The dangers of white coat hypertension
The dangers of white coat hypertension
0 -> in good health as many as 30 percent of
2.19 -> patients with higher than normal blood
3.78 -> pressure ratings experience what's
5.58 -> called white coat hypertension it's a
7.83 -> phenomenon where a person's blood
9.69 -> pressure is increased only when they're
12.09 -> at the doctor's office doctor majority R
14.04 -> to explain why it's important to
15.87 -> recognize that as a health crisis
18.09 -> exactly Karen and Jason so you know a
20.07 -> recent study found although white coat
22.109 -> hypertension means that your blood
23.46 -> pressure is normal when you're at home
25.41 -> and not at your doctor's office it is
27.75 -> actually still a marker of underlying
29.55 -> risk and left unmanaged it does increase
32.55 -> a person's risk for heart disease still
34.26 -> you don't want to over treat it when
37.02 -> your blood pressure at home is
38.1 -> noticeably lower than it is your
39.51 -> doctor's office you may be experiencing
41.7 -> white coat hypertension widely believed
43.95 -> to be caused by anxiety seeing a doctor
46.89 -> just causes some people stress if your
49.32 -> blood pressure is falsely elevated then
51.48 -> you may be prescribed medicines that
53.55 -> you're not supposed to be on if that is
55.8 -> not your true blood pressure but there
57.93 -> are simple things patients can do to
59.85 -> make sure blood pressure levels are
61.35 -> accurate a proper blood pressure would
63.48 -> be you not talking and just relaxing you
66.84 -> want your feet shoulder width and flat
68.58 -> on the ground and you're seated I want
70.86 -> you to have your arm shoulder width
72.72 -> basically at the level of the heart and
76.13 -> resting and be aware of what can drive
78.96 -> your blood pressure up work simple
80.7 -> things like having a full bladder can
82.259 -> raise your level by 10 to 15 points
84.259 -> experiencing stress like being late or
86.7 -> getting stuck in traffic before your
88.47 -> appointment can also raise your blood
90.27 -> pressure now if you think you might have
93.03 -> white coat hypertension talk to your
94.71 -> doctor about using an automatic home
96.689 -> blood pressure cuff to really help
98.4 -> determine if your high blood pressure
99.509 -> only happens at the doctor's office or
101.729 -> it's something persistent that needs to
103.56 -> be treated often white coat hypertension
105.63 -> blood pressure up problems can be
108 -> managed with simple lifestyle changes
109.52 -> smoking cessation less alcohol improved
112.619 -> diet and exercise routines it doesn't
114.479 -> always require medication but you do
116.61 -> need to pay attention to it because it
118.049 -> can be a marker of an underlying heart
120.479 -> disease or cardiovascular disease and
122.31 -> older people all this time will say that
123.689 -> you know they get bad feelings when you
125.729 -> go to the hospital only bad things
126.899 -> happen it's sort of even though you know
128.879 -> that's not true but they have you know
130.979 -> it's kind of a thing that
133.17 -> right and it is important if you measure
135.03 -> your blood pressure at home to measure
136.38 -> it the same way every time and keep
138.09 -> track of the numbers and tell your
139.41 -> doctor
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3QASOj7dtY