Mayo Clinic Explains Strokes

Mayo Clinic Explains Strokes

Mayo Clinic Explains Strokes

Learning about strokes can be intimidating. Let our experts walk you through the facts, the questions, and the answers to help you better understand this condition. For more reading visit: When it comes to your health, Mayo Clinic believes credible and clear information is paramount. There’s a lot to learn about strokes. We’re here to help.

0:00 Introduction
0:25 What is a stroke?
1:11 Who does a stroke happen to? / Risk factors
1:58 Symptoms of strokes
2:49 How are strokes diagnosed?
3:22 Treatment options
4:30 Coping methods/ What now?
5:23 Ending

Still have questions about strokes? That’s okay. -

More videos on strokes
· Trying to heal stroke damage with stem cells -
· Mayo Clinic Minute: What you need to know about stroke -
· Mayo Clinic Minute: Think ‘FAST’ when recognizing stroke symptoms -

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0.46 -> [Music]
4.48 -> i'm dr robert brown neurologist at mayo
7.52 -> clinic
8.72 -> in this video we'll cover the basics of
11.12 -> a stroke what is it
13.2 -> who it happens to the symptoms diagnosis
17.039 -> and treatment whether you're looking for
19.199 -> answers for yourself or someone you love
21.84 -> we are here to give you the best
23.6 -> information available you've likely
25.68 -> heard the term stroke before they affect
28.16 -> about 800 000 people in the united
30.4 -> states each year strokes happen in two
33.6 -> ways in the first a blocked artery can
36.559 -> cut off blood to an area of the brain
38.879 -> and this is known as an ischemic stroke
41.44 -> 85 of strokes are of this type
45.039 -> the second type of stroke happens when a
46.96 -> blood vessel can leak or burst so the
49.84 -> blood spills into the brain tissue or
52.079 -> surrounding the brain and this is called
54.16 -> a hemorrhagic stroke prompt treatment
56.879 -> can reduce brain damage and the
58.719 -> likelihood of death or disability so if
61.6 -> you or someone you know is experiencing
63.92 -> a stroke you should call 9-1-1 and seek
66.88 -> emergency medical care right away
69.77 -> [Music]
74.08 -> anyone can have a stroke but some things
76.96 -> put you at higher risk and some things
79.439 -> can lower your risk if you're 55 and
82.24 -> older if you're african-american
85.119 -> if you're a man
86.479 -> or if you have a family history of
88.24 -> strokes or heart attacks
90.079 -> your chances of having a stroke are
92.159 -> higher
93.84 -> being overweight
95.84 -> physically inactive
97.759 -> drinking alcohol heavily recreational
100.88 -> drug use
102.159 -> those who smoke
104.159 -> have high blood pressure or high
105.6 -> cholesterol
107.28 -> have poorly controlled diabetes
109.84 -> suffer from obstructive sleep apnea or
112.72 -> have certain forms of heart disease are
115.2 -> at greater risk as well
117.49 -> [Music]
121.84 -> look for these signs and symptoms if you
124.24 -> think you or someone you know is having
126.479 -> a stroke sudden trouble speaking and
129.679 -> understanding what others are saying
132.16 -> paralysis or numbness of the face arm or
135.12 -> leg on one side of the body problems
137.84 -> seeing in one or both eyes
140.64 -> trouble walking
142.4 -> and a loss of balance
144.879 -> now many strokes are not associated with
147.52 -> headache but a sudden and severe
149.44 -> headache can sometimes occur with some
151.84 -> types of stroke
153.2 -> if you notice any of these even if they
155.599 -> come and go or disappear completely seek
158.56 -> emergency medical attention or call
160.8 -> 9-1-1
162.879 -> don't wait to see if symptoms stop for
165.28 -> every minute counts
167.66 -> [Music]
172 -> once you get to the hospital your
173.68 -> emergency team will review your symptoms
176.16 -> and complete a physical exam
178.4 -> they will use several tests to help them
180.56 -> figure out what type of stroke you're
182.159 -> having and determine the best treatment
184.4 -> for the stroke this could include a ct
187.04 -> scan or mri scan which are pictures of
190 -> the brain and arteries a carotid
192.64 -> ultrasound which is a sound wave test of
194.8 -> the carotid arteries which provide blood
196.72 -> flow to the front parts of the brain and
199.04 -> blood tests
204.959 -> once your doctors can determine if
206.72 -> you're having an ischemic or hemorrhagic
208.56 -> stroke they'll be able to figure out the
210.159 -> best treatment if you're suffering an
212.239 -> ischemic stroke it's important to
213.84 -> restore blood flow to your brain as
215.92 -> quickly as possible providing the oxygen
218.72 -> and other nutrients your brain cells
220.56 -> need to survive to do this doctors may
223.36 -> use an intravenous clot buster medicine
226.319 -> dissolving the clot that is obstructing
228.48 -> the blood flow or they may perform an
231.36 -> emergency endovascular procedure now
234.239 -> this involves advancing a tiny plastic
236.959 -> tube called a catheter up into the brain
240.4 -> arteries allowing the blockage in the
242.72 -> artery to be removed directly
245.439 -> unlike ischemic strokes the goal for
247.519 -> treating a hemorrhagic stroke is to
249.2 -> control the bleeding and reduce pressure
251.68 -> in the brain
252.879 -> doctors may use emergency medicines to
255.599 -> lower the blood pressure prevent blood
258 -> vessel spasms
259.68 -> encourage clotting and prevent seizures
263.199 -> or if the bleeding is severe
265.6 -> surgery may be performed to remove the
267.84 -> blood that is in the brain
273.919 -> every stroke is different and so every
276.479 -> person's road to recovery is different
279.199 -> management of a stroke often involves a
281.6 -> care team with several specialties this
283.919 -> may include a neurologist and a physical
286.24 -> medicine and rehabilitation physician
288.56 -> among others
289.919 -> now in the end our goal is to help you
292.4 -> recover as much function as possible so
295.199 -> that you can live independently
297.84 -> a stroke is a life-changing event that
300.16 -> can affect you emotionally as much as it
302.8 -> can physically
304.96 -> you may feel helpless frustrated or
307.759 -> depressed
308.88 -> so look for help and support from
310.96 -> friends and family accept that recovery
313.84 -> will take hard work and most of all
316.56 -> time
317.759 -> strive for a new normal and remember to
320.24 -> celebrate your progress
323.039 -> if you'd like to learn even more about
324.8 -> strokes watch our other related videos
327.6 -> or visit we wish you all
330.72 -> the best
