Ask Mayo Clinic: Coronary Artery Disease

Ask Mayo Clinic: Coronary Artery Disease

Ask Mayo Clinic: Coronary Artery Disease

Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) is complicated. It’s okay to have questions.  Get informed: If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with coronary artery disease (CAD), you may be asking yourself a lot of questions. Our experts are here to help you answer them.        

0:00 Introduction
0:17 Do small lifestyle changes really make a difference?
0:37 How important is cholesterol in controlling CAD?
0:58 Is CAD regression possible? Can I help it regress?
1:23 Do the symptoms of CAD get more serious over time?
1:48 Is medication enough to control my cholesterol?
2:07 My blood pressure is only mildly elevated. Do I need to worry?
2:26 How can I be the best partner to my medical team?
3:07 Ending

What is coronary artery disease? -     • Mayo Clinic Explains Coronary Artery …        

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0.1 -> [Music]
7.12 -> hi i'm dr steve kopetsky a cardiologist
10.08 -> at mayo clinic and i'm here to answer
12.4 -> some of the important questions you may
14.08 -> have about coronary artery disease
16.26 -> [Music]
22.96 -> many small changes can lead to great
25.119 -> benefit over time
26.88 -> remember that nothing you do to improve
29.039 -> your health is ever too little and
31.519 -> nothing you do to improve your health is
33.6 -> ever too late
34.75 -> [Music]
41.44 -> cholesterol is always involved in the
43.52 -> initiation of the narrowing of the
45.36 -> arteries to the heart and every plaque
47.84 -> or narrowing of your arteries contains
50.32 -> cholesterol it is essential to control
52.64 -> the cholesterol in order to optimally
54.719 -> lower your chance of a heart attack
63.12 -> yes
64 -> all the studies that have shown
65.519 -> regression of arterial narrowing have
67.52 -> done three things
69.119 -> first
70.159 -> take care of the obvious factors like
72.159 -> high blood pressure smoking high
74.56 -> cholesterol second address diet and
77.92 -> physical activity and third
80.479 -> help patients manage stress
89.119 -> no
89.92 -> half of the time the first symptom a
92.479 -> person has of coronary artery disease is
95.2 -> actually a heart attack
96.88 -> and half of these heart attacks are
98.799 -> fatal so overall for one out of four
101.84 -> people the first symptom is what we term
105.6 -> sudden cardiac death
107.06 -> [Music]
113.52 -> no
114.64 -> studies have shown that even if your
116.399 -> cholesterol is well controlled with
118 -> medicines
119.119 -> if you do not eat a healthy diet
121.68 -> your heart attack stroke and death rate
123.92 -> is not significantly reduced
128.62 -> [Music]
132.319 -> yes
133.44 -> since your heart beats a hundred
135.68 -> thousand times a day even mild
138 -> elevations of blood pressure above 130
140.56 -> over 80 can cause significant health
142.879 -> problems including heart attacks strokes
145.52 -> and heart failure
146.58 -> [Music]
153.2 -> i tell people they have a new part-time
155.599 -> job called your health
157.84 -> and part of this is knowing what
159.84 -> medicines you're on what doses you're
161.92 -> taking and why you're taking these
163.68 -> medicines
164.959 -> also very helpful check your blood
166.959 -> pressure regularly check your weight
169.04 -> regularly at home
170.4 -> if any questions arise about your health
173.04 -> put them in your smartphone so you'll
175.12 -> have them the next time you have your
176.959 -> visit with your doctor never hesitate to
179.519 -> ask your medical team any questions or
181.84 -> concerns you have being informed makes
184.72 -> all the difference
186.48 -> thanks for your time and we wish you
188.48 -> well
