Stroke rehab: Getting up

Stroke rehab: Getting up

Stroke rehab: Getting up

Our instructional rehab exercise videos are developed in consultation with rehab experts at Sunnybrook’s St. John’s Rehab to help you manage and improve your condition. Please consult your health-care team for exercises that may be appropriate for you.

In this video, we show you how to get off the floor after a fall using a helper.


0.16 -> In this video, we will show you how to
2 -> get off the floor after a fall using a
4.08 -> helper.
5.279 -> Practise this exercise so you know what
7.359 -> to do if you fall.
9.84 -> First, stay calm and make sure that you
12.4 -> are not hurt.
13.92 -> If you are hurt, call 9-1-1 if you can
16.56 -> reach a phone
17.84 -> or call out for help.
22.64 -> Have your helper move a sturdy chair
24.4 -> with arm rests close to your weaker side.
28.32 -> Carefully roll onto your weaker side.
30.8 -> Your helper can assist you.
33.6 -> Push yourself up using your stronger arm.
36.559 -> Your helper can support you as you move
38.559 -> into position.
40.239 -> You may need to rest and get your
42 -> balance. Do not rush to get up.
46.16 -> From this position, move your stronger
48.239 -> hand forward and roll into a kneeling
50.32 -> position.
51.84 -> Have your helper assist you with moving
53.6 -> the weaker knee and to stabilize your
55.68 -> body.
57.52 -> Tuck your toes under your feet. Your
60.399 -> helper can check your foot placement.
64.08 -> Put your stronger hand on the seat of
66 -> the chair while your helper keeps you
68 -> steady.
70.159 -> Place your strong foot flat on the
72.159 -> ground so you are in a half kneeling
73.92 -> position.
76.159 -> Push through your strong leg and hand
78.32 -> into standing slowly.
80.32 -> Your helper should gently assist you
82.08 -> into standing and check that your weaker
84.24 -> leg
84.64 -> is moving into place correctly.
87.68 -> Once you are standing, get your balance
90.079 -> then slowly turn your back to the chair.
93.28 -> Reach for the handle of the chair and
95.119 -> slowly sit down.
96.88 -> Your helper can hold the chair while you
98.799 -> sit down. Think about what you are going
101.2 -> to do
101.68 -> before you move.
