Healthy or junk food? Busting food labels (CBC Marketplace)

Healthy or junk food? Busting food labels (CBC Marketplace)

Healthy or junk food? Busting food labels (CBC Marketplace)

Food Fiction | Originally broadcast Feburary 13, 2015
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6.049 -> we're hitting the grocery store baskets
9.12 -> enhan eyes focused on popular food
12.09 -> products investigating whether companies
14.519 -> are playing fast and loose when it comes
16.98 -> to food labeling start the day with
19.439 -> Nutella everything from breakfast to
22.5 -> dinner healthy request sounds good I'm
25.74 -> told we're finding a healthy diet of
29.16 -> food planes on a percent natural garden
33.87 -> vegetable bread with veggies seems
36.93 -> that's the height these days but our
38.879 -> company claims supported by the facts or
40.98 -> is it just food fiction how important to
45.539 -> the labeling claims to your decision
48.27 -> that's the first thing I look at I'm a
50.46 -> dad so I like to get you know certain
52.8 -> types of nutrition to my boys they're
54.69 -> still growing so they need a lot of
55.8 -> protein quite a bit I used to be not in
59.07 -> the best of health
59.82 -> so it became habit over time to find out
64.589 -> about these healthy food claims we check
67.95 -> out I meet up with a guy who can help us
74.159 -> read between the lines
76.85 -> hey dr. yoni freed HOF runs a Health and
83.04 -> Nutrition Center in Ottawa he's been
85.35 -> called Canada's nutritional watchdog how
88.2 -> would you describe some of the marketing
90.299 -> tactics companies used to get people to
92.13 -> buy their stuff well they'll use
93.93 -> anything in everything that they can to
96.03 -> try to convince consumers that what's in
98.13 -> those packages is health food how
100.229 -> successful do you think the marketing is
102.24 -> I think it's extremely successful every
105.06 -> aisle of the supermarket is preying on
107.52 -> us they're preying on our psychologies
109.71 -> they're preying on our beliefs it's not
112.74 -> fair let's start with the first meal of
116.07 -> the day a popular breakfast item Nutella
118.5 -> you know the one that's spreading the
120.899 -> message that breakfast loves Nutella
124.4 -> knives spoons and fingers and cheeks
127.509 -> neighbors roasted hazelnuts breakfast
130.19 -> loves Nutella precious Chong's family
134.48 -> loves it to her nine-year-old son Jack
137.03 -> eats this sweet treat three times a week
138.98 -> these nuts for Nutella delicious she
143.15 -> first ate the stuff as a child in Europe
144.98 -> and says now it's a staple in her home
147.16 -> when you're serving Nutella for jack in
150.14 -> the morning how much do you give him
152.65 -> like between a teaspoon a tablespoon
154.94 -> fall in his oatmeal do you know anything
157.64 -> about the ingredients I'm gonna tell her
159.85 -> I know it's like hazelnuts and sugar
164.15 -> any idea how much sugars in there I
166.57 -> don't know the manufacturer says it can
170.78 -> be part of a balanced breakfast
172.91 -> but isn't it tell a really a good way to
175.64 -> start the day what do you think of this
177.44 -> product well I think that it is
180.11 -> spreadable candy candy why well
183.26 -> basically everything you spread on that
185.78 -> piece of bread will be sugar so just how
189.23 -> much sugar does Nutella pack it says
191.87 -> each serving is 1 tablespoon so I'm
195.019 -> going to just get a tablespoon of this
197.63 -> and that has 11 grams of sugar okay here
202.85 -> we go
203.47 -> Nutella really it's a bit of whey powder
206.72 -> so we'll put some whey powder and it's a
210.26 -> bit of skim milk powder so we'll put
212.15 -> that to some cocoa powder we've got
214.94 -> cocoa powder and now everybody knows
217.16 -> there's hazelnuts in there but I don't
219.019 -> know if everybody knows that there's
220.519 -> only two and a half hazelnuts in that
222.86 -> tablespoon then there is just shy one
227.9 -> gram shy of three teaspoons of sugar
234.43 -> that is a ton of sugar on my toast it is
238.25 -> a lot of sugar on your toast and you
240.23 -> know a lot of people they say well you
242.36 -> know we know it's not healthy but I'm
244.489 -> not sure people know just how much this
247.489 -> actually is all that sugar in just one
250.25 -> serving and free
251.68 -> thinks people are eating more than that
253.51 -> the label it's swimming in Nutella
256.69 -> I wonder if 2 tablespoons would make it
258.94 -> look more like that label and once you
261.609 -> make it 2 tablespoons of Nutella you're
264.25 -> eating 5 and a half teaspoons of sugar
267.07 -> and that's not all you've got another
270.1 -> ingredient down there what's that
271.63 -> I do this is chocolate icing do you
274.389 -> think there's a comparison well in fact
277.09 -> there is less sugar tablespoon for
280.81 -> tablespoon in this chocolate icing than
283.72 -> in that Nutella the company says it
287.38 -> doesn't promote the nutritional value of
289.33 -> Nutella if you eat it with some whole
291.46 -> grain toast fruit and milk it can be
294.07 -> part of a complete breakfast
296.349 -> but that's little consolation for our
298.27 -> Toronto mom in a serving of Nutella
300.699 -> which is a tablespoon there are 11 grams
303.28 -> of sugar Wow do you know how much that
305.889 -> is no it's almost 3 teaspoons that's a
310.57 -> lot sugar so basically I'm giving a
313.78 -> chocolate bar to my son for breakfast
315.82 -> the fact that Nutella markets itself as
318.46 -> a breakfast food sells itself that way
320.5 -> and knowing how much sugars in it how do
322.3 -> you feel about that
322.99 -> oh I mean it's a sham it shouldn't be a
326.08 -> breakfast food it should be like dessert
328.65 -> the latest in a long list of unhappy
331.479 -> nutella fans a couple of years ago the
334.18 -> manufacturer made national news in the
336.099 -> US when it was sued for false
337.96 -> advertising I thought it was at least as
340.659 -> nutritious as peanut butter maybe a
342.49 -> little bit more and that was just the
343.99 -> impression I got from the commercial the
347.8 -> company had to pay its customers three
349.78 -> million dollars they may have tweaked
352.36 -> their advertising to tone down the
354.729 -> impression it's healthy but this sugar
357.34 -> cop says it's still leaving a false
359.74 -> impression why are companies allowed to
362.56 -> market their products as though they're
364.509 -> good for you companies are allowed to
367.12 -> say whatever they can get away with
369.25 -> saying now they're like teenagers their
371.409 -> job is to push the envelope to see what
373.509 -> they can get away with to sell as much
375.639 -> product as possible one of the slogans
377.86 -> for this product is breakfast loves
379.419 -> Nutella well kids may love Nutella and
382.24 -> maybe breakfast does too but I'm not so
384.34 -> sure that health
385.37 -> let's put this one away indeed time for
390.68 -> us to turn the tables on this label
392.78 -> change food fiction into food fact so
396.59 -> let's make breakfast love centella
399.16 -> Nutella
400.31 -> love sugar with breakfast done time for
406.699 -> lunch
407.47 -> healthy request sounds good I'm told
410.57 -> throw it in you bet so we pick up some
413.72 -> Campbell's healthy request soup so when
416.15 -> you see the word healthy request on that
417.71 -> what does that mean to you
419.6 -> it would mean to me there would be more
421.669 -> vegetables in there I would have some
424.699 -> type of whole-grain in there
426.47 -> healthier crust well I'd have to look at
428.78 -> the ingredients before I figured ah
430.37 -> salty so I would think yeah that's
435.32 -> something that I would consider so just
438.65 -> how healthy is this soup so we've got
441.5 -> this Campbell's soup it's called healthy
443.419 -> request and there are a lot of health
445.88 -> related things on this label there's no
448.01 -> question that label screams healthy I
449.78 -> mean it even if you look at the spoon
450.979 -> you don't see soup you just see a
452.15 -> spoonful of vegetables right above a
453.979 -> logo that's got a heart with the word
455.87 -> healthy on top of it so this is I would
458.51 -> imagine the marketing point is heart
460.88 -> healthy soup so let's look at the amount
462.83 -> of sodium in here it has 470 milligrams
465.95 -> of sodium per serving how's that number
469.16 -> well first 470 milligrams of sodium in a
472.57 -> serving of soup might not be a small
475.61 -> number for someone who is worried and
477.59 -> concerned for real reasons about sodium
480.02 -> so people with heart disease that's
482.09 -> actually quite a lot for a serving of
484.16 -> soup but I have a question how much is
486.289 -> the serving of soup in this case says
488.81 -> per serving of two hundred and fifty
490.58 -> milliliters but this has almost 400 in
494.15 -> it in this container and so that would
496.43 -> be almost 750 milligrams of sodium in
499.699 -> that container if you ate the whole
501.56 -> thing
502.16 -> now I wonder who wouldn't eat the whole
504.139 -> thing I mean look at this container so
506.479 -> it is a single serve container I say
509.12 -> that because you can't reseal it
512.029 -> says it uses the standard serving size
514.399 -> for soup set by the government that way
516.62 -> shoppers can make a fair comparison but
519.409 -> it looks as if Campbell's could be
521.329 -> breaking government rules around
523.009 -> labeling if a food product could
525.709 -> reasonably be eaten at a single sitting
527.839 -> the company has to give you the
529.67 -> nutritional info for the whole container
531.709 -> how misleading is it then to give the
533.779 -> sodium for a serving size that is not
536.3 -> the entire thing I think it's very
537.949 -> misleading you know especially when
540.319 -> you've got a container that clearly is
542.74 -> something people would regularly consume
545.839 -> all at once and that's not the only food
548.839 -> fiction going on if you want to know how
550.759 -> much sodium it's the same amount of
553.22 -> sodium as you would get if you ate this
556.879 -> entire bowl of potato chips you wouldn't
559.73 -> sit down and eat an entire big bowl of
561.889 -> potato chips like that no and if you're
564.199 -> making your own vegetable soup at home
565.579 -> the likelihood of you putting that much
567.23 -> sodium in is quite low so this healthy
569.81 -> request soup not so healthy back at the
576.86 -> grocery store
577.459 -> we give shoppers the scoop about this
579.829 -> soup do you think that's a healthy
582.139 -> request they have healthy requests on
592.79 -> here it's got that much sodium in it
594.23 -> yeah how do you feel about the claim it
596.389 -> doesn't seem healthy at all so time for
599.3 -> another label makeover
600.829 -> let's turn Campbell's healthy request
602.3 -> soup into Campbell's salty request soup
607.509 -> when we come back more popular names and
611.269 -> marketing games is this 100% fruit bar
615.649 -> 100% healthy yeah that's something that
618.949 -> I'd probably stay away from and later
621.41 -> what crafty claims are you being served
623.48 -> for dinner well that's what it is what
627.829 -> lousy label bugs you snap a photo and
630.259 -> share it with us on Facebook and Twitter
632.22 -> [Music]
639.029 -> Tom and I are on the move through the
641.769 -> grocery aisles looking for products that
643.899 -> claim to be good for you trying to
646.209 -> separate food facts from food fiction
649.36 -> we've checked out breakfast next up on
652.029 -> the lunch menu oh here we go
654.51 -> garden vegetable bread with veggies with
658.209 -> our sue perfect combo okay we've got
661.66 -> Dempster's garden vegetable bread what
664.72 -> do you think when you see that label
665.529 -> yeah good for you right well I think
670.089 -> that it should be better for you it
671.589 -> should give you a bit more of your daily
673.18 -> vegetable intake so does it back in the
676.149 -> kitchen we asked our nutritional
677.709 -> watchdog dr. Jana freed ha the packaging
680.769 -> is covered in carrots what does it
683.05 -> suggest to you I think it suggests
685.209 -> probably to me into most people that
687.49 -> that loaf of bread has a lot of carrots
689.949 -> in it carrots have plenty of nutrients
692.47 -> so what's Dempster's serving up parents
695.529 -> are known for their vitamin A let's see
697.18 -> how much vitamin A is in here per
699.339 -> serving it says a serving is two slices
701.56 -> and you would get six percent of your
704.11 -> daily recommended allowance for vitamin
705.61 -> A how much is that in terms of actual
708.19 -> carrot actually not a lot so if you
711.43 -> actually wanted to get your vitamin A
713.32 -> from a carrot source an actual vegetable
716.04 -> the amount of carrot you'd need to eat
719.019 -> is just over about a gram worth of
721.959 -> carrot which I'm guessing is roughly
724.24 -> this much so pretty misleading I think
726.91 -> it's very misleading and I think really
728.5 -> what it speaks to is that when you put
730.839 -> vegetables in a food the processing
732.85 -> strips away their nutrition eating a
735.22 -> carrot is not the same thing as eating
736.899 -> carrots that were placed into processed
738.91 -> food even if many are put in their
741.48 -> nutrition gets stripped out Dempster's
744.43 -> says two slices of their garden
746.56 -> vegetable bread has a half serving of
748.81 -> veggies but after processing there
751.51 -> aren't a lot of vitamins so if you ate
754.449 -> the entire loaf of this bread how much
756.49 -> carrot would you get well for a
757.93 -> medium-sized carrot it would be about a
759.699 -> seventh of the carrot if I ate the
761.8 -> entire loaf of bread that much vitamin A
764.199 -> that's correct
766.5 -> Dempster says the label is factually
768.9 -> accurate but our grocery shoppers are
771 -> still frustrated with that tiny amount
772.86 -> of vitamins you have to eat the entire
775.23 -> loaf to get the vitamin A equivalent of
778.8 -> a carrot that big that just seems like a
782.01 -> lie the immediate reaction is kind of
784.95 -> like has he got me but a big thing on
788.1 -> the front like that that says garden
789.69 -> vegetable and those are vegetables which
792.27 -> would have vitamin A in them I think
794.31 -> that's pretty much it to me that's it
795.72 -> it's leading so the actual amount of
797.85 -> vitamin A in this bread gets an F yes
800.79 -> and ask for food fiction time for
804.21 -> another label makeover
805.83 -> let's turn Dempster's garden vegetable
808.23 -> bread into stem stirs where's the veggie
813.83 -> next on our shopping list were on the
816.24 -> hunt for a mid-afternoon snack grocery
818.88 -> aisles these days are filled with food
820.62 -> labels making all kinds of fruit claims
822.89 -> look at those five percent fruit check
827.16 -> this one out
827.73 -> made by Sun right it's called fruit
829.98 -> source 100 percent fruit bars how can
832.86 -> you go wrong these are the things that
834.81 -> go into lunchboxes and you know stuff
837.96 -> like that
838.32 -> you see 100 percent fruit and you would
840.69 -> think okay that's like an apple or it's
843.15 -> like an orange or a pear or something
845.85 -> time to find out if this fruit bar is as
848.52 -> good for you as you think if we look at
850.59 -> the Nutrition Facts 29 grams of sugar in
853.17 -> every bar so how much sugar is that well
856.68 -> the amount of sugar in each one of these
858.6 -> bars is the same amount of sugar you get
861.75 -> if you ate one two four five six and a
868.74 -> half Oreo cookies and I don't think many
871.77 -> parents would be sending their kids with
873.18 -> six and a half Oreo cookies worth of
874.65 -> sugar to school every day and thinking
876.99 -> that was helpful well you'd never do
878.67 -> that
879.06 -> parents think this is a healthy
880.2 -> alternative not six and a half Oreos
882.63 -> worth of sugar that's right shoppers are
886.08 -> shocked there's that much sugar in one
888.48 -> bar single one of these bars has 29
890.97 -> grams of sugar okay that's equivalent of
893.19 -> six and a half Oreo cookies yeah that's
894.96 -> something that I probably stay away from
896.93 -> well though it would be surprising to me
899.52 -> the
899.76 -> there's that much I'd rather have the
901.02 -> six and a half Oreo cookies we called
903.33 -> Sun ripe and they said that this product
905.01 -> is derived from 100% fruit and I believe
909 -> that fruit started their processing
910.95 -> chain right this is a processed food and
913.38 -> the processing of fruit changes its
915.9 -> nutrition this again is candy candy
919.31 -> masquerading as fruit is still candy
922.2 -> now you might know all that sugar in
924.6 -> this fruit bar is natural and adds up
926.97 -> once it's processed but are you getting
929.43 -> the good stuff too strawberries are
931.83 -> known for their vitamin C so let's see
933.84 -> per bar how much vitamin C you get and
936.03 -> it says 2% of your daily allowance how
939.03 -> much is that it's not a lot so if you
942.72 -> were to consume one strawberry mm-hmm
946.2 -> and you wanted to get the same amount of
947.85 -> vitamin C from those bars you'd have to
950.01 -> eat six of them truthfully I think the
951.99 -> only thing that we should be able to
953.61 -> market as actual fruit is actual fruit
957.68 -> but not so sweet facts call out for
960.36 -> another label makeover given all that
962.43 -> sugar
962.85 -> let's call Son ripe son hype when we
968.94 -> come back a popular pasta with our
971.31 -> clever spin that's preying on people's
973.92 -> hope and it's your turn to give food
976.17 -> makers a piece of your mind just be
978.3 -> honest
979.34 -> hey watchdogs got a product you think we
982.14 -> should test email us at Market Place at
984.48 ->
989.78 -> we're scanning the grocery aisles for
992.49 -> popular products on the lookout for
994.76 -> misleading marketing claims we've
997.23 -> checked out breakfast lunch and a snack
999.48 -> so what's for dinner
1001.25 -> kraft dinner too smart yep Kraft has
1004.34 -> come out with a line of products to
1005.69 -> appeal to health-conscious parents out
1007.28 -> there it's called Kady smart with
1010.28 -> high-fiber veggies even one with omega-3
1013.82 -> sure sounds healthy Kraft Dinner smart
1016.55 -> to get flax Omega Omega 3 so you see
1019.1 -> that kind of label what do you think I
1020.21 -> see flax which I know it's kind of good
1022.79 -> for me I see Omega 3 which
1024.52 -> blood-pressure I think I should be
1026.72 -> having that do you think this is a
1028.04 -> healthier alternative to regular Kady I
1029.93 -> would think so yeah I mean just from the
1032.15 -> flax Omega 3 nor artificial flavors
1035.75 -> colors preservatives here's an
1037.76 -> unappetizing fact all three smart brands
1040.79 -> cost more than regular Kady so what
1043.88 -> exactly are you getting for that higher
1045.589 -> price we asked nutrition expert dr. yoni
1048.47 -> freehoff starting with Katy smart with
1051.38 -> veggies all the ingredients it says it's
1053.72 -> got freeze-dried cauliflower so how much
1056.66 -> are you getting in each serving not an
1059.12 -> awful lot I mean this is Kraft Dinner
1060.71 -> and if you crunch the numbers you want
1062.87 -> to see how much for instance vitamin C
1064.82 -> worth of cauliflower you'll get in a
1066.59 -> serving it's 2 tablespoons that's only
1069.35 -> an eighth of a cup yep for every serving
1072.32 -> of this Katy smart about a third of the
1074.81 -> box you're getting the vitamin C found
1076.85 -> in two tablespoons of cauliflower the
1079.91 -> other brand that they have here is
1081.53 -> Crafton or smart high fiber and the
1084.5 -> ingredient says this one has oat hollow
1086.09 -> fiber in it how much are we getting any
1088.07 -> serving of this you're getting the
1089.72 -> equivalent of fiber as consuming roughly
1092.12 -> an apple and on paper that sounds great
1094.79 -> except there's health benefits to the
1096.29 -> consumption of fruits and vegetables and
1098.27 -> whole grains we don't have the same
1100.49 -> wealth of evidence to suggest that if we
1102.32 -> take just the fiber out of those foods
1104.42 -> and add it to Kady that suddenly it will
1107.33 -> make Kady healthful I think that's a
1110.06 -> stretch finally the Katy smart with
1112.73 -> Omega 3 with flax is there enough in the
1115.52 -> box to make a difference to your health
1117.77 -> how much will make it free are you
1118.97 -> getting in this well so the evidence in
1121.37 -> omega 3 suggests that the best sources
1123.47 -> of omega 3 are fish sources and our
1125.09 -> bodies actually convert flax into the
1127.67 -> same types as you would get from fish
1129.65 -> but we do it very inefficiently so just
1133.04 -> how much Katey smart would you need to
1135.08 -> eat in order to get the omega-3 you get
1137.21 -> in this piece of fish try 177 servings
1142.99 -> this is not health food you know if
1146.15 -> people want to eat Kraft inert gay Kraft
1148.67 -> Dinner it's one of the rights of
1149.84 -> childhood but to do it and think you're
1151.97 -> being smart about it
1152.99 -> well that's food fiction back at the
1155.72 -> grocery store shoppers think when we
1157.46 -> found is hard to stomach we did some
1160.04 -> calculations on this yeah you have to
1162.05 -> have 177 servings about 44 boxes of this
1165.8 -> to get the omega-3 that you get out of
1168.92 -> one serving of salmon so what it is I
1178.16 -> think it's really kind of selling the
1181.88 -> consumer really short in terms of what
1183.8 -> they're actually looking to gain from
1185.9 -> this products you call the misleading
1187.07 -> why do you think it's misleading well
1188.84 -> because they're saying it's a smart
1190.07 -> choice for eating and it's not it's not
1192.04 -> Kraft admits there's not a ton of
1194.39 -> nutritional value with this trio but
1196.7 -> says they're a choice for parents with
1198.59 -> picky kids
1199.46 -> we've decided their marketing is just a
1201.86 -> little too crafty so bring on a new
1204.83 -> label Katy smart say hello to Katy not
1209.09 -> so smart dr. yoni Fred HOF says the
1213.35 -> Bucks should stop with government it
1215.27 -> needs to take more responsibility to
1216.98 -> make sure food labels aren't misleading
1219.32 -> we shouldn't be forced as consumers to
1222.59 -> study nutrition labels to see if the
1225.32 -> claim is on the Front's are accurate I
1227.81 -> tend to waggle my finger most at the
1229.94 -> government for allowing the claims that
1232.1 -> we see on these packages to exist in the
1234.98 -> first place we ask the government agency
1237.8 -> responsible for making sure these
1239.33 -> products aren't misleading for an
1240.95 -> on-camera interview about our findings
1242.48 -> no luck
1244.38 -> we want to talk to all the companies on
1246.12 -> camera about this food fiction - but
1248.25 -> they say no the food makers may not be
1252.299 -> talking but we know you've got something
1254.52 -> to say to them just be honest you don't
1257.28 -> have to go through this people will
1259.169 -> stood by your father if it displeased
1260.96 -> probably sell your product just as well
1263.28 -> if you were and you are probably losing
1268.53 -> a certain segment of the market like me
1272.25 -> they're eating us into buying what they
1275.46 -> what they have either we'd have to
1277.02 -> change the laws about what they can say
1278.429 -> or we as consumers have to be more
1280.919 -> educated they really have to be more I
1283.44 -> think deliberate with putting the actual
1285.45 -> ingredients more on the forefront
1286.89 -> instead of more transparent or more
1288.659 -> transparent instead of the buzzwords
1290.76 -> that people seem to be picking up on
1292.169 -> you're eating it - you're feeding your
1295.559 -> kids this stuff - you know it's time for
1298.44 -> change and that's a food label clean up
1301.59 -> in the grocery aisle next week on
1305.13 -> marketplace checkout charity it's giving
1308.97 -> to a good cause so how come we don't
1312.9 -> always feel good doing it as soon as I
1314.97 -> see that there was a campaign going on I
1316.38 -> think oh brother here we go again
1319.02 -> while stores raise millions we're left
1321.39 -> to wonder what's in it for them they
1323.13 -> don't tell you that at the checkout
1324.33 -> counter there's no accountability some
1326.19 -> believe there's a different better way
1328.02 -> give me a reason to do it beyond feeling
1330.51 -> good doing good but feeling bad that's
1333.45 -> next week
1333.97 -> [Music]
1342.47 -> you
