Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of Coronary Artery Diseases | Dr. Nikhil Choudhary (Hindi)

Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of Coronary Artery Diseases | Dr. Nikhil Choudhary (Hindi)

Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of Coronary Artery Diseases | Dr. Nikhil Choudhary (Hindi)

Coronary Artery Diseases are deadly if they are not treated in time. Any issues with breathing, chest pain, breathlessness, nausea, etc. are the common symptoms of Coronary Artery Diseases. Due to the modern lifestyle, lack of exercise, and a healthy diet and Old age are the reasons behind the CAD.

Dr. Nikhil Choudhary, Consultant Interventional Cardiologist at Narayana Multispeciality Hospital, Jaipur, talks about the Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment options available for the Coronary Artery Diseases.

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12.17 -> Hello! I am Dr. Nikhil Choudhary.
14.88 -> I am consultant Interventional Cardiologist in Narayana Multispecialty Hospital,Jaipur.
19.869 -> I have taken my Cardiology training from PGI Chandigarh. Since last few years I have been working in Jaipur.
27.957 -> Today I want to discuss with you about the changes in the treatment of coronary artery disease.
39.76 -> For over a decade we have been fighting with this disease.
44.773 -> So what is our current position? Where we are standing at? Are we winning or losing?
47.957 -> If we see almost 3 crore Indians are suffering with Coronary Artery Disease.
55.348 -> 40-50% people can’t even reach till hospital after heart stroke.
58.82 -> Actually it is very necessary to have complete knowledge about the disease with which we are fighting.
68.183 -> As I told you heart diseases are increasing among young population in India. Main reason is genetic.
76.2 -> From parents, kids get this disease by genetics.
81.945 -> So this is the genetic reason, there is an agent called lipoprotein which is more in the blood of Indians.
88.7 -> This is the main reason why in Indians we are seeing heart disease more compare to western people.
95.216 -> Now if we talk about urban vs rural ratio of the occurrence of this disease,
103.037 -> then now our scenario of lifestyle is changing so fast
107.952 -> and mobile culture has come
111.84 -> 40% of rural population has heart disease.
117.98 -> In urban population it is seen around 50%.
121.764 -> It is not a very big difference. If we see last 30-40 years,
126.103 -> this population prevalence was 2% means only 2 people in 100 used to get heart attack,
131.724 -> nowadays it has become 10% in cities and in villages it has reached till 5%.
137.27 -> So this disease is spreading all over the country very fast and making its root stronger.
141.754 -> There are 8 major reasons of getting heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, excess of cholesterol,
149.6 -> smoking, lack of physical activity, sitting at one place,
153.36 -> obesity, lesser intake of fruits and vegetables and stress in life.
158.45 -> These are the main 8 reasons for 90% of heart attack.
162.124 -> And 10% heart attacks happen without any reason. That is why when people come to us,
167.53 -> and say that we have not done anything, everything is normal, still we have got an heart attack.
171.18 -> So 10% patients don’t have any reason for heart attack.
174.611 -> Main reason is genetic in this, might be your parents had it hence it passed on to you.
178.958 -> As I told you genetics play very important role in Indians.
182.223 -> Amount of Lipoprotein A is more in Indians compared to other country population.
187.151 -> In this there are few things which I would like to mention which are very important and encouraging for us.
195.407 -> 10 years back out of 20 heart patients 10 patients used to die with heart attack now it has reduced to only 5.
202.31 -> Due to latest advancements in medical technology,
205.33 -> it has become possible to treat a heart disease
209.15 -> and heart patients can live their normal life for normal lifespan.
213.362 -> There are three steps in heart disease,
216.89 -> first is prevention, second is diagnosis of it and third is treatment.
223.082 -> So what are the latest advances in this, in prevention we see nowadays.
227.53 -> People are aware, educated and they know that these are aggravating things and we should avoid it.
233.4 -> We should not sit idle, we should have some movement.
235.74 -> We should keep patience, because with all of these things, this disease is getting prevented.
240.965 -> 20 years back or 10 years back we had more reasons but now we are moving towards physical activity more.
250.714 -> So this is the reason why heart disease is reducing.
252.63 -> Under prevention we also do health checkups, I recommend that every person after 35,
259.25 -> should go for a preventive health-checkup. Whatever deficiencies we have in our body whether it is high blood pressure, diabetes
267.28 -> or high cholesterol we have to stay alert for this, control it to reduce the chances of heart attack.
277.506 -> This was about prevention. If we talk about diagnosis,
281.9 -> in diagnosis also so many advances have happened in medical science.
284.17 -> Angiography has become very easy and I mostly do radial angioplasty.
291.223 -> Means through hands we reach to heart’s blood veins earlier it used to happen through legs.
298.23 -> So many vascular complications or blood clotting used to happen.
300.91 -> But now it has become very safe and effective. Our Cath Lab machines have become very advanced.
307.881 -> Through which we can catch minute illness as well.
314.37 -> Then it comes to treatment, means the medication of it.
320.269 -> The scenario of treatment has changed a lot since last 10 years.
322.26 -> Quality of stent has improved, dissolvable stents have come and person can live his normal life.
335.202 -> So many good medicines have come.
337.78 -> You can treat heart disease well even after one stroke pumping of heart doesn’t increase.
345.047 -> Apart from that very good technologies are there such as FFR,
348.46 -> IVUS or Rotablation in which we can fight with complex coronary artery disease or heart disease.
356.71 -> Like through the technique of Rotablation -
362 -> fats, calcium and stones also build up in blood veins.
366.35 -> With the help of Rotablation technique we can get rid of this calcium.
371.49 -> One more imaging technique has come we call it IVUS.
375.48 -> It does a kind of sonography of heart’s blood veins from which we can diagnose
381.028 -> where the possibility of attack is and which part or vessel needs treatment.
387.517 -> Chances of bypass have been reduced
390.78 -> because the techniques of coronary angioplasty and stenting have become so much advanced
396.592 -> and patients have become so much benifits,
399.5 -> with less expense and less hospital stay patients are able to live their normal lifestyle.
406.58 -> So I hope from this you must have come to know what all techniques are available today,
413.24 -> advances are there and we are fighting well with coronary artery disease and it was helpful for you.
420.74 -> I wish for your good health.
