Diabetes related Retinopathy in Easy | Chemical Pathology | Animated

Diabetes related Retinopathy in Easy | Chemical Pathology | Animated

Diabetes related Retinopathy in Easy | Chemical Pathology | Animated

Diabetes-related Retinopathy is an eye disease that affects the retina. Anyone with diabetes can develop this condition. Without treatment, diabetes-related retinopathy can lead to vision loss or blindness. But with the right care, you can prevent vision loss and stop disease progression. Call your healthcare provider if you notice any new vision changes.

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0.42 -> in this video we will study about
3.24 -> diabetes related retinopathy
6.74 -> diabetes-related retinopathy is an eye
9.66 -> condition that weakens the blood vessels
12.3 -> in your retina
14.16 -> what is retina
16.139 -> the retina is a tissue in the back of
18.96 -> the eye the retina is a layer of
21.859 -> photoreceptor cells and glial cells
24.84 -> within the eye that captures incoming
27.3 -> photons and transmits them along
29.64 -> neuronal Pathways as both electrical and
32.759 -> chemical signals for the brain to
35.46 -> receive a visual picture
38.34 -> yeah
39.6 -> how does diabetes related retinopathy
42.54 -> affect my body
44.94 -> without treatment that is related
47.899 -> retinopathy may lead to VN loss low VN
51.84 -> or brightness
54.18 -> who might get adapters related
56.76 -> retinopathy
58.68 -> anyone has diabetes can get diabetes
61.62 -> related retinopathy include people who
64.619 -> have gestational diabetes type 1
67.619 -> diabetes mellitus type 2 diabetes
70.619 -> if you have diabetes these factors for
73.74 -> diabetes related retinopathy can include
76.38 -> pregnancy hypertension
79.58 -> uncontrolled blood sugar hyperlipidemia
83.52 -> their duration for which you have have
86.22 -> diabetes related retinopathy
90.119 -> what causes diabetes related retinopathy
94.259 -> diabetes can cause multiple eye diseases
97.259 -> including cataracts glaucoma and
100.68 -> pepticulated retinopathy which is
103.2 -> defined as damage to the retinal vessels
105.659 -> of the eye these damaged vessels can
108.299 -> lead to poor blood flow ischemia
110.159 -> inflammation and ultimately legal
112.86 -> blindness if not treated
115.74 -> what are the symptoms of diabetes
118.14 -> related retinopathy
120.78 -> in the early stages most people
123.24 -> experience no signs of diabetes related
125.7 -> retinopathy
127.32 -> you may not experience vegan changes
129.479 -> until the condition is swerved for
132.06 -> example some people
135.239 -> symptoms come and go symptoms of
138.12 -> diabetes retinopathy include blood VN
141.98 -> nuclear bloodness or seeing colors as
144.959 -> fated
146.28 -> foreign
154.98 -> trouble reading and seeing Firebase of
158.04 -> objects
159.3 -> how is diabetes retinopathy diagnosed
163.26 -> and ophthalmologist can diagnose
166.08 -> diabetes retinopathy during a
169.14 -> simple exam
171.06 -> number one is vuel xuity Sut refers to
176.099 -> how clearly you can see
178.56 -> and number second is intraocular
181.62 -> pressure to make sure
184.2 -> there are no signs of glaucoma number
187.319 -> three is eye muscle function muscle
190.14 -> function refers to how well you can move
192.78 -> your eyes
194.099 -> number four peripheral vision peripheral
197.58 -> peripheral VN is seeing from the sides
200.7 -> of your eyes
201.9 -> and the last one is pupil response
206.04 -> this assessment looks at how your pupil
209.22 -> reacts to light
211.819 -> then your eye doctor will put drops into
215.099 -> your eyes the drops dilate your pupils
219.54 -> during this exam the doctor looks for
223.159 -> abnormal blood vessels
225.9 -> breeding in the center of your eyes
228.14 -> growth of new blood vessels retina
231.36 -> swelling
232.5 -> other treatment options include
234.36 -> injections laser surgery
237.54 -> and vitriotomy
240.42 -> how can I reduce my risk of diabetes
243.239 -> related retinopathy
246.299 -> if you have diabetes you can lower your
249.48 -> risk of the developing devices related
252.299 -> to retinopathy by avoiding smoking
255.299 -> controlling your blood sugar
257.519 -> exercising regularly having annual eye
260.94 -> exams
262.26 -> keeping your blood's pressure within a
264.419 -> healthy range
265.62 -> and taking any medication exactly as
268.74 -> prescribed
270.6 -> this is all about diabetes related
273.24 -> retinopathy
275.1 -> if you not watch adapters related food
277.74 -> problems deputies and sotrope
279.96 -> gestational diabetes complications and
282.84 -> type one time to videos
286.5 -> And subscribe to this Channel and press
289.199 -> like and Bell icon button
291.479 -> thank you

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaW2l-dqDyw