Stroke: breakthrough treatment

Stroke: breakthrough treatment

Stroke: breakthrough treatment

A clot retrieval procedure, known as endovascular treatment (ET), can dramatically improve patient outcomes after an acute ischemic stroke.


7.08 -> So the Escape trial is a very exciting trial
10.77 -> we looked at patients coming in with severe strokes
14.481 -> who had blockages in the arteries going into the brain
18.151 -> that we could see on their scans in the emergency room
21.262 -> and we compared the standard of care treatment so the best treatments we 0:00:21.529,0:00:22.349 currently have
25.372 -> to doing the same standard of care treatment and taking them to
29.382 -> the Angio suite the Cath lab as we call it and trying to go up directly
33.143 -> and take that clot out with the device and what we've shown
38.353 -> is that more people have excellent outcomes
42.045 -> when we are able to get to that clot and take it out in the severe stroke
45.834 -> patients
46.474 -> this is in addition to currently available treatments
49.495 -> well for our sickest stroke patients in the hyper acute
53.085 -> emergency when the clock is ticking and we use the term time is brain
57.016 -> when every second counts
58.597 -> when every minute there are millions of neurons at risk
61.598 -> we really need to move fast and this trial
64.738 -> shows us that that moving fast matters because we were able to get people into
68.819 -> the cath lab faster than other trials have in past and we have
71.949 -> shown that really makes a difference in outcomes and it gives us new options
76.47 -> for these patients for patients who TPA sometimes doesn't work
80.99 -> and for patients who might not be eligible for TPA,
84.661 -> and even for those who are, it can help us improve their outcomes as well so
89.241 -> really taking people who might otherwise have severe strokes
92.422 -> , with high risk of death, with high-risk of dependence,
96.762 -> and poor outcomes and we could change that curve and help them recover from their
100.473 -> stroke
101.053 -> and get back to normal
113.625 -> this trial had it will impact the way we treat
116.605 -> emergency stroke patients both in Canada and around the world
120.576 -> and gives us new options and new hope for the sickest stroke patients
124.456 -> 1
