Depois da notícias sobre o transplante de coração que o apresentador Faustão (Fausto Silva) terá que realizar, trouxe para vocês dicas de como fortalecer o coração e prevenir problemas cardíacos com suplementação.

🔵 Suplementos para o coração:
✔️Metilfolato Premium do Peter Liu: https://bit.ly/2zmFolato
✔️Coenzima Q10+ https://bit.ly/3qCoQ10
✔️Magnésio Dimalato 300mg http://bit.ly/3kfGuAz
✔️Magnésio Gold Standard (3 tipos) https://bit.ly/3qMagnesio
✔️Vitamina D3K2 https://bit.ly/3qDK2plus
✔️Omega3 Ultra, Doctors first, http://bit.ly/3qfirst

🟢 Seja membro deste canal e ganhe benefícios:
   / @drpeterliu  

🟢 TOP 10 Suplementos mais procurados:
✔️ Formula para Turbinar cérebro https://bit.ly/3FFTcerebro
✔️ Metilfolato Premium do Peter Liu: https://bit.ly/2zmFolato
✔️ Solução capilar de tricoxin http://bit.ly/3Fcapilar
✔️Vitamina D3K2 https://bit.ly/3qDK2plus
✔️ Coenzima Q10+ https://bit.ly/3qCoQ10
✔️ Fígado Detox: https://bit.ly/43mn3sG
✔️ Redução do Colesterol natural: https://bit.ly/33KiBaf
✔️ Enzimas Digestivos: https://bit.ly/2R1nDgf
✔️ Curcumais https://bit.ly/FITcurcumais
✔️ Prata Coloidal da Almacura: http://bit.ly/3vxprata

👍 Conheça Meus Suplementos Completo: https://bit.ly/34AowPD
📖 Conheça Peter Liu através do livro “Liberte Sua Mente” https://bit.ly/3hSPvhM
🚩 Aprenda LER as pessoas com meu Curso de Leitura Facial ON-LINE: https://bit.ly/2WWkkGU

✅ MEU SITE https://www.peterliu.com.br
✅ INSCREVER NO CANAL - https://bit.ly/canalPeterLiu
✅ INSTAGRAM - https://www.instagram.com/peterliuofi
✅ FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/peterliumedi
✅ AGENDAR CONSULTAS - WhatsApp (19) 98410-6241


As informações fornecidas neste canal possuem caráter unicamente educativo, não pretendendo substituir a consulta aos profissionais competentes, e nem servir como recomendações para quaisquer protocolos de tratamento de uma ou mais condições de saúde.

Cabe destacar que, apesar do fato dos fitoterápicos, suplementos, conselhos e receitas apresentados neste canal serem naturais em sua maioria, não significa que não possam ocasionar efeitos secundários em algumas pessoas, dado que cada organismo é distinto e o que pode funcionar em um pode não funcionar em outro. Em caso de dúvidas, procure seu médico.


Sou Peter Liu, especialista em acupuntura e medicina chinesa. Tenho uma clínica de acupuntura em Campinas, interior de São Paulo.

No meu canal tenho milhares de vídeos para você poder compartilhar com seus amigos e familiares para que tenham uma qualidade de vida e a saúde melhorada.

#faustão #coração


0 -> Hello everyone...
0.924 -> I think you also got a scare...
2.63 -> When you saw this news.
3.829 ->
4.329 -> That Faustão...
5.262 -> He needs a heart transplant.
7.317 -> When a person needs a heart transplant...
9.809 ->
10.309 -> It's because the heart...
11.012 -> can no longer...
12.469 -> provide enough circulation.
14.801 -> Oxygen.
15.817 ->
16.317 -> For the body.
16.955 -> Then the person gets very tired.
19.065 ->
19.596 -> No...
20.096 -> Even if you're not making an effort.
21.584 -> It doesn't have the slightest comfort...
23.524 -> With that heart.
24.649 -> So the heart muscle is weak.
26.627 -> Can't do the job anymore.
28.478 -> It's a bomb.
29.559 -> It starts to work less.
31.321 -> If we went back in time.
33.475 -> You who are watching me...
34.881 -> Even after having a heart transplant...
36.811 -> We ask.
37.748 -> What could he have done...
39.33 -> As a precaution.
40.339 -> What are vitamins...
41.637 -> Nutrition...
42.846 -> To have...
43.561 -> Good heart health.
45.594 -> It is not?
46.102 -> Even after transplanting.
47.9 -> What could have been improved.
50.346 -> It can prevent...
51.558 -> This situation.
52.911 -> You know...
53.487 -> Who has had bariatric surgery.
55.645 -> You need...
56.371 -> Be very careful with supplements...
59.034 -> Vitamins.
59.673 -> So...
60.173 -> What are heart supplements?
62.527 -> If you have a heart condition.
65.089 -> Or you have high blood pressure.
66.453 ->
66.953 -> Or you've already had a heart transplant.
68.877 -> Have you had bariatric surgery...
70.934 -> Or are you past a certain age...
73.094 -> Your heart is weak.
74.306 ->
74.806 -> Then you need to watch this video...
76.519 -> Share it with your friends.
77.931 -> What are the essentials.
80.392 -> What are essential supplements?
81.966 -> The first one, number 1...
83.336 -> It's the premium methylfolate...
85.492 -> I have a formula...
86.507 -> That has methylfolate...
88.081 ->
88.954 -> 1 milligram.
89.879 -> Methylcobalamin.
90.88 -> What is vitamin B12.
91.991 -> 1 milligram.
92.863 ->
93.363 -> And it has pyridoxine, vitamin B6...
95.237 -> 30 milligrams.
96.54 -> How important is this supplement?
98.708 ->
99.223 -> This formula...
100.365 -> It can reduce homycysteine.
102.927 -> Which oxidizes the artery of the heart.
105.199 -> Which oxidizes the heart muscle.
107.268 -> So this is the essential...
109.429 -> For you to renew your heart cells.
112.317 -> Especially those who have had surgery.
114.955 -> That already had to put (.).
116.994 -> Who has already suffered a heart attack and has some heart injuries.
120.158 -> So...
120.658 -> It's essential for you...
121.713 -> To renew your heart cells...
124.149 -> Your heart muscle.
125.082 -> Furthermore...
126.361 -> Methylfolate...
127.606 -> Along with...
128.418 ->
129.298 -> Vitamin B12...
130.168 -> B6...
130.811 -> It's an anti-stress formula.
132.744 -> Reducing homocysteine.
134.247 ->
134.901 -> Reducing oxidative stress.
136.763 -> That you have a healthier life.
138.746 -> Not just for the heart.
139.607 -> For everywhere.
140.929 -> Your brain.
141.666 -> All cells that need it.
143.19 -> The second most important.
144.807 -> It's coenzyme Q10.
146.816 -> Coenzyme Q10...
147.767 -> When you see the concentration in the bodies.
151.274 -> In the organs.
152.414 -> In the heart it has a greater concentration.
154.684 -> Of coenzyme Q10.
155.537 -> It is not?
156.257 -> So what does coenzyme Q10 do?
158.566 -> It provides energy to the heart muscle.
162.001 -> Provides oxygen to the heart.
164.237 -> So when you get to a certain age...
166.561 -> You're producing less.
168.79 -> Coenzyme Q10.
169.871 -> Mainly...
171.204 -> For those who take statins.
173.745 -> Simvastatin...
174.397 -> Lovastatin.
175.205 -> Everything in those statins...
176.711 -> It prohibits...
178.015 -> The formation of cholesterol...
179.838 -> It also blocks the formation of coenzyme Q10.
182.773 -> We produce coenzyme Q10.
184.372 -> Your entire body needs coenzyme Q10.
186.24 -> So you need to strengthen your heart.
188.937 -> With coenzyme Q10.
190.494 -> This one is very easy.
191.526 -> 100 mg.
192.341 -> You can take...
193.277 ->
193.794 -> 100 mg twice a day.
195.243 -> Mostly...
196.222 -> Who has weakness.
197.492 -> Who has the tendency...
199.434 -> The arrhythmia.
200.16 -> Heart failure.
201.34 -> You need to give strength to the heart.
203.933 -> It's coenzyme Q10.
204.838 -> What is the third...
206.046 -> Most important vitamin?
207.555 -> It's thiamine.
209.054 -> Thiamine is vitamin B1.
211.103 -> What does thiamine do?
212.44 -> When thiamine is lacking...
214.214 -> The person feels tingling...
216.006 ->
216.506 -> It feels numb...
217.819 -> So...
218.332 -> It's a muscle...
220.062 -> It's an engine...
220.817 ->
221.317 -> Very sensitive...
222.318 -> To signals.
223.371 -> Then it receives a signal from the brain...
225.307 -> And it starts working.
226.284 -> So when you lack vitamin B1...
229.25 -> The heart becomes less sensitive.
231.081 -> It starts to fail.
232.549 -> Starts to have arrhythmia.
233.939 -> So...
234.439 -> This is very, very important.
235.565 -> Who drinks alcohol for example...
237.419 -> It interferes with the absorption of vitamin B1.
239.501 -> It may be missing.
240.414 -> Who has had bariatric surgery.
241.916 -> It is also very important...
243.284 -> It may be that you have less absorption.
245.357 -> So you need to take more vitamins.
247.376 -> So...
247.913 -> It's B1.
248.7 -> A very good formula for you to take...
251.125 -> It's the B complex.
252.462 -> But the B complex has very little vitamin B1.
255.054 -> There's another formula...
256.512 -> For example...
257.072 -> Cytoneurin.
257.914 -> This cytoneurin...
258.794 -> It can help a lot.
259.496 -> Or you simply do it in manipulation...
261.128 -> Vitamin B1.
262.425 -> Thiamine.
263.048 -> The fourth vitamin...
264.195 -> It's vitamin K2.
266.008 -> K2...
267.269 -> It's menaquinone.
268.176 -> This menaquinone...
269.482 -> It's not K1...
270.195 -> It's vitamin K2.
271.315 -> K1 fermented.
272.853 -> What does K2 do?
274.089 -> K2 is like a calcium GPS.
277.165 -> So he decalcifies your arteries...
280.406 -> You take calcium... You
281.772 -> take vitamin D.
282.646 -> You can...
283.743 -> Calcify the arteries.
285.753 -> So this is very dangerous for the heart.
287.217 -> The heart needs calcium too.
288.82 -> The heart muscle needs it.
289.868 -> You can't have excess calcium...
291.706 -> In circulation.
293.207 ->
293.934 -> K2...
294.915 -> will direct that calcium...
296.921 -> to the place it needs to be.
298.686 -> For the heart, muscle...
299.75 -> Teeth, for the bones.
301.193 -> So...
301.693 -> Not to leave...
302.912 -> To calcify the coronary artery.
304.871 -> It's dangerous when you accumulate...
306.817 -> Calcification.
307.723 -> The fifth most important...
309.418 -> It is no less important.
310.764 -> But it's essential.
312.346 -> It's the magnesium.
313.571 -> Magnesium...
314.516 -> Mainly for those who feel chest pain...
317.069 -> Who has arrhythmia.
318.448 -> Who feels...
320.006 -> You know the chest feels heavy.
321.839 ->
322.764 -> Stressed.
323.732 -> Anxiety.
325.447 ->
326.097 -> Your heart starts racing.
327.182 -> You need to take the magnesium.
329.185 -> What does magnesium need?
330.348 -> Magnesium dimalate.
332.409 -> It's that magnesium that works best...
334.388 -> For your heart.
335.757 -> So when you take magnesium...
337.425 ->
338.075 -> Your body...
338.637 -> Your heart muscles...
340.189 -> Get stronger...
341.164 -> So you feel less chest pain...
343.577 -> You feel less arrhythmia.
345.517 -> Okay?
346.223 -> The last one...
347.01 -> The sixth one, which is omega 3.
348.635 -> Mainly omega 3...
349.874 -> Which has a higher EPA content.
352.312 -> Omega 3 is like...
354.064 -> It increases artery flexibility.
356.334 -> From the endothelium.
357.546 -> Which is a tissue...
358.781 -> Which is inside your artery.
360.328 -> It's this endothelium.
361.834 -> Mainly, it gets a lot worse...
363.768 -> Who has diabetes...
364.769 -> Because sugar...
366.141 -> Inflames the endothelium.
367.716 -> So who is pre diabetic...
369.579 -> Diabetics...
370.442 -> They are more important...
371.959 -> Taking omega 3.
373.094 -> Who takes a lot of simvastatin...
374.903 -> It can worsen the coenzyme Q10.
376.057 -> Those who drink alcohol can worsen vitamin B1.
378.366 -> Who takes a lot of sugar, who eats a lot of sweets...
380.635 -> It can make the inflammation of the endothelium much worse.
382.829 -> So...
383.542 -> Omega 3 does that part.
385.613 -> Make a protection.
386.915 -> Increases flexibility.
388.418 -> From the endothelium.
389.096 -> And it preserves the pressure.
391.09 -> And the functioning of the heart.
392.707 -> So those are the 6 most important ones.
394.397 -> Of these vitamins.
395.217 -> You can say more actually...
396.603 -> Vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A.
398.553 -> There are many others...
399.8 -> But these are essential.
402.16 -> If you are suffering.
403.474 -> If you have had bariatric surgery.
405.103 -> If you've ever had a heart attack.
407.33 -> It's recovering.
408.341 -> Or have had a heart transplant.
410.001 -> Or do you simply want to prevent...
412.153 -> Maybe Faustão could have...
413.741 ->
414.241 -> Done this prevention.
415.276 -> Maybe he already did too.
416.789 -> Because of bariatric surgery.
418.128 -> Need to do more supplements.
420.278 -> Okay?
420.883 -> Share with your friends.
422.245 -> With your family members.
423.368 -> Who has this problem...
424.132 -> It can help...
424.965 -> A lot of people saving their lives.
426.399 -> Okay?
426.9 -> Thank you very much.
427.708 -> Until the next video.
428.744 ->
429.799 -> I'm very blessed.
431.944 ->
432.692 -> I am very loved.
434.493 ->
434.995 -> I'm very happy.
436.401 ->
436.901 -> I am.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4dtxH9qogU