Aortic Stenosis: Signs and Symptoms – Valvular Heart Disease | Lecturio

Aortic Stenosis: Signs and Symptoms – Valvular Heart Disease | Lecturio

Aortic Stenosis: Signs and Symptoms – Valvular Heart Disease | Lecturio

This video “Aortic Stenosis: Signs and Symptoms” is part of the Lecturio course “Valvular Heart Disease” ► WATCH the complete course on

- Aortic Stenosis: Signs and Symptoms

Carlo Raj has earned his MD at the Medical University of the Americas (MUA) and continued his medical career as international lecturer and author—both assisting MD Edward Goljan and later on his own. Today he is CEO of Indus Intellect, whose goal it is to spread medical knowledge across the globe.

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0.65 -> [Music]
3.77 -> the triad that you're looking for chest
6.12 -> pain sure
7.02 -> with that bigger thickness of the left
8.94 -> ventricle wall you're going to have
10.8 -> angina
11.46 -> because maybe perhaps you can't supply
13.799 -> enough employed heart failure late
16.02 -> finding remember early on the left
18.449 -> ventricle is lifting weights and so
20.189 -> therefore could you is it possible that
22.14 -> your ejection fraction could be
23.279 -> preserved early on and Eric stenosis
25.08 -> sure it can so your ejection fraction
28.019 -> would be what exactly your stroke volume
30.179 -> over edv isn't it so therefore when you
34.38 -> have air dexter notices early on your
36.54 -> ejection fraction could actually be
38.16 -> preserved please be careful do not
40.079 -> confuse that with congestive heart
41.55 -> failure as we shall see later on now as
44.629 -> you continue and there isn't proper
48 -> management of your patient Eric stenosis
49.739 -> guess what happens that ejection
51.69 -> fraction is going to get compromised and
53.55 -> you will go into major heart failure and
56.52 -> if you do at that point at the bad
58.62 -> prognostic indicator here we go there's
63.03 -> the s-1 and s2 what did we say about
64.65 -> this a crescendo decrescendo right
67.17 -> because they are take vows was intent to
69 -> open immediately tell me about the left
71.07 -> ventricular pressure increased or
72.36 -> decreased in comparison to Eric pressure
74.36 -> increased love ventricular pressure
76.619 -> remember the area underneath that curve
78.299 -> the discrepancy between those two curves
80.659 -> represents Eric stenosis
85.009 -> what do you hear this right upper area
90.18 -> right so you find that a ripe right
92.729 -> upper second Cup in a cost of space
95.07 -> that's where you find Eric stenosis to
97.409 -> be the loudest it would be radiating
99.21 -> where to the carotid and lastly in terms
102.03 -> of s2 well which second heart sound will
106.29 -> then close first pulmonic followed by a
109.229 -> auric which is called paradoxical
111.509 -> splitting remember that
112.649 -> so with s2 I told you that there are
115.92 -> particular heart sounds that you want to
117.42 -> pay attention to physiologic verses
120.149 -> widened versus fixed in this case where
122.909 -> paradoxical
126.57 -> the physical examination you would
129.13 -> expect the left ventricle to work really
130.66 -> hard because of increased pressure and
132.55 -> so therefore it will be hyper dynamic
134.05 -> and it's enlarged but left ventricular
136.54 -> hypertrophy you want to make sure that
139.12 -> you catch your patient early on with
141.19 -> aortic stenosis because if that ejection
143.41 -> fraction starts dropping what I say
145.6 -> about prognosis dismal you don't want
148.45 -> that to happen so I need you to be
150.22 -> astute please next an important point is
153.01 -> this something called pulses parvis and
155.91 -> taurus what this means is slow and late
159.58 -> carotid pulse due to wide pay attention
162.519 -> here left ventricle wants to eject blood
165.4 -> during one during systole your patient
168.31 -> has bicuspid aortic valve Wow what can
171.01 -> calcification dystrophic resulting in
173.62 -> aerodeck stenosis what happen a cardiac
175.959 -> output decreased so when you have
178.63 -> decreased cardiac output then what
180.1 -> happens to the post and such it's a
182.62 -> delayed so slow and late is what it's
185.95 -> called pulses Parviz and tardis slow and
190.54 -> late carotid pulse due to what delay in
193.299 -> blood flow across that stenotic artic
196.03 -> valve it is that simple for you to
197.35 -> understand are you gonna have
199.209 -> differential pressures here no such
200.709 -> thing differential pressure give me give
203.59 -> me diagnose wouldn't mean differential
205.269 -> pressure dr. rush increased pressure and
207.73 -> upper extremity lower pressure in the
210.07 -> lower extremity
210.91 -> that's a differential pressure that
212.59 -> what's your diagnosis that your
214.59 -> coronation of the order to be careful
217.269 -> you want to try to bring in
218.32 -> differentials here
227.41 -> [Music]
