What is pulmonary hypertension? | Respiratory system diseases | NCLEX-RN | Khan Academy

What is pulmonary hypertension? | Respiratory system diseases | NCLEX-RN | Khan Academy

What is pulmonary hypertension? | Respiratory system diseases | NCLEX-RN | Khan Academy

Created by Amy Fan.

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3.195 -> - [Voiceover] Hypertension means exactly
4.922 -> the same thing as high blood pressure.
7.746 -> This can be a disease on its own.
10.103 -> So when people have high blood pressure,
11.647 -> we can say they're hypertensive
13.516 -> or they have hypertension.
15.527 -> Now, pulmonary is a word,
17.132 -> every time you see this,
18.392 -> it's going to be referring to our lungs.
20.931 -> So pulmonary hypertension is literally
23.451 -> high blood pressure in the lungs.
25.747 -> And you might be thinking, what do you mean?
27.657 -> How can there be high blood pressure
29.363 -> in what seems like a sac of air, right, or in our lungs?
33.305 -> But in fact, the lungs are a very important part
36.027 -> of the circulatory system for our blood.
38.709 -> Let's look at really quickly
40.009 -> what the heart and lungs do.
41.919 -> And I drew this blue person here
43.199 -> to show you that blood coming from the body
46.308 -> returning to the heart is blue or low in oxygen.
49.843 -> We use blue to represent that
51.592 -> because the muscles have extracted
53.667 -> the oxygen out of the blood and used it.
55.82 -> So we have our heart here
57.201 -> with its four chambers.
60.009 -> Now, this is going to be the right side.
62.487 -> This is going to be the left.
63.685 -> In medicine, left and right is usually flipped,
65.575 -> as the person is facing you,
67.566 -> so their right is your left.
69.415 -> All right, we have right atrium, receiving chamber,
72.847 -> right ventricle, from here it goes to the lungs.
76.144 -> Left atrium, left ventricle.
80.353 -> So the blood comes in here first,
83.046 -> blue blood from the body goes into the right ventricle.
87.949 -> And from here it goes to the lungs.
91.803 -> Let's draw some lungs really quickly,
95.298 -> windpipes,
97.065 -> into smaller airways,
99.422 -> and our lungs are these two big structures,
103.607 -> like that.
105.089 -> And indeed, it looks like two sacs of air.
107.645 -> But the truth is with each of these
109.297 -> as they start branching off with all the airways,
112.121 -> the blood vessel, blood supply actually follows
115.392 -> the same pattern, the same path as the airway,
118.826 -> so that we get a very good system
121.467 -> that interfaces between the blood and the air.
125.104 -> And the purpose of that is to get oxygen into the blood.
128.151 -> Now, I'm using red here to draw this
130.265 -> just because blood we usually think of as red.
133.608 -> But remember that it comes in as deoxygenated blood
136.147 -> and leaves as oxygenated.
139.418 -> Just to blow that up for you,
140.576 -> this is our alveolus or the smallest unit
143.197 -> in the lungs and air sac.
144.904 -> The blood supply would run just along it.
147.565 -> Blue first without oxygen.
149.943 -> And as the oxygen enters into the blood, it turns red,
154.067 -> so the blood supply leaving the lungs is red.
157.704 -> All right, so we got oxygenated it.
159.286 -> And we need to return to the heart.
161.022 -> Now we're red blood with oxygen to the left atrium,
164.415 -> goes into the left ventricle,
168.031 -> and from there it goes out the aorta
170.854 -> to the body and now we have a red person.
174.289 -> So roughly this is the path of the blood in our body.
177.54 -> So if we think of this as almost a circuit
181.465 -> where there are many stops along the way
183.779 -> that liquid has to flow through,
187.134 -> let me see if I can make this make sense.
191.824 -> So if we have our body here
196.002 -> that is giving blood to the heart,
198.453 -> this is our heart,
199.934 -> we have our lungs,
202.839 -> and returning to the rest of the body,
204.86 -> so we need one more unit here into our body.
209.823 -> Of course, this is connected.
212.363 -> It's in a loop.
214.049 -> So the pulmonary hypertension,
215.126 -> we have the lungs are clamped down.
217.97 -> Hypertension means there's a lot of resistance
221.079 -> in this area of the circuit.
223.7 -> So basically, it's hard for liquid to flow through.
226.483 -> And as you can imagine what would happen
228.515 -> is that would have a lot of back up
230.384 -> into these parts of the circuit.
232.356 -> Because it's hard to get blood through,
234 -> then we back up.
235.625 -> And then going forward, we have not enough
239.141 -> because the blood is trapped here.
241.501 -> It's bottlenecked.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtkR_NTte4M