Is Red Meat a Healthy Protein?

Is Red Meat a Healthy Protein?

Is Red Meat a Healthy Protein?

Has meat gotten a bad reputation, or should be reaching for more plants over beef.

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About The Doctors: The Doctors is an Emmy award-winning daytime talk show hosted by ER physician Dr. Travis Stork and co-hosted by plastic surgeon Dr. Andrew Ordon, along with dermatologist Dr. Sonia Batra, OB-GYN Dr. Nita Landry, and neuropsychologist Dr. Judy Ho.

The Doctors helps you understand the latest health headlines, delivers exclusive interviews with celebrities dealing with health issues, debates and investigates health and safety claims, explains the latest viral videos and how you can avoid emergency situations, and serves up celebrity chefs to share the hottest and healthiest recipes and foods.


0.06 -> we've been talking about how much meat
1.829 -> we should include in our diet we're back
3.929 -> with dr. David Katz dr. Joel Cohn and
5.97 -> doctor Gabriele Lyon
7.44 -> so let's bridge the gap here a little
9.57 -> bit because I do think that there is a
11.88 -> truth out there and I think we would all
15.66 -> agree overly processed foods to begin
18.539 -> with bad right well we all agree that
20.46 -> overly processed foods yes now just so
24.539 -> you know and I think this is important I
26.51 -> eat meat I enjoy red meat I come from a
30.9 -> family of farmers in Nebraska hooray you
32.7 -> know that was what I grew up with I'm
34.559 -> more passionate about this because of
36.03 -> where I grew up in the Midwest and and
37.92 -> now living in the south and the race of
39.93 -> obesity if you look at the headlines I
42.829 -> think that we need to be teaching people
45.36 -> we need to focus on more plant-based and
47.969 -> and yes
48.75 -> talk to your doctor make sure you're
49.77 -> getting enough protein particularly you
51.21 -> have sarcopenia muscle ways that can
52.829 -> start in your 30s so you it's all about
55.559 -> optimal body composition so if we begin
57.75 -> to further reduce red meat and I just I
60.539 -> personally and in my clinic I haven't
62.609 -> seen it to negatively impact people I've
65.88 -> only seen it to be a positive and yet I
68.31 -> look at you dr. Khanna you haven't had
70.229 -> meat in 42 years you look healthy dead
72.75 -> lion you eat meat and you have two
76.53 -> months ago okay so you know it worked
80.009 -> and yeah and that's my point is I there
82.229 -> is a happy medium here and so for the
85.049 -> general population and doctor guess I
87.119 -> want to go back to you because we can
88.74 -> talk about this for hours upon hours but
91.259 -> where I really respect you dr. Katz is
93.329 -> you've spent your career trying to dive
95.85 -> into the actual science
97.979 -> you started the true health initiative
99.81 -> on the big fan of it it's about getting
102.78 -> out to the masses what we know to be
106.17 -> true and the truth is usually somewhere
109.14 -> in the middle because most people
110.46 -> realistically aren't going to give up
111.509 -> meat or the do they necessarily have and
117.299 -> I think even Joel would agree there that
119.88 -> a truly vegan diet especially for a long
122.43 -> as long as you've done it not everybody
125.49 -> can do that so important point there
128.58 -> were never dietary guidelines that said
130.47 -> eat all the snack Wells you want and all
132 -> will be well
133.41 -> all sensible dietary guidelines in our
135.42 -> country have been co-opted by big food
137.67 -> and turned into nonsense and you can do
139.53 -> that with meat where advise to eat lean
142.2 -> healthy whole meat turns into have all
145.29 -> the pepperoni pizza you want and advice
147.51 -> about eating more plants turns into as
150.54 -> long as it's low-fat it doesn't matter
152.37 -> if it's snack closed all of that's
153.42 -> nonsense that's pop culture nonsense
155.46 -> those aren't dietary guidelines so the
157.11 -> reality is the world's best diets from a
159.96 -> vast array of evidence and and this is
161.97 -> what the true Health Initiative experts
163.68 -> from all around the world rally around
165.44 -> there's a theme there and the basic
167.85 -> theme Michael Pollan said it nicely eat
170.04 -> food not too much mostly plants you know
172.86 -> in Joel's case and and largely in mine
175.17 -> it's all plants it doesn't have to be
177.18 -> you can be pescetarian flexitarian
179.46 -> mediterranean there all sorts of
180.84 -> variants on the theme even paleo all of
183.12 -> these things come together and argue for
184.98 -> less meat I agree everyone should eat
187.08 -> more plants I totally agree with that
188.52 -> but what happens when you tell the
190.86 -> average American to eat you know more
193.35 -> plants it's gonna be potatoes it's not
195.18 -> spinach and broccoli and leafy greens so
197.58 -> now we further reduce a healthy food
199.38 -> source and we end up replacing it with
201.11 -> excess you know processed carbohydrates
203.55 -> and and fat unfortunately we do have to
206.4 -> in the conversation but beauty of all
207.69 -> this is we're doctors talking about the
210.66 -> importance of nutrition we've always
212.25 -> said this food is medicine you have to
214.71 -> figure out what works for you but maybe
217.08 -> the other lesson in this conversation is
218.67 -> be very careful when you read a headline
221.31 -> and also talk to people who are
224.28 -> knowledge when please have a
225.209 -> conversation with your doctor if you're
226.47 -> dealing with specific issues to you talk
229.35 -> to your doctor about what may be the
230.7 -> optimum diet for you but unequivocally
233.19 -> and this is where I will close this out
234.99 -> I agree with you dr. Katz your comment
238.22 -> Michael Pollan said it right say it one
240.93 -> last time eat food not too much mostly
244.2 -> plants and I think that's pretty good
247.56 -> advice for the megwin if you're not
249.75 -> doing that you should try it and listen
251.88 -> to your body and you may be surprised
253.95 -> how much better you feel and do it in
256.739 -> concert with your physician I respect
258.81 -> all three of you thank you so much for
260.64 -> being here today share your pleasure
262.33 -> dr. Patz dr. Cohn Thanks the other thing
266.56 -> I will add is if you're gonna make a
267.639 -> drastic change your diet please you do
271.36 -> need to make sure you're getting all the
272.919 -> required nutrients particularly we talk
275.349 -> about women who are childbearing age
277.78 -> Mechelen yes absolutely
279.97 -> there's no one-size-fits-all die you
282.039 -> have to figure out what the right diet
283.36 -> is for you
292.28 -> you
