What's the Best Diet? Healthy Eating 101
Aug 18, 2023
What's the Best Diet? Healthy Eating 101
Check out our new website http://www.reframehealthlab.com/ Follow Dr. Mike for new videos! http://twitter.com/docmikeevans The Centre for Child Nutrition, Health and Development (CCNHD) brings world-class talent and resources together to tackle the most important nutrition-related health issues facing children and their families in Canada and around the world. We are a network of University of Toronto researchers and educators focused on nutrition and the prevention of obesity, chronic disease and malnutrition in children.http://www.childnutrition.utoronto.ca … Thanks to Dr. Brian Wansink, Director of the Cornell University Food \u0026 Brand Lab http://foodpsychology.cornell.edu/ and author of Slim by Design http://www.slimbydesign.org/ and Mindless Eating http://mindlesseating.org FoodFit is a 12-week program for low-income community members who experience barriers around healthy eating and physical activity but who are motivated to make lasting changes to their health http://www.cfccanada.ca/foodfit Dr. Mike Evans is a staff physician at St. Michael’s Hospital and an Associate Professor of Family Medicine. He is a Scientist at the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute and has an endowed Chair in Patient Engagement and Childhood Nutrition at the University of Toronto. Written, Narrated and Produced by Dr. Mike Evans Illustrations by Liisa Sorsa Directed, Photographed and Produced by Nick de Pencier Editor, David Schmidt Story/Graphic Facilitator, Disa Kauk Production Assistant, Chris Niesing Director of Operations, Mike Heinrich ©2015 Michael Evans and Reframe Health Films Inc.
1.76 -> hi i'm dr mike evans and today i'm
3.52 -> talking about healthy eating
5.68 -> it's a huge topic eating seems simple
8.24 -> but it's actually pretty complex so
10.24 -> i thought it would just focus on what
11.599 -> i'd say if you and i sat down in the
13.2 -> clinic
14.32 -> i might start by wondering what we're
15.759 -> shooting for weight loss
17.44 -> less overeating healthy eating a longer
20 -> better life
20.8 -> then sticking with the big picture i'd
22.4 -> point out that eating is just one
23.76 -> behavior in a healthy cascade
25.84 -> exercising regularly leads to better
27.76 -> stress management and sleep which leads
29.84 -> to better food decisions
31.199 -> to more energy less chronic disease and
33.2 -> so on
35.68 -> if it's weight loss you're after that's
37.44 -> easy conceptually don't eat as much and
39.84 -> move more
40.48 -> the problem is it's not so easy keeping
42.16 -> up this energy balance in the real world
44.16 -> in industrialized countries we are
45.76 -> surrounded by a limitless supply of
47.76 -> inexpensive tasty super-sized
49.68 -> high-calorie food
51.039 -> the other side of the energy balance
52.48 -> equation ie activity has also changed as
55.28 -> our generation has a severe case of
57.12 -> sitting disease
58.48 -> nightly tv commutes spectacular video
61.039 -> games moving sidewalks
63.12 -> and most of us now are sitting knowledge
64.879 -> workers our culture pushes us towards
67.119 -> the easy button instead of making our
68.64 -> days harder
70.4 -> on the other other side of the equation
73.119 -> i think it's important to remember that
74.64 -> eating is grand
76.56 -> food brings together families builds
78.32 -> communities and gives us health
80.56 -> okay so let's start with the question i
82.08 -> most often get about eating
83.6 -> what's the best diet for losing weight
85.6 -> i'm not surprised people are confused
87.439 -> while you're watching this video there's
88.96 -> probably a pop-up window from the diet
90.72 -> industry telling you about a diet
92.32 -> a detox or a superfood not to mention
95.68 -> the hollywood star that just started
97.2 -> that diet
98.4 -> no research has shown convincingly that
100.479 -> one commercial diet trumps all the rest
103.36 -> the only thing that predicted success in
105.04 -> head-to-head trials was how well you
106.64 -> stuck to whichever diet you picked
109.04 -> so to reframe this our society lurches
111.2 -> from diet to diet looking for some magic
113.439 -> formula
114.64 -> but but it's not the formula as much as
116.56 -> the pattern
117.759 -> instead of obsessing about the exact
119.52 -> composition of a diet the science tells
121.6 -> us to choose the one you like the best
123.28 -> and can actually stick to
125.28 -> a cochrane meta-analysis in 2015 looking
127.92 -> at what bumped the success of commercial
129.52 -> weight loss diets showed it wasn't less
131.28 -> carbs or or fat
133.12 -> it was more structure and more in-person
135.04 -> social support
137.12 -> really diets are just food rules that
138.879 -> influence our pattern of eating
140.56 -> or what the economists call a commitment
142.319 -> device what self-aware people do to
144.8 -> improve their chances of controlling
146.319 -> future irrational
147.44 -> or impulsive behaviors so instead of
150.239 -> autopilot you follow a food world that
151.76 -> nudges you towards certain eating
153.04 -> decisions
153.76 -> mostly less overeating each commercial
156.16 -> diet has their own magic formula of what
158 -> we call macronutrients
159.84 -> so low carb high protein low fat sugar
163.12 -> and so on
164.239 -> and they typically have a story to go
165.76 -> with it so you can eat like a caveman or
167.92 -> use a scoring system or it's
169.599 -> pre-packaged or a famous doctor's take
171.84 -> or
172.48 -> or whatever and i suppose my two
174.879 -> messages with macronutrients are
177.04 -> one i i think we spent too much time and
179.44 -> energy focusing on them and two
181.2 -> it's really more about quality than
182.959 -> quantity
184.56 -> low carb well carbs can be healthy in
187.28 -> their complex form fruits veggies
189.12 -> legumes whole grains
190.64 -> and not so healthy in their simple form
192.319 -> like free sugars and and refined
194.239 -> starches
195.68 -> you know let's face it carbs taste
197.92 -> awesome and our society tends to overeat
200.159 -> them
200.64 -> so people who restrict their intake tend
202.72 -> to lose weight
204.08 -> however when we study relative weight
205.68 -> loss outcomes a 2014 systematic review
208.799 -> by dr celeste naud and colleagues looked
210.799 -> at weight and cardiovascular
212.319 -> markers of at-risk people on low-carb
214.239 -> diets that were followed for up to two
216.319 -> years
217.2 -> and they found no difference compared to
218.799 -> balanced weight loss diets
221.12 -> so how about lowering sugar well if i
223.84 -> had to pick one word to describe sugar
225.519 -> in industrialized societies it would be
227.44 -> sneaky
228.879 -> so so much sugar has worked its way into
231.44 -> our diets i mean
232.48 -> many drinks have eight or more teaspoons
234.4 -> of sugar the the average american intake
236.799 -> is approximately 20 teaspoons of sugar a
238.879 -> day
239.599 -> more in teenagers and less in canada
242.72 -> it's the obvious sweets but but it's
244.64 -> also foods we think of as healthy so
246.48 -> cereals and granola bars and fruit
248.4 -> juices
249.76 -> when high sugar contributes to excess
251.76 -> calories
252.879 -> that is when we seem to get into trouble
255.92 -> one interesting caveat is it is that
258 -> when i diagnose patients with
259.28 -> pre-diabetes the first thing they do is
261.199 -> drop sugar from their diet
263.04 -> however when we look at the diabetes
264.56 -> prevention trials it was less about
266.72 -> sugar restriction
267.759 -> and more about the healthy cascade of
269.36 -> being active half hour a day
270.96 -> five to seven percent weight loss eating
273.04 -> less saturated fats and eating more
274.639 -> fiber
275.199 -> that reduce risk of progression to
276.639 -> diabetes by 58 percent
278.8 -> how about low fat well i think our story
281.6 -> has changed
282.08 -> on fat from all bad to again more of a
284.88 -> continuum
286.32 -> you have your trans fat so fried fast
288.4 -> food many packaged baked goods
290.479 -> uh not so good and we're reducing these
293.28 -> we have saturated fats
294.96 -> mostly in dairy and and red meat and
296.88 -> plant oils like coconut or palm
299.04 -> these seem not so good in excess but
300.72 -> okay in moderation then we have your
302.6 -> monounsaturated fats or mufa
305.6 -> the mediterranean diet which i'll
307.039 -> discuss in a second is pretty high in
308.639 -> mufasa so avocados nuts seeds olive oil
311.44 -> dark chocolate
312.56 -> and shows health benefits finally we
314.96 -> have pufas so these are the longer chain
317.12 -> fats found in oily fishes
319.36 -> early trials showed some reduction in
321.199 -> cardiac events
322.56 -> more recent trials not so enthusiastic
325.199 -> meta-analysis still showing some small
326.72 -> benefit
327.28 -> no harm so the suggestion is at least
329.039 -> two servings a week
330.88 -> people seem to do better when they
332.16 -> replace saturated fats with mufa and
334.32 -> pufa fats
335.759 -> what about high protein diets again it's
338.4 -> more quality than quantity
339.919 -> protein can come in different packages
341.759 -> with different health effects so
343.84 -> say comparing a high salt ham steak
346 -> versus a salmon steak or lentils or a
348.4 -> handful of almonds
350.16 -> most data points that if you eat healthy
352.16 -> protein white meat
353.919 -> nuts beans fish you do better especially
356.96 -> if it is spread throughout the day
358.16 -> perhaps most importantly at breakfast
361.12 -> there are also some diet showing good
362.4 -> results in people with disease so the
364 -> dash diet dropping high blood pressure
365.759 -> by
366 -> 5 to 11 millimeters of mercury or or low
368.88 -> glycemic index diet dropping a1c
371.199 -> the measurement for blood sugar over
372.72 -> time and people with diabetes by 0.5
374.96 -> percentage points
376.72 -> many of our patients have high
377.919 -> cholesterol and dr david jenkins and his
379.919 -> colleagues here at the university of
381.12 -> toronto
381.919 -> have shown they can reduce cholesterol
383.28 -> by 35 with the portfolio diet
386.479 -> the data for vegetarianism has largely
388.479 -> come from cohort studies and now some
390.56 -> randomized trials showing that people do
392.24 -> better
392.96 -> it's hard not to conclude that a diet
394.639 -> rich in plant-based unprocessed foods is
397.039 -> a smart diet and of course
398.639 -> many people make the excellent point
400.08 -> that the burden on our planet is
401.68 -> is less with a vegetarian or vegan or
404.16 -> local diets
405.68 -> one way to think about all this is to
407.12 -> reflect on brazil's new dietary
408.72 -> guidelines
409.84 -> here they shifted from focusing on the
411.52 -> perfect macronutrient mix towards more
413.44 -> appreciation of food
415.44 -> stepping back a bit to see you know
417.36 -> we're buying more ultra processed
418.88 -> foods and packaged foods that can be
420.24 -> eaten anywhere and that maybe there's an
422.16 -> opportunity for healthier eating and
423.84 -> better relationships by encouraging
425.52 -> creating meals with your family and
426.96 -> friends
428.4 -> okay if there's no magic formula is
429.919 -> there a diet that actually does work
432 -> i think the answer is yes the diet is
434.24 -> more about culture and
435.52 -> small behaviors a diet not focused on
437.759 -> weight loss but unhealthy outcomes like
439.52 -> less cancer heart disease dementia a
441.599 -> longer life
443.199 -> the diet with the most robust evidence
444.96 -> is a mediterranean diet
447.28 -> instead of food rules or absolutes this
449.52 -> is more about moderation
451.199 -> less meat more veggies fruit for dessert
454.72 -> i think shopping at the market or at
456.56 -> least at the outer aisles of a grocery
458.16 -> store
458.88 -> not the processed foods for sale in the
460.56 -> inner aisles
461.919 -> it's called the mediterranean diet but
463.52 -> really it's more of a lifestyle
465.199 -> a region that traditionally includes
466.72 -> lots of physical activity
468.319 -> regular meals and good social support
471.52 -> so let's continue this shift from diets
473.12 -> to healthy behaviors that affect our
474.639 -> eating by looking at the national weight
475.919 -> control registry
477.199 -> the nwcr administers annual
479.12 -> questionnaires to more than 10
480.56 -> 000 people more women than men who have
483.36 -> lost quite a bit of weight and kept it
485.039 -> off for more than a year
486.879 -> not surprisingly 98 said they modified
489.44 -> their food intake in some way and and 94
491.919 -> increase their activity levels but there
494.24 -> wasn't one formula
495.36 -> most restricted some foods some counted
497.599 -> calories
498.639 -> others ate all foods just limited their
500.4 -> quantities 78
502.4 -> ate breakfast every day the majority
504.8 -> watched less than 10 hours of tv
506.56 -> and ate out just three times a week and
508.8 -> these people generally exceeded the
510.16 -> prescribed half hour day of activity
512.32 -> averaging an hour a day mostly walking
515.279 -> nearly all registry members indicated
517.039 -> that weight loss led to improvements in
518.479 -> their level of energy physical mobility
520.88 -> general mood self-confidence and
522.399 -> physical health
525.36 -> feedback loops seem important losing
527.68 -> weight is one thing but it seems like
529.36 -> the trickier part
530.64 -> at least for about eighty percent of us
532.32 -> is keeping it off weighing yourself
534.56 -> and using this as a small nudge in your
536.24 -> daily food decisions is an example
539.12 -> 75 percent of nwcr subjects weighed
541.519 -> themselves weekly
542.64 -> 36 percent daily and they looked at this
545.6 -> more closely at the stop regained trial
547.92 -> where daily self wane was associated
549.44 -> with a decreased risk of regaining 2.3
551.519 -> kilograms or 5 pounds on average
554.16 -> another feedback nudge is a food diary
556.08 -> even just for a week
557.44 -> and easier now with apps patients find
559.839 -> this so simple they don't do it but but
561.44 -> seeing what you've eaten can actually
562.88 -> double your weight loss
565.68 -> so i think awareness is undersold it
568.08 -> might be what you're eating or
569.76 -> weighing but it's also about knowing
571.68 -> that life is messy and to enjoy it we
573.68 -> need some flexibility
575.04 -> or that you simply feel better when you
576.64 -> eat better that's why i like the idea of
578.88 -> starting with small changes or as i call
580.64 -> them tweaks
581.92 -> maybe switch something you do a lot so
583.92 -> for example eating breakfast
585.44 -> snacking drinking you can switch your
587.44 -> average cereal for some oatmeal or
588.959 -> shredded wheat
590 -> a handful of almonds instead of a bag of
591.92 -> chips maybe switch three of your colored
594.24 -> drinks a day to water
595.68 -> i know this doesn't sound too sexy but
597.68 -> the dr mike switcheroo diet might
599.279 -> actually chip away at a pound a week or
601.519 -> or better yet might make you feel better
604.16 -> another angle
605.12 -> is adding instead of subtracting so dr
607.76 -> sherry pagoda and colleagues randomized
609.44 -> metabolically at risk individuals to
611.279 -> either a multifaceted american heart
613.279 -> association diet
614.48 -> versus the simpler advice of just
616.16 -> increasing fiber to 30 grams
618 -> throughout the day so getting on the
619.839 -> brand wagon a trip to beantown
622.24 -> berry picking both groups lost weight
624.399 -> dha group slightly more
626.399 -> and both improved cardiovascular markers
629.279 -> now i like this idea of pushing
630.88 -> healthier food rather than just
632.16 -> restricting or fencing off other food
635.2 -> other data showing satiety our feeling
637.76 -> of being
638.399 -> full is not just about calories calories
641.68 -> that come from proteins and
643.12 -> and fibers actually can make us feel
645.04 -> more full
646.64 -> another angle is social support which
648.56 -> can actually help our eating behaviors
650.959 -> another study where people were either
652.56 -> going it alone versus having three or
654.64 -> more friends or family members
655.92 -> supporting them
656.8 -> maintaining weight loss at 10 months
658.64 -> jumped from 24 to
660 -> 66 on the subject of support having a
663.279 -> dietitian
664.16 -> even if just online helps they're like a
666.56 -> genius bar for your eating
668.8 -> activity is interesting the context of
670.72 -> eating research shows us that people who
672.32 -> are
672.56 -> active even when they have obesity live
675.04 -> longer than skinny sedentaries
677.36 -> so when my patients tell me they are
678.88 -> active but have been unsuccessful at
680.959 -> weight loss
681.68 -> i shrug my shoulders and say actually
684 -> you have been successful
685.36 -> you're active it's easier to draw
687.519 -> calories through diet but i
689.04 -> i think it's important to know that the
690.48 -> research shows that people who exercise
692.16 -> have more success at maintaining their
693.839 -> weight
694.8 -> my final two points about healthy eating
696.399 -> focus on this long-term play and
697.92 -> attitude
698.959 -> as restrictive diets have proven hard to
700.72 -> sustain many are now turning from the
702.48 -> individual
703.279 -> to what surrounds the individual
705.519 -> changing our eating environment to make
706.959 -> it easier to make the right choice day
708.56 -> after day
709.519 -> we call this redesign choice
710.959 -> architecture and involves two types of
713.12 -> what i call
713.76 -> quote nudge awareness first
716.959 -> is knowing that our world is full of
718.639 -> triggers towards unhealthier overeating
721.12 -> convenient shiny foods at the counter
723.44 -> super sizing marketing
725.6 -> as dr brian wansink points out most of
728.079 -> us don't overeat because we're hungry
731.12 -> secondly is an awareness of what nudges
732.8 -> you personally
734.16 -> we are creatures of habit we do the same
736 -> thing every week and each of us has cues
738.56 -> certain foods pastries at the coffee
740.72 -> counter a time
742.16 -> 11 3 or 10 a predictable stressor
746.079 -> as wansing says the opportunity here is
748.32 -> to re-engineer small behaviors that move
750.56 -> you from mindless overeating
752.639 -> to mindless better eating maybe it's
754.959 -> redesigning your kitchen
756.639 -> when you leave cookies on the counter
758.16 -> they are much more likely to be eaten
760 -> but the same is true for fruits and
761.36 -> veggies smaller plates
763.6 -> glasses less super-sized containers and
766.24 -> not eating from the bag are simple
767.839 -> nudges to reduce mindless eating
770.16 -> redesign takes some self-knowledge are
772.16 -> you a nighttime nibbler or
773.839 -> an emotional eater i'm a grazer i'll eat
776.399 -> whatever is there so
777.519 -> my change is at the grocery store i know
779.519 -> it's pathetic i should cut fruits myself
781.68 -> but
782.32 -> mindless healthy eating happens for me
784.079 -> when i buy pre-cut fruit and just like i
786.16 -> might tell a smoker not to have
787.279 -> cigarettes in the house
788.639 -> i also don't buy super sour jude views
790.639 -> because i can't stop eating those things
793.68 -> my final behavior is more of an attitude
795.6 -> 80 20.
796.72 -> so if you're making a healthier choice
798.639 -> 80 of the time and your 20
800.639 -> is not too high cal i and you should be
803.519 -> thrilled
804.56 -> having a piece of dark chocolate a good
806.24 -> meal out some pie
807.839 -> we're into this for the long term so i'm
809.519 -> not looking for perfection
811.2 -> i'm looking for consistency so in the
813.76 -> end i hope i've got you to think a bit
815.36 -> differently about how you eat
816.959 -> instead of investing a single diet a
819.04 -> portfolio behaviors
820.959 -> small tweaks over big changes single
824.16 -> ingredient foods over multi-ingredient
826.079 -> and processed foods dinner at home
828.72 -> self-awareness depending less on
831.76 -> constant willpower and more in tweaking
833.6 -> your week to make mindless healthy
834.959 -> eating more likely
837.199 -> my final point is more about health at
838.959 -> every size you know i
840.24 -> i get that people want weight loss and
842.24 -> obesity is a risk factor for disease
844.639 -> but honestly if my patients can work
846.16 -> with their factory settings to be more
847.68 -> mindful of their eating
849.199 -> move more a bit more self-love and start
852.32 -> thinking more about what's healthy to
853.839 -> eat rather than what not to eat
855.6 -> i'd be happy so maybe now is the time to
858.24 -> start your very own better life
859.519 -> experiment
860.72 -> thanks for listening
912.88 -> you
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqhYBTg73fw