Pleasant Grove Weekly Bible Study
Pleasant Grove Weekly Bible Study
Sr. Pastor J. Porter
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Church Address: 2525 Old Lower River Road Douglasville, Ga 30135
Sunday Services: 10 am est Sunday School and 11am est Morning Worship
Weekly Bible Study: Every Wednesday 7pm est on Google Meet. Access Code: uuc-tgab-ema (Be sure to include the dashes)
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0.599 -> okay most groceries Heavenly Father we
3.659 -> just thank you once and again for all
5.52 -> that you are in each and every one of
7.2 -> our Lives Lord just
9.3 -> um bless us tonight as um we expound
12.24 -> upon your word father God just give us
14.16 -> uh
15.299 -> um uh ear to hear all that you will have
18.06 -> us to know Lord be with the a pastor as
20.88 -> he expound upon your word and we just
22.8 -> thank you Father God for your Divine
24.539 -> protection and Grace in covering
26.4 -> throughout this day Lord in the precious
28.56 -> name of Jesus amen amen okay amen well
32.88 -> welcome to the Bible study tonight we
35.16 -> have really been just enjoying what God
38.219 -> has been doing uh in the ministry and we
41.82 -> welcome everyone to our Wednesday night
45.899 -> um
46.46 -> uh Bible study and uh
50.46 -> I am very pleased to to
54.059 -> um just have you all on with us on
55.98 -> tonight and we have been just extremely
58.68 -> busy at the church and got so much going
60.78 -> on and I know it's been uh this week is
64.799 -> just kind of
66 -> kind of been full of stuff and I just
68.159 -> appreciate you all on Monday night I
70.56 -> need to say that
71.82 -> um I appreciate you all being in the
75.6 -> house on Monday night and I can't tell
78.24 -> you boy it was just very overwhelming
80.7 -> just to see so much support on the
83.159 -> Revival on this past Monday night and so
86.28 -> thank you all for being on tonight as
88.619 -> we're getting ready to go into our
90.6 -> lesson
91.799 -> and I really wanted to talk I was asking
95.1 -> God uh today and just praying about it
98.46 -> on yesterday what would we have to talk
101.52 -> about tonight and uh the Lord took me to
104.88 -> First Peter chapter 3 verse 15. and uh
110.64 -> just begin to meditate on that
112.259 -> particular passage and there were some
114.54 -> other correlative scriptures that just
116.939 -> came to mind and I want to read
120.659 -> um
121.2 -> I want to read first Peter
123.5 -> chapter three and verse 15 and the word
128.28 -> of God says but sanctify the Lord God in
131.4 -> your hearts and be ready always to give
134.879 -> an answer to every man that asks you a
137.64 -> reason
138.42 -> asking you a reason of the hope that is
141.78 -> in you with meekness and fear
145.319 -> and uh
147.18 -> that that has a description itself is is
151.2 -> pretty powerful
152.819 -> um because Paul I mean Peter is actually
156.18 -> talking
158.4 -> about the inheritance that we have uh in
163.56 -> just being a part of uh the work of
167.099 -> Christ and understanding that this
170.459 -> inheritance that we have
172.56 -> is a blessing now what Peter is talking
176.099 -> about In this passage of scripture is
179.099 -> helping us to understand
181.22 -> that we must value number one what it is
185.76 -> we have
186.9 -> now I know most of us have children uh
190.92 -> some of us are parents and those of us
192.599 -> who may not be parents you have family
194.879 -> members that if you give them something
196.86 -> you want them to treasure it you want
199.319 -> them to Value it and to take care of it
202.62 -> um I know we can probably relate to uh
206.519 -> buying someone a gift during holidays
208.62 -> and you hope that they don't pack it up
211.019 -> and re-gift it to somebody else but of
212.76 -> course once you give it to somebody it's
214.68 -> whatever they're going to do with it but
216.48 -> in this situation understanding The
218.94 -> Inheritance that Jesus has given and
221.34 -> that he has paid for in blood
223.44 -> uh Peter who is now
226.56 -> stronger than ever
228.36 -> more seasoned he's not the fickle Peter
231.599 -> he's the season picker but Peter that is
234.599 -> actively uh now training the people that
238.86 -> Paul is sending to him all the disciples
240.84 -> are sent into him he is the head of the
242.64 -> church and he's letting them know how
244.92 -> important it is to be ready to defend
247.319 -> what it is you believe and so tonight as
251.04 -> we talk uh I'm not going to do all the
253.26 -> talking I'm just gonna we're gonna have
255 -> a conversation tonight so I want you all
256.739 -> to talk to me uh to share with me as we
259.5 -> teach this lesson tonight uh we see here
262.32 -> that Peter uh is changed because he did
267.66 -> not defend his faith initially In the
270.9 -> Heat of the Moment when Jesus needed him
272.759 -> to in fact we see Jesus uh who is
277.699 -> arrested and who is taken away and when
282.18 -> Peter is asked
284.34 -> or when he is accused of being
286.5 -> associated
288.06 -> Peter says I'm not with him I don't know
290.16 -> him right and he denies him as Jesus
292.86 -> predicted he would
294.78 -> three times before the cop crawled
297.36 -> and now Peter is in a state now where
300.419 -> he's trying to make sure that no one
302.58 -> makes the same mistake that he did and
305.4 -> so that's how I seen uh first Peter
309.84 -> chapter 3 and verse 15. he's trying to
312.06 -> teach people to understand what has been
314.16 -> passed down and I think it's important
315.72 -> that he passed down that same uh lesson
319.08 -> now we all have made some mistakes and I
322.259 -> think we've all uh tried our best to
325.5 -> tell others don't make the mistakes I've
327.18 -> made you know uh some people say I want
330.419 -> to be just like you and I you hear
331.86 -> people say no don't be like me try to be
334.139 -> better right and and so this is where
336.84 -> Peter is having that same effect as he
340.08 -> is teaching in this textroom tonight and
343.139 -> so
344.039 -> um
344.639 -> let's let's go let's lay some more
346.86 -> Foundation here uh let's go to verse 8
349.94 -> in chapter three right
353.52 -> um verse 8 says finally be ye all of One
356.699 -> mind
357.9 -> we're in chapter three verse eight be ye
360.84 -> all of One mind having compassion one of
365.16 -> another love as Brethren be pitiful and
369.78 -> be courteous right be pitiful
372.96 -> and courteous not rendering evil for
376.259 -> evil or railing for railing but contrary
380.639 -> contrary wise blessing knowing that ye
384.18 -> are there unto call that ye should
387.18 -> inherit a blessing
389.46 -> for he that will love life and see good
392.52 -> days
393.6 -> and see good days let him refrain his
396.24 -> tongue from evil and his lips that they
399.12 -> speak no God let him Askew evil and do
402.9 -> good let him seek peace and ensue it
407.16 -> for the eyes of the Lord are over the
409.68 -> righteous and his ears are off are open
412.8 -> unto the prayers but the face of the
415.62 -> Lord is against them that do evil
418.74 -> and who is he that will harm you if ye
422.759 -> be followers of that which is good in
425.88 -> other words if you're doing the good
427.08 -> things you're doing the right thing
428.039 -> who's going to bother you right and of
430.08 -> course we know that some people still
431.52 -> bother you but who's going to really
433.199 -> seek to do you harm when you're trying
435.78 -> to do right but and he says but and if
439.38 -> ye suffer for righteousness
442.38 -> sake if you suffer for righteousness
444.18 -> sake happy or ye and be not afraid of
448.44 -> their Terror neither be trouble but here
452.039 -> we go verse 15 but sanctify the Lord
455.4 -> sanctify the Lord God in your hearts
459.78 -> and be ready always
462.479 -> to give an answer to every man that
465.06 -> asking you a reason of the hope that is
467.639 -> in you with meekness and fear and then
471.06 -> verse 16 says having a good conscience
472.919 -> that whereas they speak evil you as the
476.039 -> evil doers they may be ashamed that
478.02 -> falsely accuse you
479.78 -> accuse your good conversation in Christ
482.639 -> for it is better if the will of God be
485.099 -> so that you suffer for well-doing than
487.56 -> for evil doing in other words you got to
489.96 -> be mindful that if you suffer on this
493.44 -> side it's better that you suffer for
495.78 -> doing good versus suffering on the side
498.599 -> where Jesus is judging you for doing
500.16 -> evil you see so it's a trade-off here
503.52 -> and so this lesson tonight helps us to
505.68 -> understand that people sometimes Loosely
507.5 -> uh quote First Peter 3 15 uh you know
512.159 -> they kind of quote it out of context
514.02 -> without truly understanding what's going
516.419 -> on in Peter's First Command is us for us
519.36 -> to explain our beliefs he's trying to
521.52 -> help us to understand we need to be
523.02 -> clear of what we have
525.48 -> understand what we have and what we got
528.24 -> our hands on excuse me and he says here
531 -> understand your beliefs
533.94 -> oh excuse me he says understand your
536.519 -> beliefs but also
539.58 -> understand
540.74 -> how to explain it with gentleness
545.82 -> and with respect
548.399 -> and so you have some people who are very
552.839 -> aggressive in explaining why it is they
555.18 -> believe or what they believe but they do
557.64 -> it very disrespectfully right and so we
560.76 -> see here in this text that Peter is
562.5 -> trying to help us to understand that we
564.779 -> got to be conscious of our Behavior how
568.019 -> we talk to people I know some people say
569.459 -> well don't sugarcoat it don't show code
571.2 -> no you don't have to sugarcoat it you
573.42 -> can tell the truth without getting an
574.98 -> attitude
575.94 -> can I get a witness somebody you can
578.519 -> tell the truth you can minister to
580.38 -> somebody without all the attitude
582.24 -> because you don't know if you're driving
583.74 -> somebody away and and again how we
586.44 -> deliver something I put it like this you
588.42 -> can have the best food you can have a
590.64 -> fillet then young or fish or whatever
593.519 -> your favorite meal is and they can be
595.5 -> beautifully presented in a beautiful
597.959 -> plate but if somebody sets that plate
600.12 -> down and just slap it down in front of
601.92 -> you you you don't own it because the way
605.64 -> they presented it how they you know how
608.519 -> they did they can be wonderful
611.459 -> right but if they set it down with the
614.7 -> wrong Spirit you don't you don't even
616.26 -> want to fool with it you know what I'm
618 -> saying because how they presented it and
620.339 -> so the Bible talks about where love and
622.38 -> kindness have our drawing thee and I
624.54 -> think Peter is being mindful that we
627.18 -> must also be respectful
630.12 -> but also become a staunch Defender that
635.04 -> means when you study your word to
636.959 -> rightly divide it know that word and you
639.12 -> truly understand it ain't nobody talk
641.22 -> you down can't nobody talk you out of it
643.98 -> you can have a disagreement without
646.019 -> being disagreeable
647.64 -> y'all hear what I'm saying
649.5 -> you can you can stand on what you know
653.399 -> you may not be able to quote the
655.14 -> scriptures like like Pastor Lindley you
657.66 -> I mean you may not have quoted like me I
660.18 -> I struggle sometimes just quoting
662.04 -> scriptures because I believe the word so
664.38 -> much I don't have to memorize it like
667.32 -> verbatim you see and some people think
670.5 -> well you're supposed to know the
671.7 -> scriptures yeah well I do the best I can
673.86 -> but I'm human right and the word says
676.68 -> Thy word have I hid in my heart so that
678.779 -> might not sin against you since the sin
681.36 -> against me so I have to make sure that
683.88 -> this word is applicable I have to make
686.279 -> sure that I understand it that's why
687.899 -> we're doing Bible study so these words
689.579 -> these scriptures this whole book can
691.92 -> sink in to not only our hearts but also
695.279 -> our mind and this is why Peter says You
698.399 -> must study but also be prepared to give
701.519 -> an explanation and an answer to why it
704.339 -> is you have the hope that you have in
705.899 -> Christ Jesus why do you have a hope in
708.12 -> the faith and why do you believe in God
709.8 -> the way you do and so tonight I want you
712.26 -> all to talk to me a little a bit about
714.959 -> why it is you believe what makes what
718.86 -> makes your belief in God
721.44 -> um something that anyone else should
723.66 -> want to do why do you believe what you
725.339 -> believe what makes you be this way and
728.579 -> and I if I if you notice the title of
730.56 -> the lesson tonight uh
733.14 -> um the title of the lesson make sure I
735.779 -> go back to it was
737.94 -> answering the question of what makes me
740.519 -> believe this way when I talk about this
743.339 -> way I'm not just talking about the way
745.32 -> you think I'm talking about why do you
747 -> believe in the way of Christ why do you
749.279 -> believe in the way of God because again
752.04 -> there are many beliefs out here
755.1 -> I mean there are all kinds of belief
756.72 -> people are mixing stuff in the church
758.82 -> they're mixing a little bit of this a
760.62 -> little bit of that you know you got
762.54 -> folks mixing yoga with Christianity and
765 -> all this kind of stuff you got all kinds
767.22 -> of stuff going on here the people got a
768.779 -> spiritual cocktail going on you see him
770.579 -> when you drive uh you see a little sign
772.62 -> that says coexist you know and remember
775.079 -> we have a God who says I'm a jealous God
777.3 -> right so I know it sounds good I think
780.18 -> it's creative that they are able to take
781.68 -> all the symbols from the different
783.24 -> religions and beliefs and rate create a
785.76 -> word called co-exit I'm I'm not down
788.94 -> with that I'm not now you can believe
791.639 -> what you want to believe but I believe
793.8 -> that there's one God one full one
795.959 -> chapter I believe what the word God says
798.72 -> and I have to be able to defend that to
801.66 -> the best of my ability so again I want
804.66 -> you all to come off the mic tonight I'm
806.459 -> not going to do a whole bunch of talk I
808.019 -> really just want to hear your thoughts
809.519 -> about uh this scripture that that we're
813.18 -> reading from first Peter 3 and 15 and I
818.82 -> want you to come off and we're going to
820.2 -> go to a couple other scriptures that I
821.76 -> had that I wanted to share with you just
824.22 -> to kind of deal with how we deal with
826.26 -> people when we're having conversations
827.579 -> explaining why does we really really so
830.459 -> please come on tonight let's talk
831.779 -> tonight let's wrap let's talk
834.959 -> so Pastor I can say this
837.36 -> um
838.26 -> first of all
840.12 -> because of what I've learned and what
842.7 -> I've been taught I've made a decision to
845.1 -> believe
846.18 -> okay and then based on that decision
849.839 -> and and depending on God
852.3 -> and knowing the things that I've been
853.98 -> through in my life
855.54 -> the ups that I've had and the Downs that
858.42 -> I had that he's always been there with
860.22 -> me
861.32 -> especially in the Downs what I didn't
863.7 -> see where
865.079 -> things were going to work out I didn't
867.6 -> feel like I had anywhere else to turn
871.2 -> um and he said to me in his word in the
873.899 -> word of God to trust me
876.6 -> okay and and I trusted him
880.26 -> and I saw what he did
883.44 -> for me he brought me out of some of the
886.56 -> things that I was in and how he kept me
889.62 -> out of the similar things that I may
891.36 -> have wanted to get into
892.92 -> but he kept me out of there and because
896.699 -> of that
898.079 -> I'm I'm where I am today but then
900.68 -> anywhere else or a lot of other places
903.779 -> but I'm here
905.519 -> and it's all because he brought me
907.5 -> through and that's why I believe I love
909.959 -> it and how does that how does that you
912.839 -> know and I want you to answer the part B
914.22 -> of this question too that's a wonderful
915.839 -> Part B how does that help you to be a
919.079 -> witness to others like how does that
921.06 -> help other people what do they get from
922.5 -> that
923.76 -> well um
925.44 -> when others
928.019 -> hear your testimony
930.18 -> and they see that they may be going
933 -> through some of those things right now
935.18 -> they can see a way out
938.88 -> um they don't have to just depend on
940.44 -> themselves
941.76 -> or somebody else but they can depend on
944.22 -> God
945.54 -> and know that he will bring them through
947.54 -> amen amen I love it I love it thank you
951.6 -> thank you brother Evans
953.639 -> all right so I would
956.699 -> I like to give my suggestion
959.16 -> um why I believe
960.959 -> because I'm a person who likes history
964.92 -> and one thing that a lot of people can
968.519 -> argue about uh the different religions
971.459 -> you know they have a lot of different
972.959 -> variations but
975.72 -> God is one thing that's always been
978.12 -> there
978.92 -> that's a fact
981.199 -> regardless of a lot of different beliefs
984.72 -> it all started with God
987.24 -> that I can create whatever they want to
989.16 -> create from God but God was the original
995.1 -> so that's why I believe in God all right
998.459 -> how does that help how does that help
1000.74 -> other people
1002.259 -> that that that fact that you feel so
1004.759 -> strongly about that
1006.32 -> how do you use that and I mean how do
1010.1 -> you see that impact in other people
1011.72 -> that's the word I want to ask how do you
1013.82 -> see this impact of other people and I
1017 -> want everybody to kind of keep that in
1018.32 -> mind as you're answering as well how do
1020.3 -> you see what it is you truly believe
1022.82 -> how do you see that impact in the lives
1024.98 -> of other people
1026.78 -> Sean you want to finish that part B sure
1029.38 -> so I would say that how do I see that
1033.199 -> impacting other people you know
1037.48 -> let me say this in what regards
1040.64 -> in which way
1042.74 -> you tell me
1044.059 -> Okay so
1047.179 -> I can say
1049.299 -> God has always been a positive change
1051.799 -> for people I've never seen the situation
1054.2 -> where somebody encountered God and
1056.059 -> everything went bad even when things
1059.84 -> I never I'm not saying that it was an
1061.82 -> easy walk with God
1064.46 -> but
1065.84 -> there was always victory at the end
1069.26 -> they always there's always a a story of
1073.16 -> overcoming or or triumphant or healing
1076.7 -> or something God always ends with a
1078.679 -> positive note he never leaves you on a
1080.36 -> negative note
1081.62 -> even though when bad things happen
1084.679 -> some kind of way make those bad things
1087.44 -> turn around and work for your good it's
1090.14 -> all right all right I like it I like it
1092.419 -> thank you thank you all right guys Jump
1095.299 -> On In anybody well Pastor for me um
1099.32 -> my belief is
1101.72 -> I know for sure uh deep down in my heart
1104.96 -> that there is a God and the reason I
1107.96 -> believe
1108.98 -> in my heart that there is a God because
1112.22 -> the alarm clock didn't wake me up just
1114.799 -> because it went off
1116.78 -> I believe
1118.1 -> God
1119.96 -> because he always answer my prayers and
1123.2 -> he does not answer them when I want them
1125.78 -> answered but
1127.82 -> if I just hold on my prayer does get
1130.76 -> answered and there have been some uh
1133.4 -> times in my life when I could not figure
1136.4 -> some things out and one of my things is
1139.7 -> I know there's a God because uh
1143.6 -> at one point in my life I was in Greek I
1147.62 -> was uh uh deep in uh sorrow in grief
1151.88 -> because uh
1154.22 -> because uh one of my loved ones but then
1158.059 -> I it was like God just showed me if I
1161.96 -> hadn't wanted you I would have took you
1164.24 -> with her so
1166.7 -> that's how I know there is a God because
1171.32 -> I could call you or anyone else you all
1174.98 -> might could tell me anything
1176.96 -> and if I didn't know that was a God I
1180.86 -> wouldn't leave anything people would
1183.02 -> tell me but now that I know that he is a
1185.9 -> God I don't just accept yes and no just
1190.16 -> because I accepted if I know everything
1193.88 -> God's will for me to uh have a correct
1198.26 -> answer and when he pulled me out of
1201.08 -> things that's how I knew that was a girl
1204.88 -> go ahead I'm sorry go ahead no no I was
1208.16 -> saying go ahead finish what you're
1209.12 -> saying I was going to ask and the reason
1210.44 -> I say uh the reason I said that is
1214.1 -> because there are so many peoples going
1216.5 -> through Greece now and I've been there
1219.98 -> so I can tell them I know their pain
1223.28 -> now one thing I do know for sure my
1227 -> grief is not the same as the next person
1229.28 -> that's true but
1231.38 -> if I love people's regardless of who
1234.5 -> they are so when they hurt I feel their
1237.74 -> pain yes but if I have not been through
1240.26 -> something I can't tell them I know their
1242.9 -> pain because I wouldn't know their pain
1245.66 -> I could just be saying that just to make
1247.7 -> them think
1249.32 -> I'm a real True Believer in God and I
1251.72 -> really didn't know what I was saying to
1253.22 -> them so you just have to be careful yeah
1256.7 -> know that God is there yes and Noah and
1260.059 -> I'll tell you it is to ask you what
1261.38 -> you're saying because the impact of what
1263.78 -> you're saying and why you believe also
1266.419 -> helps to touch somebody else's grief we
1269.48 -> share in The Fellowship of suffering it
1272 -> does We There is a fellowship of
1274.64 -> suffering that we share even with Jesus
1276.44 -> right but there is a fellowship of
1279.02 -> suffering that we've all experienced
1280.52 -> lost heartache even though it may be
1282.26 -> different and a house on one dies
1284.419 -> there's always a greater difference in
1286.22 -> that so when you see somebody who's
1288.679 -> having tragedy versus someone who died
1290.96 -> of old age or someone from a heart
1293.84 -> attack or something like that or just
1295.94 -> you know a sickness that just was
1297.799 -> aggressive and just took them out in a
1299.659 -> matter of days we share in that
1302.24 -> suffering of loss yes commonality
1304.82 -> somewhere and so the impact of your
1307.82 -> belief may help somebody else who may be
1310.94 -> feeling like why make it you know or why
1315.559 -> did this happen to me or you know and so
1318.2 -> there is an impact you have on somebody
1320.299 -> else with your testimony why you believe
1322.28 -> I love it and you write about that
1324.559 -> Pastor because my mother told me
1328.22 -> um
1328.96 -> uh not to ever question going
1332.48 -> um she said cause there could be a fatal
1334.159 -> mistake
1335.36 -> he said because he made us all he gave
1338.659 -> us life so she said
1341.179 -> don't give up just hold on
1344.059 -> she's I can't tell you this time next
1347.059 -> year you are feeling entirely different
1348.62 -> she said because that's have to go out
1350.9 -> on how he mindset you to get over amen
1354.38 -> and that's what brought me through
1355.539 -> wonderful that's beautiful that's
1357.919 -> beautiful and that ministers to somebody
1359.6 -> especially you know you may not need
1361.64 -> that right now but somebody on the other
1363.14 -> end who may experience a tragedy may
1365.659 -> need to hear exactly what you say and
1367.58 -> again that's why Peter is saying be
1369.44 -> ready you got to be always unready to
1373.1 -> give the answer because again somebody
1375.2 -> might say I'm gonna ask 10 people today
1376.88 -> yeah Nick might come to you answering
1380.48 -> just exactly what they need
1382.539 -> I love it I love it wonderful somebody
1385.159 -> else jump in
1386.9 -> okay my what makes me believe the way
1390.62 -> that I believe it started as a young
1393.74 -> child you know
1396.039 -> as I witnessed um
1399.86 -> so that is something as I Witness
1404.14 -> what was going on in our lives we were
1407.48 -> not really poor poor
1409.34 -> but I know we went through some
1411.02 -> situations
1412.34 -> and they always came through
1414.919 -> and my grandma my mama would always say
1417.919 -> God has provided God is good so as a
1422.059 -> young child I saw things that God did in
1425.48 -> our lives through my mother and uh my
1428.659 -> grandmother and then as I grew up
1432.679 -> um I witnessed quite a bit in my life
1435.4 -> and I can say
1437.539 -> that God has always been fighting for me
1441.88 -> because as I as I came up
1445.28 -> I could have been molested two times
1448.4 -> but I thought but it wasn't really me
1451.039 -> fighting it was God helping me to get
1454.22 -> out of those situations hey man God has
1457.039 -> always been um God has always done uh
1460.039 -> things in my life and I can feel God
1463.28 -> thank you moving
1466.34 -> in me especially I keep telling people
1469.28 -> about when I was going through my cancer
1472.82 -> I can feel God moving and I I I felt him
1477.86 -> not even just feeling him
1480.559 -> he came to me in a dream and told me I
1484.58 -> was going to be healed and I could feel
1487.28 -> the presence of God all the time that's
1490.58 -> uh that's what makes me believe I can I
1493.28 -> can always feel this present I can I can
1496.159 -> think things
1497.84 -> as I was telling Mary what was going on
1500.24 -> Mary asked me uh where was the Sunday
1503.6 -> school books I said you know what Mary
1505.82 -> I said it was Friday or Saturday I said
1508.4 -> I was in there just thinking because I
1510.5 -> used to have the Sunday school books
1512.84 -> um you know a couple of weeks before
1514.4 -> that deadline so I'm in there I'm in the
1516.679 -> house I said the Sunday School book
1518.059 -> hadn't come
1519.26 -> so then I got on my phone to see had
1522.08 -> they um called me and I also got on my
1524.96 -> phone to um see how I got text messages
1527.919 -> and as I was going through the phone and
1530.48 -> getting all the messages out
1532.7 -> United partial came I bought the Sunday
1536.059 -> school books so I'm always seeing things
1540.2 -> that he he did and I I know he moves in
1543.559 -> my life and I know he is a part of my
1546.919 -> life because I see things down I see
1549.86 -> things little things dearly that God has
1553.64 -> done in my life and I always tell them
1557.24 -> that about my cancer situation and I did
1560.539 -> have a situation a couple of weeks ago
1562.64 -> uh whether there's was a lump in my
1565.52 -> breast and when I went to my doctor he
1568.64 -> said
1569.6 -> that it wasn't looking good and I said
1572.72 -> no
1573.62 -> I said you got to give me a better
1575.24 -> answer than that he said well it's good
1578.419 -> that's what so I did
1581.059 -> um I had a biopsy and um all that it
1585.679 -> wasn't cancer they say it's a fatty
1588.86 -> tissue okay they got some kind of fatty
1591.799 -> tissue that's in there and um
1595.059 -> and so it said it was benign but I
1599.659 -> always do
1601.22 -> witness to a bunch of things it's a lot
1604.22 -> of things that have happened
1606.26 -> and I can witness as a matter of fact
1608.86 -> I've told a lot of the things that have
1611.419 -> happened in my life so that's why when
1614.659 -> God put you through things he wants you
1617.419 -> to learn a lesson he wants you to
1619.82 -> accomplish something from it you want
1622.279 -> you to learn a lesson he wants you to
1623.72 -> accomplish something he wants to speak
1626.539 -> and then you want to know how how I've
1630.5 -> helped somebody I've helped so many
1632.179 -> people
1634.1 -> um who was going through cancer yes I
1637.22 -> have some of my relatives back home they
1639.5 -> would call me when they're first
1641.059 -> diagnosed with cancer and I'll tell them
1643.76 -> some of the things that I I went through
1645.7 -> uh what I did and one thing I told them
1650.299 -> I used to have some bad days so I would
1653.539 -> turn on the TV
1656.419 -> to what's the TBN the one that had all
1660.14 -> the gospel on all day and I make I might
1663.14 -> go to sleep I would listen I don't you
1665.84 -> know some of the people I didn't believe
1667.539 -> but I I was in the word all day and so
1674.299 -> I got a lot I can say about uh
1678.2 -> what makes me believe I have a lot of
1680.84 -> stories I love it I love it mother and
1683.179 -> that's that's impactful that's the
1685.7 -> impact you have to be able to share
1688.52 -> multiple stories uh of your testimony
1691.4 -> and the Bible says that we overcome by
1692.96 -> the words of Our Testimony so I love it
1694.7 -> all right somebody else jump in thank
1696.74 -> you mother that was beautiful thank you
1698.299 -> so much amen praise the Lord everybody
1700.46 -> good to be all I can't be on long but I
1703.7 -> I just wanted to say this
1705.799 -> um and I had to talk now because I keep
1707.84 -> hearing so much it just keep bringing so
1709.52 -> much in my spirit but but
1711.86 -> um the one thing is I you know I thought
1714.679 -> of about uh Paul when Paul says I'm
1717.98 -> persuaded so many things has gone on in
1720.679 -> life so many things has happened and
1722.419 -> every time even as mama was saying uh
1724.88 -> every time something happens God shows
1728.299 -> up God is there and and and the thing
1730.82 -> about it is I don't I I might think that
1735.08 -> I've lost sight of him but he never
1737.84 -> loses side of me and so in every battle
1741.559 -> and every struggle when I was diagnosed
1743.36 -> with this and With This Heart and with
1745.34 -> this aortic aneurysm and when I was
1747.799 -> diagnosed with glaucoma those things
1749.48 -> that that I was diagnosed with as my
1751.34 -> father would know remember I almost died
1753.5 -> when I was I think 18 from from bleeding
1756.5 -> also said if I slept going back to sleep
1758.72 -> I would have died but so many times God
1760.94 -> has kept me and so I'm I'm so reminded
1764 -> of what God has done and so I was
1766.279 -> sitting and I said God what can I say
1767.84 -> just to make people really understand
1769.76 -> what it is when Paul says in this word
1772.64 -> uh but sanctify the Lord in your hearts
1775.52 -> he says now
1776.84 -> remind all these people on this line
1778.82 -> adults have seen places on the highway
1782.059 -> where a crash happened and the family
1784.46 -> went back out and they put the little
1785.899 -> rocks down and they put the cross right
1787.64 -> there and and and that space has been
1790.7 -> Sanctified to that person or those who
1793.1 -> people who died in that place notice
1795.32 -> when the grass is cut they never cut
1797.24 -> across it they never move the bricks
1798.919 -> they never do any of that but that's
1800.72 -> what we have to do with God in our
1802.7 -> hearts is we have to make that space
1805.6 -> recognizable we'd have to make that
1807.98 -> thing in our hearts we have to make we
1810.02 -> have to sanctify him but once we
1811.94 -> sanctify him in our hearts then it
1814.7 -> causes us to live right and and and uh
1817.58 -> you know and causes us to do that which
1819.14 -> is right now this takes me back to the
1820.7 -> second part what you were saying what do
1822.74 -> I do or how can I get other people to
1824.48 -> see that and then I look back up at
1826.34 -> verse nine it says not rendering evil
1828.26 -> for evil or railing for railing meaning
1830.659 -> I uh I know how to cuss just like you I
1834.679 -> was a customer before I got saved I was
1836.48 -> you know I know how to fight just like
1838.22 -> you and and and I know how to be evil
1840.799 -> and how to be mean all that I learned
1842.72 -> that one from from being a child you
1844.88 -> know from growing up so um but once I
1847.82 -> came into the knowledge of God and came
1850.1 -> into this place where I gave God gave my
1852.5 -> life to Christ then there had to be a
1854.779 -> change and it wasn't an instant change I
1857.059 -> tell people all the time stop trying
1858.74 -> people say well if I give my life to
1861.62 -> Christ everything changes and everything
1863.24 -> is good and everything works out in my
1864.98 -> favor and that's not the truth we need
1867.32 -> to know that why what I would have what
1869.6 -> has to happen for me to be able to
1871.22 -> sanctify him is in my heart is I have to
1873.62 -> go through some processes and I have to
1875.539 -> remember that he was there all the time
1877.46 -> every time I broke down he was there
1879.799 -> every time I cried he was there every
1881.6 -> time I was up on the top I may have lost
1884.059 -> sight of him because I had it all but he
1886.34 -> was still there still there and so I'm
1888.62 -> just saying uh as the word of God says
1891.679 -> here you know when you sanctify him in
1893.84 -> your heart you should be in a place
1895.82 -> where when people pass by you just like
1898.1 -> we do with those little crosses on side
1899.659 -> of the road like somebody died there
1901.399 -> when when once you sanctify him in your
1904.039 -> heart people should know who you are you
1906.44 -> don't have to open your mouth and say
1907.76 -> I'm Sanctified you don't have to open
1909.62 -> your mouth I've been touched by the Lord
1911.299 -> I've been but I know if I'm living
1914.539 -> living that which what I'm speaking
1916.1 -> getting out of my mouth if I Sanctified
1918.08 -> him in my heart it causes me to live
1920.299 -> right amen amen yeah man listen I want
1923.48 -> to read this to you because you are
1925.399 -> literally going where I wanted to go at
1926.96 -> the end of this uh conversation and if
1929.36 -> you go everybody go to Second Timothy
1931.46 -> and go to Colossians second Timothy 2
1934.64 -> and 25 says correct opponents with
1937.279 -> gentleness God May perhaps grant them
1940.039 -> repentance so that they may know the
1943.88 -> truth see how you respond because they
1947.24 -> are an opponent until they believe they
1950.299 -> are an opponent they're in opposition
1951.98 -> until you win them over they are an
1955.159 -> appoint opponent the Bible says be wise
1957.919 -> is certain but also harmless as doves
1960.5 -> right yes if you read second Timothy 2
1963.62 -> and 25 just write that down and then I
1966.08 -> want you to look at Colossians four and
1967.94 -> six Colossians 4 and 6 also adds support
1971.12 -> to what brother brother Lynn and brother
1973.039 -> brother Frederick is saying and he's
1974.36 -> saying Colossians 4 6 says this let your
1977.24 -> speech always be with Grace
1980.5 -> season with salt remember yeah that ye
1985.399 -> may know how you ought to answer it each
1989 -> yes person and you can't answer
1991.46 -> everybody the same
1993.399 -> you can't go Stuck on You you can't be
1998 -> so stuck on what you only believe you
2001.12 -> gotta be as well a good listener the
2004 -> Bible said be slow to anger he's as slow
2006.76 -> to speak and quick to listen right
2009.88 -> you gotta you gotta learn how to listen
2013.6 -> to what people are saying because some
2015.76 -> people might be talking to you see
2017.08 -> that's that's one of my favorite movies
2019.059 -> is the Great Debaters you gotta listen
2021.58 -> before you respond to everything because
2024.22 -> you might ruin somebody or harm Somebody
2027.1 -> by the words that are coming out of your
2029.26 -> mouth amen
2038.88 -> the Bible says the weapon of our Warfare
2041.94 -> is not you know carnal
2045.159 -> but it is but Mighty so that means you
2048.339 -> ain't gotta yell
2049.899 -> you ain't got it you ain't gotta roll on
2053.619 -> your neck
2064.74 -> well you just said the Bible says be
2067.599 -> wise as a serpent but humble as a dove
2069.82 -> yes listen to the listen to the the life
2072.639 -> of that serpent the serpent he'll hide
2074.98 -> from you all day long come on through he
2077.379 -> will but but he but he is deadly
2080.389 -> [Music]
2089.099 -> is he is deadly so to be wise as a
2093.46 -> serpent I so I have to learn how to
2095.2 -> avoid what the enemy is throwing my way
2097.78 -> I can learn how to avoid see I can't go
2099.94 -> to every battle ready to fight that's
2101.8 -> right sometimes I just got to go to the
2103.72 -> battle and be just say I'm here you know
2105.4 -> don't worry I'm good but and to be wise
2108.46 -> as a as a dove I'm so I got there's so
2111.64 -> much peace on me because I've Sanctified
2114.339 -> God in my heart there's so much Amen on
2117.04 -> me yes I can sit right there you I can
2119.38 -> be so quiet you don't even know I'm here
2121.119 -> because of the things that rest upon me
2124.119 -> because now I've Sanctified Christ in my
2126.52 -> heart so I I just had to hit that
2128.38 -> serpent part in the Dove part and I'm
2130 -> back out yeah yeah this is this is why
2133.54 -> we have
2134.5 -> to be that quiet yeah yeah that's why we
2137.26 -> gotta have this yes sir
2139.38 -> that's why we got to have this
2141.28 -> conversation because again we have to be
2143.619 -> mindful that we don't have to respond to
2145.359 -> everything
2146.2 -> we don't have to be married I want to
2148.66 -> say you don't have to be triggered by
2150.04 -> everything but remember you're hearing
2152.079 -> this lesson tonight from the voice of
2154.42 -> Peter who was the most triggered
2155.92 -> disciple Jesus had
2158.02 -> Peter was always triggered by something
2160.359 -> but in his in his failure he learned
2164.14 -> humility
2165.28 -> in his Redemption he understands that
2168.099 -> look man me having a hot head don't
2170.14 -> prove anything
2171.28 -> but I gotta always have an answer in
2173.5 -> other words when those people came to
2175.24 -> him and said you would want to hit you
2176.92 -> with Jesus he he wasn't prepared to give
2178.96 -> it an answer at that point in time and
2180.82 -> so when Peter says always be prepared I
2184.119 -> want you to understand that ain't just
2185.74 -> casual advice he's coming from a failure
2190.3 -> he's coming from a piece of experience
2192.94 -> you see and so what Paul is saying in in
2196.38 -> Colossians what he's saying uh what he's
2199.3 -> ministering to and he's talking about in
2201.579 -> first Timothy he's letting this young
2203.26 -> man know look young man you need a
2205.24 -> correspond to people who are going to
2207.22 -> oppose you in your youth in your
2209.56 -> inexperience young people who are just
2211.66 -> coming to Christ and listen you can be
2213.64 -> an older person just new to Christ and
2215.98 -> not knowing what to say to somebody
2217.3 -> who's been in Christ a long time giving
2219.339 -> you a hard time you yourself have to
2222.4 -> learn how to correct people with
2224.68 -> gentlemen
2235.42 -> you see
2236.68 -> I want to hear some I see sister
2238.3 -> Ogletree got her hands up please Jump On
2240.339 -> In
2241.3 -> hey Pastor hey everybody
2243.78 -> y'all probably know me but I'm a Sean's
2246.16 -> friend
2246.88 -> um and I was on YouTube but I said hey
2248.8 -> send me that link I want to talk I love
2251.26 -> it so um for me I'm I'm 40 and be 43
2255.52 -> next year so as somebody back I think I
2259 -> was like in my 20s I had really got
2261.4 -> heavy and deep into the church and I
2264.339 -> never really knew outside of I think it
2266.859 -> was um uh Miss Barbara how she was
2270.339 -> saying what she was told or someone
2272.02 -> someone I heard when I was online they
2274 -> were speaking of what they were taught
2275.74 -> for me the reason why I think that the
2278.92 -> way that I do about
2280.72 -> um Jesus and God is because of my
2283.42 -> personal experiences and not only what I
2287.619 -> learned or what people told or what I
2289.599 -> heard growing up but I was in the Bible
2292.24 -> like I said in my 20s I straight away
2295.06 -> with my 30s
2297.22 -> um my guy friend now his thing is he's
2300.04 -> really wanting to build that relay
2301.3 -> relationship with God so him not knowing
2304.42 -> what he was instilling in himself or
2306.16 -> putting himself through I've actually
2307.96 -> within I guess I would say this last
2311.32 -> six to seven months I've read the Bible
2314.32 -> from beginning to end I'm in the Book of
2316.78 -> Revelations and I told him just the
2319.839 -> other day that hey you know what it's a
2322.42 -> good feeling I feel like I feel
2325 -> weightless being you know learning the
2327.64 -> word the scripture building a better
2329.98 -> relationship than when I was than when I
2332.5 -> had in my 20s I see things I interpret
2335.98 -> things I understand things a lot more
2338.26 -> clearer so when I hear
2341.14 -> um what it is
2342.88 -> um justify the the Christian song I
2345.099 -> forgot the artist but when he talks
2347.14 -> about David Daniel it's like oh I know
2350.56 -> exactly what you're talking about
2352 -> because I can relate now I understand
2354.88 -> and because I on I understand on margins
2357.88 -> not what someone else told me not what I
2361.06 -> heard I had and I also have a closeout
2363.7 -> with this I also told him the other day
2365.5 -> I said it feels good being able to speak
2367.839 -> because everybody knows my journey what
2370.42 -> I'm doing which is building my our
2371.68 -> relationship with God and so back in the
2375.099 -> day it used to be if you don't want to
2376.66 -> talk about God you don't want to say
2378.22 -> anything because you may offend somebody
2379.92 -> but now I've got into a place where I
2383.32 -> don't care this is who I am and I'm
2385.9 -> going to speak and lastly I've gotten to
2389.92 -> a place where it seems like you know
2391.54 -> what you'll say something and it happens
2393.579 -> or it comes back so with that
2395.26 -> conversation the very next day I read
2397.78 -> universe and the same thing came back
2400.119 -> which was Philippians 2 13 and into this
2403.48 -> phase for God is working in you giving
2405.82 -> you the desire and the power to do what
2407.68 -> pleases him that interpretation was
2411.46 -> um if an idea pops up into your head
2413.74 -> about a blessing encouraging someone
2415.9 -> don't dismiss it it's the spirit leading
2418.48 -> you just taking it wrong with it so for
2420.64 -> me that was a sign of baby he working
2422.68 -> you see
2428.94 -> and thank you for making your way on the
2431.92 -> platform so you can share that with us
2433.599 -> because that has an impact you're not
2436.3 -> the only person I like when you hear
2438.52 -> people say there are no no bad questions
2440.619 -> no bad answers because some people might
2443.38 -> be thinking the same way you are so I
2445.599 -> love that you share that thank you so
2447.16 -> much
2448.119 -> yeah absolutely I see brother McCoy your
2451.54 -> mic is open you want to say anything who
2453.46 -> else y'all jumping again I want to know
2455.56 -> why is it you believe and what impact do
2458.38 -> you think can have on others
2460.54 -> well for me
2462.76 -> I know how some people hi hey everybody
2465.22 -> so for me I think um
2468.339 -> it really felt like I mean I know we all
2470.38 -> have a choice but for me it kind of felt
2472.599 -> like I didn't which was okay with me but
2475 -> I was born when I said you know my
2477.099 -> grandma always says come on your life
2478.599 -> and all of this stuff you know but it's
2480.4 -> just it's just this feeling that I've
2482.859 -> had from
2484.9 -> the beginning
2486.3 -> of knowing god even being little you
2489.7 -> know and I remember just singing like
2491.32 -> these older you know songs and things
2492.88 -> like that with my uncle and and with my
2494.92 -> family but it's just that's just been me
2496.599 -> it's always just like God has always
2497.98 -> been with me I have gone through things
2499.66 -> that have not been in my best but God
2501.7 -> has always been there and it's like some
2505.24 -> situations that I could that could have
2507.22 -> turned wrong like is you know times I
2509.56 -> could have went to jail or anything like
2511.48 -> that God has delivered
2514.119 -> and when I say he has delivered he had
2516.22 -> delivered in such an awesome way so it's
2518.38 -> like I don't have you know I just know
2520.119 -> he's been there with me all my life and
2522.579 -> I know and I know that feeling that I
2524.14 -> had because I've always felt him there
2525.64 -> even when I was going through no matter
2528.28 -> what it was I've always felt his
2529.9 -> presence there and that's why it's
2531.16 -> always helped me to push through the
2532.9 -> pain and through everything that you
2535.359 -> know I had been going through so it's
2537.52 -> just like he's just always been ever
2539.02 -> ever present with me praise the Lord
2541.56 -> how's that impacting others
2545.26 -> um well for me it has impacted others
2547.24 -> because I've been able to lead other
2548.5 -> people to Christ and that has been um a
2551.44 -> blessing just even that and you know
2553.54 -> just the testimony and things like that
2555.22 -> I've been able to help people even as a
2557.02 -> young adult I was able to help lead
2558.76 -> people to Christ so that's where it's
2561.64 -> been blessed to me and I are being a
2563.02 -> blessing to others I believe awesome
2564.88 -> awesome thank you for sharing that
2566.5 -> Monique Kimberly you're next and then
2569.38 -> we're gonna have sister McClendon gonna
2571.359 -> come after you
2572.98 -> all right good evening everyone
2575.74 -> um this this topic is it's really funny
2578.92 -> that this topic is here tonight
2581.74 -> um I have a daughter and she is 17. so
2586.48 -> I'm fat and she's growing up but um
2588.339 -> she's we've been having this dialogue
2590.74 -> about
2592.18 -> Jesus and remains Christ and having your
2596.26 -> relationship with God and everything and
2598.42 -> she she's struggling I don't use the
2601.24 -> word struggle but her questions mirror
2604.3 -> my questions when I was her age but for
2607.42 -> the fact of someone's telling you to
2609.76 -> believe how do you know for yourself you
2614.02 -> know I've had to show her so many
2617.14 -> examples of how it couldn't have been no
2620.02 -> one but God
2622.359 -> but for God being there
2625.18 -> I wouldn't be here today but for God
2628.599 -> being there this situation wouldn't have
2631.24 -> happened and I've explained to her
2634.839 -> um one particular day
2638.319 -> I was on my way to Fort McPherson
2640.42 -> minding my business got on 20. I saw
2645.099 -> this 18-wheeler behind me but I painted
2649.54 -> no mind because I'm I'm ashamed of it
2652.02 -> and this car
2654.52 -> Cuts me off
2657.28 -> and I noticed 18 wheeler is to my left
2660.22 -> and my car starts spinning in the middle
2662.319 -> of 20.
2663.819 -> and I said well
2666.099 -> God I can't do it and I let go of the
2668.619 -> will
2669.46 -> I don't remember nothing else besides my
2672.28 -> car it's stopped on us on the shoulder
2675.099 -> pointing in the opposite direction this
2678.28 -> lady and her husband stopped their car
2680.2 -> on the highway as well he got out and
2682.18 -> said we just knew you were about to die
2685.24 -> because the truck was literally about to
2688 -> hit you and I say but that day but for
2691.18 -> God being there I would not be here
2693.7 -> because I did nothing besides take my
2696.76 -> hands off the wheel
2698.88 -> and so that's how I told my daughter I
2701.98 -> say listen there's nothing I can tell
2704.44 -> you there's nothing your grandmother can
2706.359 -> tell you there's nothing no one can tell
2708.099 -> you besides there's going to be moments
2710.02 -> you're going to go through life and know
2712.119 -> that nobody did this but Jesus and
2716.079 -> you'll know when it's him
2717.579 -> my gosh
2719.68 -> that's awesome that is awesome thank you
2722.2 -> so much for sharing that testimony I
2724.18 -> spent out in the middle of I-20 in
2725.92 -> Dallas Texas once and it changed my life
2728.92 -> I've spent out on I-20 in 20 in 2005. no
2734.98 -> to
2736.619 -> 2014. uh again uh and it changed my life
2740.92 -> so I my gosh God bless you thank you for
2743.92 -> sharing that with us all right uh sister
2746.56 -> McLendon
2749.02 -> good evening pastor and everybody
2752.38 -> I just wanted to kind of um piggyback on
2755.2 -> Michelle because she just kind of really
2758.26 -> touched me because
2760.66 -> knowing that God is with you I mean my
2763.48 -> parents know my sibling know a lot of
2765.76 -> people know I was a team I was a Teen
2767.619 -> Mom I had Michelle as a teenager and
2770.8 -> being able to get from that point to
2774.16 -> this point and even to hear her say what
2777.22 -> she said
2778.66 -> um it just lets me know that even then
2780.64 -> even now like God is like I'm still
2783.4 -> doing what I promised I'll do and I
2787 -> remember the day and I tell people this
2789.819 -> I remember the day y'all I do apologize
2793.18 -> to my dog in the background we're gonna
2795.7 -> have to pray for him he must have the
2796.96 -> devil and he won't make noise while we
2798.339 -> on here but anyway
2800.68 -> um I remember the day that I um
2804.579 -> I I think I told my brother I told my
2807.099 -> husband I remember the day when it was
2809.44 -> like the Lord was like in this in the
2811.839 -> seat next to me I remember the turn I
2813.819 -> was making and he was like I'm here know
2816.64 -> this Spirit if you know this Spirit you
2818.74 -> know I'm with you
2820 -> and so with that I just know that he's
2823.3 -> with us and I I know he's I just know
2826.66 -> he's with me and like I tell people all
2828.579 -> the time on my headstone it's gonna say
2831.579 -> I know where I'm going without a shadow
2833.74 -> of a doubt you can't tell me there ain't
2835.78 -> no person on this Earth can tell me that
2838.24 -> I'm not gonna make it they have to be
2839.56 -> when I get there he send me somewhere
2841.18 -> else but other than that I know because
2844.06 -> I know what he's done I know what he's
2846.04 -> promised and I know the things that have
2848.079 -> come to pass
2849.46 -> I love it I love it wonderful wonderful
2852.16 -> thank you for sharing that that's a
2853.96 -> powerful testimony and I know that's
2855.46 -> going to bless somebody when they hear
2856.839 -> this again is blessing somebody right
2858.88 -> now thank you so much because when you
2860.98 -> can recall and reflect on where God has
2863.44 -> brought you boy that's the greatest
2865.48 -> story you can share with somebody
2867.16 -> because some people out here really lost
2869.68 -> they don't know if they need to believe
2872.26 -> in Jesus because they've seen and
2874.119 -> witnessed and experienced Church hurts
2875.98 -> and different things like that but this
2877.839 -> is why we need to be ready to be a
2879.88 -> witness not only share what we what we
2882.46 -> think but what we know you know to give
2884.92 -> our testimony so God bless you thank you
2887.2 -> so much I think I see sister latrisa
2889.48 -> Bradley I see sister Kimberly Smith and
2893.26 -> I see brother McCoy uh I don't see
2896.859 -> um uh Deacon Mosey on here so I want to
2900.22 -> hear from you all
2902.319 -> good good afternoon Hey Brother McCoy
2907.96 -> um sitting back listen to you all I uh
2911.92 -> it's taught me back to when I was hiding
2915.88 -> no good as real because when I was when
2917.98 -> I was when I was coming up I was the
2921.339 -> devil always chasing me I I feel like
2923.68 -> and I only time I went to bed when I
2925.96 -> grabbed my Bible I grabbed my Bob and I
2928.119 -> go to sleep with peace and one day uh a
2932.619 -> chest came in my community they had
2934.66 -> Revival in my community
2937.06 -> and
2938.859 -> I went to the Revival
2941.14 -> and
2943.42 -> the preacher pitched me
2945.7 -> and all my friends you know you know
2947.68 -> when you with your friend ego you want
2949.839 -> to be you don't want to you don't want
2952.06 -> to get dealing with your friend but when
2954.52 -> the preacher touched me I
2957.28 -> I hit the ground
2959.16 -> and all my friends looked at me and man
2962.859 -> what's wrong with you and I said I don't
2964.66 -> know what I
2965.8 -> I don't know what's wrong but I know
2968.319 -> that
2969.599 -> something went through me and I hit the
2972.099 -> ground and
2973.599 -> and they went home and they told my mama
2976.66 -> that I was out there playing with God
2978.64 -> and I told my mama
2980.38 -> I told my mama no I wasn't playing with
2982.66 -> God I so knocked me to the ground yeah
2986.22 -> and at that point at that point in my
2990.22 -> life I
2991.9 -> I wanted to know God more and and I knew
2995.5 -> that when I went to sleep every night I
2997.18 -> went to sleep with people when I grabbed
2998.68 -> my Bible and I am my Bible it wasn't no
3002.099 -> peace in my as a little boy I was a
3004.5 -> scary little boy you know I just came to
3007.319 -> the bar the only time I grabbed my Bob I
3009.839 -> went to sleep and so
3012.2 -> my friends me coming up in my community
3016.339 -> my friends see seen me start going to
3019.5 -> church and they started saying man
3020.76 -> what's going on over there help me find
3024.18 -> out what God did for me and as a as a
3027.96 -> kid a lot of my friends at school
3030.42 -> John church because of adjoin church
3034.16 -> and I was in and from that day on man I
3038.579 -> really know that God is God is real in
3041.76 -> my life you know only time I had peace
3044.88 -> when I read my Bible
3047.48 -> and so God got to be real if if he can
3052.8 -> keep the Moss off me so
3055.16 -> and so I I believed that I was like man
3058.859 -> you know I can go to sleep with the
3061.92 -> Bible I went to sleep with peace with
3063.66 -> the Bible with that with that man I I
3068.819 -> I know God is real and I truly try to
3073.92 -> um
3074.88 -> uh
3076.8 -> do the right thing to say the right
3078.78 -> thing to people and to this day that
3081.359 -> that that molded me to the guy I am
3084.18 -> today
3084.98 -> when I claimed when I came to Pleasant
3087.66 -> Grove Michigan back to church I was a
3090.66 -> mess
3091.559 -> that was a mess and
3094.74 -> that church
3096.599 -> oh
3098.4 -> that church
3100.5 -> really
3102.54 -> really really
3105.66 -> brought me back home
3108.359 -> to God and I when the man thank you Lord
3111.48 -> and the people
3113.48 -> it's so important the people in that
3116.28 -> church
3117.54 -> so uh
3121.26 -> still living with their words they were
3123.72 -> so you know I mean they were so they
3126.3 -> they did for me they did it for me thank
3129.54 -> you and I I thank God for that I tell
3132.359 -> people you know I tell people this what
3135.359 -> you say man what you do is is so
3138.54 -> important
3139.8 -> and it's so important to the base in
3142.98 -> Christ to the base in Christ is so
3145.68 -> important so we have to watch yeah you
3148.5 -> know what we say yes but what we do
3150.96 -> because somebody watching us in that
3153.24 -> trip yes I I tried to I I always tried
3156.839 -> to live for everybody up and say a good
3159.48 -> word because it's important for us as
3162.9 -> Christians to to uh
3166.26 -> to do to to do good
3169.2 -> so God so God can get the glory man
3172.2 -> because it's he watching us and that's
3175.8 -> how I know that God is alive in my life
3178.38 -> because I'm a changed man thank you I'm
3181.26 -> gonna say it man to this day I know that
3183.48 -> my time I know that
3195.98 -> the other day you said well I ain't
3200.099 -> gonna go to hell with you I tell my wife
3203.46 -> that you know I mean you can do all this
3207 -> stuff but I'm not going with you on that
3210.24 -> part of this thing I'm separate from you
3212.64 -> because I'm trying to get them and so
3215.099 -> you know I mean I'm not I'm not mad at
3217.68 -> nobody I'm not gonna be because you mad
3220.079 -> I'm not mad I I'm gonna try to work it
3222.48 -> out I'm gonna try to do the right thing
3225.18 -> with people yeah keep doing what I'm
3228.72 -> doing trying to make trying to meet
3230.52 -> somebody else's life better than or what
3233.04 -> it was today I pray every day I pray
3235.44 -> I'll be trying to I ask God to put me in
3238.38 -> a situation so I can make somebody
3239.94 -> else's life better than it was when they
3242.52 -> woke up you know what I mean and I get
3244.8 -> so many people are knocking on my door
3246.66 -> in my neighborhood or something to eat
3249 -> man I really I really do appreciate it
3251.88 -> because I can I can give my love to me
3255.48 -> out here to somebody who ain't more
3258.42 -> fortunate than I am I just thank God
3260.4 -> that I'm able to I got that in my heart
3264.119 -> to want to help the next man and the
3267.96 -> next man along the way
3270.619 -> for this community here to see that it's
3274.14 -> some light there's some light in this
3275.94 -> dog I stand a dog come here yeah I mean
3278.579 -> when I walk around when I walk out of my
3280.319 -> door I see the prostitute the drug
3282 -> dealer and all that on my street but you
3285.24 -> ain't got to be what they are you got to
3287.579 -> be like you got to walk different you
3289.859 -> got to talk different and you got to do
3291.96 -> different in this neighborhood so they
3294.24 -> can see that hey man God is real
3297.8 -> I mean when they see me they know that I
3301.68 -> ain't doing what y'all doing hey you
3303.48 -> know I'm talking about we if you ain't
3304.98 -> ready to turn it over to God I'm just
3307.44 -> telling you guys it's a way you got to
3309.54 -> be this way you can I was there with you
3312.119 -> bro I've been there
3314.78 -> I'm able to I'm able to go out here in
3318.3 -> the street and talk to the street guy
3320.04 -> because I've been there I've been a
3321.9 -> street guy yes I understand that I
3324.48 -> understand that they think that that
3326.52 -> money they get everything gonna laugh
3328.74 -> forever it's not thank you brother McCoy
3331.92 -> I appreciate you man that's that's
3333.24 -> wonderful and that's what we have to be
3335.22 -> willing to do to share our vulnerable
3337.74 -> stories and then share where we come
3339.48 -> from and just remind people that if he
3341.76 -> can save me he can save you I appreciate
3344.819 -> God for for what he's done in your life
3346.859 -> I want to hear from some more people
3350.4 -> um um see who I haven't heard from I
3352.14 -> haven't heard from Sister Smith uh so
3354 -> submit you welcome to jump in if you
3355.559 -> want to uh I haven't heard from Sister
3357.96 -> Rhonda Lindley and brother Coco I
3360.359 -> haven't heard from Deacon Howell uh he
3362.76 -> jumped in a little bit on the amen bench
3365.099 -> amen
3367.04 -> well uh can I say a couple of words real
3369.839 -> quick go ahead
3371.94 -> um Pastor
3373.559 -> um I was just thinking and about
3376.26 -> everything that um everyone had said
3379.44 -> about
3380.46 -> um how
3382.02 -> um how they know
3384.18 -> um
3384.9 -> that um God is um is real and what it
3388.68 -> means to them and just thinking about I
3393.18 -> can go back to uh I've ever since I was
3396.839 -> young I always knew there was more
3399.599 -> and I was searching as I matured for
3403.8 -> that more that was missing from life
3406.319 -> that because I knew that there was
3408.42 -> something that was missing that I didn't
3410.579 -> have yet and and I wasn't going to be
3413.099 -> complete until I got what was missing
3416.76 -> out of my life and and for me it was
3420.839 -> kind of like an experience with power
3422.94 -> where I had a personal experience with
3426.119 -> God and from that experience that I had
3429.3 -> with with him at that moment I knew that
3432.839 -> that was what I needed in my life to uh
3436.38 -> to feel and make me complete at that
3438.78 -> time and after my experience with him
3442.38 -> there was nothing else that could
3444.839 -> separate me from the Lord there was
3447.119 -> nothing else that anyone could could say
3449.52 -> it was in nothing else that anyone could
3451.619 -> do it wasn't anything that anyone could
3453.9 -> bring to me that was better than my
3457.2 -> relationship with the Lord and my
3459.24 -> experience with him and in in the midst
3462.96 -> of me growing and getting to know him
3465.48 -> more and seeing how he's faithful to his
3468.66 -> words because I I've seen some people
3471.54 -> that weren't faithful I've been in some
3474.059 -> places that weren't good I've been um
3476.819 -> through some things that were hard to
3479.46 -> take but God was always faithful he
3484.2 -> always delivered me from different
3486.359 -> things he always showed up right on time
3490.02 -> he didn't show up when I wanted him to
3491.88 -> yeah but he showed up right on time let
3495.72 -> me know that it was him and one of the
3499.859 -> most devastating things was uh right
3502.859 -> after my uh mother died because me and
3506.099 -> her were so close and we did so many
3508.319 -> different things together and when she
3512.4 -> passed there was
3514.619 -> um a ache in me that nobody could take
3518.579 -> away
3519.359 -> and it was just and it was draining me
3522.299 -> down until I could just go to him and
3525.66 -> said Lord I can't make it no more and he
3529.2 -> took the pain and the ache and
3530.94 -> everything from me and said the same
3533.28 -> thing that you had for your mother I Am
3535.68 -> With You Always and that release that he
3539.46 -> gave me I said there ain't no way I
3541.859 -> would turn my uh uh back from God
3545.059 -> or anyone else amen amen I know
3550.319 -> Minister Evans I'm gonna tell you
3551.76 -> something you find something better you
3553.319 -> find somebody better than God I'll beat
3555 -> you serving them I just need you to
3557.22 -> understand I don't even want
3559.44 -> to know
3562.2 -> he's not a serious anything there is
3564.18 -> none there is none like him amen and I
3566.7 -> love it you know and that's that's how
3568.5 -> confident I am that you can find
3570.24 -> somebody better than God I beat you
3571.68 -> serving because you ain't gonna find
3573 -> nobody amen and so I praise God for you
3575.819 -> because he is that comfort and I mean he
3578.7 -> he that Bible is full of so many proofs
3581.339 -> and evidences of of his love and
3583.68 -> presence amen so we have to be ready to
3586.079 -> give a national white as we believe who
3587.94 -> else will jump in before we stop this
3589.74 -> thing amen I enjoyed this huh I'll give
3592.92 -> this a few minutes uh Hey Brother Coco
3595.4 -> mine's a little bit different than than
3597.599 -> everybody else's uh okay it always has
3600.66 -> been different I don't know why but my
3603.66 -> life has been simple had been through a
3605.52 -> lot of trials and tribulation thank you
3607.74 -> I I actually had a real good life when
3610.619 -> the Bible tell you you can have Heaven
3612.299 -> here on Earth
3614.46 -> I'm a witness that you can
3616.7 -> I I I've been almost
3620.339 -> trouble free I mean people might not
3623.46 -> believe that but my life is almost been
3625.859 -> trouble free yeah I lost parents but I
3628.799 -> look at it on the other side my mom and
3630.599 -> dad was 80 to 90. I was blessed that way
3633.66 -> I was blessed for them to have them that
3636.119 -> long I still I got I it's six of us and
3640.14 -> we're all still here I've been blessed
3642.599 -> in that way yes I hadn't been I hadn't
3645.24 -> been in trouble I did some things yeah I
3647.099 -> did things but I hadn't been in trouble
3649.099 -> and and my life has been freely and and
3652.14 -> me believing in God that happened a long
3655.38 -> time ago I lay out in the yard just lay
3657.72 -> on my back when I was a young and look
3660.299 -> up at the clouds and just sit there just
3662.46 -> look at them just float and float and
3663.96 -> float and how how
3667.02 -> hacking something this complicated as my
3669.9 -> body be here without a god making it it
3674.4 -> just didn't pop out of nowhere you got
3676.2 -> the trees you got animals you got all
3678.24 -> different kind of species where in the
3680.64 -> world you think that come from well it's
3683.099 -> a god it's a god there so it's gonna
3685.799 -> always be a god there and and I just
3688.859 -> look at that I travel on on
3692.52 -> Estates for 40 something years I never
3695.339 -> been on the accident he took care of me
3697.14 -> I've been close I've been close and I
3698.88 -> just said Thank You Jesus yeah and go on
3701.339 -> I ride in a a truck I I mean I I've been
3706.38 -> I've been on that Expressway with why
3708.359 -> out of my tires and I passed Mercedes
3711.119 -> and stuff on side of the road with flat
3712.74 -> tires and I keep going on and going on
3714.96 -> and going until I was able to get
3716.339 -> another tire and that's been nothing but
3718.98 -> God I hadn't broke down I broke down one
3721.319 -> time and I broke down right almost to
3723.24 -> the exit where my sister was she came
3724.859 -> and got me so
3727.079 -> yes
3728.339 -> it's just I've been I've been I've just
3731.099 -> been blessed I really been blessed I
3733.319 -> love it and and I look at I look at my
3736.619 -> job when you when you look at family
3739.04 -> and and the people that you work around
3741.48 -> every day when you get respect in your
3743.4 -> home and your job you're a pretty decent
3745.98 -> person uh
3748.859 -> I worked for this guy for like 40 40
3751.98 -> something years
3753.44 -> and we ran in together we we had
3756.66 -> different I mean he
3758.52 -> he cursed me one day and I told him I
3760.859 -> told him right then I said I told him my
3763.02 -> mom and dad don't curse the man say
3764.339 -> you're not gonna cuss me either he said
3766.26 -> well I do this and I do that no you
3767.76 -> don't do anything for me God do
3769.02 -> everything for me I said if I work here
3771.66 -> I work at McDonald's I'm gonna be all
3773.819 -> right God gonna take care of me and ever
3776.52 -> since that day
3778.2 -> he he just changed completely we have
3781.799 -> function and stuff he always asked me to
3783.72 -> pray over the food to pray for this if
3785.7 -> something happened he'll come and get me
3787.319 -> want me to pray for them and you get the
3790.079 -> respect from your your co-workers and
3792.119 -> stuff then
3793.26 -> you you you're a pretty decent person
3795.299 -> I'm just I'm just the type of person
3797.04 -> that
3798.42 -> I'm gonna try to do what's right I'm not
3800.52 -> gonna mistreat anybody and if something
3802.799 -> happened that you get mistreated and I
3805.26 -> go to bed and I can't sleep I toss and
3807 -> turn I know something was wrong God
3808.68 -> telling me something was wrong on my
3811.079 -> part
3811.94 -> but if something happened I go to bed
3814.2 -> and sleep real good I'm good with it
3815.819 -> amen but you know I'm gonna always treat
3818.099 -> people the way that I want to be treated
3819.839 -> that's just the way I was brought up I'm
3822.48 -> just going to do that and I'm just I'm
3824.819 -> just thankful that God's going to
3826.079 -> protective me amen uh my family none of
3829.079 -> them been in trouble with my kids and
3830.76 -> thank you Jesus I I just I just thank
3833.64 -> God that I had a peaceful family here at
3836.099 -> home I mean I don't have to worry about
3837.54 -> my kids they don't talk back to me they
3840.119 -> don't treat mistreat me they respect me
3842.04 -> so I mean
3844.26 -> when I get to heaven it's going to be
3846.059 -> real good because I'm already been
3847.98 -> programmed here so all right I'm 70
3851.579 -> years old and and still in pretty good
3854.339 -> Hampton Street I got some issues now
3856.02 -> that I'm going to the doctor for but
3857.579 -> that's all right too I mean amen I go
3860.7 -> back to the mechanic yes sir you know
3862.74 -> what I made you yeah
3864.68 -> that's it that's it man that's all I got
3868.02 -> Yes Man listen I appreciate you sharing
3870.54 -> that because you really kind of unpacked
3872.7 -> that verse nine that that that we were
3875.64 -> talking about earlier in in first Peter
3878.52 -> three that verse 9 that just talking
3880.799 -> about don't render evil for evil or
3882.599 -> railing for railing I mean you really
3884.64 -> brought that home because sometimes
3885.96 -> we're confronted with all kinds of stuff
3887.819 -> but it's wonderful just to hear the
3890.46 -> other side of somebody who's had a
3891.839 -> blessed life because when you begin to
3893.579 -> think of the goodness of Jesus and all
3895.26 -> he's done you'll find that you've had
3896.76 -> more good than bad
3898.38 -> you know you we've all had more good
3901.38 -> than bad and so sometimes just being
3903.66 -> reminded that that's possible
3905.64 -> that's powerful so thank you for sharing
3908.28 -> that God bless you all right anybody
3910.14 -> else before we wrap up I want to make
3911.76 -> sure if you if you want to say something
3913.14 -> I want you to do me a favor I want you
3914.579 -> to press the hand button that's sitting
3916.68 -> at the bottom just before you see the
3918.18 -> hang up button don't hit the hang up
3920.04 -> button but look for the hand where it's
3922.92 -> like this and raise your hand if you
3924.54 -> want to say something uh please I I want
3927.059 -> to hear from you before we stop and I've
3929.099 -> just really enjoyed this conversation
3930.599 -> tonight so if you want to say something
3932.4 -> go ahead and raise your hand uh and
3934.619 -> we're gonna just wrap it up and uh I've
3936.839 -> just enjoyed this conversation tonight
3939.72 -> um as we have just kind of talked and I
3942.599 -> don't see any end so as I conclude uh if
3945.9 -> I see you here and I'll stop but as
3947.46 -> we're concluding I want you to know that
3949.98 -> it's important that we study God's word
3951.78 -> to validate why it is we believe you
3955.559 -> know you want to validate with the word
3957.78 -> I love that you know some of the
3959.52 -> opinions that you have are backed up by
3961.68 -> scripture
3962.819 -> you know you hear me talking just in a
3965.7 -> general conversation and I'll cite some
3967.5 -> scriptures and I may not tell you
3968.94 -> exactly where it is but I know it's in
3970.38 -> the book I may
3972.559 -> paraphrase it in some way because I have
3975.66 -> that's how I make it real for me because
3978.059 -> I have to be be mindful that the word
3980.4 -> talks about uh hiding the word in your
3983.099 -> heart so that you don't sin against the
3985.559 -> Lord so when you know that the Bible
3987.42 -> says certain things you begin to enrap
3989.46 -> that into your mindset in your behavior
3992.039 -> in your thinking you know in in that way
3995.4 -> those scriptures become a part of your
3997.319 -> lifestyle you know the Bible says be ye
4000.079 -> holy for I am Holy so I seek to be more
4003.02 -> like the Lord every day and so when we
4005.42 -> pray for wisdom we pray for Spiritual uh
4008.299 -> illumination and understanding we doing
4010.88 -> that you know and you have to do that to
4012.92 -> to see God's counsel for Godly
4014.9 -> individuals uh in your path you want God
4017.66 -> to send you the right people you want
4019.76 -> the Lord to be my you want the Lord to
4021.98 -> put the right people in your your life
4023.48 -> so that you can glean from them and pull
4025.76 -> from them and I can't tell you how many
4027.92 -> wonderful people God has put in my life
4029.599 -> I thank God for each of you how God has
4032 -> put you in my path uh that I'm gleaning
4034.64 -> from even tonight I've just gleaned some
4036.38 -> wonderful nuggets from each of you on
4038.42 -> tonight we have to have number three a
4041.299 -> honest desire
4042.859 -> you got to have an honest a true and
4045.92 -> honest desire to learn the truth and you
4048.74 -> got so many people who are like that
4050.66 -> that movie you can't handle the truth
4052.579 -> you got some people who don't want to
4054.2 -> know the truth the Bible say the truth
4055.819 -> will make you free I know we say it a
4058.22 -> set you free but it'll actually make you
4060.2 -> free uh and you gotta have honest desire
4063.079 -> to to want to learn the truth and
4066.44 -> sometimes the truth uh ain't fun you
4069.619 -> know sometimes the truth telling you you
4071.66 -> ain't all that you know nobody wants to
4073.88 -> hear that when you think you all that
4076.52 -> sometimes you need to hear you ain't all
4078.559 -> that you know uh and that's a hard truth
4081.38 -> the Bible says man ought to not think
4083.059 -> more or highly of himself than he ought
4085.039 -> to right and that's a humbling truth
4088.039 -> right to humble yourself before the Lord
4090.319 -> and we don't want to know that you know
4091.76 -> but again these are some of the benefits
4093.74 -> of just uh Understanding God's word and
4096.859 -> knowing why that's your belief and when
4098.359 -> we do that we'll become more convinced
4100.219 -> that what we believe is actually true
4102.62 -> when you begin to study that word and
4104.6 -> you find scriptures that validate white
4106.339 -> as you believe now you'll believe that
4108.679 -> it's even more true than ever because
4110.12 -> you got back up and you've seen it and
4112.16 -> you can understand it and we'll also
4113.54 -> learn that what we believe is is is
4116.96 -> actually God ordained or God design uh
4121.279 -> we'll see that God's influence on our
4123.08 -> lives is really happening and so uh this
4126.259 -> is important that we do this and again I
4128.48 -> appreciate you all sharing tonight
4130.64 -> but why does why does you believe what
4132.98 -> you believe and how it impacts others
4135.56 -> people's lives because at the end of the
4137.239 -> day that's why we're gonna be uh uh
4140.299 -> judged on that's what we're going to be
4142.12 -> uh uh uh assessed on how did your life
4145.94 -> touch somebody else's how did your
4148.88 -> experience bless somebody else because
4151.279 -> watch this
4152.48 -> brother Tim I don't have to go through
4154.4 -> what you went through to appreciate what
4156.679 -> you went through
4158.12 -> I can share with somebody else your
4160.64 -> testimony not having gone through it
4163.1 -> sister Henry not having gone through
4165.38 -> what you've gone through but I could
4166.759 -> tell somebody about a a sister Henry I
4170.779 -> can tell somebody about a Juanita
4172.219 -> McClendon I can tell a young lady that
4175.219 -> who who was a Teen Mom that that she has
4178.279 -> a daughter who is now an adult who also
4181.94 -> Walks With God he said I mean I can tell
4184.64 -> somebody about a minister uh Mary Evans
4188.299 -> who was close to her mother but also
4191.239 -> felt a pain and a sense of aching and
4194.719 -> Agony but yes she found healing as God
4198.56 -> healed her now her walk is even closer
4201.26 -> and stronger because God comforted her
4204.14 -> remember the scripture says blessing be
4206.179 -> the God of all comfortable Comforts us
4208.04 -> with the Comfort we therefore Comfort
4209.719 -> others with right and so we begin to
4212.54 -> manifest and see those things and
4214.46 -> because we have experienced that Comfort
4216.739 -> we can now confident the people see what
4219.44 -> I'm saying so these scriptures come to
4221 -> align based off of what we understand
4223.34 -> and again there's no point in
4225.199 -> understanding there's no point in in in
4227.42 -> walking around with the Bible if he
4229.28 -> can't bring us Comfort brother Tim amen
4231.56 -> you ought not to be the only person who
4233.42 -> can take that Bible and put it
4235.04 -> underneath your bed and underneath your
4236.659 -> pillow I had it close by the bed stand
4238.4 -> where it just helped you to sleep
4240.38 -> peacefully knowing that that word is
4242.239 -> right there you know uh it you know it's
4244.82 -> okay to have that so again all of you
4248.12 -> have shared tonight uh something that
4250.88 -> can be very impactful and again
4253.82 -> um this lesson tonight was really
4256.28 -> to just encourage us that what you've
4259.159 -> been through is worth sharing with other
4260.54 -> people and you all got something to say
4262.82 -> don't feel like you got to be a
4265.58 -> theological trained preacher Pastor to
4269.179 -> share the word of God Amen and you can
4271.4 -> share the word with just anybody so I
4274.52 -> pray that you have been blessed by this
4276.5 -> word tonight by this this conversation
4278.78 -> tonight uh this is why we jump on Bible
4281.3 -> study because it helps us to appreciate
4283.699 -> you know I like the term Bible
4285.44 -> appreciation because you learn to
4287.6 -> appreciate this word of God and a lot of
4289.46 -> times when you find yourself lost and
4291.14 -> confused just flip the description you
4293.6 -> might accidentally stumble upon what you
4296.179 -> need in that moment and if you can't
4298.4 -> find it Google it like we Google
4299.78 -> everything else
4302.659 -> Lord what do I do about this my child
4305 -> cutting up Lord what I do about my
4306.98 -> feelings I have some mixed feelings
4308.3 -> about so and so what does the Bible say
4310.04 -> about this Google it amen he done gave
4312.679 -> us Google so let's use it amen let's
4315.14 -> let's have a good time in the Lord so
4316.82 -> God God bless you I'm done with that
4319.52 -> being said we're gonna dismiss tonight
4321.32 -> I'm gonna ask my chairman uh Deacon out
4325.1 -> tonight he's he's jumped in a little bit
4327.32 -> and now I want to hear from him if he
4329.42 -> would just dismiss us with our closing
4331.58 -> remarks and just dismiss us with a word
4333.56 -> prayer digging out would you do that for
4335.54 -> me please
4338.739 -> yes it's been wonderful night it's good
4341.48 -> to hear people's different opinion
4344.12 -> and when you've been down this thing
4346.04 -> Road it's it's a lesson to others yes
4348.92 -> you know to hear you know how good the
4351.44 -> Lord is and how he'll tell any prepared
4354.08 -> us all down through the years
4356.719 -> I've been through quite a bit uh
4359.26 -> childhood lost my father but
4362.239 -> or the worst thing happened to me I'll
4365.06 -> get the equipped with this
4367.64 -> um I developed us from going through
4370.34 -> changes in simple within about 20 years
4372.62 -> beating us
4374.84 -> and I was able to still hold down a job
4377.179 -> maintain and raise my family
4380.48 -> and that couldn't have been nobody but
4382.28 -> the Lord is savior
4384.8 -> and then after years went by I was
4387.8 -> healed he healed me and I haven't been
4390.86 -> bothered with him but within 25 over 25
4393.38 -> years now thank you Jesus and the human
4396.8 -> body yes heart mind and soul and I'm
4400.88 -> thankful for that thank you
4407.5 -> love and compassion has never failed
4410.3 -> we've come before you tonight Lord thank
4412.58 -> you Lord for the last abiding mind
4415.219 -> Hearts and Spirits together tonight
4417.04 -> thank you Lord we're able to expound on
4419.96 -> the Lord as someone else might know that
4422.659 -> you still live that you all we have to
4425 -> do need to do is just walk in that path
4427.46 -> called righteousness let us do it all
4429.32 -> just for your namesake keep us together
4431.84 -> Lord and let us Lord walk and teach and
4435.56 -> talk on this way Lord we may be able to
4438.739 -> introduce you to have us to do say what
4440.9 -> you have to say live like you would have
4442.58 -> us live thank you
4448.54 -> in Jesus name amen amen amen amen amen
4454.4 -> that's praise God come on clap your
4455.9 -> hands
4456.699 -> man we're going home tonight I've
4459.44 -> enjoyed this so much God bless you love
4461.96 -> you we'll see y'all
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcSGDUVqR8s