Pharmacologic Therapies for Obesity: The Future is Here

Pharmacologic Therapies for Obesity: The Future is Here

Pharmacologic Therapies for Obesity: The Future is Here

Join us in this expert podcast as we delve into the captivating world of GLP-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1RAs), exploring their profound impact on weight management and cardiometabolic effects. We also discuss the potential cardiovascular benefits affecting patients with obesity and cardiovascular disease.

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4.68 -> Welcome back to the Mayo
6.82 -> Clinic Cardiovascular Podcast Series,
8.74 -> interviews with the experts.
10.54 -> I'm our host, Sharon Hayes.
12.26 -> I'm a non invasive cardiologist
14.06 -> and vice share faculty development and
15.86 -> academic advancement for
17.4 -> the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine
19.78 -> here in Rochester, Minnesota.
21.46 -> Today I'm joined by Dr. Kyla Lara.
24.38 -> She is a preventive cardiologist and
26.28 -> echocardiography important for today's topic.
29.34 -> Co director of the cardioboliclinicdpic
34.5 -> is pharmacologic therapies for obesity.
37.28 -> The future is here.
38.46 -> Welcome Kyla.
39.83 -> Thank you so much Dr. Hayes.
41.54 -> It's such a pleasure to be here
42.76 -> talking about something I'm very
44.08 -> passionate about and a lot
45.58 -> of people out there
46.28 -> want more information of yeah,
49.14 -> obesity is big, literally and figuratively,
52.76 -> it's so prevalent and it particularly
54.84 -> affects our patients,
56.38 -> our cardiovascular patients.
58.74 -> We have some new therapies that are exciting,
61.94 -> but I think because
62.74 -> they are new cardiologists
63.86 -> want to know a little bit more how they work,
65.8 -> who is the right patient
67.48 -> that should receive them.
68.98 -> So tell us about that.
71.16 -> Absolutely. Thank you for that question.
74.06 -> And we know that obesity
75.94 -> more and more research is coming
77.62 -> out that it's a very complex disease.
79.34 -> It's really more than calories
80.78 -> in and calories out.
82.14 -> I'm sure you've had patients
83.66 -> before that have tried everything
85.14 -> in terms of lifestyle interventions
86.86 -> and they really give
87.52 -> it their greatest effort.
88.58 -> But we know with every decade of life,
90.56 -> our resting energy expenditure and
92.86 -> our caloric requirements really decrease.
95.6 -> A lot of things make it very
97.54 -> challenging to lose weight.
99.02 -> And we're in an era now with
100.54 -> these new weight loss medications that were
103 -> originally developed for diabetes,
106.2 -> where it's really going to transform how
108.34 -> we treat obesity as a chronic disease.
110.32 -> And it's very exciting for
111.46 -> us cardiology providers because we know
113.66 -> that within
114.92 -> our cardiovascular disease patients
117.26 -> that many of them,
118.3 -> many of them suffer from obesity.
119.98 -> And a lot of the symptoms
121.495 -> are intertwined, right?
122.89 -> With cardio vascular symptoms,
124.41 -> shortness of breath, chest pain,
125.85 -> reduced exercise tolerance, and
127.51 -> deconditioning that comes from obesity.
129.77 -> And so it's really important that
131.29 -> we understand these medications and
132.93 -> also identify appropriate patients
135.03 -> so to prevent the misuse of
137.05 -> these medications and really target
139.57 -> the correct patient population that would
141.41 -> really benefit from these.
143.89 -> And so I'm really excited to talk with them,
146.19 -> talk with you about them, excuse me.
149.25 -> So the indication for
152.85 -> weight loss really came from treating
154.55 -> diabetics and realizing they were
156.55 -> losing weight and sometimes
157.73 -> too much weight, honestly.
159.07 -> And so how do they work?
160.59 -> And what are we seeing as
162.03 -> the short and long term benefits?
163.89 -> And the side effects are consequences.
166.15 -> Absolutely.
167.19 -> And so there are two main classes of these,
169.67 -> new GLP one receptor agonist and the dual
172.47 -> GLP one IP dual medication.
175.99 -> The GLP one receptor agonist,
177.99 -> there's a daily dose,
179.41 -> if you have diabetes it's called Victoza,
181.61 -> and if you don't have
182.87 -> diabetes it's called Saxenda.
184.87 -> What it is is the generic word
187.03 -> or the name is Lyriglutide.
189.63 -> That is our daily injectable.
191.63 -> And what they found in the studies
193.69 -> are that in diabetics and non diabetics,
195.83 -> there's about a 5% weight loss.
197.93 -> From there, they develop more drugs weekly
200.55 -> injectables under the name Semaglutide.
204.34 -> Semaglutide. When you reach
206.48 -> the target doses that were seen in
207.96 -> the trials of 2.4 mg,
209.9 -> you're seeing upwards of
211.08 -> about 15% weight loss
213.1 -> in patients without diabetes
214.6 -> and around 10% in patients with
216.58 -> concomitant diabetes at 68 weeks or so.
219.7 -> Then the newest kids on
221.08 -> the block is Trizepatide,
222.6 -> also known as Manjaro.
224.32 -> This is the dual medication.
226.48 -> It has a GLP, one receptor agonism,
228.6 -> and it also has GIP.
230.2 -> The synergistic mechanism of
233.66 -> them working together in
235.26 -> the trials actually showed weight loss of
237.4 -> about 20 to 25% at 72 weeks,
240.36 -> which is pretty comparable
241.58 -> to bariatric surgery.
243.185 -> Now to go back to talk
245.47 -> about what do these medications even do?
248.45 -> So they're both cretins which
250.71 -> are naturally produce hormones by your gut.
253.45 -> Glp one or glucagon like peptide one and
257.43 -> GIP or
258.63 -> glucose dependent insulinotropic peptide.
261.93 -> They are released by
263.55 -> your gut after you have a meal.
265.85 -> And then this hormone will then go to
268.21 -> multiple places as a pathway.
271.35 -> Activators, the most important ones are
273.89 -> obviously the original
275.77 -> indication was for diabetes.
277.67 -> It goes to the pancreas.
278.89 -> It improves insulin sensitivity and
281.17 -> decreases glucogon secretion
282.97 -> from the eyelid cells.
284.25 -> It also goes to your brain.
286.21 -> The theory right now is it goes to
287.93 -> the hypothalamus to decrease
289.63 -> appetite and also importantly,
291.69 -> it decreases thirst.
292.85 -> So very important to
294.91 -> talk to our patients when
296.03 -> we're putting them on these drugs.
297.43 -> If they're on concomitant diuretics
299.63 -> and have underlying C KD,
301.83 -> that it does decrease thirst.
303.81 -> Lastly, it goes to your gut
305.77 -> and it decreases the motility.
307.59 -> So all of the side effects are
310.05 -> basically from this decrease
311.81 -> in motility in the gut.
313.59 -> You can imagine if you have
315.29 -> a couple eggs or an omelet for breakfast.
317.85 -> Or hopefully steel cut oats for breakfast.
320.63 -> Instead of that food passing and
322.87 -> digesting within 30 min to an hour.
325.49 -> That food will sit
326.47 -> there over the course of the day.
327.77 -> So by the time snack time,
329.29 -> lunchtime, afternoon, snack, dinnertime.
332.01 -> And maybe if you're a midnight eater,
333.93 -> the portions in which
334.97 -> you would otherwise consume
336.25 -> normally are going to be
337.53 -> cut by a significant amount.
339.41 -> And so hence you're taking
340.63 -> in less calories as well.
342.21 -> And so that's how they work
345.15 -> to improve diabetes control
347.47 -> and also for weight loss.
349.27 -> Just talk briefly about
351.07 -> side effects because I think we hear about
352.99 -> that and that's why the doses
355.01 -> are increased gradually.
356.79 -> I understand.
357.84 -> Absolutely. Yes. And similar to
360.45 -> the trials is how our
361.75 -> standard clinical practices,
363.29 -> we start at the very lowest dose and we
365.69 -> increase every four weeks
368.23 -> after four doses, once weekly injections.
370.73 -> And the most common side effects from
373.01 -> the decrease in gut motility
374.71 -> are going to be nausea,
376.27 -> vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, pretty bad,
380.23 -> upset stomach and abdominal cramping.
382.51 -> If you have a history of
383.73 -> gallstones or pancreatitis,
385.49 -> you're at more risk for
386.73 -> having these complications.
388.31 -> A lot of patients who also
389.79 -> have concomitant IBS,
391.45 -> or irritable bowel syndrome,
392.91 -> or any kind of irritable bowel
394.35 -> disease will have to
395.49 -> be very careful about how
397.01 -> we titrate these medications.
398.965 -> And all of these side effects
401.74 -> can be pretty uncomfortable,
405.62 -> to say the least, but they're
407.2 -> mild to moderate in terms of severity.
409.78 -> The more severe reactions are going to
411.8 -> be pancreatitis or gallstone pancreatitis.
416.1 -> And then if you have a family history or
417.86 -> a personal history of any thyroid cancers,
420.42 -> if you have a family history of men
422.54 -> to syndrome or EN two syndrome,
425.26 -> then there was a very small tick in
428.74 -> the studies that showed there is
430.42 -> an association with increased risk for those.
433.26 -> A lot of those need to
434.66 -> be discussed with the patients.
436.15 -> And then again, I can't emphasize enough in
438.4 -> our cardiovascular patients with obesity,
440.52 -> a lot of them have underlying CK D,
442.66 -> so it's really important to get
443.88 -> a baseline creatinine on them.
445.52 -> Know their renal function,
446.74 -> knowing that one of the side effects
448.28 -> is to decrease the thirst.
449.62 -> And if you have a patient
450.86 -> on Lasix or ferrosirsomideumt,
453.92 -> you're giving these medications.
455.68 -> Understand that their diuretics
457.62 -> may need to change as they lose weight.
459.78 -> We might need to change these diuretics
461.96 -> and monitor that creatine as well.
464 -> And that goes the same for,
465.32 -> we know with significant weight loss
467.32 -> or clinically meaningful weight loss,
468.98 -> which is defined as
470.44 -> at least 5% weight loss or more
473.05 -> your requirements
474.38 -> for blood pressure medications,
475.88 -> beta blockers, et cetera,
477.4 -> all of those can change.
478.48 -> So it's really important
479.8 -> in our very special population of
481.84 -> at least cardio vascular patients
483.76 -> to really work with
485.14 -> a provider who understands
487.38 -> that with this weight loss.
488.94 -> And it can be significant,
490.18 -> which is the goal that careful down,
492.7 -> titration and monitoring of
494.18 -> these drugs is happening.
495.66 -> At the same time, we've
498.54 -> talked about some of the secondary endpoints,
501.88 -> I guess, related to cardiovascular benefit.
504.76 -> With the weight loss, we may
506.24 -> have a drop in blood pressure,
507.5 -> less more easy to control,
509.28 -> or even back off on the meds.
511.28 -> What are the other data about
513.5 -> cardiovascular benefits in terms
516.22 -> of actually had points?
518.96 -> Are there any yet, right?
521.04 -> And that is the most
523.24 -> important question that all of us in
525.14 -> cardiovascular medicine are
526.78 -> itching to know currently.
529.78 -> Based on the scientific evidence,
531.72 -> all of the evidence is in
533.08 -> secondary prevention and
534.28 -> high risk type two diabetics.
536.08 -> And what they found from these large trials
538.34 -> is hard end points
540.02 -> and decrease of Mace events,
541.52 -> or the major adverse cardiovascular events,
545 -> atheromatous plaque
547.64 -> improvement in renal function,
549.4 -> and improvement in all of
550.44 -> those cardio metabolic factors.
552.76 -> In addition to the pathways I mentioned,
556.56 -> these medications are associated,
560.16 -> at least in the animal models
561.68 -> right now, of anti inflammatory,
563.4 -> improving endothelial function and really
566.18 -> having all these cleotrophic effects
567.98 -> that we're still learning more.
569.46 -> It's very exciting. I heard from
571.38 -> a little birdie that
572.62 -> I believe at AHA this year
574.7 -> they're going to come out with
575.96 -> a select trial which is
577.84 -> basically looking at Semaglutide
579.96 -> and hard Mace outcomes.
581.96 -> So we'll have an idea of how these drugs
585.18 -> affect our cardiovascular patients
587.38 -> without diabetes,
588.72 -> which is going to really change the way
591.28 -> that we treat obesity
592.86 -> and cardio vascular disease.
594.36 -> And it's really exciting.
595.68 -> One thing that I've noticed since we
597.36 -> launched our cardio metabolic clinic,
599.555 -> whenever you start these medications,
601.85 -> one of the side effects is there's
603.97 -> a trend and increased heart rate.
606.03 -> Now, there hasn't been
607.35 -> any association with increased arrhythmia,
609.49 -> but patients will send me
610.77 -> patient portal messages saying, hey,
612.55 -> I just want you to know,
613.57 -> My resting heart rate
614.73 -> is around 85 or 90.
616.47 -> I'm losing weight, I'm feeling good.
618.59 -> But I did notice my heart rate is increasing.
620.91 -> What that means, we have
622.21 -> no idea at this point, but good to know,
624.81 -> we have a lot of data for the benefits,
627.41 -> even in adolescence, for bariatric surgery.
630.63 -> Will these drugs, do you
632.83 -> predict, because you're an expert?
634.45 -> Will they replace bariatric surgery?
636.79 -> Be alongside them?
638.73 -> Where are the roles for
640.45 -> both of these treatments?
642.03 -> Yeah, that's a question.
644.19 -> Many people have surgeons,
646.53 -> non surgeons alike.
647.71 -> And the answer is,
648.89 -> I think both have a role.
651.19 -> Definitely. We know that in a lot of
653.63 -> the select trials for Semaglutide,
656.05 -> they did extensions as to what happens when
658.49 -> you discontinue these
659.63 -> medications at one year.
661.19 -> And it's what you think happens,
663.43 -> patients will gain weight there.
666.23 -> They looked at it
667.71 -> extra year after and what they
669.07 -> found was patients still had a net negative,
671.51 -> about 5% weight loss.
673.33 -> But they do lose all of
675.13 -> those cardio metabolic benefits
676.99 -> once they regain that weight,
678.29 -> once they stop these medications.
680.25 -> Unlike bariatric surgery for the most part,
682.69 -> this is an irreversible depending
684.73 -> on the type of
685.25 -> weight loss surgery you undergo.
687.01 -> Type of transformative type of surgery
691.09 -> to change that gut
692.61 -> brain metabolism and how you mal,
695.07 -> absorbed a lot of nutrients and
697.13 -> obviously calories to lose the weight.
699.83 -> And I think that it's important
703.65 -> to have a medication like
705.41 -> the GLP one receptor agonist as a first step,
708.01 -> especially in
708.65 -> our cardiovascular patients who have
710.69 -> a high operative risk for bariatric surgery.
714.11 -> I think for the younger patients
715.91 -> with longer lifespan,
717.13 -> thinking about the long term effects
719.23 -> of these drugs over decades,
720.53 -> we don't have any date on that.
723.13 -> But we do know from bariatric surgery,
725.19 -> all of those heart end points
726.75 -> all cause mortality,
727.91 -> et cetera, or improve with bariatric surgery.
730.77 -> But for
731.09 -> our adult congenital heart disease patients,
732.97 -> for our patients who
733.67 -> have had reduced sternotomyes,
735.15 -> who are obese and they can't work
737.07 -> out because of their cardiovascular symptoms.
739.25 -> And I think medications would probably be
741.21 -> the best, least risky.
743.83 -> At least for those patients.
745.37 -> But definitely a role for both.
747.17 -> Yeah.
747.75 -> And I think also consideration of cost.
749.49 -> Obviously surgery has a big upfront cost
751.73 -> and there's some ongoing follow up,
753.15 -> but we're committing patients to
755.19 -> daily or weekly injections that currently
757.99 -> are very expensive for a long time.
760.71 -> Because just like when
762.47 -> patients stop taking their statins,
764.41 -> their cholesterol goes back to baseline,
766.91 -> my understanding is you stop taking
768.89 -> these and your weight will drip up as well.
771.59 -> Absolutely. And so right now,
774.53 -> because of the demand
775.99 -> for the drug and the shortage,
779.27 -> it's heartening and disheartening
781.93 -> because for the patients
782.93 -> who need it the most,
783.79 -> a lot of our patients who are
785.03 -> 65 and older who are
786.83 -> under state insurance or
788.29 -> governmental aid right now,
790.21 -> obesity related treatments by
792.51 -> medications are unfortunately not approved.
795.07 -> And so this is
796.59 -> something that I think will hopefully
798.77 -> change in the future to provide
801.16 -> this opportunity for
802.34 -> our most vulnerable patients.
804.3 -> And I think something to put out there is,
807.62 -> you know, these medications,
808.94 -> you see them in the news.
810.02 -> Ozempic, Wegovy, you know, Mounjaro,
813.16 -> a lot of shaming and I have
815.4 -> Ozempic face and this celebrity is taking it.
818.72 -> And so it's really important to not make
821.12 -> any judgments about whether or
822.52 -> not an obese patient,
824.12 -> a relative yourself is taking it.
826.34 -> We understand that all of the data shows that
829.72 -> behavioral modification
832.06 -> lifestyle intervention over
833.84 -> the long term is not sustainable in
835.68 -> the current infrastructure of
837 -> a convenient society is ours,
839.14 -> where we're telling people to go out there.
843.72 -> Single parents, parents who
845.48 -> work night time shifts,
847 -> parents who have no time,
848.36 -> they're single parents having
850.08 -> to cook and clean and do everything,
852.12 -> and then telling them to go work out
853.6 -> for 45 min and
855.3 -> to go grocery shopping
857.14 -> every week for perishables that are healthy.
859.54 -> You know, when you have calorie dense,
862.34 -> ultra processed foods at
864 -> wits End right next to them,
866.36 -> cheap as can be, and you're telling them
868.2 -> to lose weight and have the willpower.
870.02 -> I think we have to get with the program and
872.92 -> understand that right now the
874.84 -> way our society is, it's very,
877.1 -> very difficult if you don't
878.38 -> have the socioeconomic means
880.88 -> to live that type of lifestyle that
883.28 -> we need to embrace these medications.
885.74 -> Just like you said, we don't do any shaming
888.46 -> on patients who take statins
889.96 -> who still enjoy their red meat.
891.48 -> We don't tell patients
893.8 -> who enjoy eating out with high sodium foods.
897.22 -> Why are you taking
898.16 -> blood pressure medications?
899.48 -> And that's the same way we
900.66 -> need to treat obesity.
901.88 -> It's more than just calories
903.36 -> in and calories out.
904.44 -> And I really hope to
906.36 -> contribute to everybody out there
909.54 -> and destigmatizing that obesity is
911.9 -> just shutting your mouth and exercising more.
915.26 -> My last question, I just want
917 -> to say what kinds of
918.16 -> patients a really perfect
921.84 -> for your cardio metabolic clinic,
924.4 -> who are the ones who are going
925.62 -> to be benefited the most?
927.2 -> And we cardiacologistho
930.58 -> should we be sending to you?
932.22 -> Absolutely.
933.44 -> Currently, we are trying to help
936.66 -> the most vulnerable patients who we
939.86 -> know obesity has a high association
941.88 -> with their cardiovascular disease.
943.84 -> Those diseases are going
946.56 -> to be atrial fibrillation.
947.84 -> We know there's a strong association
949.84 -> with obese patients
951.16 -> who have atrial fibrillation.
952.78 -> We know that heart failure with
954.18 -> preserved ejection fraction has
956.48 -> a very high and strong association
958.74 -> with obesity.
960.775 -> Patients who have heart failure
963.25 -> with reduced ejection fraction,
964.77 -> these patients are trying to get to
966.25 -> LVAD or they're trying to get to transplant.
968.53 -> And we know there are BMI cutoffs
970.27 -> depending on what part of
971.31 -> the country you're at to
972.29 -> be a candidate for that.
974.25 -> And if you're too big then hey,
976.07 -> you're not going to get listed.
977.25 -> So those are patients that we would
979.03 -> like to see too obviously.
981.07 -> They're going to be more sensitive.
982.51 -> They're going to be more
984.13 -> challenging patients that we have to
985.83 -> really hold their hand and make sure that
987.91 -> we're watching the titration
989.27 -> and the side effects,
990.29 -> like I said, with
991.09 -> those diuretics and other medications.
993.26 -> And then lastly, adult
995.59 -> congenital heart disease
996.93 -> patients here at Mayo,
998.65 -> we have a very special group that takes care
1001.55 -> of these patients who've had
1002.81 -> four fifth sternotomyes.
1004.39 -> They're in their '20s '30s and
1005.81 -> their BMI's are above 40.
1007.81 -> And they have high operative mortality with
1010.25 -> really high gradients across their conduits,
1013.55 -> across prosthetic valves, You name it.
1015.83 -> There's the phenomena
1017.43 -> of patient prosthesis mismatch,
1019.35 -> where patients are symptomatic, obese,
1021.59 -> and they have high gradients
1022.85 -> across their prosthesis,
1023.99 -> but maybe with weight loss,
1025.45 -> those gradients can decrease
1027.61 -> along with their symptoms.
1028.75 -> And these are the patients we're
1030.55 -> obviously focusing on right now.
1032.85 -> We understand that coronary disease pots,
1036.19 -> I mean any disease that's
1037.87 -> associated with obesity
1039.25 -> probably will benefit.
1040.53 -> But in terms of having that,
1042.41 -> needing a special expert
1044.13 -> from a cardiology led program,
1046.73 -> it's going to be those higher risk patients
1049.17 -> and obviously coronary disease as well.
1051.13 -> Because we know even with stable angina and
1053.07 -> stable coronary disease patients can be
1055.29 -> obese and deconditioned and they're
1057.41 -> constantly having repeat stress echoes.
1059.93 -> They're having other kind of
1061.35 -> non invasive functional testing to
1063.51 -> really rule out what is causing
1065.47 -> their symptoms when maybe it's the obesity.
1068.29 -> I'm just excited about these drugs.
1070.13 -> I'm excited about your clinic and I'm
1071.85 -> really grateful for you
1073.65 -> sharing your expertise today.
1075.61 -> So thank you for joining us.
1077.57 -> Thank you so much, Dr. Hayes.
1079.07 -> It was such a pleasure and thank
1080.21 -> you everyone for listening.
1081.63 -> This wraps up this week's episode
1083.85 -> of interview with the experts.
1085.09 -> And I'd like to thank Dr. Lara again for
1087.33 -> joining me today and
1088.41 -> discussing this important topic.
1090.03 -> We look forward to you joining us again
1092.55 -> next week for another interview
1094.53 -> with an expert. Well
