Joshua Bassett Reveals Heart FAILURE Amid 'drivers license' Release!
Joshua Bassett Reveals Heart FAILURE Amid 'drivers license' Release!
Joshua Bassett just revealed he was hospitalized days after Olivia Rodrigo released ‘drivers license’ and how close he came to “being found dead in [his] apartment”. Watch the latest Clevver News Feed: • Olivia Wilde HOUNDED By Harry Styles …
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#JoshuaBassett #OliviaRodrigo #driverslicense
0.17 -> Joshua Bassett just revealed he was hospitalized
days after Olivia Rodrigo released 'drivers
6.48 -> license’ and how close he came to "being
found dead in [his] apartment" — let’s
10.82 -> get into it
11.82 -> In the latest testament that we never know
what others are going through so we should
15.269 -> always try to be kind to one another, Joshua
Bassett opened up about having to literally
20.501 -> fight for his life at the hospital all while
he was being dragged on social media for reportedly
25.189 -> breaking Olivia Rodrigo’s heart.
27.18 -> Joshua told GQ magazine that two days after
'drivers license’ was dropped, he started
32.169 -> feeling gravely ill and that it only kept
getting worse from there...
36.01 -> At first Joshua thought it may have been food
poisoning but as he began experiencing what
40.139 -> he described as "unimaginable pain” he had
to be hospitalized the very same day he released
45.479 -> his single "Lie Lie Lie” in January…
48.069 -> It turns out Joshua was diagnosed with septic
shock and heart failure and though he didn’t
52.739 -> go into too many specifics as to what caused
it in the first place, he said quote, “I’m
57.8 -> sure stress had a part in it”.
59.109 -> And to put in perspective the gravity of his
urgent medical intervention, Joshua explained:
64.17 -> "[The doctors] told me that I had a 30% chance
of survival.
67.71 -> They told me that if I had not checked into
the hospital within 12 hours, I would have
71.94 -> been found [dead] in my apartment.”
73.829 -> And again, this was all taking place while
Joshua was being portrayed on social media
78.42 -> as the bad guy that took Olivia for granted
and quickly moved on with "that blonde girl"
83.98 -> after dumping her, even though Olivia herself
to this day hasn’t outright confirmed that
88.689 -> she wrote ‘drivers license' with him in
90.86 -> Luckily Joshua steered away from all the noise
and drama online as he quote, "didn't have
96.159 -> any energy to be able to focus on anything
but staying alive."
99.63 -> The hate brought against Joshua got real toxic
real quick with users tweeting out horrible
104.759 -> things like him not being worthy of Olivia
and Sabrina Carpenter to be fighting over
109.53 -> and of course we can’t forget that he was
even indirectly called a “b*tch” on national
113.829 -> television on an SNL sketch.
118.319 -> "My b*tch ex Gina is Joshua Bassett"
125.759 -> But Joshua hasn’t let any of this negativity
drag him down as he’s not only keeping his
131.319 -> distance from social media, except for TikTok
where he says the algorithm only shows him
136.67 -> philosophy and music content, but he’s also
taking great care of his mental health all
141.12 -> around.
142.12 -> He revealed that he’s been going to therapy
since he was 19 years old, he frequently practices
146.26 -> meditation, in addition to reading self-help
books and poems on his fire escape and he
150.78 -> also takes long ice-cold showers which he
proudly boasts of not having missed a single
155.4 -> morning for the last year and a half.
157.04 -> Joshua also announced that there’s new music
on the horizon about everything he’s been
161.25 -> going through in these last 12 months but
given that it’s all very intimate it hasn’t
165.909 -> been easy for him to get it on paper.
167.849 -> He said: "I've had a hard time writing just
because it's been so painful, and I've had
172.41 -> a hard time facing it in the way that I need
174.73 -> But Joshua is not discouraged to power through
the rawness of his emotions since after all
179.959 -> he believes that it’s an artist’s job
to, quote: “carry the emotional weight for
183.739 -> other people."
184.739 -> Well, we’re just really happy to know that
Joshua is feeling better these days and that
188.989 -> he’s bouncing right back with new music
which of course we can’t get to listen to…
193.61 -> Now go ahead and click right over here for
another Clevver Music video:
197.25 -> And let us know in the comments your thoughts
on how Joshua handled this whole situation.
202.4 -> I’m your host Ashley Mova, you can find
me on Instagram @ashleymova.
205.599 -> bye guys!
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJrYCT0OLIA