6 Worst Foods For Heart Disease

6 Worst Foods For Heart Disease

6 Worst Foods For Heart Disease

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🔎 Today, we’re going to explore 6 of the worst foods for heart disease, including a number of toxic foods that are promoted as “healthy” by the food industry but actually cause havoc in the body.

6. Deep Fried foods
They are high in calories and unhealthy fats, which cause inflammation, clog arteries and lead to heart attack and stroke. They also tend to be high in salt and hidden sugars which raise blood pressure and increase the risk of heart disease.

5. Refined Carbohydrates
Refined carbs are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and cause blood sugar levels to spike. Over time, this can lead to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes – both of which are major risk factors for heart disease.

4. MSG
MSG, or monosodium glutamate, is a common food additive that has been shown to cause adverse effects on the heart. Studies have found that eating MSG is associated with higher blood pressure levels. It has also been associated with an increased risk of stroke and other cardiovascular diseases.

3. Vegetable Oils
Many vegetable oils are bad for the heart because they easily become rancid. Once they become rancid, they cause inflammation in the body that can damage blood vessels and lead to heart disease.

2. Processed Meats
The chemicals used to cure the meat – including nitrates – can damage the lining of blood vessels, leading to inflammation and plaque buildup.

1. Soda
When you drink soda, your blood glucose spikes. Also, according to one study, people who drink diet soda on a daily basis have a 67% rise in type 2 diabetes and a 36% rise in heart disease and related conditions.

Disclaimer: All material in this publication is provided for information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action should be taken based solely on the contents of this publication; instead, viewers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. The information and opinions provided in this publication are believed to be accurate and sound, based on the best judgment available to the producers, but viewers who fail to consult with appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any injuries. The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions. The material in this report has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. The products discussed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


0.299 -> food is fuel the quality of food we eat
4.44 -> impacts the health of our cholesterol
6.72 -> hormones arteries and heart and
10.62 -> determines whether we spend our days
12.42 -> sick and tired or full of energy and
15.42 -> enjoying life if we want to stay healthy
18.359 -> it's important to make informed choices
21 -> when it comes to what we eat So today
24.119 -> we're going to explore six of the worst
27 -> foods for heart's disease including a
30.119 -> number of toxic foods that are promoted
32.52 -> as healthy by the food industry but
36 -> actually cause havoc in the body but
39 -> before we continue can you do us a favor
41.28 -> click on the thumbs up and help us
43.739 -> spread the word about heart disease
45.6 -> prevention and ring that Bell to stay up
48.239 -> to date with our latest videos we want
50.46 -> to make sure you get the latest
52.46 -> science-backed information on heart
54.899 -> health and stick around to find out how
57.539 -> to get two free gifts we guarantee both
60.6 -> you and your heart will love them
63.899 -> okay let's get into it number six deep
68.64 -> fried foods
70.56 -> deep fried foods are a major contributor
73.5 -> to heart disease they are high in
75.96 -> calories and unhealthy fats which cause
78.479 -> inflammation clogged arteries and leads
81.84 -> to heart attack and stroke what's more
84.72 -> they also tend to be high in salt and
87.479 -> hidden sugars which raise blood pressure
90 -> and increase the risk of heart disease
92.34 -> that's common knowledge in this day and
94.979 -> age but the thing many people don't know
97.439 -> is that deep frying can actually turn
99.84 -> food toxic meaning that it oxidizes
103.259 -> cholesterol and messes with the function
105.479 -> of various organs as well as vital
108.479 -> hormone production toxic chemicals are
111.6 -> produced when foods are deep fried these
114.72 -> are known as ages or Advanced glycation
118.979 -> end products
121.22 -> ages cause inflammation and raise the
124.979 -> likelihood of cardiovascular disease
127.399 -> research conducted by the Mount Sinai
130.5 -> School of Medicine looked at how
132.84 -> different cooking methods impacted the
134.94 -> toxicity of food they found that deep
137.879 -> fried chicken nuggets contained nearly 7
140.94 -> 000 kilo units of Ages per 90 grams
144.92 -> compared to pan-fried chicken breast
147.3 -> which had only 4 000 kilo units
151.02 -> even better chicken boiled in lemon
154.14 -> contained only
156.02 -> 861 kilo units that's an eight-fold
159.599 -> reduction in toxic ages deep frying also
164.64 -> increases the amount of acrylamide in
167.58 -> Foods acrylamide is a carcinogen that
170.879 -> was only discovered in 2002 and has been
174.18 -> linked to an increased risk of cancer
176.4 -> when you eat deep fried foods your body
179.7 -> has to work harder in order to deal with
182.22 -> these toxins
183.36 -> primarily they oxidize blood cholesterol
186.42 -> and stiffen arteries you want your
189.48 -> arteries to be elastic and flexible so
192.36 -> they can expand and contract to keep
194.459 -> blood pressure under control
196.44 -> when your arteries become stiff and
198.3 -> brittle all sorts of things can go wrong
201.54 -> most commonly ruptures and cracks appear
204.599 -> and plaque builds up increasing your
207.239 -> risk for blockages heart attack and
210 -> stroke
210.959 -> according to Harvard University data
213.36 -> every 120 grams or four ounce serving of
217.56 -> fried food per week increases the risk
220.019 -> of heart disorder by three percent
223.019 -> so if you're looking to improve your
225.48 -> heart health it's best to avoid or
228.06 -> minimize deep fried foods instead opt
231.42 -> for healthier cooking methods such as
233.58 -> baking roasting grilling or boiling
238.14 -> number five refined carbohydrates
242.519 -> diets high in refined carbohydrates are
245.4 -> linked to an increased risk of heart
247.44 -> disease refined carbohydrates are found
250.439 -> in many foods that we eat every day such
253.2 -> as breads pastas and breakfast cereals
256.38 -> when these foods are produced fiber and
259.56 -> other beneficial nutrients are removed
261.86 -> refined carbs are quickly absorbed into
264.72 -> the bloodstream and cause blood sugar
266.639 -> levels to spike over time this can lead
269.82 -> to insulin resistance and type 2
271.979 -> diabetes both of which are major risk
275.4 -> factors for heart disease in addition to
277.979 -> raising blood sugar levels refined carbs
280.74 -> also promote inflammation throughout the
283.08 -> body another key factor in the
285.24 -> development of heart disease
286.82 -> inflammation damages the lining of
289.32 -> arteries the vessels that carry blood
291.72 -> too and from the heart this leads to
294.479 -> plaque buildup and causes the arteries
296.639 -> to harden a condition known as
299.419 -> atherosclerosis it's this plaque buildup
302.28 -> that Narrows arteries and decreases
305.16 -> blood flow to the heart increasing the
307.56 -> risk for a heart attack or stroke
310.199 -> so why do we keep eating refined carbs
312.72 -> if they're so bad for us
314.58 -> remember the food pyramid that's right
317.34 -> Health policy used to encourage getting
320.04 -> the majority of our diet from
321.96 -> carbohydrates a policy based on shaky
325.08 -> science that has since been thoroughly
327.18 -> disproved what's more carbohydrates are
330.78 -> highly addictive the sugar and
333.06 -> carbohydrates stimulates the release of
335.639 -> feel-good chemicals in our brains giving
338.039 -> us a temporary high that we quickly
340.38 -> crave more of in short eating too many
343.74 -> refined carbs is terrible for your
346.02 -> ticker so next time you're reaching for
348.36 -> that Bagel or slice of cake think twice
351.539 -> and consider opting for a healthier
353.46 -> choice instead your future self will
355.8 -> thank you
357.36 -> number four MSG
360.919 -> MSG or monosodium glutamate is a common
365.46 -> food additive that has been linked to
367.919 -> heart disease MSG is added to foods to
371.52 -> enhance flavor but it has also been
374.16 -> shown to cause adverse effects on the
376.08 -> heart
376.86 -> Studies have found that eating MSG is
379.919 -> associated with higher blood pressure
381.84 -> levels it has also been associated with
384.78 -> an increased risk of stroke and other
387.12 -> cardiovascular disease a 2021 study
391.02 -> published in the Journal of human and
393.24 -> experimental toxology found that MSG
396 -> resulted in increased body weight
399.319 -> dyslipidemia or imbalance of blood
402.24 -> lipids increased inflammation
405.479 -> and an increase in markers of oxidative
408.479 -> stress
409.8 -> this LEDs to the Stark warning that MSG
412.74 -> should not be used in the preparation of
414.96 -> food due to its significant impact on
417.78 -> the heart and liver other research found
420.24 -> that MSG can cause digestive damage
423.12 -> including gastritis and duodenal ulcers
427.199 -> MSG is often used in canned foods
430.58 -> packaged noodles and other processed
433.44 -> meals so it can be easy to buy food that
436.62 -> contains MSG without even knowing it
439.74 -> what's more it can be hard to spot on
441.96 -> the ingredient list of packaged Foods
444.139 -> that's because it's commonly listed
446.88 -> under different names including
449.9 -> e620 e621
454.46 -> e622
456.02 -> e623
457.699 -> e624 and e625
461.699 -> so make sure you check food labels for
464.039 -> anything between e620 and e625
468.72 -> and better yet make your meals at home
471.5 -> using plenty of fresh fruits vegetables
474.84 -> nuts seeds grass-fed meat wild caught
478.68 -> fish and spices
481.259 -> next we'll clear up a sometimes
483.599 -> confusing topic the good and bad of
486.66 -> vegetable oils but first heart disease
489.84 -> code would love to give you a free book
491.639 -> The surprising truth about fat and
494.46 -> cholesterol plus the first episode of
497.94 -> the untold story of heart disease
500.46 -> something that everyone concerned about
503.039 -> heart health should watch click the link
506.099 -> in the description below to claim these
508.199 -> free gifts
509.52 -> okay let's get into number three
512.7 -> number three vegetable oils
516.36 -> you might be thinking hold on I thought
519.24 -> vegetable oils were good for me
521.219 -> well there is a body of evidence that
523.74 -> suggests it's not that simple many
526.32 -> vegetable oils are bad for the heart
528.18 -> because they easily become rancid
530.76 -> once they become rancid they cause
533.1 -> inflammation in the body this
535.38 -> inflammation can damage blood vessels
537.12 -> and leads to heart disease as an example
540.48 -> consider sunflower seeds these seeds
543.54 -> have many health benefits while they're
545.519 -> in their raw form and protected by a
548.339 -> hard outer shell this shell prevents the
551.459 -> seeds from oxidizing oxidization is
554.76 -> similar to rusting like an apple that
557.279 -> has been chopped after a while it turns
560.1 -> brown and oxidizes
562.2 -> vegetable oils are high in
564.38 -> polyunsaturated fats which are
566.7 -> beneficial in their whole when oxidized
569.88 -> however they promote inflammation and
572.279 -> damage cholesterol in the blood so keep
574.8 -> an eye out for polyunsaturated fat oils
577.56 -> and opt for more heart healthy oils like
580.459 -> monounsaturated olive oil or coconut oil
583.32 -> which contains saturated fat and is less
586.44 -> likely to go Rancid
588.6 -> number two processed Meats
591.839 -> the chemicals used to cure the meat
594.48 -> including nitrates can damage the lining
597.6 -> of blood vessels leading to inflammation
599.94 -> and plaque buildup nitrates cause
602.64 -> arteries to become stiff which raises
605.64 -> blood pressure as the arteries can't
607.56 -> expand and contract properly in turn
610.5 -> making the heart work harder and
612.959 -> increasing risk of heart attack
615.48 -> according to University of Oxford
617.82 -> research every 50 grams of processed
620.76 -> meat per day increases the risk of
623.82 -> coronary heart disease by 18
627.019 -> this is primarily due to an excess of
630.18 -> salt and nitrates as well as other
633 -> harmful chemical additives which raise
635.519 -> blood pressure and impair cardiac
637.92 -> function other research discovered that
640.44 -> eating processed Meats greatly raised
642.839 -> the risk of colon cancer that's largely
645.839 -> because the nitrates found in processed
648.18 -> meats can become carcinogenic once
650.88 -> digested
652.079 -> so you must consume processed Meats do
655.68 -> so only on rare occasions practice
658.44 -> portion control and balance it out with
661.2 -> healthy foods when it comes to bacon for
664.56 -> example look for organic or nitrate-free
667.38 -> choices always go low salt whenever you
671.399 -> can and alternatively choose a heart
674.579 -> healthy option like turkey or chicken
679.019 -> number one
680.579 -> soda
682.079 -> soda is bad news for just about every
684.959 -> organ in the body the average can of
687.48 -> soda contains around nine teaspoons of
689.94 -> sugar that's the daily limits for adults
692.76 -> all packed into one single can
696.48 -> when you drink soda your blood glucose
699.24 -> spikes and as we've discussed high blood
702.3 -> sugar triggers a domino effect of
704.339 -> cholesterol oxidization high blood
706.8 -> pressure and hardening of the arteries
709.5 -> inside the liver soda is quickly
712.68 -> converted to Fat which gets stored in
715.32 -> the liver cells and can lead to fatty
717.779 -> liver disease and cirrhosis or scarring
721.38 -> in the liver according to the Ohio State
724.5 -> University
725.54 -> hepatologist Dr sajad Jalil even one
729.42 -> soda per day can lead to fatty liver
731.82 -> disease after five to seven years
734.519 -> fatty liver disease is a precursor to
737.22 -> more serious health decline including
740.279 -> heart disease
741.839 -> diabetes
743.399 -> colon cancer and pancreas cancer
747.18 -> and if you're thinking that sugar-free
749.1 -> is a better option unfortunately it's
751.86 -> even worse artificially sweetened drinks
754.86 -> are often marketed as zero sugar or zero
759.48 -> calorie but they use chemicals like
761.94 -> aspartame or saccharine instead of sugar
765.72 -> research over the past two decades has
768.72 -> repeatedly demonstrated the devastation
771.36 -> caused by three chemicals according to
774.42 -> one study published in the journal
776.1 -> Diabetes Care people who drink diet soda
779.82 -> on a daily basis have a 67 rise in type
783.72 -> 2 diabetes and a 36 rise in heart
787.56 -> disease and related conditions another
790.68 -> study found these substances alter the
793.139 -> gut Flora significantly altering glucose
796.139 -> tolerance accelerating their damage of
798.72 -> high blood sugar instead of soda go for
801.959 -> soda water tea pomegranate juice or
805.92 -> cranberry juice just make sure they
808.26 -> don't contain added sugar
810.48 -> so surrounder our six worst foods for
814.2 -> heart disease are number six deep fried
817.56 -> foods number five refined carbohydrates
820.92 -> number four MSG number three vegetable
825.54 -> oils number two processed meats and
829.5 -> number one soda
833.04 -> we hope you enjoyed this video if you
835.5 -> have anything more to add or have
837.66 -> questions let us know in the comments
839.82 -> below and remember to get your two free
842.639 -> gifts the surprising truth about fat and
845.399 -> cholesterol and the first episode of the
848.1 -> untold story of Hearts disease just
851.04 -> click the link in the description below
852.779 -> to get them both
854.339 -> and remember to like this video and
856.98 -> click the Subscribe button so that you
859.38 -> can stay up to date as we release new
862.2 -> videos thanks for watching we hope you
865.019 -> have a happy and heart healthy day
873.57 -> [Music]

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HV1cFs2v3QU