World Hypertension Day increases awareness of high blood pressure
World Hypertension Day increases awareness of high blood pressure
Dr. Heather Johnson from UW Hospital talks about hypertension on Live at Four.
0 -> today is world hypertension day a day
3.03 -> initiated by the world hypertension
4.71 -> league to increase awareness of high
6.96 -> blood pressure high blood pressure can
8.639 -> lead to a number of serious health
10.59 -> concerns and joining us tonight to talk
12.42 -> about hypertension is dr. Heather
14.549 -> Johnson from UW Hospital clinic thank
17.19 -> you
18.119 -> thanks for being here when we talk about
19.92 -> hypertension is that the same thing as
21.84 -> high blood pressure yes there's a
23.67 -> tension and high blood pressure are the
25.5 -> same with each heartbeat there is
28.17 -> pressure or force against our arteries
30.21 -> it's normal for the blood pressure to
32.489 -> fluctuate but when it stays high during
34.41 -> the day that's high blood pressure or
36.36 -> hatred and that can lead to other
37.5 -> problems other illnesses definitely such
39.93 -> as heart attacks stroke heart failure or
42.989 -> weakened heart muscle vision changes
45.6 -> erectile dysfunction multiple
47.879 -> complications throughout the body the
49.59 -> thing that's tricky with high blood
50.91 -> pressure is that you don't always know
53.34 -> that you have it don't you it doesn't
55.05 -> usually present with symptoms does it
56.67 -> you are correct
57.809 -> for most people there are not any
59.34 -> symptoms at all that's why we recommend
61.53 -> that everyone has their blood pressure
63.6 -> checked in a medical center a community
66.119 -> center at home definitely checking your
68.31 -> blood pressure and knowing your numbers
69.45 -> are important and it can change quite a
71.22 -> bit and I mean when I go to the doctor
73.59 -> they call it the white coat syndrome
74.61 -> they would they take my blood pressure
75.99 -> at the end of it what are the ideal
81.03 -> numbers so when we got when we're
82.979 -> concerned about high blood pressure the
84.78 -> top number called the systolic blood
86.85 -> pressure if it's at 140 or higher we're
90.119 -> concerned about high blood pressure or
91.89 -> the bottom number called the diastolic
94.14 -> at 90 or higher we're concerned about it
96.9 -> and that's across all age groups for
98.939 -> males and females what are the risk
101.009 -> factors so great there are some things
103.14 -> we cannot change as all of us get older
105.299 -> we're at higher risk for blood pressure
106.74 -> or for high blood pressure
108.27 -> in addition race and ethnicities
110.28 -> minorities particularly
111.53 -> african-americans develop high blood
113.189 -> pressure typically younger and it can be
115.5 -> more severe but for all of us there are
117.719 -> things we can change so for example
119.969 -> being overweight smoking very heavier
123.03 -> excess tobacco use they're having a
125.43 -> sedentary lifestyle can play a role in
127.409 -> blood pressure about diet diet can also
129.75 -> play a role too especially if the tire
131.76 -> and sodium
132.97 -> can you control high blood pressure with
135.1 -> diet or is there usually medication that
137.59 -> you need to take over everyone we
139.75 -> recommends lifestyle changes increasing
142.45 -> your regular activity and exercise even
144.52 -> if you don't have to lose weight
145.75 -> quitting smoking definitely play a role
148.06 -> and healthy diet including reducing our
150.1 -> salt or sodium intake but for many
152.38 -> people medications are also needed in
154.21 -> combination so we call it a package in
156.64 -> which we're still focusing on lifestyle
158.32 -> but combining the medications with them
159.97 -> and what triggers the medication what is
162.64 -> a doctor you say ok you need to go on
164.83 -> these pills great question so for some
166.66 -> people they present with very high blood
168.49 -> pressure to begin with or with symptoms
170.41 -> those are patients in which we start
172.21 -> medications and focusing on lifestyle if
174.64 -> the blood pressure elevations milder
176.86 -> it's not very high it's recommended for
179.11 -> about three to six months of very close
180.97 -> monitoring of lifestyle watching helping
183.34 -> someone monitor their diet their weight
185.08 -> quitting smoking and then if the blood
187.3 -> pressure remains high at home and in
189.04 -> clinic then we recommends medications
191.11 -> too but we continue to focus on
192.79 -> lifestyle and what are the risk factors
194.47 -> if you ignore it unfortunately if you're
196.81 -> ignore it then what happens is that over
199.57 -> time kidney issues heart attacks stroke
202.39 -> vision problems it plays a role we
204.79 -> encourage patients that if you're
206.11 -> started on medications to take the
207.76 -> medications regularly even if your blood
210.19 -> pressure improves and even if you're
211.78 -> feeling better
212.43 -> so get your get tested everyone should
216.73 -> get texted including young adults
219.09 -> Walgreens is it no no not at all even
222.67 -> some firehouses they take care of blood
224.38 -> pressure community centers churches a
226.9 -> lot of places offer blood pressure
228.73 -> screen I have a home unit that's perfect
230.739 -> you should have brought it today I
232.81 -> checked every half hour it's it's good
236.8 -> advice and a great information something
239.23 -> - no thanks ignorant is bliss I really
246.489 -> hope said it thank you
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwV_heCje7c