12 Signs You're in a Healthy Relationship

12 Signs You're in a Healthy Relationship

12 Signs You're in a Healthy Relationship

Today, you learn the signs you’re in a healthy relationship with your boyfriend, girlfriend, or other gendered partner. If you’re currently in an unhealthy or toxic relationship and you need to get out, this may help you understand those signs too.

Review of Research on Romantic Relationships

Psychology of a Happy Couple

Predicting Relationship Dissatisfaction

Psychological Strategies to Improve Relationship Quality

Why Do Happy Relationships End in Separation?

Marital Conflict Behaviors and Implications for Divorce

Tips for Relationship Health

How to Strengthen Relationships

The Science of Healthy Relationships

Music: “Ukulele” from Bensound.com

Thanks to Tristan Reed (writing), Troy W. Hudson (VO) for helping to create this video!


0.03 -> hey everyone and welcome to top think today  we're going to learn about 12 signs of a  
10.8 -> healthy relationship now let's begin number one  zero reaction anxiety do you ever hold something  
19.29 -> back because you're worried about how your partner  is going to react in your normal everyday life you  
24.57 -> spend so much time monitoring your behavior you  stop acting like yourself and cater to the people  
30.39 -> around you but your relationship should be a safe  space somewhere you can take off your filter where  
36.87 -> you can express anything you want to express  without being scared or embarrassed if you have  
42.6 -> zero reaction anxiety it means you trust your  partner to embrace who you are in a long-term  
48.42 -> relationship very few things are more important  than that number two healthy disagreements no one  
56.91 -> expects you to agree on everything people often  imagine healthy relationships as this perfect  
62.55 -> utopia where the two of you are in sync 24/7 you  see eye-to-eye on every decision you complete  
69.27 -> each other sentences your visions of the future  couldn't be more similar but that's not what a  
75.12 -> healthy and positive relationship really looks  like the truth is there will be disagreements  
80.94 -> there will be times when you argue times when  you have trouble understanding the other person's  
86.4 -> point of view and hey that's okay in fact it's  healthy for partners to butt heads every once  
92.34 -> in a while a disagreement often means that you're  actively trying to find a compromise that benefits  
98.64 -> the both of you you see the happiest relationships  aren't dominated by a single partner one person's  
105.45 -> opinions shouldn't completely overshadow the  others that really defeats the purpose of being  
111.09 -> in a relationship relationships should be about  sharing your life not finding someone else's life  
117.18 -> to control this is a trap that many young couples  fall into one person wants to keep their partner  
124.02 -> happy so they pretend that their own opinions  aren't important but this is a recipe for disaster  
130.66 -> think you're doing your partner a favor but they  want you to express yourself even if your opinions  
136.09 -> don't line up with theirs just make sure that  you're not disagreeing all the time if you're  
141.55 -> arguing constantly then there's probably a deeper  problem with the relationship as a whole the same  
147.49 -> rule actually applies to your friendships having  a few disagreements is healthy but too many means  
153.58 -> your relationship might need some work number  three division of space every strong relationship  
162.46 -> should have two things space and boundaries even  though the two of you like being together well you  
168.58 -> need time to exist as individuals without those  limitations many people start to feel suffocated  
174.76 -> they become codependent on their partners  because they forget who they are outside of the  
180.88 -> relationship creating physical space is a great  way to reclaim that feeling of Independence when  
187.87 -> you're separated from your partner you have the  freedom to focus on what you want to do you might  
193.3 -> for example take that time to reconnect with the  other important people in your life like friends  
198.31 -> and family because a relationship no matter how  serious it is shouldn't consume your individuality  
204.82 -> you should still have your own interests your own  ambitions and your own social bonds the emotional  
211.93 -> boundaries exist for the same reason in a healthy  relationship you need to respect your partner's  
217.48 -> freedom to feel and make choices on their own the  two of you might think alike but you shouldn't act  
223.33 -> like you have one brain hey it's okay for you to  like one thing while your partner likes another  
228.79 -> you should make an effort to understand each  other's interests but boundaries are a healthy  
234.28 -> way of maintaining your individuality number four  displacing frustration do you feel like you have  
243.04 -> to be right all the time do you fight your partner  on every little thing these are both signs of an  
248.92 -> unhealthy relationship now as much as you want to  argue that need to be right is much less important  
255.04 -> than your partner's feelings both of you should  be willing to give in if it's in the best interest  
260.08 -> of your relationship now I'm not saying that you  can't be frustrated with your partner that's just  
266.05 -> not possible even the most loving relationships  create their fair share of negativity but the  
271.72 -> difference is that people in healthy relationships  learn how to manage their frustration instead of  
277.57 -> berating or yelling at their partner they blow  off steam by working exercising or venting to  
282.94 -> their friends most of the time this helps them  realize one of two things either that this is  
288.61 -> something important they should calmly talk  to their partner about or that being rights  
292.84 -> well it really isn't worth it number 5 avoiding  withdrawal one of the most destructive moments  
301.45 -> in a relationship is when one partner begins to  pull away they become emotionally distant they  
307.45 -> might not seem enthusiastic about spending time  with you this kind of withdrawal can mean a few  
313.03 -> different things so let's highlight the worst  case scenario when your partner is constantly  
319.21 -> acting distant they may not be willing to put in  the effort anymore they're choosing to step back  
324.52 -> and let things fall apart now of course this  ambivalence doesn't just pop up out of nowhere  
330.07 -> persistent withdrawal usually stems from feelings  of neglect anger or irritation no matter where it  
337.18 -> comes from withdrawal is a huge red flag in  a healthy relationship each partner actively  
343.81 -> works to close that distance they don't withdraw  into themselves they encourage each other to be  
349.78 -> open and expressive so if you notice your partner  pulling away give them a chance to tell you why  
356.05 -> number six conflict kindness no matter how heated  things get healthy couples are always kind to one  
365.65 -> another they definitely get angry and frustrated  like everyone else but they won't resort to  
371.08 -> insults or personal attacks you'll never hear them  tear their partner down just to get their point  
376.78 -> across one of the keys to a healthy relationship  is to show kindness throughout conflict as strange  
383.74 -> as it sounds you can argue with someone while  still making it clear that you care about how  
389.11 -> they feel number seven diverse experiences many  couples fall into the same trap they get bored  
397.89 -> because they forget how to be spontaneous it's  easy in the early stages of a relationship to do  
403.92 -> new and exciting things together but over time  you'll settle into a comfortable routine you'll  
409.47 -> visit the same places you'll spend time with  the same people it seems like smooth sailing  
414.9 -> but this constancy is unhealthy in the long run  healthy couples need spontaneity to keep their  
421.17 -> relationship from getting stale it's common for  two people to break up simply because they got  
426.69 -> tired of each other you might slowly but surely  forget why you fell for your partner in the first  
432.54 -> place the excitement of a new experience can  remind you of why you're still with them you  
438.27 -> can rediscover how much fun the two of you have  together and if your relationship is starting to  
443.28 -> feel like another part of your routine then those  moments are priceless number eight consistent  
451.23 -> encouragement you should always be able to rely  on a close friend or romantic partner for support  
457.77 -> not just when you're doing something they want you  to do they should encourage you anytime you found  
463.68 -> something you care about because it matters to you  it should also matter to them many partners try to  
470.4 -> mold their significant other into the person  they want them to be they end up falling more  
475.83 -> in love with the idea of someone than the actual  person healthy friendships and couples don't try  
482.22 -> to control each other's lives they know that their  role is to provide you with encouragement and not  
488.46 -> to make your decisions for you number nine open  avenues if you want to improve your relationship  
496.32 -> set aside time to check in with your partner in  one way or another you should be regularly asking  
502.02 -> them how they feel about the relationship are they  happy are their needs being met is there anything  
507.84 -> you can do better the goal is to establish a time  when you both can get things off your chest that  
514.65 -> way neither of you has to bottle up any negative  emotions but it's critical that you're receptive  
520.65 -> to what their concerns are your partner needs to  you'll like they can be genuine and honest with  
526.38 -> you otherwise these open avenues will create more  conflict than they'll resolve number 10 accepting  
534.9 -> past mistakes you can't control your past and  neither can your partner that's why in a healthy  
541.71 -> relationship you shouldn't hold your partner's  past mistakes against them as frustrating as  
547.47 -> they are those mistakes aren't going to disappear  no matter how guilty you make them feel the most  
553.83 -> your partner can do is apologize and keep history  from repeating itself that means they're depending  
559.83 -> on you to forgive and forget by holding a grudge  you're telling them that they haven't earned your  
566.79 -> trust if that really is the case then you may need  to reconsider your entire relationship number 11  
574.86 -> recognizing recurring conflicts the you and your  partner have the same fights over and over again  
581.43 -> many unhealthy couples will butt heads over one  or two issues for years when you fight about  
587.37 -> anything long enough it drives a wedge between  you the subject creates so much frustration and  
593.67 -> contempt that it becomes almost impossible to view  your partner in a positive light healthy couples  
600.24 -> know that fighting over the same issues isn't  productive so they stop fighting and hone in on  
605.73 -> the real root of the problem they figure out why  they can't get past this obstacle and then come up  
611.79 -> with a compromise that satisfies them both number  12 realistic expectations not every relationship  
620.82 -> becomes a lifelong commitment some couples have  major issues that just can't be resolved no matter  
627.18 -> how good their communication is you might want  to live in different places or maybe you live  
632.97 -> very distinct lifestyles these differences might  trigger the end of your relationship but you're  
638.73 -> not doing yourself any favors by pretending  that they just don't exist hey thank you for  
644.55 -> watching top think and be sure to subscribe  because more incredible content is on the way

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPSH7PDEqA8