Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Stroke
Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Stroke
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0.599 -> welcome to stripe the stroke
2.79 -> interprofessional education program in
5.1 -> this presentation you will learn about
7.44 -> the use of magnetic resonance imaging in
10.169 -> stroke my name is ron and my colleague
12.959 -> is same we are from the Department of
15.089 -> neuroradiology National Neuroscience
17.67 -> Institute
20.72 -> the content for this presentation covers
22.97 -> the following topics a brief explanation
25.31 -> of the magnetic resonance sequences used
27.89 -> in stroke imaging establishing the
30.23 -> presence and each of impacts identifying
33.14 -> large vessel pathology assessing for
35.989 -> hemorrhages and a summary of the above
40.92 -> the five sequences commonly used in mr
43.59 -> strong imaging are t2-weighted
45.77 -> diffusion-weighted imaging magnetic
48.51 -> resonance angiography gradient echo and
51.329 -> fluid attenuated inversion recovery each
54.239 -> sequence is sensitive to different
56.19 -> changes in a chemical environment of the
58.019 -> brain and complement one another the
61.26 -> t2-weighted sequence is sensitive to the
63.21 -> presence of water and fat in tissues
65.19 -> while it does not directly detect
67.68 -> strokes
68.1 -> it is useful for detecting in general
70.05 -> pathologies some of which mimic stroke
72.15 -> symptoms
73.86 -> the diffusion-weighted sequence is
75.78 -> highly sensitive to the speed of water
77.64 -> diffusion from this sequence ADC map is
81.27 -> generated the ADC map can then quantify
84.33 -> the diffusion speed
86.46 -> magnetic resonance angiography is
88.5 -> sensitive to fast flowing blood between
90.78 -> vessels
92.719 -> gradient equal imaging is sensitive to
95.27 -> the presence of iron found in hemoglobin
98.61 -> fooey attenuator inversion recovery is
101.37 -> used to detect establish edema the total
104.67 -> scan time for typical my stroke sequence
107.16 -> is about 15 minutes each additional
110.22 -> sequence at another 5 minutes not all
113.55 -> patients are suitable candidates for MRI
115.92 -> due to the presence of incompatible
118.38 -> implants clinical condition or
120.93 -> claustrophobia
123.02 -> you will now explore how MRI is used to
126.14 -> diagnose the presence h and type of
129.259 -> strokes
132.66 -> DWI is the most sensitive sequence for
135.93 -> detecting acute infox within minutes of
138.9 -> arterial occlusion ischemia leads to
141.6 -> cytotoxic edema infra cellular swelling
144.99 -> causes restricted diffusion of water
147.09 -> molecules this region experiences less
150.33 -> signal loss on the images and hence
152.67 -> appears hyper-intense or bright relative
155.79 -> to surrounding tissue
158.55 -> the ATC map which is automatically
161.07 -> generated from the DWI sequence shows
163.92 -> the opposite effect
166.15 -> the region of restricted diffusion has a
168.489 -> slower diffusion speed than surrounding
170.29 -> tissue and hence appears hypo intense or
173.5 -> dark
175.3 -> a phenomenon known as T to shine through
177.73 -> may occur where a region may appear
180.19 -> bright on DWI but not dark on ADC this
184.84 -> is due to other abnormalities and is not
187.39 -> an acute info
188.85 -> therefore care must be taken to view
191.65 -> both DWI and ADC together when assessing
194.74 -> foster
198.01 -> the appearance of an info on DWI changes
201.25 -> over time within the first week or so
204.269 -> DWI is bright while ADC is dark
208.83 -> subacute face or between one week to one
211.47 -> month cytotoxic edema starts to subside
215.12 -> twi remains bright but slowly diminishes
218.4 -> over time diffusion speed increases and
221.58 -> it is he can appear almost normal
224.77 -> in cloning in fax gliosis sets in water
229.03 -> now diffuses more freely compared to
231.25 -> within surrounding tissue and the
233.35 -> greater signal loss leads to hypo
235.12 -> intensity on the DWI the high diffusion
238.51 -> values show up as hyper intensity on ABC
244.69 -> flair appears as t2-weighted images but
247.9 -> signal from regions of water is suppress
250.09 -> and appear black tissue edema appears
253.99 -> hyper intense but usually only a few
256.6 -> hours after onset
258.829 -> flair is less sensitive compared to DWI
261.349 -> for detective in the box first
264.02 -> it is not routinely done however the
267.8 -> utility of flair comes in when the exact
270.56 -> onset time is not known such as in wake
273.289 -> up or unwitnessed books
276.06 -> if the in fact lesion is visible on DWI
278.94 -> but not on flair it is called a DWI
282.93 -> flare mismatch
285.31 -> this has been used as a surrogate marker
288.01 -> for estimating the lesion age and can
291.04 -> help determine the use of thrombolytics
292.75 -> agent or reperfusion therapy
296.49 -> in fact may be caused by a vessel
298.41 -> occlusion or hemorrhage we will now look
301.229 -> at how MRI can differentiate between the
303.93 -> two
306.919 -> magnetic resonance angiography
309.28 -> emphasizes contrast between flowing
311.629 -> blood and stationary tissue no contrast
315.05 -> injection is required
317.27 -> / faster the blood flow the brighter the
319.699 -> signal on the images therefore Payton
322.759 -> arteries appear bite while stationary
325.46 -> tissue appears dark gray
328.669 -> the images can then be processed into a
331.4 -> three-dimensional view of the blood
333.08 -> vessels without surrounding tissue in
335.389 -> the wing
336.77 -> this is very useful for assessing info
339.68 -> cranial circulation and detecting
341.87 -> vascular pathologies such as occlusions
345.069 -> aneurysms and arteriovenous
347.5 -> malformations
351.29 -> large r3 occlusions appear as southern
354.47 -> signal cut-offs on the MRA with lack of
357.26 -> downstream perfusion this could be due
360.41 -> to an acute thrombus or worsening
362.39 -> chronic stenosis the brain tissue
364.7 -> supplied by the artery is at least of
367.22 -> becoming infected and a DWI can check
370.25 -> for this patients with large artery
372.95 -> occlusions may be candidates for
374.99 -> reperfusion therapy
379.229 -> gradient echo sequences are sensitive to
382.439 -> the presence of iron in hemoglobin which
385.499 -> causes a sharp signal loss in the
387.569 -> immediate area
388.759 -> therefore blood and vessels appear black
393.42 -> larger the amount of hemoglobin the
395.61 -> further the signal loss extends this is
398.31 -> known as a blooming artifact as the
400.71 -> lesion may appear larger than his actual
403.14 -> size the gradient echo sequence cannot
406.95 -> discern the age of the Blee
408.53 -> chronic hemorrhages also appear as
411.54 -> blooming artifacts on the scan due to
414.39 -> iron which hemosiderin staining
417.5 -> a CT scan can help differentiate between
420.86 -> new and old bleeds
425.46 -> bleats maybe caused by vascular
428.07 -> pathologies tumors odd Toma and clinical
433.47 -> history can narrow this down
435.31 -> [Music]
436.9 -> and Emily may be useful to check for any
440.139 -> visions or arteriovenous malformations
442.96 -> if the pattern of bleeding is suspicious
446.05 -> for vascular anomalies
448.7 -> a DWI may confirm the presence of a
452.21 -> hemorrhagic info
455.919 -> in summary MRI is able to diagnose
458.919 -> stroke from on set and differentiate
460.81 -> between ischemic and hemorrhagic causes
463.139 -> to undergo MRI patients must not have
466.81 -> any incompatible implants and be able to
469.78 -> keep still for the duration of the scan
472.349 -> DWI can detect and in fact within
474.849 -> minutes of onset time DWI images should
478.389 -> always be viewed with a corresponding
480.219 -> ADC Flair is useful in weaker and
483.669 -> unwitnessed strokes as a DWI flare
486.46 -> mismatch may is a surrogate marker for
489.37 -> onset time
491.38 -> Mr a can assess intracranial circulation
494.35 -> and identify large vessel occlusions as
497.11 -> well as other vascular anomalies
501.09 -> myths are visible on GRE by the h of the
505.11 -> bleep maybe indeterminate
508.22 -> thank you for listening to our
510.08 -> presentation we hope you have found it
512.87 -> helpful please continue to explore
515.81 -> stripe for more strong interprofessional
518.36 -> education resources
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-k0oJ7rQ4k