A dietitian’s healthy sushi order | You Versus Food | Well+Good

A dietitian’s healthy sushi order | You Versus Food | Well+Good

A dietitian’s healthy sushi order | You Versus Food | Well+Good

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When the craving for sushi hits, but you want to stay health-conscious, dietitian Tracy Lockwood Beckerman has your back. In this video, she walks us through her healthiest picks for a sushi order, from apps to rolls to condiments and sauces. Brown or white rice? Maki roll or cucumber roll? Salmon or crab?!? Tracy has the answers, and you’ll be able to make your healthy sushi order with confidence. #healthysushi #youversusfood #wellandgood

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More Tracy food intel:

Check out Tracy’s opinions on the health benefits of apple cider vinegar:    • A dietitian gets real about the benef…  

And watch Tracy explain how to best drink your green juice (and celery juice):    • Green Juice Benefits Explained by a N…  

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0.32 -> what did sushi a say to sushi bee wasabi
5.26 -> [Music]
12.08 -> hi i'm tracy lockwood beckerman i'm a
14.4 -> registered dietitian in new york city
16.4 -> and it's my job to help you figure out
18.72 -> what to eat and why when the craving for
21.279 -> sushi hits you want to feel confident
23.519 -> you're making nutritious and delicious
25.519 -> choices today i'm sharing my picks for
28.16 -> how to hack together your healthiest
29.92 -> sushi order ever
32 -> follow my lead and you'll be on a
33.76 -> nutritional roll they see me rolling
37.2 -> they eat in the sushi they want to eat
40.559 -> some rolling sushi
45.36 -> before you even touch a sushi roll i
47.44 -> recommend starting off strong with some
49.28 -> apps edamame is a great filling app to
51.92 -> start your meal it's high in fiber low
54 -> in fat and it is a good source of
55.76 -> protein because it takes time to eat it
58.48 -> will force you to slow down which can be
60.8 -> a peaceful and calming way to kick off
62.879 -> the meal miso soup is also a great start
66.32 -> it contains seaweed and tofu which can
68.72 -> add great nutrients and antioxidants to
70.799 -> your meal the broth can be a little
73.439 -> salty so if you're sensitive to salt
75.759 -> have a few less spoonfuls bonus research
78.96 -> suggests that miso soup can actually
81.439 -> improve skin texture
84.4 -> after the soup go nuts over a seaweed
86.64 -> salad or house salad both deliver high
89.28 -> quality nutrients like fiber vitamin a
91.68 -> and vitamin c the seaweed gives a nice
94 -> boost of iodine which is essential in
96 -> maintaining good thyroid health plus the
98.56 -> dressing on the seaweed salad is likely
101.04 -> a vinegar making it good for blood sugar
103.28 -> regulation the house salad dressing is
105.6 -> also likely made from ginger and carrots
107.92 -> both
108.72 -> real ingredients that i can definitely
110.88 -> stand behind hot tip if you want to save
113.36 -> a bit of dressing from the salad use it
115.36 -> as your sauce for your sushi you could
116.96 -> drizzle a bit on top or dunk in your
118.96 -> pieces as you go double hot tip use
122.079 -> chopsticks instead of a fork to slow
124.24 -> down eating and help you become a little
126.399 -> bit more mindful of your meal
134.05 -> [Music]
136.959 -> when you wrap your fillings and protein
138.72 -> up with rice and seaweed that's a maki
141.04 -> roll i'd recommend a brown rice roll
143.84 -> over white rice because brown rice will
146.08 -> snag you b vitamins fiber magnesium plus
149.68 -> a lower glycemic index than white rice
152.08 -> brown rice is high
154.64 -> white
157.599 -> and seaweed is high in iodine and immune
159.84 -> boosting antioxidants other styles you
162.239 -> can try sashimi which is just raw fish
165.36 -> and therefore great for you protein
167.12 -> seekers is that a smile on your face
169.44 -> because you're happy sashimi
172.319 -> oh
173.76 -> seaweed only rolls which can save on
175.599 -> calories by kicking out the rice and
178.159 -> naruto rolls which replace rice and
180.239 -> seaweed with crunchy antioxidant-filled
182.72 -> cucumber all styles worth exploring
186 -> my sushi go-to is a salmon avocado and
188.959 -> cucumber brown rice roll
191.12 -> salmon avocado and cucumber and brown
194.8 -> rice salmon may be basic but don't worry
197.599 -> you're anything but basic but it's a top
200.08 -> pick it contains the highest amount of
202.4 -> healthy omega-3 fatty acids like dha and
205.44 -> epa and is low-key high in vitamin d so
208.72 -> for those who are dairy free congrats
210.959 -> you just met your new fave source of
212.48 -> vitamin d salmon is great for heart and
215.28 -> brain health and is a known inflammation
217.44 -> fighter way to go salmon
219.599 -> and if you don't dig salmon arctic char
221.84 -> comes in at second best in terms of
223.68 -> omega-3s does the arctic char really
226.319 -> come from the arctic
229.68 -> throw some hydrating cucumber and some
231.68 -> heart-healthy avocado in that and you're
233.68 -> in business
235.21 -> [Music]
238.4 -> now for a list of do's and don'ts or at
241.2 -> least don't go overboards when it comes
243.519 -> to sushi accessories wasabi ado
247.28 -> wasabi contains antioxidants known as
250.439 -> isothiocyanates isothiocyanates
254.04 -> isothiocyanates iso why couldn't i say
256.72 -> this rate for the first 20 times
259.359 -> and has antimicrobials that can wipe
261.44 -> away germs in the blink of an eye plus
263.84 -> it adds a lot of flavor without extra
266 -> salt or sugar
267.44 -> wasabi
269.6 -> real talk lots of restaurants use
272 -> horseradish disguised with food dye
274.32 -> instead of real wasabi but don't worry
276.88 -> horseradish is still good for you too
278.639 -> helping relieve congestion and clearing
280.639 -> your sinuses ginger ado
283.68 -> ginger has medicinal disease fighting
285.84 -> and stomach soothing properties the
287.759 -> ginger on your sushi plate is probably
290.08 -> pickled which means ding ding ding bonus
292.96 -> probiotics
296.32 -> oh ginger ginger soy sauce a don't go
299.52 -> overboard stick with low sodium soy
302.08 -> sauce as your daily max of sodium should
304.479 -> be no more than 2 000 milligrams of
306.72 -> sodium per day even one tablespoon of
309.6 -> low sodium soy sauce has 500 milligrams
312.96 -> of sodium you're soy happy
315.919 -> i'm so happy
317.919 -> seek out extra flavor from lemon or
320.32 -> extra ginger and wasabi and you won't be
322.56 -> too salty spicy mayo don't go overboard
326.08 -> ordering spicy versions of rolls can
328.8 -> sneakily pack in lots of fat and
330.96 -> calories from the spicy mayo if you love
333.6 -> it get it on the side crunchies don't go
336.8 -> overboard the crunch in a crunchy roll
339.44 -> comes from fried tempura flakes and
341.759 -> fried meat saturated fat that will
343.6 -> stress out the body obsess with crunch
346 -> order the tempura flakes on the side or
348.16 -> even better ask for a side of crunchy
350.72 -> sesame seeds instead
352.88 -> crab a dough if there's one absolute
356.479 -> no-no to order i'd say avoid crap which
359.52 -> is more often than not imitation crab
362.08 -> it's like your crab is catfishing you
364.72 -> imitation crab doesn't have the health
367.199 -> benefits of real crap so i say hold out
370.24 -> for the real stuff somewhere else okay
373.28 -> will the real crap meet please stand up
376.16 -> please stand up please stand up now
379.12 -> you're ready to roll whip out those
381.52 -> chopsticks and enjoy see you soon for
384.24 -> another episode of you vs food although
386.96 -> you may be on a roll with all these
388.96 -> episodes of you vs food i would be so
391.68 -> happy if you subscribe to wellinggood's
393.52 -> youtube channel let's maki it happen
398.72 -> oh i'm craving sushi

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icSqwrDvyN4