AFib and Congestive Heart Failure

AFib and Congestive Heart Failure

AFib and Congestive Heart Failure

This video describes how atrial fibrillation and congestive heart failure interact. Managing atrial fibrillation and be very challenging in patients that also have congestive heart failure.

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Thank you for visiting Dr. AFib, I am Dr. Morales. In today’s video segment we are going to talking about atrial fibrillation and congestive heart failure together. February is heart month and so I wanted to make some videos why to discuss not just atrial fibrillation but how atrial fibrillation affects other heart conditions and looking at your heart as a whole and in this segment, we are going to talking about atrial fibrillation and congestive heart failure which is commonly called CHF.
CHF can refer to a few things, most commonly It’s referred to a weak heart but it can also be referred to as a stiff heart and in both circumstances the heart just doesn’t pump blood efficiently to the rest of your body and leads to back flow which can lead to fluid in your lungs which can cause shortness of breath, or swelling your legs which are the most common symptoms of congestive heart failure.
So how does atrial fibrillation affect congestive heart failure, well there are two ways that they can interact. One, it can be the primary cause of congestive heart failure or two, it can be secondary because of congestive heart failure.
So let’s talk about the first one in which is atrial fibrillation is the cause of congestive heart failure.
Sometimes when patients are first diagnosed with atrial fibrillation they don’t necessarily feel the heart going fast or skipping they just started feeling more short of breath. So when they’re finally diagnosed atrial fibrillation their heart may have gone quickly for several weeks or even months at a time and as a consequence of the core going consistently fast all the time the heart function becomes week.
It becomes weaker than normal and in those situations the atrial fibrillation is the cause of the congestive heart failure. Now normally when they are first diagnosed you have to do things like looking at coronary heart disease make sure that that’s also not a cause as well, but if in the end of points to only atrial fibrillation being the cause of the congestive heart failure it’s called tachycardia-mediated cardiomyopathy.
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0.29 -> thank you for visiting dr. aphid I'm dr.
3.419 -> Morales and today's video segment we're
6.66 -> going to be talking about age
8.519 -> assimilation and congestive heart
10.29 -> failure together February is Heart Month
13.32 -> and so I wanted to make some videos why
16.47 -> discuss not just each population but how
18.81 -> each formulation affects other heart
21.21 -> conditions and looking at your heart as
23.31 -> a whole and so in this segment we're
26.22 -> going to be talking about a tribulation
27.869 -> and congestive heart failure which is
29.609 -> commonly called CHF CHF can refer to a
34.44 -> few things most commonly it's referred
36.96 -> to a weak heart but it can also be
39.42 -> referred to as a stiff heart and either
42.27 -> circumstance the heart just doesn't pump
44.579 -> blood efficiently to the rest of your
46.829 -> body and leads to bactrim which can lead
49.68 -> to fluid in your lungs or swelling in
52.89 -> your legs which is the most common
54.3 -> symptoms of congestive heart failure so
56.82 -> how does each or fibrillation affect
59.789 -> congestive heart failure well there's
61.859 -> two ways that they can affect that one
64.35 -> it can be the primary cause of
66.09 -> congestive heart failure or two it can
68.729 -> be secondary because of congestive heart
70.71 -> failure so let's talk about the first
72.99 -> one which is H fibrillation is the cause
75.93 -> of congestive heart failure
77.78 -> sometimes when patients are first
79.86 -> diagnosed at age of fibrillation they
81.99 -> don't necessarily feel the heart going
84.6 -> fast or skipping they just started
86.49 -> feeling more short of breath and so when
89.64 -> they're finally diagnosed at age of
90.9 -> Revelation their heart may have gone
92.909 -> fast for several weeks or even months at
96.299 -> a time and as a consequence of the heart
99.39 -> one gets consistently fast all the time
101.579 -> the heart function becomes a weak it
103.86 -> becomes weaker than normal and in those
106.47 -> studies the age of fibrillation is the
107.97 -> cause of the congestive heart failure
110.36 -> now normally when they're at first
112.5 -> diagnosed you have to do things like
114.24 -> looking at
115.29 -> coronary heart disease make sure that
117.149 -> that's not a cause as well but if in the
120.24 -> end of points to only age of
122.189 -> fibrillation being the cause of the
123.689 -> congestive heart failure that's what we
125.64 -> cause a tachycardia mediate
127.58 -> cardiomyopathy
128.94 -> and in these patients where the 8/5 is
131.01 -> the sole cause of your congestive heart
133.08 -> failure there are a few ways to modern
135.57 -> to manage this one is making sure your
138.42 -> heart rate is better controlled and that
141.03 -> over time can make your heart function
142.44 -> get stronger again
143.7 -> however rhythm control which would be
147.03 -> getting you on a pager fibrillation
148.89 -> whether that be with a cardioversion or
151.44 -> a procedure like an ablation tends to
154.62 -> work better to help improve your heart
156.6 -> function get it back closer to normal
158.82 -> and in some cases connected bringing a
161.1 -> heart all the way back to a normal
162.3 -> function again in some cases HP relation
166.38 -> is a secondary culprit your weak heart
169.86 -> or your stiff heart puts a lot of
171.27 -> pressure inside of your heart increases
173.79 -> the pressure inside of the bottom
175.05 -> chambers of your heart as well as the
176.55 -> top chambers of your heart which over
178.35 -> time makes them stretch and dilate it
180.99 -> then ends up giving episodes of major
183.3 -> fibrillation and these settings treating
187.59 -> the atrial fibrillation is unlikely to
190.14 -> make your heart function get stronger
192.03 -> because it was a secondary culprit of
195.93 -> the congestive heart failure however
198.05 -> when people are in a tribulation and
200.67 -> they have to justify failure I often
203.13 -> tell people it's like you have a weak
204.63 -> heart and the Athan just made it even
206.85 -> weaker and so people get more symptoms
209.52 -> they get more short of breath
211.26 -> more swelling in their legs and keeping
214.56 -> them in normal rhythm helps improve or
217.14 -> maximize that little bit of heart
218.58 -> function that they still have and so
222.11 -> treating your afib with medications or
224.97 -> with ablation procedures can also help
228.78 -> improve that little bit of heart
230.4 -> function that you have for people who
231.9 -> have pre-existing congestive heart
234.15 -> failure now in both of these settings
237.3 -> doing a procedure can help maximize how
240.42 -> much into how much normal rather you
242.31 -> have and improve your symptoms of
244.35 -> congestive heart failure however doing
247.5 -> an ablation procedure are somebody who
249.78 -> has congestive heart failure can be an
252.15 -> aggressive procedure and it takes much
254.85 -> longer for patients to recover an
257.489 -> ablation procedure when they have
259.59 -> existing congest
261.03 -> heart murmur so in these settings not
263.52 -> everybody who has congestive heart
265.26 -> failure is a candidate for an ablation
267.57 -> and I certainly would not have patients
270.45 -> we're both congestive heart failure and
272.13 -> they're being prepared for a glacier
274.29 -> procedure you need to make sure that
275.94 -> that congestive heart failure is tuned
278.43 -> up as good as possible and that you're
279.99 -> breathing as good as possible before you
281.7 -> do the procedure but it certainly is a
283.68 -> harder procedure for people to recover
285.72 -> from who have existing congestive heart
287.85 -> failure but in the end it can improve
290.25 -> cellphones and there was a recent
292.86 -> article that I posted on my Facebook
295.02 -> page that showed that people who have
297.72 -> congestive heart failure and improve the
300.72 -> amount of age that they have with the
301.98 -> catheter ablation have less
303.66 -> hospitalizations and they can live
305.13 -> longer so there's certainly a benefit
307.169 -> for patients who have pre-existing
308.37 -> cousin heart failure as well but it can
311.07 -> be difficult to manage and please
313.47 -> discuss with your doctor to see if
314.88 -> you're a candidate for published
316.74 -> procedures especially if you have x is
318.39 -> existing congestive heart failure thank
321.9 -> you for visiting this video segment of
323.52 -> doctor refit I'll see you next time when
325.59 -> we'll be talking about age from elation
327.75 -> as well as balanced heart disease
