Margaret, Heart Attack at age 35
Margaret, Heart Attack at age 35
Margaret was young, fit and otherwise healthy but she was about to have a heart attack that could have devastated her life. For more information about women’s heart health visit the Heart Foundation’s website goredforwomen.org.au
11.54 -> My first heart attack was, as you might
14.379 -> imagine, quite a harrowing experience.
17.86 -> I never would have dreamed that at 35
20.41 -> years of age I was susceptible to a
24.13 -> heart attack.
34.4 -> I was getting dreadful angina
35.68 -> particularly while walking. I'd walk my
39.16 -> young son, who was seven at the
40.719 -> time, I walk him to school and just about
43.39 -> pass out when I got to school and I
45.969 -> thought I'm unfit I've got to get fitter.
48.28 -> So I worked harder to get my fitness
51.519 -> level up. I didn't have any idea that those
54.85 -> pains that I was getting and the
56.14 -> breathlessness and the dizziness and so
58.6 -> on was me teetering on the edge of
61.96 -> disaster possibly.
71.32 -> Very good friends of ours had invited us out onto their
73.21 -> cruiser on the harbor on a beautiful
75.4 -> Sydney blue sky day.
77.96 -> Very much looking forward to the day.
79.78 -> We got on board and
81.13 -> as our trip progressed I started to feel
84.19 -> quite ill and I put that down to to
89.53 -> actually being a bit motion sick or seasickness.
92.5 -> We went to one of the
94.149 -> restaurants at Darling Harbour and I was
97.09 -> at a point there where I couldn't eat.
99.52 -> I felt horribly sick and still though still
103.38 -> put it down to being motion sick.
105.46 -> We then got back onboard the boat
108.61 -> went touring around the harbour ways a
111.039 -> little bit more and it was then that I
113.979 -> started to get pain in the chest
117.369 -> a tightness in the chest that pain went up
121.119 -> the left side of my neck it was grabbing
123.549 -> around my jaw and down into the
127.75 -> back as well.
128.88 -> I started having trouble
130.569 -> breathing I was sort of gasping for
132.88 -> breath and finding it quite hard to
134.53 -> breathe normally. I then started to feel
138.519 -> very very nauseous and wanted to be sick.
141.91 -> When it was that crushing crushing
144.16 -> feeling like you're feeling the most
146.349 -> incredible weight just crushing you that
149.28 -> I actually made the realisation "this is
152.32 -> a heart attack we've got to do something quickly."
155.36 -> Every heart attack can be
156.22 -> different not everyone feels that but
158.62 -> that's how it was for me.
160.18 -> By the time that I got to hospital I
164.11 -> had passed out and I remember my very last
167.82 -> thought being "this is it I'm gone"
171.46 -> and that was an incredibly scary feeling.
181.7 -> It all happened seemingly so quickly and
183.95 -> at that point when I thought this is it
186.95 -> I'm about to pass out and the pain is so
189.89 -> incredibly intense you can't imagine
192.08 -> your body going through any more
196.26 -> you really think that this is it and this
198.769 -> it's a horrible way to go I haven't had
200.87 -> a chance to say goodbye to anyone or do
203 -> the things that I wanted to do or be with my child.
211 -> I thought that death was still imminent
213.4 -> even though I was being cared for
215.31 -> obviously very well by a fantastic
217.83 -> cardiologist initially I didn't know
220.17 -> how far I could walk after having a
222.569 -> heart attack I didn't know how far I
224.82 -> could physically push myself.
228.16 -> Could I pick things up? Could I do housework?
230.88 -> Could I work again?
238.92 -> Rehab provides you with a program of
241.28 -> not only strengthening you physically
245.09 -> but also getting your mind around what
248.63 -> you've been through.
249.96 -> It taught me what I could do after having a heart attack
252.56 -> and how far I should go and gave me the
255.44 -> confidence to do those things and
257.48 -> confidence in knowing yes I can do this
260.09 -> and I can exercise.
261.14 -> I feel it's actually
262.43 -> quite imperative to go through a
264.71 -> rehabilitation program for your physical
268.79 -> well-being but very much for your mental
270.92 -> well-being as well because it's a huge
273.02 -> hit to deal with mentally having a
277.81 -> a heart attack, at any age.
282.72 -> I am quite possibly here today because of research
286.74 -> and because of advances that
289.2 -> scientists and cardiac researchers have made over the years.
295.36 -> This isn't just an older
296.5 -> person's disease it can affect younger
299.34 -> people of any age.
301.14 -> People need to know that heart attacks are the biggest
305.15 -> killer and the biggest killer of women
307.34 -> over and above breast cancer and many
312.17 -> other diseases.
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyviONd8I5k