283.04 -> when calculating the total
volume of impaired perfusion.
2286.32 -> So,
2286.64 -> while these artifacts are easy to spot,
2288.96 -> they are actually pretty difficult
to subtract from the final volumes.
2296.64 -> Ok.
2297.36 -> Those were the basics.
2299.2 -> Modern automated CT perfusion algorithms
were designed for practicality.
2303.28 -> But, you can always extract more information
2305.52 -> when you know where to look.
2309.2 -> The best evidence for the use of CT perfusion
in the treatment of acute ischemic stroke
2313.2 -> exists for large vessel occlusions.
2316.4 -> What about medium vessel occlusions?
2320.16 -> 62-year-old man with heart failure felt a
shock of a defibrillator,
2323.68 -> and collapsed without losing consciousness.
2326.88 -> He arrived to the emergency
department within the golden hour
2329.92 -> (50 minutes from symptom onset).
2333.36 -> He was noted to have left sensorimotor deficits
and mild left neglect
2337.44 -> (NIH Stroke Scale score of 5).
2341.6 -> Here is his CTA of the head,
2343.52 -> axial maximal intensity projection.
2346.4 -> Is there a large vessel occlusion?
2353.36 -> Here, is the coronal maximal intensity projection.
2359.28 -> Challenging, isn’t it?
2362.96 -> CT perfusion was also done.
2365.04 -> The territory of Tmax over 6 seconds
2367.52 -> matches inferior right M2 division,
2370.16 -> and there is substantial mismatch.
2373.12 -> Reconstructing the CTA in the sagittal view
finally allowed us to visualize
2377.12 -> the right M2 occlusion.
2379.12 -> This patient was treated with TPA at an outside
2382.4 -> and by the time he arrived at
a comprehensive stroke center,
2385.12 -> his deficits improved nearly to baseline
2387.28 -> and thrombectomy was not offered.
2389.36 -> But the point here is that CTP helped identify
2392.56 -> the medium vessel occlusion.
2397.12 -> Even in experienced stroke centers,
2398.96 -> one in three distal vessel
occlusions are missed with CTA alone.
2403.04 -> And interpretation of CTA is time-consuming.
2405.76 -> I mean, how many CTA reconstructions did we
2408 -> just have
to review
2408.88 -> to catch that one medium vessel occlusion?
2411.76 -> Retrospective series suggest that
2413.52 -> adding Tmax helped catch virtually all of them.
2417.68 -> And as a bonus,
2418.8 -> when CT perfusion was available in these cases,
2421.44 -> CTA was cleared faster
2423.12 -> and with more confidence.
2427.68 -> So, CTP may help identify
medium vessel occlusions.
2431.12 -> But what about posterior circulation strokes?
2434.8 -> Crash course on posterior circulation stroke:
2437.28 -> Majority of patients present
with non-specific symptoms
2439.84 -> like dizziness, dysarthria and encephalopathy.
2443.2 -> Less than 5%
2444.8 -> have the signs with highest predictive value
2446.88 -> like Horner, crossed sensory deficits,
2448.8 -> quadrantanopia, oculomotor
palsy, and motor deficits.
2452.8 -> So, imaging becomes key in the diagnosis.
2456.4 -> Non-contrast head CT
2459.2 -> misses over two thirds of acute
posterior circulation strokes.
2463.12 -> Did you hear that,
2464 -> my future emergency medicine colleagues?
2466.4 -> I have very little confidence
in the non-contrast head CT
2469.44 -> in these situations.
2472.08 -> Adding CTA roughly doubles the sensitivity.
2475.52 -> Incidentally, the sensitivity is
similar to relying on CTP alone,
2479.44 -> but that is not the standard practice.
2481.6 -> Also,
2481.92 -> you have to be careful of those
base of the skull artifacts.
2487.12 -> A combination of CT, CTA and CTP
2490 -> can help diagnose 9 out of 10 patients
2492.48 -> with posterior circulation stroke.
2494.8 -> Well, now we are talking!
2497.92 -> Consider this case.
2499.44 -> 86-year-old woman with atrial
fibrillation on Apixaban,
2502.56 -> as well as other vascular risk factors
2504.72 -> who developed new vertigo,
nausea, vomiting and dysarthria
2507.84 -> -- largely non-specific symptoms.
2511.04 -> Reportedly,
2511.68 -> she felt unwell for several days,
2513.44 -> but symptoms worsened within the past two hours.
2517.2 -> On arrival to the emergency department,
2519.12 -> her NIH Stroke Scale score was 2
2521.36 -> for mild ataxia.
2522.96 -> That’s not particularly surprising,
2524.56 -> since NIH Stroke Scale is
really designed to quantify
2527.44 -> anterior circulation lesions.
2531.6 -> CTA was obtained.
2533.84 -> Basilar artery is severely stenosed at the origin.
2536.8 -> And both terminal vertebral arteries are
2538.96 -> practically non-existent.
2540.96 -> Here is the sagittal view.
2543.28 -> Incidentally, symptomatic large vessel
2545.04 -> atherosclerotic
2546.24 -> like in this patient
2547.52 -> is a common cause of posterior
circulation infarction.
2553.12 -> So, our patient has terrible-looking vessels.
2555.52 -> NIH Stroke Scale score is 2.
2557.92 -> Is this a stable or unstable situation?
2561.36 -> Do we expect her to deteriorate
despite medical therapy?
2566.56 -> Well,
2567.6 -> what about her CT perfusion?
2570.16 -> Her CT perfusion showed significant
areas of Tmax over 6 seconds.
2574.96 -> And as expected,
2575.92 -> she deteriorated within 48 hours developing
2578.8 -> lethargy and bilateral leg and left arm weakness.
2581.84 -> And at that point,
2582.72 -> she underwent emergent mechanical
thrombectomy and angioplasty.
2586.56 -> The vessels were so tortuous
that a stent could not be placed.
2590.88 -> You may have noticed that
there no areas of ischemic core
2593.6 -> (CBF less than 30).
2596.48 -> Don’t rely on the automatic CBF calculation
in posterior circulation patients
2600.64 -> because it performs poorly.
2602.48 -> CBF less than 30 percent threshold was really
validated for anterior circulation strokes.
2608.96 -> Post-intervention,
2609.84 -> there was still residual stenosis in the basilar,
2612.24 -> but at least the V4 segments of
the vertebral arteries were open.
2619.76 -> Be wary of applying CT perfusion
to posterior circulation strokes.
2624.08 -> Why?
2625.04 -> Well, mainly for 3 reasons.
2627.2 -> First,
2627.92 -> these patients were excluded
from DAWN and DEFUSE 3 trials,
2630.72 -> and perfusion criteria for intervention
in the posterior circulation
2633.68 -> are not well-defined.
2635.68 -> In fact,
2636.4 -> there is paucity of high-quality evidence
2638.24 -> that intervention is even effective.
2640.48 -> It’s a rare disease,
2641.76 -> often with poor outcomes without intervention,
2644.32 -> so experts are generally in favor of
intervening in symptomatic patients
2648.64 -> rather than enrolling them into trials.
2652.4 -> Second,
2653.36 -> specificity suffers because of
those pesky skull base artifacts.
2657.68 -> Here is what I mean.
2658.72 -> CTP erroneously diagnosed perfusion abnormalities
in the posterior circulation
2663.28 -> in this patient
2664.64 -> with a right basal ganglia stroke.
2669.36 -> And the third reason is a technical one.
2672.08 -> Not every CT scanner can do whole
brain (or volume) perfusion.
2678.56 -> Some only acquire two axial slabs that correspond
to anterior circulation territories
2683.2 -> -- a protocol that is designed to
fulfill the DAWN and DEFUSE criteria.
2687.04 -> You may have to specifically request the CT tech
2689.52 -> to lower the slabs
2691.12 -> if you want to image the posterior circulation in
2693.36 -> that type of
2699.04 -> Posterior circulation stroke is one example
where the clinical picture may be confusing.
2703.84 -> Stroke mimics,
2704.96 -> like encephalopathy, seizures, hypoglycemia,
2708.16 -> are another challenge.
2709.84 -> Can we use CT perfusion to
assess for stroke mimics?
2713.68 -> Maybe.
2715.76 -> Here is our last example.
2717.92 -> 63-year-old man
2719.28 -> with multiple vascular risk factors
2721.36 -> and history of remote renal transplant,
2723.36 -> immunosuppression
2724.56 -> and intracranial nocardia
abscess, which was drained in 2020
2728.48 -> through a right craniotomy.
2730.64 -> He suddenly developed acute left hemiplegia,
right gaze deviation, and left hemianopia.
2735.2 -> NIH Stroke Scale score is 13.
2738 -> Sounds like a right MCA syndrome, doesn’t it?
2741.44 -> Symptom onset was witnessed by his nurse.
2744.32 -> No problem.
2745.04 -> Let’s call a stroke code!
2747.2 -> Non-contrast head CT was normal.
2751.92 -> On the CTA, right middle cerebral and right
cervical carotid artery are...
2756.56 -> open?!
2758.4 -> What!?
2761.04 -> Let’s run CT perfusion?
2765.28 -> No core.
2766.64 -> No penumbra.
2768.08 -> No mismatch.
2769.76 -> CT perfusion does not seem
to be of much help here.
2773.28 -> Let’s look at the source images just in case.
2777.48 -> [Gasp]
2778.48 -> Do you see it?
2780.48 -> Tmax is symmetric.
2782 -> MTT is symmetric.
2783.84 -> But cerebral blood volume and cerebral blood
flow is increased in the right hemisphere.
2789.36 -> Hyperemia can sometimes be seen after reperfusion,
2792.48 -> but this patient actually had a seizure.
2795.28 -> Based on the CTP findings,
2796.72 -> intravenous thrombolysis was withheld
2798.8 -> even though the patient technically
qualified by clinical criteria.
2802.56 -> Video EEG showed multiple seizure episodes
2805.28 -> over the next 24 hours,
2806.96 -> and there was no ischemia on follow-up MRI.
2813.12 -> By now it must seem like CT
perfusion is a superhero.
2816.56 -> There is nothing this modality can’t do.
2818.8 -> Can we just use it like the
cardiologists use troponin?
2821.84 -> To rule out a stroke in a patient
with acute neurological deficits?
2826.48 -> Not quite.
2828.88 -> This patient
2829.44 -> presented with acute right sensorimotor deficits.
2832.72 -> Stare at these image maps for a second.
2834.88 -> Do you see any abnormalities?
2836.64 -> I am even giving you this
patient’s head CT as a clue.
2845.36 -> This patient has a left
thalamocapsular lacunar infarction.
2850.56 -> Unfortunately, CT perfusion is terrible
2853.36 -> at identifying subcortical lacunar infarctions.
2856.08 -> I would argue that even the
head CT picked up the stroke.
2859.36 -> Again,
2859.68 -> this is a stark reminder
2860.96 -> that even if CTP is completely normal,
2864.16 -> a patient may still have a stroke.
2866.96 -> Always examine CTP in the context of
clinical history and other imaging.
2874.32 -> We are at the end of our
tour through CT perfusion.
2877.76 -> If you had the patience to
sit through the entire talk,
2880.24 -> it's time for a well-deserved summary.
2883.76 -> If a patient with acute stroke symptoms presents
within 6 hours from last known well,
2888.32 -> CT perfusion is not necessary for intervention.
2891.68 -> But, it may be considered
2893.04 -> if time of onset is suspect,
2895.12 -> or there is a concern for medium vessel occlusion,
2897.6 -> or stroke mimic.
2900 -> In a patient presents beyond
6 hours from last known well,
2903.6 -> advanced imaging like CT perfusion is required
2906.56 -> to identify appropriate patients for intervention.
2910.08 -> Next,
2910.96 -> quickly assess the quality of study.
2913.12 -> I am talking about verifying
appropriate vessel selection,
2916.32 -> appropriate contrast opacification,
2918.56 -> and minimal movement.
2921.84 -> If the study is inadequate,
2924.8 -> consider performing an MRI.
2929.2 -> If the study is adequate,
2930.96 -> then look for delay in flow on Tmax maps.
2935.92 -> If Tmax is normal,
2937.36 -> large or medium vessel occlusion is unlikely.
2940.24 -> Get a more detailed history and examination,
2942.48 -> consider stroke mimics,
2943.92 -> and take a look at CBF/CBV source maps.
2947.92 -> Again, the gold standard imaging here is MRI.
2954 -> Over 6-second delay
2955.36 -> is used as a surrogate for penumbra.
2957.52 -> An area of over 6 second delay is concerning,
2960.88 -> and we should review the CTA
2962.4 -> for the presence of a large vessel occlusion.
2964.88 -> If the intracranial vessel occlusion is absent,
2967.68 -> we need to explain the delay in flow
2969.2 -> by evaluating the cervical carotid.
2971.84 -> Note that we are talking about
delays in the anterior circulation.
2975.6 -> If cervical carotid occlusion is present,
2978.8 -> consider that penumbra is being overestimated
2981.28 -> in a patient with chronic carotid occlusion.
2984 -> But before you call off the intervention,
2986.48 -> you need to correlate with clinical examination,
2988.96 -> non-contrast head CT
2990.64 -> and review the hypoperfusion ratio.
2993.2 -> Hypoperfusion ratio
2994.48 -> is the ratio between Tmax over 6 seconds
2997.28 -> and Tmax over 10 seconds thresholds.
2999.84 -> It may provide a clue
3000.96 -> that substantial amount of tissue
3003.04 -> is at an immediate risk of ischemia
3005.6 -> (like in this example).
3009.84 -> If cervical carotid occlusion is absent,
3012.88 -> consider artifactual result
3014.64 -> especially if the areas of flow
delay are near the skull base
3017.76 -> or orbits.
3020.64 -> If proximal intracranial
vessel occlusion is present,
3024.96 -> then assess ischemic core
3026.72 -> (area of cerebral blood flow less than 30%).
3029.52 -> Be very careful here
3031.2 -> since core heavily influences
candidacy for thrombectomy.
3035.52 -> We start by comparing the CBF
map to the non-contrast head CT.
3039.68 -> To be able to trust CT
perfusion’s core estimation,
3042.48 -> obvious hypodensity on the head CT must be absent.
3045.68 -> Otherwise, you may be
dealing with a rare situation
3048 -> where leptomeningeal
collaterals were recruited late,
3050.88 -> cerebral blood flow had improved,
3052.72 -> but brain tissue already infarcted.
3055.28 -> So, the core may be underestimated.
3059.6 -> Ischemic core is over 70cc's
3061.76 -> generally increases the risk
of reperfusion hemorrhage
3064.72 -> and makes intervention unfavorable.
3067.28 -> But before we finalize that conclusion,
3069.6 -> we need to double check that non-contrast head CT.
3074.08 -> If ASPECTS is low
3075.6 -> and a significant hypodensity is present,
3078.24 -> both CTP and non-contrast head CT agree
that a large stroke has already occurred.
3083.52 -> Intervention should be avoided.
3086.16 -> If ASPECTS is high
3088.24 -> (there is no significant hypodensity),
3090.4 -> you may be dealing with a rare situation
3092.32 -> where core is overestimated
3094.4 -> in a patient who presents
very early from stroke onset
3096.88 -> – perhaps even within the golden hour.
3100.08 -> Consider using the more stringent
3102 -> CBF less than 20% threshold
3104.32 -> to better estimate core
3105.92 -> in this situation.
3109.84 -> If the ischemic core is at most 70 cc’s,
3114.08 -> assess for penumbra/core mismatch.
3116.72 -> If a mismatch is present,
3118.32 -> the patient may be a candidate
for reperfusion therapy.
3122.88 -> If the mismatch is at least 1.2 times
3125.44 -> (or 10 cc’s),
3126.8 -> TPA may be considered in a
patient with a wake-up stroke
3129.76 -> within 9 hours from the midpoint of sleep
3132.4 -> (EXTEND trial criteria).
3134.64 -> If the mismatch is at least 1.8 times
3137.28 -> (or 15 cc’s),
3138.72 -> then mechanical thrombectomy may be considered
3141.04 -> per DEFUSE 3 criteria.
3146.4 -> And finally,
3147.52 -> if this process yields
uncertain, confusing results,
3150.8 -> the ischemic core can always
be evaluated more accurately
3154.64 -> with the gold standard
diffusion weighted imaging MRI.
3167.12 -> And that’s all for today.
3168.64 -> As always,
3169.28 -> thank you for your kind attention.
3171.36 -> Until next time.
3173.36 -> Bye.
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQ80snVuELs