What is more dangerous, high or fluctuating blood pressure?
What is more dangerous, high or fluctuating blood pressure?
Interventional Cardiologist Mian Yousuf, MD, explains why fluctuating blood pressure can be dangerous and when you should be concerned about it. Visit http://TreatingTexasHearts.com to take a free heart risk assessment
0 -> (What is more dangerous,
high or fluctuating blood pressure?)
4.35 -> - The short answer is,
both can be dangerous.
8.03 -> Blood pressure is very interesting
9.77 -> in the sense that if you look at the data
12.7 -> and the mass studies that are being done
15.29 -> over general populations, you see that
18.53 -> the higher the blood pressure,
the higher the mortality.
21.74 -> On the other hand, we also realize
23.7 -> that blood pressure tends
to increase with age.
26.44 -> But if we tend to be too aggressive
28.57 -> and cause these fluctuations,
we can also
31.74 -> cause more harm than good, okay?
34.64 -> So in essence, you know, we
have to look at the patient
38.47 -> as an individual, and see
what they can tolerate.
42.2 -> My opinion is that, look,
if it's a younger patient,
45.97 -> healthier patient who has
a good life expectancy,
48.61 -> I tend to be aggressive and treat them
51.89 -> whatever levels they can tolerate, okay?
54.71 -> For your older patient who
has lots of other illnesses,
58.99 -> you want to be a little careful
60.3 -> because we know that
those wide fluctuations
63.5 -> tend to cause, sometimes,
more harm than good.
68.4 -> (We treat the hearts of Texas)
69.373 -> (How healthy is your heart?)
71.373 -> (Take our Heart Risk Assessment - TreatingTexasHearts.com)
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuiH6yHnksI