Hemorrhagic Stroke Survivor
Hemorrhagic Stroke Survivor
Mandy Banks was 38 weeks pregnant when she experienced a massive hemorrhagic stroke. The teams at Rose Medical Center, Swedish Medical Center and Airlife Denver worked together to save her life and the life of her baby. Watch her inspiring story and learn how these HealthONE organizations came together to provide her with exceptional care.
1.38 -> (Shushing)
2.58 -> (crying)
3.413 -> - That day my body was like tired.
4.87 -> Mommy and Dean are best friends.
7.66 -> I just could not move as
quickly as I usually do.
10.57 -> My headache started coming,
12.08 -> we had a doctor's appointment that day.
13.74 -> (fetus heart beating)
15.27 -> - [Matt] Mandy had her 38 week checkup.
17.31 -> - Something's not right,
my head is killing me.
19.68 -> - She had started to
act a little bit weird.
22.21 -> - What is going on with me?
23.8 -> This is my first child, is
this what people feel like
26.02 -> when they are about to give birth?
27.1 -> - She was having difficulty
remembering names.
29.87 -> So she could say, you are my O.B.
32 -> I know you, I can't remember your name.
33.93 -> - Its weird feeling in your brain
36.01 -> when you just start not remembering
38.96 -> the easiest of things.
40.35 -> - [Brittney] So when she
got to Labor and Delivery,
42.19 -> I started to triage her.
43.62 -> - I'm gonna check your
temperature in your ear.
44.66 -> - And admitted her to the floor that day
46.47 -> and we were just trying to checkout
48.03 -> and see what was what
was going on with her.
50.52 -> - Something about this case
51.6 -> something rubbed me in the wrong way.
53.13 -> This is a person who seems sick
54.62 -> and I didn't really know why?
55.98 -> - [Brittney] We got her
down to the MRI machine.
57.85 -> - [Dr Kara] and soon after we
had put her in the scanner,
60.03 -> I heard her start to vomit.
61.86 -> I ran into the room she wouldn't open
64.01 -> her eyes or be arouse.
65.03 -> I checked her pupils and noticed that
66.87 -> she had something called a blown pupil.
68.81 -> - [Brittney] One of her pupil was
69.97 -> completely blown and dilated
71.34 -> and the other one was a pin point.
72.83 -> - [Dr Kara] You know what it means?
74.06 -> - [Dr Judd] It is a sign
of impending brain damage
76.33 -> that this permanent and life threatening.
78.21 -> - [Brittney] She actually stroked out.
79.93 -> - [Dr Kara] This is a
neurological emergency.
82.03 -> - [Dr Judd] Seconds count.
82.89 -> - [Dr Kara] Lets call
for help I need backup.
84.73 -> - [Brittney] She hit the Code Blue button
86.03 -> and we were in the hallway of the MRI.
88.069 -> (alarm beeping)
89.21 -> - [Matt] The Code Blue light is going off
91.02 -> and like a loud beeping noise.
93.929 -> And obviously I knew that was my wife.
95.849 -> - [Brittney] It was very
intense and over whelming,
98.24 -> but we had all the right people there.
99.64 -> - [Dr Kara] For first and foremost
100.473 -> we had to stabilize Mandy.
102.56 -> Give her a drug called Mannitol,
104.52 -> that helps to decrease
pressure in the brain.
107.95 -> - [Brittney] I just monitored
the babies heart rate,
109.57 -> that's all I could do at that moment.
110.76 -> - [Dr Kara] So we were worried
that all of the changes
112.44 -> in Mandy were affecting the baby.
114.19 -> So we wanted to get him
out, as quick as possible.
116.544 -> (heart monitor beeping)
117.377 -> - [Brittney] We crashed her
and delivered in the main O.R.
120.52 -> The baby came out and was beautiful.
122.86 -> As soon as the C- Section was finished,
124.59 -> that's when we moved her to get a cat-scan
127.03 -> to see what was actually going on?
128.76 -> That's when we saw that she'd had
130.33 -> this massive hemorrhagic stroke
132.08 -> in her left temporal lobe.
133.42 -> - I knew she was gonna need
a surgical decompression
135.573 -> as soon as I saw the ct-scan.
137.6 -> I called Dr. Hebb, the
neurosurgeon at Swedish.
140.23 -> - He was able to describe
what he saw on the cat-scan.
143.38 -> I knew immediately we
couldn't waste any time
145.82 -> even seconds could count for her.
147.539 -> (helicopter blades whirring)
150.4 -> - [Brandi] We get a call
to pick her up from Rose.
153.08 -> Went to the ICU, to her
room and took over care.
156.29 -> And then we secured her in the belts
157.952 -> (belt clicking)
159.53 -> and take her over to the helicopter.
161.592 -> (helicopter blades whirring)
164.852 -> - [Dr Hebb] Helicopter hit the pad,
165.79 -> the operating room was
ready to accept her.
168.02 -> - One two three.
169.11 -> - This hemorrhage was
very large blood clot.
172.032 -> (heart monitor beeping)
173.77 -> For operation we did
a temporal craniotomy,
176.19 -> took out that hematoma from the brain.
179 -> Thus relieving the pressure.
180.89 -> - [Matt] When they finished
the surgery Dr. Hebb came out
183.49 -> and talked about the stroke,
talked about surgery,
186.02 -> but there was definitely brain damage.
188.14 -> He didn't know to what extent
189.93 -> and basically all he could say was
192.02 -> that he believed that
he had saved her life.
194.43 -> But the big question was to what extent
197.1 -> her disability would be.
199.131 -> (heart monitor beeping)
201.03 -> - When I woke up and I'm like
202.81 -> why am I in the hospital?
204.537 -> And I started feeling my head,
206.16 -> here was a where is where the skull
208.61 -> had been cut out and I'm like,
210.44 -> and my hair is no like...
213.59 -> What you know how how did any of
216.4 -> this happen to me.
218.12 -> - [Matt] She like touched her stomach
220.15 -> and then kind of went like this,
221.81 -> and then slapped the bed
like give me my child.
225.4 -> - Lift up your left heel,
hold it up, hold it up.
227.93 -> - Rehab was difficult, at points
231 -> I just would be like aah.
232.89 -> You know you are trying to say cynicism
235.06 -> you are trying to say words and
236.53 -> you can't get any of it out
238.24 -> and you just you honestly
want to bang your head
241.82 -> against a wall and see
is it going to come back.
245.44 -> I didn't wanted to stay there for long
246.75 -> and I didn't even taken
care of him I'm his mom.
249.33 -> Coming home and holding Dean,
252.54 -> I get like emotional every time.
254.811 -> Oh
256.019 -> (kissing baby)
257.25 -> Its the most amazing feeling to know
259.77 -> I made it through this
and I get to be a mom
262.43 -> for the rest of my life.
263.85 -> He is now 8 months old 8 months already.
267.41 -> He's just perfect.
269.71 -> He's perfect
271.03 -> - [Matt] Her ability to fight and believe
272.75 -> and stay positive is what's gotten
274.63 -> her back to this point.
275.798 -> (cheering and clapping)
279.97 -> - So Health ONE, created a reunion for us.
282.6 -> My whole family got together
283.8 -> and we were able to meet with Rose,
285.34 -> Swedish and Air Life all together.
288.09 -> Yeah I am good.
289.248 -> (all laughing)
290.48 -> And walking in there is
a room full of people.
293.59 -> - Hi bud.
294.718 -> - [Mandy] They are like family now.
295.848 -> - I was the your early Registered Nurse,
298.293 -> I admitted you to the hospital.
299.412 -> - Oh I kind of remember you.
300.995 -> - I know.
301.828 -> - [Brittney] She got to meet all these
302.661 -> other providers who she didn't remember.
304.55 -> We talked all about this all
305.7 -> and hugged and cried lots of times.
308.56 -> But to see her be able to experience that
311.24 -> with people that were so crucial
313.3 -> in saving her was really special.
315.402 -> - I'm so glad you are doing so well.
317.272 -> - Thanks.
318.105 -> Not only have they saved my life
319.29 -> but they are here with me celebrating.
321.742 -> (laughing)
322.817 -> that I've lived because of them.
325.32 -> Oh my Gosh .
326.153 -> - [Brittney] I'm a mom
and to know that she got
328.1 -> to go home and take care of her baby.
329.84 -> Certainly makes you feel like you
331.85 -> did something good.
333.54 -> - [Dr Hebb] Say its
hard to put words to it,
334.99 -> its extremely rewarding.
336.434 -> - So good to see you.
337.267 -> - Nice to see you.
338.1 -> To see that our work is able
339.6 -> to give somebody their life back.
341.469 -> - I know.
342.41 -> - [Dr Kara] Cases like
this are cases that change
344.82 -> they change who you are as doctor
346.08 -> and they change who you are as a person.
347.98 -> You just feel so thankful .
349.18 -> - Everyone needs at some point to know,
351.64 -> someone else cares about them .
353.23 -> - Hi Brittney, how are you?
354.457 -> - And I knew that's the most genuine part
356.79 -> of being in health care.
357.85 -> Hey buddy you.
359.03 -> - [Matt] This is the little man.
360.248 -> - Hi.
361.081 -> How much I've thought
about her and her family
362.56 -> and how much I've prayed for them
364 -> and just wanted her to be okay
365.86 -> and to make this recovery
368 -> and she survived this massive stroke.
371.17 -> That not many people come back from
373.04 -> and have minimal deficits
the way that Mandy does.
375.62 -> Okay one two three.
377.403 -> She's a miracle.
378.453 -> - Thank you, thank you so much.
379.343 -> - [Dr Judd] This is a big success,
381.31 -> a success story for the system.
383.24 -> There are a lot of people that
were involved in her care.
385.31 -> - We had such an incredible team.
386.89 -> - There's nothing about
this that was one person.
389.59 -> - [Dr Hebb] And I think that
cooperation in Mandy's case
393.58 -> helped save her life.
394.78 -> - The Swedish and Rose has like
396.86 -> the most amazing group of people.
399.584 -> (helicopter whirring)
400.74 -> You know they are not going to give up
403.31 -> and they all want to win.
404.81 -> They can do everything to make sure
407.87 -> you are gonna come back.
409.22 -> How'd you thank those people enough.
411.26 -> - From the bottom of our
hearts thank you very much.
414.56 -> It gives me a greater appreciation
416.76 -> for all the little things
417.98 -> that you so easily overlook
419.48 -> and take for granted on a daily basis.
421.557 -> (laughing)
422.66 -> I had a wife who is
standing, walking, talking
425.77 -> and healing and a healthy son.
427.61 -> I feel we got away with something.
429.69 -> As it could have gone a
very different direction.
431.95 -> - I feel extremely lucky.
436.81 -> Not lucky that has
happened to me obviously,
441.19 -> lucky that I was able to
become a strong as I have
444.79 -> in such a shorter time.
446.96 -> - [Brittney] Its just
the same Mandy as before.
449.93 -> - And I feel so blessed to be alive.
452.47 -> Thank you Health ONE for saving my life.
456.27 -> - Alright Buddy.
458.297 -> - Alright, woo woo.
460.373 -> (triumphant music)
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSVipYkhL8E