Pediatric Cardiology & Cardiac Defects | NCLEX RN Review

Pediatric Cardiology & Cardiac Defects | NCLEX RN Review

Pediatric Cardiology & Cardiac Defects | NCLEX RN Review

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Cardiac conditions can affect individuals at a very young age…In this video we will look at some common cardiac conditions of childhood.
A Congenital Heart Defect is when the heart or blood vessels near the heart don’t develop normally before birth. There are at least 18 specific types of congenital heart defects, but diagnosis and treatments continue to advance, making it possible to fix most problems.
Some common heart defects you may come across include…
Aortic valve stenosis, Pulmonary valve stenosis, Atrial septal defect (ASD), Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD)

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4.86 -> Welcome to this video tutorial on pediatric cardiac conditions.
9.18 -> Cardiac conditions can affect individuals at a very young age.
12.92 -> In this video, we will look at some common cardiac conditions of childhood.
17.539 -> A congenital heart defect is when the heart or blood vessels near the heart don’t develop
21.84 -> normally before birth.
23.82 -> There are at least 18 specific types of congenital heart defects, but diagnoses and treatments
29.14 -> continue to advance, making it possible to fix most problems.
33.68 -> Some common heart defects you may come across include: Aortic Valve Stenosis – narrowing
39.5 -> or obstruction of the aortic valve, causing the left ventricle to hold trapped blood and
44.44 -> build up pressure; Pulmonary Valve Stenosis – the pulmonary valve is narrowed, causing
50.42 -> an obstruction to blood flowing from the right ventricle; Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) – This
57.361 -> is a hole in the wall separating the atrium; Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) – This is
64.28 -> a hole in the wall separating the ventricles; Coarctation of the Aorta – This is a narrowing
70.58 -> of the aorta, which carries blood to the body (this can cause high blood pressure or heart
75.5 -> damage); Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) – an unclosed hole in the aorta, which is normal
83.13 -> for the fetus, since blood does not need to go to the lungs to get oxygenated, but this
88.131 -> hole is supposed to close when the baby is born.
91.97 -> Congenital heart defects can sometimes improve without treatment, or may be so small that
95.93 -> they don’t require treatment.
97.42 -> However, most of the time, congenital heart defects are serious and require surgery and/or
102.9 -> medications such as diuretics or digoxin, which strengthens the contraction of the heart.
108.619 -> In some cases, surgery is required to restore circulation back to normal, sometimes requiring
114.23 -> multiple surgeries.
115.57 -> Most patients require specialized care from a cardiologist throughout their lifetime.
121.32 -> Heart failure simply describes a heart that is not functioning properly.
125.21 -> It hasn’t stopped working yet, but its not working as well as it should.
128.989 -> Heart failure in children is either caused by overcirculation, when blood is mixing inside
133.359 -> the heart due to a congenital heart defect, or a pump failure, when there is damage to
138.389 -> the heart muscle and it no longer contracts normally.
141.909 -> Possible symptoms of heart failure include trouble breathing, excessive sweating, poor
147.599 -> feeding or growth, low blood pressure.
151.4 -> Many of the causes of heart failure can be repaired or treated with medication, especially
155.669 -> as newer techniques and medications become available.
159.349 -> Heart murmurs are common in children and are usually innocent or harmless.
163.069 -> They often disappear as the child reaches adulthood, but some adults still have them.
168.18 -> A heart murmur may also be an indication of the problem.
172.09 -> Murmurs are often caused by defective heart valves.
174.959 -> If a valve can’t open or close completely, regurgitation occurs.
179.819 -> Murmurs can also be caused by congenital defects as well as fever and anemia.
184.64 -> Arrhythmias, also called dysrhythmias, can occur at any age and many times they have
190.139 -> no symptoms.
191.169 -> They can cause the heart rate to be irregular, fast, or slow.
195.319 -> Many of the same arrhythmias that affect adults can also affect children.
199.59 -> It is important for the arrhythmia to be properly diagnosed, so it can be properly treated.
204.37 -> The nurse should teach the parent important things to know for a child with an arrhythmia,
208.65 -> including CPR, checking the child’s heart rate, knowing how to slow the child’s heart
213.33 -> rate, knowing what to avoid, and understanding the child’s medications or pacemaker.
220.069 -> Cardiomyopathy is relatively rare in children and refers to a disease state of the heart
223.949 -> involving abnormalities of the muscle fibers.
227.159 -> There are four types of cardiomyopathy including: Dilated/congestive – This is the most common
233.78 -> type.
234.78 -> The heart muscle dilates, causing abnormal contracting and pumping.
238.489 -> Hypertrophic – the heart muscle is abnormally thick.
242.449 -> Restrictive – the relaxation/filling phase is very abnormal.
246.809 -> The last one is Miscellaneous/rare.
249.629 -> Each type has different clinical features and treatments.
254.15 -> Rheumatic heart disease is a rare condition in which permanent scarring of the heart valves
258.069 -> is caused by rheumatic fever.
260.949 -> Rheumatic fever usually occurs in children ages 5-15 that have had an inadequately treated
266.169 -> or untreated strep throat infection.
269.53 -> Prevention is the best treatment for rheumatic heart disease.
273.21 -> Antibiotics can usually treat a Streptococcus bacterial infection (strep throat), which
277.8 -> will prevent the acute rheumatic fever from developing.
281.93 -> Children that develop rheumatic fever are often given ongoing antibiotic treatments
285.74 -> to prevent subsequent inflammation of rheumatic fever and lower the risk of heart damage.
291.34 -> If heart valve damage does occur, surgical repair or replacement may be necessary.
296.67 -> Kawasaki disease, or mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome, is a rare childhood disease that
302.61 -> causes inflammation in the walls of blood vessels.
305.849 -> It is most common in infants and young children and is characterized by fever, rash, conjunctivitis,
312.31 -> swelling of the hands and feet, swollen lymph glands in the neck, and irritation and redness
317.13 -> of the mouth, lips and tongue.
320.15 -> The cause of the disease is unknown, but it may be the result of an infection triggering
324.18 -> an autoimmune response.
326.46 -> The heart may be affected, causing damage to the coronary arteries and to the heart
330.22 -> muscle itself.
332.21 -> Kawasaki disease is treated with aspirin to reduce fever, rash, joint inflammation and
337.36 -> pain and to prevent blood clots from forming.
340.53 -> Also, IV immunoglobulin therapy decreases the risk of developing heart disease.
347.22 -> Reassure parents that there is no known prevention for the disease and there was nothing they
351.419 -> could have done to prevent it.
353.449 -> The goal in treatment is to make the child as comfortable as possible while the illness
357.199 -> runs its course over 10-14 days.
361.36 -> Cholesterol and high blood pressure is another heart issue that can affect children of all
364.87 -> ages.
366.05 -> Buildup of fats and cholesterol in the arteries begins in childhood and progresses slowly
370.34 -> into adulthood, often leading to coronary heart disease, the leading cause of death
375.4 -> in the United States.
377.79 -> Cholesterol levels and the risk for coronary heart disease are affected by eating patterns
382.21 -> and genetics.
383.509 -> Children can also develop high blood pressure.
385.74 -> It may be related to lifestyle-related factors such as obesity, or it may be hereditary.
391.9 -> The high blood pressure can also be secondary to certain diseases or some medications.
396.65 -> The American Heart Association recommends that all children have yearly blood pressure
400.419 -> checks to allow for early detection and intervention.
403.62 -> The nurse should teach parents and children about healthy eating habits, regular aerobic
407.86 -> exercise, reducing or avoiding obesity, discouraging cigarette smoking, and treatment of high blood
414.139 -> pressure and diabetes.
416.74 -> Thank you for watching this video tutorial on pediatric cardiac conditions.
421.139 -> Be sure to check out our other videos and follow us on social media.
