Alcohol and the effects on your body

Alcohol and the effects on your body

Alcohol and the effects on your body

Dr. John Higgins joins us to talk about how alcohol can affect your whole body.


0 -> we know too much alcohol is not good for
3 -> you but it can do more than harm your
4.92 -> body and give you a little headache or
6.12 -> some anxiety we're going to talk about
7.319 -> the potential effects negative effects
9.179 -> of alcohol with our friend Dr John
11.099 -> Higgins with UT Health Houston doc
13.2 -> thanks for coming in thanks again good
14.82 -> to see you uh okay this is a very
17.16 -> important topic I kind of made the joke
18.96 -> earlier I said the doctor's going to be
20.22 -> here to tell us not to drink so much but
22.68 -> the question remains how much is okay I
25.38 -> mean where do we even begin okay well
27.539 -> Owen it looks like with alcohol it's a
30.359 -> U-shaped curve so there's a Sweet Spot
33.719 -> and The Sweet Spot looks like for women
35.94 -> it's about one drink per day and for men
38.34 -> it's uh it's about two drinks per day
40.879 -> also some people do binge drinking and
44.1 -> uh so for binge drinking we want to make
46.379 -> sure that women are having less than
48.18 -> four drinks in one session and Men less
50.1 -> than five drinks in one session okay so
52.739 -> this is what we're talking about
54.18 -> moderate alcohol consumption you know
56.46 -> think about it just a drink a day and it
59.34 -> looks like with that it's not only the
63.12 -> the properties of the drink so we know
66 -> that for example red wine has a lot of
67.799 -> Resveratrol antioxidants beer also more
71.88 -> so than heavy alcohol however there is
74.64 -> also a new study out of the Mass General
76.2 -> Hospital which showed that alcohol
78.42 -> itself has some relaxing qualities not
82.5 -> only on blood pressure but also to
85.5 -> de-stress you and we know when people
87.96 -> get stressed out they produce
89.58 -> inflammatory markers and those things
91.619 -> accelerate you know the plaque buildup
93.96 -> so so there's a couple of different
95.7 -> components so there's not only the
97.56 -> components of the alcohol but also the
100.38 -> um the other components antioxidants and
103.2 -> and you know I mean Alka it's it's Wines
105.24 -> in the Bible right it's been around for
107.1 -> I think 60 000 years so
109.979 -> um I think it does have some good
111.24 -> qualities but of course you know you
112.92 -> want to be in moderation moderation is
114.659 -> the key I think back to my to my Pappy
116.579 -> who you know guy arrested so he lived in
119.28 -> 95 and I think think he had maybe one
121.079 -> beer at the end of every day yeah you
123.06 -> know and so is that does that kind of
124.619 -> fit that you curve exactly oh and that
127.02 -> is exactly right you know I mean having
128.94 -> a glass of wine with uh with dinner you
132.12 -> know a glass of beer
133.739 -> um that's exactly where you want to be
136.56 -> um now uh if you we know if you go more
139.26 -> than that you can get the negative
140.7 -> effects like you were mentioning before
142.5 -> not only on the liver uh which processes
146.04 -> the alcohol but also you know on other
148.02 -> organs in the body we know it's not good
149.94 -> for the heart to over drink it can cause
152.16 -> heart failure as well as irregular
155.04 -> heartbeats like atrial fibrillation it
157.379 -> also that can cause a stroke exactly oh
159.599 -> and and in addition you know it can
161.64 -> affect uh the brain however I would say
164.4 -> again for those over 60 year olds a new
166.5 -> study came out showing that a glass a
169.08 -> day of your favorite will actually
171.239 -> reduce dementia as well as improve
173.459 -> memories so again another reason for
175.86 -> moderate consumption okay so what about
178.14 -> these these periods of time holidays
180.9 -> where maybe we are pushing that curve
183.42 -> and we're pushing it for an extended
185.16 -> amount of time it's one thing maybe a
186.84 -> Saturday night but now we're thinking
188.28 -> multiple weeks in a row what do we do
190.62 -> about that okay well I think the key for
192.9 -> that is uh Owen first of all tracky
195.239 -> drinking so have an idea what's going on
197.64 -> number two I always recommend patients
200.58 -> to have a glass of water with each glass
203.099 -> of alcohol not only will that slow down
205.62 -> your alcohol consumption but it also
207.659 -> helps to metabolize the alcohol and keep
209.76 -> you hydrated number three having a what
212.819 -> I call an afd an alcohol-free day so put
216.18 -> an alcohol-free day in there now there
218.879 -> are some substitutions you can do and I
221.28 -> I do this myself you can get
223.879 -> alcohol-free beer for example you know I
226.92 -> mean most almost all of the beers now
229.319 -> have them you can get the benefits of
231.659 -> the alcohol and you know be social but
234.18 -> at the same time you're not getting the
235.68 -> heavy alcohol concentration such a
237.959 -> minimal amount yeah
241.94 -> yeah actually some of them come quite a
244.26 -> long way right so that's another
246.36 -> strategy and then also Owen when you are
249.06 -> out on uh
250.62 -> um on holiday make sure you get some of
252.659 -> those healthy habits in between so you
254.04 -> know if you have a drink and a couple of
255.42 -> drinks in the afternoon get the gang out
257.519 -> and do uh go for a walk you know and
259.799 -> burn off some of those calories but also
261.479 -> slow down just be aware of uh how much
264.18 -> you're drinking and try to avoid that
265.74 -> binge uh drinking it's really the
267.72 -> extremes I'm always looking to achieve
269.639 -> some kind of balance it's like yeah I
271.02 -> don't want to go off the rails from
272.4 -> December to January 1st and then stop
275.46 -> for a month I don't want to you know I'd
277.259 -> like to just keep it balanced if I could
278.88 -> the whole way through which is not
280.5 -> always easy yes last thing I want to ask
282.18 -> you about if maybe someone is sort of
284.82 -> self-identifying maybe I'm drinking too
286.62 -> much or maybe you have a friend what
288.36 -> kind of resources for people that think
290.1 -> I've pushed it too far and I need some
291.72 -> help now drawing back my consumption
293.699 -> sure well I think um first step is you
297.06 -> know get all of the alcohol out the
298.44 -> house you know some people kind of a
300.12 -> stockpile probably in their cabinets so
302.82 -> get it all out of the house
304.88 -> see by yourself if you can go uh for a
309.479 -> period of time without alcohol okay you
312.36 -> know typically if you can go a week or
313.979 -> so without alcohol that generally means
315.72 -> you're not dependent on it but if you
317.52 -> can and if you find yourself going back
319.32 -> to it then I think you should speak to
321.3 -> your health care provider reach out to
323.4 -> some local uh places Alcohol Anonymous
325.74 -> is is probably the best if you're with
328.56 -> some people that are also having
330.66 -> problems with it uh you know that
332.94 -> generally helps you the peer group can
335.4 -> kind of help support you making sure you
337.86 -> can go both ways the peer pressure hey
339.96 -> let's go let's go out and have a few
341.28 -> verses hey guys let's not drink this
342.9 -> weekend let's go on that bike ride or do
344.759 -> whatever exactly actually that's a
346.139 -> really good point you brought up Owen
347.46 -> one of the big things where people get
349.139 -> into problems is when they're out
351.36 -> drinking at a place and then people
353.4 -> start doing rounds yeah because you know
355.44 -> you've got five people I'm buying this
357.3 -> around I'm buying this now we're five
359.34 -> rounds oh my goodness doc thanks for
362.039 -> coming in and really talking thank you I
363.78 -> know we could talk about this topic all
365.34 -> day absolutely and and cheers to
367.259 -> moderate alcohol consumption we as
369.96 -> doctors believe it is beneficial and the
372.419 -> studies actually show people live about
374.22 -> 20 longer who are drinking healthily
377.52 -> yeah it's that uh balance exactly what
380.1 -> I'm talking about don't forget you can
381.6 -> take us on the go with our free app keep
383.46 -> watching and we'll have more interviews
385.44 -> like this at always
387.419 -> good to see you doc you too take a quick
389.46 -> break now
391.38 -> Let's uh let's have a drink
