How to Cure Congestive Heart Failure

How to Cure Congestive Heart Failure

How to Cure Congestive Heart Failure (833) 445-9089 [email protected]
Link to the study:

Hey, this is Josh dream body clinic. And today we’re going to talk about a study regarding heart health. So Mesenchymal stem cells like we do here at dream body clinic, two miracles for heart health. It’s been incredible to see what we’ve seen, and more and more studies are confirm. The study for this one was done by the European medical heart journal.
And in this, it was in, I believe 2020 that the study concluded, and it was a five-year study of 10 patients. Who had left ventricle, ejection fraction issues, meaning that their heart was not pumping the way that it should? When your heart ejection fraction gets low enough, they call this congestive heart failure.
And if it gets too bad, you need a new heart. So not a fun thing to deal with. And what they don’t really tell you, or maybe people aren’t paying attention to, but cardiovascular disease is the number one killer. And if you live long enough, there’s a very high chance you’re gonna have a heart attack or your heart’s going to try and kill you.
It’s beaten every day, a lot of work. Fortunately, Mesenchymal stem cells are helping this. And in this study of those 10 participants, they found that all of them had increase in their ejection fraction for their left ventricle. This is incredible. They found that the peak results were one-year post-treatment, which goes right in line with what we’ve been telling patients for years.
The stem cells will stay in your system, doing their job for eight months to a year. Post-treatment usually you want to wait at least a year before another treatment because you want to see how good those results can be. So, if you’ve got heart issues, you want to do treatment such as an IV and wait a year, see how things are.
And we keep getting more and more reports back. Like I’m going to post here. You can find on our Conject con uh, congestive heart failure treatment, um, before and after for patients that had very low ejection fraction down as low as like 35%, getting back up over 55%, which is considered normal.
Post-treatment so what we’ve been telling people for so long is that the stem cells. They are a fix. We are not just trying to take care of symptoms, give you a pill for this or that to kind of mask what’s going on. No, we want to fix the underlying issue. And in this case, it’s that left ventricle that, uh, it’s helping the heart regenerate.
Uh, they are older studies all the way back, even in 2012, they thought the Meenal stem cells were turning into cardiomyocytes, which are heart cells and turns out they’re not, they’re just getting in there being like the manager on the construction site. Guiding the repair and making sure that your body heals like it did when you’re a little kid, get your heart working again, get it feeling good.
So if you’ve had a heart attack, if you seem like you might be prone to heart disease, or you have heart disease, or you’ve got any heart related issues, if you want to be preventative or you want repair damage that happened from say like a heart attack or a different heart incident, Mesenchymal stem cells are probably the best thing you can.
Fortunately, here at dream body clinic, we’re able to do this. Um, they’re not allowing this in the United States in Canada and Europe, the UK, they’re not allowing the Turing of the cells they should, but, uh, you got to think these pharmaceutical companies can’t patent it. So they’re never going to spend the hundreds of millions of dollars to get it approved.
And it just stays on the sideline. They’ll allow fat derived or bone marrow derived, but those aren’t even good for IVs and you don’t get enough cells to really matter. So fortunately, you can make a quick trip down here to Porto, Mexico. Come see us. We’ll get you an IV quick, easy process. It’s anti climactic.
Um, you think you’re doing this whole thing to help your heart. And it’s so simple. A quick IV drip. We hang a bag of vitamins afterwards, just to make sure you’ve got all the nutrients you need. And you’re done maybe like, uh, two hours here in the clinic. Just relaxing talking, getting an IV. And good to go turn taking your heart back decades.
It’s incredible. So, if you want to learn more, get ahold of us, you can also check out, uh, or give us a call direct with any questions. We’ve got amazing doctors here. That’d be happy to answer those call toll free 833 445 9089And if you’re over and say like the UK or Europe, um, WhatsApp signal telegram, there’s, um, a dropdown on the website.
You can click there and message us direct or call us and happy to help I’m Josh. And, uh, if you have any questions I I’m here to help you. Thanks.


7.29 -> Hey, this is Josh dream body clinic.
9.33 -> And today we're gonna talk about a study in regards to heart health.
12.93 -> So Meenal stem cells like we do here at dream body clinic,
16.2 -> two miracles for heart health.
17.76 -> It's been incredible to see what we've seen and more and
20.34 -> more studies are confirm.
22.47 -> The study for this one was actually done by the European,
25.259 -> uh, medical heart journal.
27.42 -> And in this, it was in, I believe 2020 that the study concluded and it
33.9 -> was a five year study of 10 patients.
37.035 -> Who had left ventricle, ejection fraction issues, meaning that their heart was
42.019 -> not pumping the way that it should.
44.085 -> Um, when your heart ejection fraction gets low enough, they
47.295 -> call this congestive heart failure.
49.425 -> And if it gets too bad, you need a new heart.
51.885 -> So not a fun thing to deal with.
54.29 -> And what they don't really tell you, or maybe people aren't paying
57.32 -> attention to, but cardiovascular disease is the number one killer.
61.61 -> And if you live long enough, there's a very high chance you're
64.64 -> gonna have a heart attack or your heart's gonna try and kill you.
67.37 -> It's beaten every day, a lot of work.
69.929 -> Fortunately Meenal stem cells are helping this.
72.81 -> And in this study of those 10 participants, they found that all of
76.979 -> them had increase in their ejection fraction for their left ventricle.
81.42 -> This is incredible.
82.74 -> They found that the peak results were one year post-treatment, which
87.304 -> goes right in line with what we've been telling patients for years.
90.509 -> The stem cells will stay in your system, doing their job
93.33 -> for eight months to a year.
94.71 -> Post-treatment usually you wanna wait at least a year before another
98.94 -> treatment because you wanna see how good those results can be.
102.539 -> So if you've got heart issues, you want to do treatment such as an IV
107.16 -> and wait a year, see how things are.
109.74 -> And we keep getting more and more reports back.
112.229 -> Like I'm gonna post here.
113.22 -> You can find on our Conject con uh, congestive heart failure treatment,
117.479 -> um, before and after for patients that had very low ejection fraction down
121.649 -> as low as like 35%, getting back up over 55%, which is considered normal.
127.589 -> it's Onri you don't need a new heart.
130.139 -> We are fixing hearts on top of that, this study with those 10 participants,
135.09 -> um, they tracked them over five years, so it wasn't like, Hey, we
138.72 -> just did, you know, the treatment.
141 -> They followed up all of the participants received 30 million stem cells.
145.41 -> Which is not a lot in our book, we usually start at a hundred million
149.339 -> and really our congestive heart failure treatment is at 300 million.
153.119 -> So 10 times the amount of cells and very affordable, very, very, you know,
158.04 -> worth doing to get those more cells.
159.989 -> Cuz when you do an IV.
161.43 -> They go straight to the heart.
162.81 -> Then they'll go to the lungs.
164.19 -> Lungs act as a bit of a filter.
165.75 -> 70, 80% will go through the rest of the body.
168.39 -> So you get benefits beyond just the heart.
171.21 -> So let's get back.
171.84 -> These 10 patients, 30 million cells over a five year period.
176.135 -> One patient did die, but it was actually proven not to be related to
180.51 -> his heart or anything in that it was, uh, I believe an accident traffic
184.23 -> accident or something like that.
185.609 -> And the other.
186.75 -> Over that five year period saw peak benefit after one year, but
190.559 -> saw those benefits retain over the course even five years later.
195.149 -> Post-treatment so what we've been telling people for so long is that the stem cells.
200.475 -> They are a fix.
201.795 -> We are not just trying to take care of symptoms, give you a pill for this or
205.305 -> that to kind of mask what's going on.
208.275 -> No, we want to fix the underlying issue.
210.315 -> And in this case, it's that left ventricle that, uh, it's
213.585 -> helping the heart regenerate.
215.745 -> Uh, they are older studies all the way back, even in 2012, they thought the
220.635 -> Meenal stem cells were turning into cardiomyocytes, which are heart cells
225.285 -> and turns out they're not, they're just getting in there being like the
228.345 -> manager on the construction site.
230.325 -> Guiding the repair and making sure that your body heals like it did when
234.315 -> you're a little kid, get your heart working again, get it feeling good.
237.645 -> So if you've had a heart attack, if you seem like you might be prone to heart
242.955 -> disease, or you have heart disease, or you've got any heart related issues,
247.215 -> if you want to be preventative or you want repair damage that happened from
251.175 -> say like a heart attack or a different heart incident, Meenal stem cells
255.465 -> are probably the best thing you can.
257.52 -> Fortunately here at dream body clinic, we're able to do this.
260.52 -> Um, they're not allowing this in the United States in Canada and Europe,
264 -> the UK, they're not allowing the Turing of the cells they should,
268.32 -> but, uh, you gotta think these pharmaceutical companies can't patent it.
271.83 -> So they're never gonna spend the hundreds of millions of dollars to get it approved.
275.4 -> And it just stays on the sideline.
277.77 -> They'll allow fat derived or bone marrow derived, but those aren't
281.37 -> even good for IVs and you don't get enough cells to really matter.
284.76 -> So fortunately you can make a quick trip down here to Porto, Mexico.
289.14 -> Come see us.
290.31 -> We'll get you an IV really quick, easy process.
293.16 -> It's anti climactic.
295.17 -> Um, you think you're doing this whole thing to help your heart?
298.53 -> And it's so simple.
299.94 -> A quick IV drip.
301.295 -> We hang a bag of vitamins afterwards, just to make sure you've
304.5 -> got all the nutrients you need.
306.48 -> And you're done maybe like, uh, two hours here in the clinic.
309.18 -> Just relaxing talking, getting an IV.
312.3 -> And good to go turn taking your heart back decades.
315.84 -> It's really incredible.
317.55 -> So if you wanna learn more, get ahold of us,
321.96 -> you can also check out, uh, or give us a call direct with any questions.
325.89 -> We've got amazing doctors here.
327.275 -> That'd be happy to answer those call toll free eight three, three.
330.93 -> 4 4 5 9 0 8 9.
333.57 -> And if you're over and say like the UK or Europe, um, WhatsApp signal telegram,
339.57 -> there's, um, a dropdown on the website.
342.575 -> You can click there and message us direct or call us and happy to help I'm Josh.
347.55 -> And, uh, if you have any questions I I'm here to help you.
350.28 -> Thanks.
