Expert Insights: How can Tai Chi help improve heart disease?
Expert Insights: How can Tai Chi help improve heart disease?
Ruth Taylor-Piliae, PhD, RN, FAHA, FAAN, associate professor in the University of Arizona College of Nursing at the UArizona Health Sciences, explains how the ancient exercise Tai Chi may help those with cardiovascular disease.
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2.904 ->
9.21 -> Tai chi has long been recognized
for its positive effects
13.02 -> on physical, mental,
and emotional health.
17.58 -> New research indicates the
ancient technique can also help
21.3 -> those battling heart disease.
24.83 -> Tai Chi is important for people
with cardiovascular disease.
28.4 -> And this is because
not only does Tai Chi
30.95 -> help improve physical function,
things like better exercise
36.11 -> capacity, lower blood pressure
and resting heart rate.
40.88 -> It also helps to improve
psychological well-being.
44.69 -> The calming effect
of Tai Chi is linked
47.18 -> to lower levels of depression.
49.19 -> This helps maintain
a healthy heart.
51.53 -> We know the improvements
in mental health
53.72 -> often coincide with
improvements of physical health.
56.96 -> Better psychological
well-being is
59.48 -> associated with a
29% reduction in risk
63.65 -> from cardiovascular-related
67.43 -> Experts recommend
people new to Tai Chi
70.31 -> seek trained
professionals to learn
72.47 -> introductory and foundational
steps to ensure proper balance
76.46 -> and to avoid injury.
78.58 ->
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRxhVJoM4W8