What are the main reasons for heart disease?
What are the main reasons for heart disease?
Web: https://johnsonfrancis.org/general/wh… What are the main reasons for heart disease?
0 -> the most important cause of heart
1.68 -> disease is narrowing of the blood
3.659 -> vessels of heart known as coronary
5.94 -> artery disease the risk factors for
8.58 -> coronary artery disease are classified
10.44 -> into modifiable and non-modifiable
14.04 -> the non-modifiable ones are genetic
16.56 -> predisposition age and male gender
19.74 -> as age advances the chance for narrowing
22.56 -> of coronary arteries increases
24.96 -> the modifiable ones are smoking high
27.96 -> cholesterol high blood pressure and high
30.3 -> blood sugar
31.38 -> stress also contributes to
33.6 -> destabilization of a stable coronary
36.239 -> artery disease if a stable plaque in a
39.239 -> coronary artery becomes unstable by
41.28 -> fishering or rupture a clot forms over
44.64 -> it totally occluding it another
47.16 -> important cause of heart disease
48.66 -> especially in children is congenital or
51.42 -> both defects in the development of the
53.039 -> heart
53.879 -> still another disease which is becoming
55.98 -> more common in children is Kawasaki
58.44 -> disease which can affect the blood
60.36 -> vessels of the heart and cause a heart
62.64 -> attack later in developing countries
64.979 -> rheumatic heart disease as a consequence
67.2 -> of infection with a certain type of
69.6 -> bacteria known as streptococci is also
72.479 -> common cause of World heart disease
75.02 -> infections of the Heart by viruses
77.52 -> bacteria and protozoa also contribute to
81.54 -> the burden of heart diseases
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItuJ0FFtd9U