Causes of Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
Causes of Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
Part 4: Causes of Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
0.17 -> >>Ellen: Vessels.
1.569 -> Unfortunately, itís almost a total body insult.
6.03 -> So, the consequences are far-reaching when
we have hypertension.
12.72 -> Well, what causes it?
15.7 -> Now, when I um- put this figure on the side,
I didnít realize until we loaded it that
21.89 -> it rotates
23.14 -> and that the light bulb blinks off and on
so you may not want to just concentrate on
29.24 -> that particular figure.
30.98 -> Um- It may, or may not make you dizzy
33.62 -> [laugh]
35 -> But the reason we chose that particular um-
figure isÖ.Iím going to talk a little bit
40.139 -> about what is important about this.
42.429 -> In order to find the cause of hypertension
it takes a village sometimes.
49.639 -> It takes not only the individual, but their
physician or their medical provider and often
58.139 -> in order to make um- a good diagnosis
62.389 -> it takes multiple specialists working in concert
with the primary care physician and the patient.
71.149 -> So, it takes um- a number of individuals often
to help come up with the idea thatís necessary.
80.479 -> I added I put aging here.
82.5 -> Um- unfortunately aging is one of the factors
that cause hypertension that we cannot control.
91.18 -> We havenít found the fountain of youth yet
or a pill to stop the aging process ever but
98.469 -> as we start talking about treatment,
100.82 -> there are some things that as we get older
if we do and pay attention to we can actually
107.13 -> decrease the chance of hypertension or help
treat it.
112.729 -> But aging causes a stiffening, if you will,
or an inflexibility in the body.
120.22 -> Ever try to get up from one of these conferences
after an hour or so?
123.59 -> [laughs]
124.59 -> you know how you feel?
126.249 -> Well this is a part of the aging process and
it actually happens to the blood vessels and
131.36 -> the arteries just get stiffer as we get older.
135.09 -> You might use the uh- the metaphor of uh-
a garden hose, a brand new garden hose from
143.51 -> Loweís, love those things donít you?
146.489 -> Nice and green or black and theyíre just-
I mean you can twist them right?
150.15 -> Twist them, turn them and wrap them in knots
and they just keep on going.
155.01 -> So you leave it outside and it rains on it
and snows on it and frosts on it and then,
160.01 -> after about a year or so you decide to tie
it in a knot.
164.11 -> And what happens?
165.239 -> It, right, itís very stiff and sometimes
it will just break.
170.269 -> Well, this is kind of like the blood vessels.
174.38 -> So there is this with aging.
177.79 -> Smoking is a significant cause of hypertension
and can complicate hypertension and itís
186.06 -> consequences on the body.
188.43 -> Actually the nicotine serves as a compressor
if you will of arteries.
195.51 -> It can cause arterial spasm therefore the
blood canít get through as well,
201.75 -> therefore the pressure has to increase, remember
we talked about that early on?
206.04 -> So it can make a big difference in what happens.
210.939 -> Actually just one cigarette causes a spasm
that is- a spasm of the vessels for up to
218.98 -> several days.
220.2 -> So itís very powerful.
223.569 -> Nicotine is a very powerful and potent agent.
227.47 -> Diabetes as I had mentioned before can cause
difficulties as well uh- within the blood
234.92 -> vessels themselves
235.92 -> uh- many times it can cause problems with
increased deposition of materials within the
243.209 -> arterial walls which causes the narrowing
of the vessel.
249.5 -> The more narrow the vessel the higher the
head of pressure needed to get the blood through
254.68 -> to the body.
257.29 -> So diabetes has its own cardiovascular disease
262.22 -> All its own.
263.27 -> Thatís why we said we said earlier if someone
has diabetes then we have to Ö a lower levelÖ
270.29 -> for problemsÖwith their heart.
274.06 -> Obesity often is its own primary problem.
278.6 -> Many people can solve their problems with
hypertension just by losing weight.
283.44 -> Uh- this has uh- varied reasons for this including-
unfortunately as we increase our weight often
293.78 -> our lipids increase.
296.83 -> The blood fats, including our cholesterol,
the good and the bad, unfortunately more the
303.041 -> bad.
304.39 -> And when that happens we know that there is
more deposition of cholesterol materials and
311.33 -> fatty materials within the lining of the arteries.
315.7 -> So what we find is when we start losing weight,
even for every five pounds, we get a reduction
324.28 -> in our blood pressure.
325.33 -> If we need to lose weight, we donít have
to lose it all to get a plus with our blood
332.22 -> pressure.
334.54 -> Actually every five pounds makes a difference.
340.1 -> Drugs were brought up earlier as a possible
reason for our blood pressure to go up and
344.8 -> itís true.
346.36 -> Not only those drugs that we take for colds
that have decongestants can certainly drive
351.47 -> our blood pressure up but street drugs
355.65 -> illicit drugs cocaine, heroine, PCP, um- some
of the pain relieving medications oxycontin,
370.2 -> codine.
371.95 -> Many of these drugs can actually drive the
pressure up.
377.5 -> Sleep apnea.
379.63 -> What happens with sleep apnea as you know
is a conditionÖwhere oftenÖsleep apnea means
385.91 -> you fall into a very deep sleep sometimes
the neck starts to relax and our tongue falls
392.71 -> back into our throat and we snore.
396.76 -> But what happens is weíre not getting that
flow of oxygen that we normally would and
403.27 -> so we have periods where the brain doesnít
get the message you need to breathe
408.1 -> and so there will be short times where maybe
for just a few seconds the individual does
413.18 -> not breathe at night or whenever they are
416.81 -> If this continues over time it can put tremendous
pressure on the heart and then that can put
423.43 -> pressure on the lungs and then we can certainly
get hypertension from that.
430.32 -> The renal and the renovascular abnormalities
include any kind of kidney disease if a patient
437.47 -> has a primary kidneyÖdevelop hypertensionÖit
can have the arteries leading to the kidneys
445.35 -> begin to narrow.
447.05 -> Then that can cause hypertension as well.
452 -> Because the kidneys are so intimately involved
with secreting chemicals that keep our blood
458.86 -> pressure either higher or lower and regulate
our blood pressure in general.
467.56 -> Endocrine abnormalities include any of the
hormone problems, thyroid disease particularly
474.72 -> hyperthyroidism, when the thyroid is too high,
can lead to hypertension.
480.41 -> Can also have problems with our adrenal glands,
too much cortisone secreted or cortisol by
488.93 -> our bodies secreted can cause hypertension.
493.75 -> And physical abnormalities have to be considered.
495.47 -> There are certain abnormalities that are congential,
that is they have occurred before birth and
502.56 -> actually may not have been recognized.
505.1 -> Maybe mild enough not to be recognized early
on but can lead to hypertension.
510.92 -> White coats, very important cause of inaccurately
diagnosed hypertension.
518.149 -> When- I donít know how many of your primary
care providers wear a white coat anymore.
524.48 -> I never used to do it in the office, but the
whole idea is, whether they have a white coat
529.579 -> on or not, you know you are going to the doctor.
532.329 -> You know that theyíre going to weigh you,
534.89 -> [laugh]
535.89 -> for me particularly, and then theyíre going
to take your blood pressure, maybe another
539.93 -> ìow!î so what happens is we already start
to build up our concern about these things
546.67 -> andÖ