Lower BLOOD PRESSURE Naturally (10 Things to Know) 2023

Lower BLOOD PRESSURE Naturally (10 Things to Know) 2023

Lower BLOOD PRESSURE Naturally (10 Things to Know) 2023

High Blood Pressure is far too common, and a risk factor for terrible things like Heart Attack, Stroke, and Kidney Failure. We’ve been trained to think Hypertension is a chronic, progressive disease that can only be treated with a handful of pills, and never reversed. What if this weren’t true? How to lower your blood pressure naturally is a question you have every right to ask.

High blood pressure in most people is caused by a known set of causes, and by removing these causes hypertension can be reversed. Do you take 1-3 pills each day for your high blood pressure? Reversing your high blood pressure enough to stop even one daily pill will be a victory.

If in the process of reversing your high blood pressure you also lose some weight and decrease your aches and pains, please don’t be upset. Many other problems can be corrected by these same 7 principles. Just don’t fall for the 3 myths you might have heard…

Salt is GOOD for your Blood Pressure \u0026 Heart: http://bit.ly/RealSalts
Become a TRIBE Member \u0026 Get Answers ▶ https://bit.ly/DrBerrysCommunity

*High-Magnesium Foods Vid:    • 7 Low-Carb Magnesium Sources (➕ 1 BON…  
*High-Potassium Foods Vid:    • 7 Foods High in Potassium (NOT banana…  
Great Mag/Potass/mineral supplement: https://bit.ly/MineralFix

Eat Real U.S. Meat: https://bit.ly/USmeatDiscount (discount)

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23 \u0026 Me DNA Testing: http://bit.ly/23andMeDiscount

🍶 Keto/LCHF Stuff we Use \u0026 LOVE: https://www.amazon.com/shop/neishalov

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Ken D Berry, MD, is a Family Physician and has been practicing Family Medicine in rural Tennessee for 20 years, having seen over 25,000 patients in his career so far.
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0.269 -> hey this is dr. Barry let's talk for a
2.939 -> few minutes about something that's very
4.41 -> very important how to lower your blood
7.47 -> pressure naturally it's estimated that
11.219 -> about 75 million people in the United
15.12 -> States suffer from hypertension or high
17.55 -> blood pressure and they take if they've
20.34 -> been diagnosed properly they take one or
22.74 -> two or three different medications for
24.66 -> this every single day and you may know
26.88 -> that each medication comes with a long
28.89 -> list of potential side effects and if
31.679 -> you double your medication or triple
33.6 -> them you don't just double or triple the
34.98 -> potential side effects you multiply them
38.16 -> and so let's talk about this and if you
41.489 -> know someone who suffers from
43.379 -> hypertension or high blood pressure
45.3 -> please take a moment and share this
47.43 -> video with them share it you can share
49.559 -> click the share button and share it on
51.09 -> Facebook you can send an email you can
53.129 -> send the text message there's multiple
54.75 -> ways that you can get this message to
56.91 -> them so that they don't have to keep
58.949 -> taking a handful of medications but they
61.32 -> also don't have to keep suffering from
63.03 -> the increased risk of heart attack and
64.47 -> stroke that uncontrolled high blood
66.51 -> pressure will bring them now I'm gonna
68.939 -> talk to you about seven principles of
71.46 -> lowering your blood pressure naturally
73.68 -> and then at the very end of this video
75.6 -> I'm gonna tell you three myths that you
77.88 -> can completely ignore when it comes to
80.22 -> lowering your blood pressure so let's
82.56 -> jump right in first and foremost the
84.6 -> first principle is chronically high
87.24 -> insulin levels now this has been known
89.939 -> it's published in multiple research
92.36 -> articles that are chronically high
94.89 -> insulin level is going to make your
97.439 -> blood pressure higher we don't know 100%
101.159 -> for sure if this is a causation or a
104.13 -> correlation but it sure looks causal to
107.52 -> me when I look at all the research that
109.32 -> a high insulin level leads to an
111.659 -> elevation in blood pressure for a couple
114.659 -> of reasons first of all when you have a
117.18 -> chronically high insulin level you just
119.009 -> tend to hold more fluid more water in
121.259 -> your body and that's going to increase
122.7 -> your your intravascular volume and
125.46 -> that's going to increase your blood
126.329 -> pressure secondly chronically high
128.31 -> insulin levels and the chronically high
130.259 -> blood sugar levels that lead to an L
133.28 -> insulin will cause inflammation okay and
137 -> this leads to the damage inside the tiny
139.12 -> arterioles and capillaries and that's
141.92 -> going to ultimately lead to a heart
143.15 -> attack or stroke and so you've got to
145.76 -> work on lowering your insulin level to
148.4 -> is low a normal level as you can get it
150.8 -> that's going to protect you from
152.63 -> hundreds of complications as you go
155.6 -> through life but it's also going to
157.4 -> lower your blood pressure there are a
159.89 -> couple of big diets that I've researched
162.62 -> and used over the years to try to
164.3 -> control hypertension or high blood
166.459 -> pressure one didn't work at all the
168.86 -> other works great
170.06 -> the first diet is the - diet this is the
172.97 -> diet recommended by the American Heart
174.89 -> Association it recommends lowering your
177.86 -> salt and your fat and I used it for the
181.61 -> first few years I was in practice and I
183.62 -> found that it had basically zero effect
185.69 -> on my patients blood pressure it didn't
187.819 -> help them lose weight it didn't lower
189.08 -> their insulin levels it didn't lower
190.73 -> their inflammation levels and it didn't
193.1 -> help with their blood pressure I just
194.33 -> kept adding more and more pills to their
196.94 -> high blood pressure regimen and so I
198.799 -> don't recommend the - not anymore
200.45 -> when I discovered the ketogenic way of
202.85 -> eating or the low carb high healthy fat
205.04 -> way of eating I immediately saw my
208.25 -> patients insulin levels come down their
211.31 -> inflammation levels came down their
213.65 -> blood pressure came down I was able to
215.15 -> stop medications that they were taking
217.25 -> two three four medications a day they
218.989 -> were able to start stopping those and
220.67 -> they also lost weight so there's that
222.95 -> but the ketogenic way of eating or the
225.799 -> low carb high healthy fat way of eating
227.42 -> is the best way I have ever found in my
231.5 -> years of medical practice to lower an
234.62 -> insulin level to a low normal level
236.57 -> which is going to reverse hypertension
239.239 -> or high blood pressure and also diabetes
240.98 -> and all kinds of other stuff as well the
242.84 -> second principle is inflammation you do
246.65 -> not want chronic inflammation in your
248.87 -> body this is going to lead to all the
250.64 -> damage that leads to all the secondary
252.35 -> bad outcomes but it's also going to keep
254.63 -> your blood pressure higher okay and then
257 -> once again the ketogenic way of eating
258.769 -> is the most uninflated diet that I've
261.32 -> ever used personally or recommended to
264.47 -> my patients it has all
266.81 -> most miraculous anti-inflammatory
270.139 -> benefits when you remove the slow
272.21 -> poisons of all the sugars all the grains
274.76 -> and all the vegetable oils from a
276.77 -> human's diet they just start to heal and
279.139 -> get better and they they lower their
281.81 -> insulin level which gets rid of all the
283.55 -> extra fluid that lowers the blood
285.05 -> pressure they also get rid of the
286.55 -> chronic inflammation
288.26 -> this can be inflammation in their gut in
290.21 -> their brain in their joints or many many
292.88 -> other places in the body including those
295.16 -> tiny arterioles that feed the heart the
298.28 -> brain and the other vital organs so
300.62 -> lowering the inflammation is vital you
302.93 -> have to get inflammatory things out of
305.87 -> your diet and out of your life anything
307.729 -> that chronically inflamed you is bad and
310.4 -> you need to get that out of your life
312.11 -> okay next is a mineral magnesium there
316.1 -> are multiple medical studies that show
318.53 -> without doubt that getting enough
320.45 -> magnesium in your diet is going to help
322.13 -> keep your blood pressure lower naturally
325.34 -> and on the ketogenic way of eating there
327.74 -> are multiple foods that are keto
330.71 -> friendly that you can eat that have a
332.45 -> good supply of magnesium the dark leafy
335.6 -> greens the meats the nuts and I'm gonna
338.96 -> link to a video that talks about the
341.99 -> seven keto foods that you can get plenty
344.15 -> of magnesium because so many people in
346.85 -> the US and in the world are deficient in
348.71 -> magnesium this will cause your blood
350.6 -> pressure to just be naturally higher and
352.64 -> you don't want that next is potassium
355.16 -> again multiple medical studies show that
357.2 -> when your potassium levels are optimal
359.18 -> your blood pressure is lower and I also
361.55 -> have a video about this about the seven
363.95 -> ketogenic foods that will give you
365.419 -> plenty of potassium you can check that
367.97 -> video out after you finish this one
369.47 -> because you don't want to miss those
370.46 -> three myths at the end that I'm gonna
372.169 -> talk about next is stress and by this I
375.35 -> don't mean acute good stress like
377 -> learning to play the piano or starting a
378.65 -> new job I'm talking about chronic bad
381.02 -> daily stress that keeps your adrenaline
384.08 -> or your epinephrine levels high that
385.789 -> keeps your cortisol levels high if
388.13 -> you've got chronic bad stress in your
390.68 -> life you've got to work on that Nisha
393.5 -> and I have talked about strategies for
395.599 -> lowering chronic bad stress on several
398.03 -> of our Facebook live videos on my face
400.4 -> Paige you can check those out but you
402.62 -> have to develop strategies to get rid of
404.54 -> the chronic bad stress in your life
407.57 -> that's going to lower your cortisol
409.25 -> levels and lower your chronically
411.229 -> elevated adrenaline levels and that's
412.97 -> going to lower your blood pressure
414.229 -> next is sleep I've got a video I'm
416.96 -> working on for sleep that should be
418.31 -> posted on this channel by the end of
420.44 -> November 2018 that you can check out I
423.44 -> don't have it on here yet but if you're
425.96 -> not sleeping well at night it's gonna
428.09 -> make your blood pressure higher sleep
429.919 -> apnea is one of the leading causes of
433.49 -> second hypertension in Americans and in
436.669 -> the world if you're overweight if you're
439.699 -> chronically inflamed if your insulin
441.199 -> levels are chronically high you're more
443.24 -> likely to have sleep apnea and that's
446 -> just one of the ways that getting poor
447.53 -> sleep can raise your blood pressure if
450.41 -> you don't sleep well at night or
452.06 -> whatever you sleep then your adrenaline
454.76 -> levels are gonna chronically be higher
456.289 -> your cortisol levels your insulin levels
458.27 -> you're gonna be tired and when you're
460.43 -> tired and grumpy from not sleeping well
462.71 -> that makes it much easier to reach and
466.4 -> grab some crappy carbage some
468.919 -> carbohydrates that you don't need some
470.78 -> processed foods some grains and sugar
472.669 -> whereas if you slept well and you're
474.62 -> alert and you're really really awake
476.72 -> you're much more able to make better
478.88 -> decisions when it comes to your diet so
481.07 -> you've got to follow the principles of
483.53 -> getting good sleep you have to have
485.62 -> meticulous sleep hygiene especially as
488.06 -> you get older when you're 17 you can
490.76 -> sleep deeply and someone can come and
492.59 -> just kick you out of the bed and you
494.03 -> don't even wake up you just keep
495.199 -> sleeping right but as you get older it
496.849 -> gets harder and harder to get those
498.8 -> seven to nine hours of good deep quality
501.38 -> sleep and that's vital for keeping your
503.479 -> blood pressure lower the last principle
505.97 -> is alcohol now if you're young and
509.18 -> healthy and you don't have blood
510.289 -> pressure problems you can have a mixed
512.12 -> drink or two that's carb free every
514.969 -> night and that's not a big deal right
516.8 -> but as you get older as you get more
518.45 -> insulin resistant as you get more
520.07 -> chronic inflammation as you get more
522.26 -> stress in your life the alcohol
524.45 -> especially if you take one or two or
526.61 -> three medications for your blood
528.98 -> pressure you got to stop the alcohol I'm
530.93 -> sorry and now once you've taken care of
533.18 -> all of these
533.9 -> principles and gotten your blood
535.22 -> pressure and your weight and your
536.54 -> insulin and everything fixed you may be
539.06 -> able to go back and have a mixed drink
541.13 -> or two that's carb free every now and
543.2 -> then and it not be a big deal but why in
545.3 -> the world would you want to have two or
547.1 -> three drinks at night if that's
548.87 -> contributing to your high blood pressure
551.029 -> and you can stop that voluntarily and
553.52 -> maybe get off one or two or three
555.14 -> medications so if you're currently on
557.93 -> any medication for hypertension for high
560.6 -> blood pressure don't stop those
562.73 -> medications without going to see your
564.38 -> doctor you can start implementing these
566.66 -> seven principles right now to start to
569.96 -> lower your blood pressure immediately
572.24 -> but don't stop medications until you
574.16 -> talk to your doctor about your plan and
576.22 -> also start keeping up with your blood
578.75 -> pressure you want to get a blood
580.37 -> pressure cuff at home that checks on
582.5 -> your upper arm not on your wrist and you
584.75 -> want to check your blood pressure twice
586.339 -> a day when you're calm cool and relaxed
589.58 -> you don't want to be in pain you don't
590.99 -> want to be pissed off you don't want to
592.58 -> be super tired when you check your blood
594.17 -> pressure it's going to be high that's
596.21 -> normal
596.9 -> also don't let your doctor start a blood
599.12 -> pressure medicine if you if you're
600.77 -> rushed and you go to the doctor's office
602.209 -> and you they rush you in and sit you
603.98 -> down and check a blood pressure and it's
606.41 -> high because you're under stress and
608.33 -> you're rushed and you're and you're kind
609.589 -> of mad a lot of doctors will
612.07 -> inappropriately start you on a blood
614.209 -> pressure medicine based on that one
615.98 -> blood pressure rating that is
617.15 -> inappropriate that is not proper medical
619.52 -> practice do not allow that to happen now
621.47 -> if your blood pressure is running
622.85 -> consistently high at home right now you
624.77 -> might need a temporary medication or two
627.35 -> to get that blood pressure down but when
629.39 -> you followed these seven principles for
631.04 -> long enough you're gonna be able to get
632.42 -> off most if not all of that blood
634.25 -> pressure medication but you're gonna do
636.44 -> it hand-in-hand with a learning health
639.2 -> adviser which is your doctor okay also
642.44 -> your doctor needs to rule out other
644.209 -> causes of secondary hypertension like
646.94 -> sleep apnea and there's several other
648.529 -> ones that involve the kidneys and the
650 -> adrenal glands but if you have a
651.56 -> secondary cause of high blood pressure
653.029 -> you may have to be on a medication or
655.31 -> two and that's just how it's gonna be
656.81 -> but most people if they'll follow these
659.959 -> seven principles they don't need any
661.58 -> blood pressure medication whatsoever
663.62 -> okay now let's talk about the three
665.93 -> myths that you hear
667.73 -> all the time in the media and maybe even
670.22 -> from your doctor if he's behind on his
671.99 -> reading number one is the number one
674.029 -> myth is salt Oh salt if you eat salt
676.639 -> it'll make your blood pressure go up
677.899 -> look this has been proven incorrect
682.06 -> multiple multiple times in huge medical
685.279 -> studies my good friend dr. James D
687.92 -> nickle Antonio has a great book about
689.66 -> this called the salt fix I'll put a link
691.67 -> down below don't worry about salt maybe
695.12 -> one or two people out of a million have
697.399 -> a genetic predisposition and are very
699.709 -> salt sensitive but once you've worked on
702.589 -> these seven principles that I've talked
704.24 -> about earlier salt is gonna have no
706.25 -> meaningful effect on your blood pressure
708.11 -> whatsoever you can enjoy your salt
709.91 -> that's how we get our minerals don't
712.04 -> worry about salt the second myth is
714.05 -> caffeine oh if you drink coffee or tea
717.139 -> you're gonna raise your blood pressure
718.31 -> this has been shown multiple times to
720.92 -> not be true you might have a transient
723.829 -> elevation in your pulse and blood
725.449 -> pressure short term when you drink a cup
728 -> of coffee but that is that's not the
729.529 -> definition of hypertension or high blood
731.24 -> pressure that has nothing to do with the
733.37 -> big picture there are so many good
735.62 -> benefits to drinking a good quality
737.899 -> coffee or tea don't worry about them
739.91 -> raising your blood pressure that's a
741.829 -> myth then the third myth is this is kind
744.769 -> of a complicated method so listen
746.36 -> carefully it's many many of the American
748.97 -> Heart Association the American Medical
750.86 -> Association imply that smoking will
753.68 -> raise your blood pressure and as much as
755.569 -> doctors would love for this to be true
757.399 -> as much as we would love to have one
759.05 -> more thing we can throw on the pile of
760.94 -> reasons why you should quit smoking is
763.339 -> that it raises your blood pressure but
765.079 -> we've tried in multiple large studies
767.18 -> and we can't prove that it increases
768.709 -> your blood pressure in any meaningful
770.87 -> way now I strongly encourage you to stop
774.139 -> smoking I have a video on this channel
776.24 -> about vaping instead of smoking and how
778.819 -> that's a hundred times safer it's not
780.199 -> ideal but it's safer you can check that
781.91 -> video out but smoking is terrible for
785 -> you and hundreds and hundreds and
786.23 -> hundreds of ways but it doesn't raise
788.149 -> your blood pressure so so that's one
790.01 -> less thing to worry about but I still
792.05 -> want you to quit smoking okay now if you
794.24 -> enjoyed this video please consider
796.31 -> clicking the subscribe button in the
798.079 -> bell right decided that way you'll get a
799.699 -> little notification every
801.11 -> might post a new video so you don't miss
803.36 -> anything okay as you can probably tell
805.67 -> from this video I am NOT a friend a Big
807.769 -> Pharma or big medicine or big food none
809.93 -> of those guys like me they're never
811.88 -> gonna sponsor this channel so if you'd
814.01 -> like to help me out to have more time to
815.899 -> make videos like this you can click on
817.399 -> my patreon link it's right down there
818.81 -> it's a quick sign up and you can throw a
820.82 -> buck or two my way to help me have more
822.589 -> time to make videos just like this this
825.649 -> is dr. berry I'll see you next time

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4poezuUM5s