HealthONE Stroke Alert

HealthONE Stroke Alert

HealthONE Stroke Alert

This video show how HealthONE’s Stroke Alert program works with EMS, nurses, emergency room physicians and new technology to get the stroke victim the best care the quickest. Fast stroke care increases patient survival and reduces side effects. Note: this is just a stroke alert drill, this is not a real patient.


0.247 -> (heart beating)
4.107 -> (phone ringing)
6.098 -> - Scutteridge, go ahead.
8.116 -> Hey, it's a stroke alert.
9.44 -> Room three, 10 out.
12.696 -> - (beep) Emergen ambulance arrival 10 minutes room three.
34.727 -> - All right guys.
35.56 -> I'll give you the quick story on Helen here.
37.085 -> - One, Two, three. - Helen is 60 years old,
38.33 -> she's coming from home.
39.86 -> Has a history of hypertension and hyperlipidemia.
42.74 -> - I'm just gonna, I'm gonna listen to your heart while using
45.12 -> Dr Farnale on our telmedicine here will
48.19 -> evaluate you and your stroke.
49.65 -> No pain in your belly, if I squeeze your belly?
51.77 -> Okay, all right, Dr Fanale it's all yours.
55.934 -> - Okay. Hi Helen i'm Dr Fanale
57.61 -> from the HealthONE stroke team.
59.19 -> Helen I'm gonna just ask you to do a couple
61.31 -> of things for me, okay?
62.143 -> - Okay
63.82 -> - Can you look right into the camera
65.19 -> and give me a big smile?
67.52 -> Let's see your teeth, good, good.
69.75 -> And relax.
71.97 -> And holding your head very still and moving your eyes,
75.4 -> to the right,
77.79 -> all the way to the left.
80.29 -> Okay, good job.
81.7 -> And then now, if you could,
83.01 -> just lift up your left arm and hold it right
85.4 -> in front of you just like this.
88.945 -> There you go, good.
89.778 -> Hold it there until I count to ten.
91.44 -> One, two, eight, nine and ten.
94.82 -> Good now hold it up there and take the tip of your finger
98.1 -> and touch the tip of your nose like this.
100.8 -> There you go, good, perfect.
102.96 -> Relax.
104.87 -> And can you lift up your right leg?
108.46 -> What have we got?
109.293 -> Nice and strong.
110.48 -> There you go, don't put it down til I count to five.
112.64 -> One, two, three, four and five, good
116.65 -> And let's try the same thing with your left.
119.72 -> Pick up strong, One, two, three, four and five, good.
125.41 -> Wonderful.
126.51 -> - Helen?
127.42 -> Hi, I'm Dr Morgenstern.
128.93 -> Nice to meet you - Nice to meet you
130.39 -> - Oh I see you have met Dr Fanale.
132.49 -> - Uh huh
133.67 -> - Chris. Hi
134.692 -> - Hi
135.525 -> - Thanks for...
136.358 -> - Hi Dr Morgenstern
137.191 -> - Hi. Thanks for covering.
138.81 -> - Sure. Of course.
139.67 -> - Could you...
140.503 -> - Let me just give you a quick cover here
142.76 -> on the heart attack.
144.2 -> 60 year old right handed woman and at 8:30 this morning,
148.15 -> she had acute onsite of right sided weakness and aphasia.
152.18 -> I have evaluated her already.
153.76 -> She has a NIH stroke scale of 14.
156.94 -> Negative for any bleed and I will let you
159.85 -> take a look from here.
161.07 -> - Okay. So you have already seen the CAT scan
162.74 -> and it's okay?
164.6 -> - That's correct.
165.81 -> - Okay.
166.82 -> So do you know what's happened to you?
168.58 -> - Yes.
169.413 -> - Okay. That you have had a small stroke,
170.85 -> it's affected your right side and your speech.
173.46 -> So Chris, no contraindications to TPA?
177.61 -> - No I talked to her and she has no contraindications,
180.88 -> also her husband was there and witnessed this,
183.746 -> right at 8:30.
184.76 -> - Okay, and we are at about 9:20 so we are in great shape.
190.12 -> And you've looked at the CAT scan,
191.88 -> you don't take any kind of blood thinners,
193.77 -> no head trauma, no surgery.
195.97 -> No reason we can't go ahead with this?
198.43 -> - No I think she is an excellent candidate.
200.17 -> - Thanks again Chris.
201.85 -> Okay, so we think you've had a stroke and it looks like
204.49 -> you're a candidate for us to use this medication
206.75 -> to try to get rid of the blood clot.
208.53 -> What has happened is a small blood clot has migrated
210.98 -> up to the brain, in a blood vessel and stopped
213.53 -> it up like a cork.
215.05 -> And what we are going to try to do is un-cork
217.17 -> that blood vessel by giving a medication
219.07 -> to dissolve the blood clot.
220.32 -> And that medicine is called TPA.
222.87 -> And in at least a third of patients it seems to have
225.25 -> a significant effect and I think that's what we gonna do.
228.29 -> Do you understand that?
229.307 -> - Yes.
230.14 -> - Okay. I am guuna go.
236.76 -> - Hello everyone, I'm Chris Fanale.
237.883 -> I am the stroke medical director for the HealthONE stroke
241.01 -> system of care and I like to thank you very much
243.47 -> for viewing the video that you just saw.
245.96 -> As you can see we are really trying to initiate an
249.28 -> innovative program, while we feel we take excellent care
252.72 -> of your stroke patients that you bring into all of our
255.188 -> HealthONE facilities we feel we can do an excellent job
259.13 -> in terms of administering IV tPA medication in appropriate
263.44 -> patients within a very short amount of time.
266.63 -> And so, we go by a time called the door-to-needle time,
270.05 -> and in that timeframe we have to do
271.97 -> all of these examinations and make sure patients are
274.56 -> appropriate candidates.
275.89 -> We feel we can do this across our whole HealthONE system
279.72 -> by leveraging technologies such as telemedicine here.
283.42 -> In that, with this technology we will now be able to
286.05 -> instantly have a board certified neurologist
288.85 -> see your patients with in 15 minutes of patient arrival.
292.55 -> And with this, we feel that this will be the integral
294.64 -> portion to drive patients quickly through
296.98 -> the emergency room to evaluate patients and again,
300.22 -> give this acute, potential, life saving medication
303.19 -> to your patients as efficient and as quickly as possible.
