Resistant Hypertension | FAQ with Oscar Cingolani

Resistant Hypertension | FAQ with Oscar Cingolani

Resistant Hypertension | FAQ with Oscar Cingolani

Johns Hopkins cardiologist Oscar Cingolani answers questions about resistant hypertension and explains new high blood pressure guidelines. To schedule an appointment with the Johns Hopkins Center for Resistant Hypertension, call 443-997-0270. Learn more at

0:02 What is resistant hypertension?
0:15 What causes resistant hypertension?
0:40 How is resistant hypertension diagnosed?
1:17 How many people in the U.S. have resistant hypertension?
1:39 How is resistant hypertension treated?
2:01 What is unique about the Center for Resistant Hypertension at Johns Hopkins?
3:04 What do the updated guidelines for high blood pressure mean?


0.42 -> (mystical music)
4.48 -> >> So resistant hypertension is a hypertension
6.88 -> that is not controlled with three or more medications,
10.65 -> including a diuretic, which is a water pill.
16.4 -> We don't know exactly what causes it.
18.366 -> There is multi genes that can be responsible
21.93 -> for resistant hypertension.
23.47 -> But we do know that patients who have
25.69 -> resistant hypertension are more likely to have
28.58 -> an identifiable cause.
29.976 -> 20% of those patients there is a cause
32.75 -> that we can define and therefore treat accordingly.
40.58 -> It's diagnosed by accurate measurement of blood pressure.
43.84 -> And taking a thorough history and physical exam.
47.99 -> Most of the problems that we deal with
49.72 -> in these days is that patients rush to the office
53.43 -> when their blood pressure is determined,
54.97 -> and sometimes that blood pressure
57.58 -> is not accurately reflecting what the blood pressure is.
60.62 -> So we reinforce different measurements.
64.3 -> And we are now, in the last few years,
66.79 -> encouraging to determine blood pressure at home.
70.1 -> Which is more important than whatever reading
72.85 -> we get in the office.
77.08 -> It is estimated now that 100 millions peoples
80.85 -> in the U.S. have hypertension.
82.96 -> And approximately a fourth of that,
85.51 -> that's 20-25 million have resistant hypertension.
90.06 -> So those patients are at higher risk,
92.16 -> so it's important to define that population
96.1 -> and aggressively treat them.
100.99 -> The treatment options, and this is what we do
102.95 -> in the Hypertension Center here at Hopkins
104.97 -> is to first of all personalize care of these patients.
109.2 -> And try to educate the patient first.
112.01 -> Try to modify habits and lifestyle.
114.94 -> And then combine drugs that are appropriate
117.34 -> for that specific patient.
122.06 -> So in our Hypertension Center,
123.68 -> we are a multidisciplinary center
125.99 -> with people who are really obsessive compulsive
128.67 -> about treating and managing hypertension.
130.68 -> And we are now, not only educating people,
133.23 -> and providing information on how to measure blood pressure
136.29 -> and what lifestyle modifications they do,
138.93 -> we do some noninvasive testings,
141.65 -> such as measuring central aortic pressure,
144.45 -> which is the pressure closest to the heart and to the brain.
147.21 -> Which sometimes, in certain patients,
148.98 -> do not reflect the pressure in the arm
151.84 -> that we routinely measure.
153.97 -> And we are also doing something that is very new.
157.19 -> We are doing a saliva or blood sample of genes.
161.14 -> And based on those genes, we target the treatment.
164.37 -> So to give you an example,
165.99 -> there are certain patients who are more responsive
168.39 -> to medication A or B,
171.1 -> and we are able to tell that
172.47 -> by doing a genetic profile of those patients.
174.81 -> Something very new.
176.66 -> And something that in Europe
178.16 -> is being going on for a few years now.
184.95 -> Last year in 2017, the American College of Cardiology
188.51 -> and the American Heart Association
190.7 -> got together and decided to update
192.62 -> our hypertension guidelines.
194.49 -> And this created a little bit of confusion
198.34 -> among physicians and as well as patients.
200.53 -> And this is because before we would call hypertensive
206.37 -> that patient who will have a higher number,
209.11 -> a number above 140 over 90.
211.49 -> Now we drop the bar to 130 over 80.
214.94 -> Meaning that having normal blood pressure remains the same.
218.15 -> If you have 120 over 80 or less,
221.66 -> your blood pressure is considered normal.
223.8 -> But now, if you have 130 over 80 or more
227.55 -> then you are hypertensive.
230.484 -> (intense music)
