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5. Canned fruit Canned fruit is often packed in syrup, which is high in sugar and can lead to spikes in blood sugar levels. This can be especially problematic for people with diabetes or other conditions that affect blood sugar levels.
4. Ripe Bananas Ripe bananas are high in sugar and can cause your blood pressure to spike.
Bananas are also high in potassium, which can be good for controlling high blood pressure as potassium dampens the impact of sodium. However, high-potassium foods can interfere with some blood pressure medication and heart medication, so talk to your doctor if need be.
3. Grapefruit Grapefruit can interfere with the absorption of some medications, including statins and drugs given to people with high blood pressure and diabetes.
2. Some fruit Juices When a fruit is juiced, it loses much of its fiber which could mean the sugar in juice is more quickly absorbed into your bloodstream, causing spikes in blood sugar levels.
1. Crystalized and Candied Fruit Most candied or crystalized fruit contain a ton of added sugar or even worse, high fructose corn syrup.
Disclaimer: All material in this publication is provided for information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action should be taken based solely on the contents of this publication; instead, viewers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. The information and opinions provided in this publication are believed to be accurate and sound, based on the best judgment available to the producers, but viewers who fail to consult with appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any injuries. The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions. The material in this report has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. The products discussed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
0.12 -> high blood pressure is a significant
2.7 -> problem and can lead to heart attack
4.88 -> liver damage and kidney failure often
8.76 -> people don't know that they have high
10.8 -> blood pressure until a certain amount of
13.08 -> damage is already done when your blood
15.96 -> is pressing against your artery walls
18.66 -> with too much force you get high blood
21.48 -> pressure because of this your heart and
24.66 -> arteries have to work harder which may
27.48 -> eventually damage your heart muscle
29.779 -> furthermore it might result in the
32.64 -> formation of tiny tears in the artery
35.219 -> walls and the accumulation of fatty
38.28 -> plaque fruit is generally beneficial for
41.579 -> people with high blood pressure but
43.68 -> there are a few things that you need to
45.36 -> be aware of when it comes to fruit So
48.3 -> today we're going to explore the five
51.239 -> worst fruits for high blood pressure
53.96 -> including a fruit you should be aware of
56.399 -> if you're taking any medication and if
60.539 -> you enjoy drinking fruit juice we'll
62.64 -> cover a few guidelines to keep you on
64.979 -> the right track but before we continue
67.32 -> can you do us a favor click on the
70.08 -> thumbs up and help us spread the word
72.42 -> about heart disease prevention and ring
75.24 -> the bell to stay up to date with our
77.1 -> latest videos we want to make sure you
79.92 -> get the latest info so that you can live
82.5 -> a long healthy life and stick around to
85.619 -> find out how to get two heart-healthy
87.78 -> free gifts we guarantee both you and
90.659 -> your heart will love them
92.82 -> okay number five canned fruit canned
97.68 -> fruit is often packaged in syrup which
100.439 -> is high in sugar and can lead to spikes
102.72 -> in blood sugar levels this can be
104.759 -> especially problematic for people with
106.68 -> diabetes or other conditions that affect
109.2 -> blood sugar levels in addition canned
112.079 -> fruits often contains added sodium which
115.02 -> contributes to high blood pressure a
117.659 -> study published in the Journal of
119.939 -> epidemiology and Community Health found
122.88 -> that while eating two to three servings
125.159 -> of fresh fruit daily correlated with a
127.68 -> 10 reduction of death
129.899 -> eating canned fruit was actually
131.879 -> associated with a 17 increase of
134.64 -> premature death
136.08 -> the study of 65 000 adults was based on
139.739 -> survey data so a casual relationship
142.2 -> could not be established however experts
144.84 -> are clear that added sugar poses an
147.66 -> enormous threat to blood pressure and
149.76 -> heart disease Dr Oyen Lola oyibode
153.54 -> released a statement saying that most
156.06 -> canned fruits contain high sugar levels
158.76 -> and cheaper varieties are packed in
161.4 -> syrup and that the negative Health
164.16 -> impacts of the sugar May well outweigh
166.98 -> any benefits
168.42 -> canned fruits are also often less
171 -> nutritious than fresh fruits as they can
173.58 -> lose some of their vitamins and minerals
175.68 -> during the canning process overall
178.44 -> canned fruit is not a good choice for
180.78 -> people with high blood pressure or other
182.94 -> conditions that affect blood sugar
184.62 -> levels fresh fruit is a much better
186.959 -> option for maintaining healthy blood
189 -> pressure levels
190.5 -> number four ripe bananas
193.56 -> bananas are one of the world's most
195.659 -> popular fruits and have been eaten for
198.12 -> tens of thousands of years however ripe
201.36 -> bananas can be bad for high blood
203.22 -> pressure as ripe bananas are high in
205.5 -> sugar and can cause your blood pressure
207.48 -> to spike bananas that are still green or
210.599 -> that are just beginning to ripen contain
212.94 -> resistant starch a Prebiotic fiber the
216.3 -> prebiotics or good microorganisms that
220.019 -> reside in the guts eat these
222.12 -> indigestible prebiotics these
224.76 -> advantageous bacteria in the stomach are
227.22 -> crucial for digesting and have also been
229.98 -> connected to immunity brain function and
232.98 -> other benefits but as the banana ripens
236.04 -> the resistant starch breaks down into
238.5 -> natural sugars because of this a banana
241.379 -> that is more ripe is sweeter than one
244.5 -> that is just barely ripe bananas are
247.799 -> also high in potassium which can be good
250.86 -> for controlling high blood pressure as
253.08 -> potassium dampens the impact of sodium
255.54 -> however high potassium foods can
258.479 -> interfere with some blood pressure
259.979 -> medication and heart medication so talk
262.86 -> to your doctor if need be
264.96 -> likewise people with kidney issues need
267.9 -> to take care with high potassium foods
270.24 -> so if you're going to eat bananas eat
273.479 -> them while they're less ripe and
275.46 -> slightly green
276.96 -> number three grapefruit if you have high
280.74 -> blood pressure grapefruit can be bad for
283.02 -> you if you're taking medication
284.72 -> grapefruit can interfere with the
286.919 -> absorption of some medications including
289.199 -> statins and drugs given to people with
291.54 -> high blood pressure and diabetes
293.66 -> grapefruit is healthy as it contains a
296.639 -> good dose of vitamin C potassium and
299.46 -> other nutrients however it doesn't mix
302.22 -> well with medication according to the
305.04 -> U.S Food and Drug Administration
306.78 -> grapefruit allows a higher dosage of
309.36 -> medication to enter the bloodstream
311.28 -> which can lead to side effects that's
314.1 -> due to the enzyme cyp 3 A4 in the small
319.199 -> intestine which metabolizes these drugs
322.16 -> grapefruit can block this enzyme which
325.199 -> leads to more of the drug entering the
327.36 -> blood grapefruit is unique in this way
330.78 -> this applies to drugs subscribed for
333.72 -> high blood pressure some anxiety
335.759 -> medication some antihistamines and a
339.06 -> number of drugs prescribed for heart
341.039 -> conditions as well as various other
343.62 -> medications if you're taking any
345.96 -> medication ask your doctor or pharmacist
349.08 -> whether you can safely eat grapefruit
351.5 -> now on to number two
354.3 -> foods that have snuck its way into our
356.639 -> lives and is often considered healthy
359.58 -> but it's not that simple but before we
363.479 -> get to that heart disease code would
365.94 -> love to give you a free book The
368.46 -> surprising truth about fat and
370.56 -> cholesterol plus the first episode of
374.46 -> the untold story of heart disease
376.88 -> something that everyone concerned about
379.919 -> heart health should watch click the link
383.039 -> in the description below to claim these
385.319 -> free gifts
386.58 -> now back to our final two worst fruits
389.759 -> for high blood pressure
391.8 -> number two some fruit juices now you may
396.6 -> think drinking a fruit juice is healthy
398.88 -> but juice is not the same as fruits in
401.639 -> its natural form when a fruit is Juiced
404.22 -> it loses much of its fiber the lack of
407.639 -> fiber means the sugar in the juice
409.56 -> quickly absorbs into your bloodstream
412.02 -> causing spikes and blood sugar levels
414.66 -> orange juice is the classic example
417.3 -> oranges are rich in vitamin C and
419.819 -> nutrients and as a result it gets a
422.34 -> reputation as a healthy drink option
425.479 -> however without the fiber what you're
428.819 -> drinking is essentially a glass of sugar
431.9 -> tomato juice is another one that experts
435.36 -> warn against if you have high blood
437.4 -> pressure that's because tomato juice
439.5 -> often contains high levels of added salt
442.919 -> which is bad news for people with high
445.38 -> blood pressure excess salts can damage
448.199 -> the lining of blood vessels it can also
450.78 -> interfere with the body's ability to
453.18 -> regulate blood pressure by affecting the
455.52 -> function of the kidneys and to the
457.5 -> hormones that controls blood pressure
459.3 -> high salt intake is linked to an
461.94 -> increased risk of heart disease and
464.28 -> stroke however if you want to enjoy the
467.039 -> odd glass of juice you do still have
469.319 -> options a 2021 study published in the
473.16 -> European Journal of nutrition founds
475.38 -> that cranberry juice and cherry juice
477.78 -> May improve blood pressure and
480.419 -> pomegranate juice is believed to help
482.16 -> lower both systolic and diastolic blood
485.4 -> pressure pomegranates have been
487.259 -> thoroughly researched in relation to
489.24 -> blood pressure and studies on humans and
491.88 -> animals suggests that their unique
494.039 -> antioxidant profile is beneficial for
496.919 -> reducing hypertension and improving
499.259 -> artery Health a final juice worth noting
502.62 -> is beetroot juice while it's not a fruit
505.879 -> beetroot juice is worth mentioning
508.08 -> because it's so chock full of vitamins
510.84 -> minerals and unique plant compounds
514.039 -> beetroot is a fantastic source of
516.839 -> dietary nitrates which are known to
518.76 -> reduce blood pressure nitrites occur
521.279 -> naturally in food and some can be
523.14 -> damaging for health While others can be
525.42 -> beneficial nitrates that make their way
527.7 -> into drinking water from fertilizers and
530.1 -> farming are bad for health for example
532.32 -> but the nitrates that naturally occur in
535.26 -> beetroots are incredibly beneficial like
538.5 -> most places in the world sub-Saharan
541.14 -> Africa is currently struggling with a
543.66 -> high blood pressure crisis and turned to
546.42 -> beetroot as a functional food therapy a
549.959 -> 60-day study carried out there concluded
552.6 -> that beetroot may be a practical
555.18 -> solution for lowering hypertension and
557.7 -> cardiovascular disease so as you can see
561.12 -> the juice conversation isn't so black
564.18 -> and white
565.16 -> experts generally recommend whole fruit
568.14 -> as a much better option as it contains
570.899 -> all the fiber your body needs to prevent
573 -> blood sugar spikes and while many juices
575.94 -> like orange juice should be treated with
578.1 -> caution other juices like beetroot
581 -> pomegranate cranberry and cherry juice
584.22 -> have shown potential benefits for people
586.92 -> with high blood pressure if you're going
588.959 -> to drink any of these juices just be
591.24 -> wary of any added sugar or salt
594.66 -> number one crystallized and candied
598.32 -> fruit
599.76 -> while dried fruits may actually be
602.16 -> beneficial for the heart crystallized
604.68 -> and candied fruits are a whole different
607.2 -> story that's because crystallized and
610.44 -> candied fruit tend to have a ton of
612.72 -> sugar and sometimes salt added to them
615.42 -> dried fruit such as raisins have simply
618.42 -> had the water removed meaning that
620.58 -> what's left is the same as when it was
623.279 -> fruit with the same makeup of fiber and
626.16 -> nutrients like heart healthy
628.16 -> phytochemicals a number of Studies have
631.14 -> in fact found that dried fruits in
633.36 -> moderation can support healthy blood
635.519 -> pressure prunes for example have been
638.16 -> shown by studies to support bowel health
640.38 -> and contain antioxidants that may help
643.5 -> to lower blood pressure on the other
645.779 -> hand candied or crystallized fruit will
648.72 -> contain a ton of added sugar or even
651.54 -> worse high fructose corn syrup high
655.32 -> fructose corn syrup is a common additive
657.899 -> in food today it's used as a sweetener
660.72 -> in processed foods it's made from the
663.3 -> cornstarch that has been treated with
665.1 -> enzymes and is a lot sweeter than sugar
667.44 -> plus it's cheap
670.2 -> fructose corn syrup has been linked to a
672.72 -> number of health problems including
674.76 -> obesity type 2 diabetes and high blood
678.42 -> pressure
679.38 -> some Studies have shown that high
681.24 -> fructose corn syrup can raise blood
683.459 -> sugar levels more quickly than other
686.16 -> types of sugar which may lead to an
688.5 -> increased risk of diabetes high fructose
691.86 -> corn syrup has also been found to
694.14 -> increase levels of triglycerides which
696.72 -> are a type of fat that can contribute to
699.18 -> heart disease but whether candied fruit
701.279 -> uses sugar or high fructose corn syrup
703.68 -> it is adding excessive amounts of sugar
706.68 -> to your diet popular crystallized fruits
709.68 -> includes Ginger or lemon crystallized
712.92 -> ginger and lemon is made by boiling them
715.2 -> in sugar water
717 -> for reference two lemons will require
719.76 -> around one cup of sugar that's a lot of
723.18 -> sugar for a treat that's often perceived
725.88 -> as healthy popular candied fruit
728.64 -> includes apples strawberries and
731.519 -> cherries popularly known as glazed
734.76 -> cherries a hundred gram bag of glazed
737.88 -> cherries contains around 68 grams of
740.7 -> total carbohydrate including naturally
743.16 -> occurring sugar and added sugar while
745.92 -> 100 grams of raw cherries contain around
748.8 -> 19 grams that's more than triple the
751.56 -> amount of sugar that gets into your
753.54 -> system the thing is people often think
756.72 -> that these foods are healthy because
758.82 -> they're fruit at their core yes you're
761.82 -> going to get some nutrients but it's
764.339 -> important to be clear that candied and
766.74 -> crystallized fruit should be treated
769.26 -> like candy occasional foods that do
772.86 -> impact blood pressure and heart health
774.839 -> and can contribute to heart issue issues
777.74 -> so there you have it five of the worst
781.44 -> fruits for high blood pressure we have
784.32 -> canned fruits ripe bananas
787.8 -> grapefruit
789.42 -> some fruit juices
791.54 -> crystallized and candied fruit
794.76 -> so what do you think is there anything
797.339 -> on this list that surprises you do you
800.16 -> have any other foods to add leave us a
803.279 -> comment and share it with the heart
804.66 -> disease code community and remember to
807.54 -> get your two free gifts the surprising
810.54 -> truth about fat and cholesterol and the
813.3 -> first episode of the untold story of
816.18 -> heart disease just click the link in the
819.12 -> description below to get them and
821.88 -> remember to like this video and click
824.339 -> the Subscribe button so that you can
826.62 -> stay up to date as we release new videos