Physical Therapy Restores Walking After Stroke
Physical Therapy Restores Walking After Stroke
Upon admission to Helen Hayes Hospital following a stroke, Joe had right sided weakness and poor balance. At the start of his physical therapy sessions, he required the assistance of two therapists to walk.
With intensive physical therapy focused on strengthening and motor learning, Joe progressed from requiring two people to walk to walking with assistance from one therapist and the use of a cane and orthotic. The orthotic helped Joe control his right knee and foot during walking.
13.62 -> Ready now we're going to walk straight back to your chair.
16.56 -> Right foot tighten, and bring your right foot out a
little bit,
20.48 ->
21.24 -> good.
22.44 -> yeah
27.07 -> yeah
35.38 ->
42.46 -> Frees going to make sure your steady
on top and I'm going to just work on
45.88 -> your right leg.
46.66 -> Tap, very nice, that was better okay.
Bring it back up to the floor. Good
55.66 -> Now hold on,
come on up again, good.
61.78 -> Now come on up, easy, and up again, good.
65.44 ->
67.42 -> Okay, hold on, bring the leg out to the side, good,
and now left, there we go, and come down
73.93 -> left leg, there we go.
76.479 -> Good, good, come have a seat.
89.83 -> Alright, we are going to go up the stairs one right after the the other.
93.08 -> We are going to do left then right, and when you are on that right, I want you to push through, straighten it, and then follow.
100.94 -> Do left, right, past it, all the way, press through,
straighten out the hips pass it.
106.96 -> There you go. Right foot all the way up, good.
115.06 -> There we go.
124.12 -> Joe: Stairs bother me less then regular walking.
126.808 -> Therapist: Then walking, you do very, very well.
128.88 -> Shift your weight to the right line, squeeze and tighten, your going to step over with your left.
135.32 -> Make sure you bend and bring the right one through.
137.62 ->
138.2 -> Shift to the right and tighten that
139.507 -> right leg.
140.381 -> There we go.
142.4 ->
142.9 -> Bend the knee, bend it, bend it, then step over.
145.5 -> Excellent.
146.26 ->
147.34 -> OK.
148.6 -> Left, squeeze.
150.46 ->
152 -> Good.
153.52 -> Right foot over.
154.52 ->
155.02 -> Joe: Right foot over.
156.02 -> Therapist: Exit softly,
157.84 -> then step through, good.
159.5 -> Joe: Am I actually tightening that up?
161.16 -> Therapist: Yeah,
you want to squeeze right here.
163.82 -> Joe: OK.
167.48 -> Joe: Here we go.
171.64 -> Therapist: One foot right after the other.
176.14 -> Even its a little harder.
178.3 -> Cause you're standing on your right leg
180.06 -> for longer too.
182.74 -> Joe: Yeah.
186.4 -> Therapist: Feel it? Feel it now?
188.44 -> Like you feel it stronger now.
190.17 -> Joe: Kinda.
193.56 -> All right.
197.72 -> Therapist: Ok you are going to turn and have a seat.
201.54 -> yeah
203.7 -> Right foot back.
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g__BYaS9viw