Can you die after a heart attack?  | Killip classification | Heart Failure | ♥️

Can you die after a heart attack? | Killip classification | Heart Failure | ♥️

Can you die after a heart attack? | Killip classification | Heart Failure | ♥️

The Killip classification is a system used to predict and stratify the risk of mortality in the patients who’s had an acute myocardial infarction. In this video we discuss about the classes in the Killip classification and it’s relation to the mortality of a patient.

00:00 Introduction
00:11 Four classes \u0026 it’s significance
00:29 Class one
00:38 Class two
01:04 Class three
01:18 Class four
01:45 Summary

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0 -> the killip classification is a system used  to predict and stratify the risk of mortality  
5.4 -> in the patients who's had an acute myocardial  infarction there are four classes in the killip  
10.86 -> classification they are class 1 Class 2 class 3  and class 4. patients with lower kill up class are  
19.56 -> less likely to die within the first 30 days post  myocardial infarction however when the class is  
25.62 -> higher their mortality is higher too killip class  1 includes individuals with no clinical signs  
32.28 -> of heart failure and lung crepitations their  30-day mortality rate is around 6 percent in  
38.46 -> killip class 2 the patients have mild to moderate  heart failure that means they will have symptoms  
44.34 -> and signs of heart failure such as S3 Gallop  Rhythm lung rails and jugular venous distension  
50.82 -> pulmonary Crepes will be present in half of the  lungs the systolic blood pressure remains above  
56.4 -> 90 millimeter of mercury 30-day mortality  rate is around 17 percent the patients with  
63.06 -> crepitations in the whole lung are categorized  into killip class III their systolic blood  
68.64 -> pressure is still remaining above 90 millimeter  of mercury mortality rate is around 38 percent  
75.66 -> finally in the killip class 4 the patients are  in cardiogenic shock so they will have clinical  
81.66 -> features due to hypertension and peripheral  vasoconstriction such as tachycardia oliguria  
87.54 -> cold extremities hypoxia 30-day mortality rate is  around 81 to summarize the killip classification  
95.76 -> is a system used to predict and stratify the  risk of post myocardial infarction mortality  
101.22 -> there are four classes and higher the class  means higher the mortality in killip class 1  
107.4 -> there's no heart failure in class 2 there's  mild to moderate heart failure in class 3  
113.82 -> there's heart failure with Frank pulmonary edema  in class IV there's cardiogenic shock thanks for  
120.06 -> watching like comment and share with your friends  subscribe Miss medicure for more videos like this
