Rapid Review for PLAB channel is created to help doctors preparing for PLAB or similar examinations. It is also useful as a revision tool for junior doctors.
I am working as an Emergency Physician in the United Kingdom for many years and teaching medical students and junior doctors is my passion.
I have used mind maps for this purpose as they are fantastic tools for summary and recall.
In this video I have discussed diagnosis and management of heart failure
In the next videos we will learn about diagnosis and management of hypertension
6.319 -> hi everyone i am dr rahil here welcome
9.2 -> to another cardiology topic
11.599 -> today we will discuss diagnosis and
14.4 -> management of heart failure
16.48 -> let's first start with the case scenario
18.88 -> a 79 years old lady was brought to
21.119 -> emergency department by ambulance who
23.439 -> woke up from sleep with severe shortness
25.76 -> of breath and cough productive of
28 -> pinkish frothy sputum she was otherwise
31.039 -> well before going to bed her significant
33.84 -> past medical history included
35.84 -> hypertension and type 2 diabetes
39.2 -> on examination she was technique and was
41.92 -> unable to speak in full sentences other
44.559 -> significant findings on physical
46.16 -> examination included tachycardia with
49.12 -> heart rate of 120 beats per minute blood
52.48 -> pressure of 178 to 190 millimeter of
55.44 -> mercury on lung auscultation there were
59.12 -> generalized reputations bilaterally
61.76 -> with decreased oxygen saturation of 88
64.64 -> percent on romeo
66.24 -> she was a fibroid
68 -> her ecg revealed sinus tachycardia there
70.64 -> were no significant std changes her
73.84 -> chest x-ray showed bilateral alveolar
76.96 -> shadowing and the findings were
78.64 -> consistent of pulmonary edema
81.68 -> now coming to the question
83.36 -> what is the most appropriate initial
85.92 -> treatment in this situation
88.32 -> please pause the video to go through the
89.92 -> options and answer the question
92.32 -> the correct answer is option 3
95.36 -> which is intravenous furosemide
98.079 -> and this take us to the discussion of
99.84 -> heart failure in detail
101.759 -> i will revisit the scenario later to
103.92 -> discuss about various options in
105.92 -> management of heart failure
107.84 -> this presentation is mostly based on
110.399 -> nice guidelines on acute heart failure
112.88 -> which was last updated in november 2021.
116.399 -> i've also consulted heart failure
118.079 -> management guidelines from european
120.32 -> society of cardiology as well as other
123.119 -> great resources such as uptodate.com and
126.079 -> bmj best evidence website
128.72 -> without further ado let's start with the
131.2 -> definition
132.48 -> simple definition of heart failure is it
134.64 -> is a condition in which the heart does
137.12 -> not pump enough blood to meet all the
139.84 -> needs of the body
141.52 -> acute heart failure can present as
144.4 -> nuanced heart failure in people without
146.72 -> known cardiac dysfunction
149.04 -> or as acute decompensation of chronic
152.08 -> heart failure it can result from an
154.72 -> abnormality of cardiac structure or its
156.959 -> function
158.08 -> most important causes of acute heart
160 -> failure are number one acute coronary
163.04 -> syndrome
164.08 -> number two hypertensive emergency
167.12 -> and number three take arrhythmias or
169.519 -> severe bradycardia or conduction
171.2 -> disturbance
172.8 -> other causes include
174.64 -> acute mechanical cause like ruptured
177.239 -> interventicular septum or acute mitral
179.92 -> regurgitation as a complication of acute
182.239 -> coronary syndrome acute pulmonary
184.48 -> embolism
185.599 -> infections including myocarditis and
188.08 -> cardiac tamponade
190 -> clinical features
191.599 -> the onset and severity of symptoms of
193.92 -> acute heart failure vary and depend on
196 -> the nature of the underlying cardiac
197.76 -> cause and the rate at which the syndrome
200.319 -> develops
201.44 -> patients typically present with sudden
203.84 -> onset of shortness of breath and
205.68 -> overwhelming sensation of suffocation
207.76 -> and air hunger
209.28 -> the other symptoms are cough
211.36 -> expectoration of pink for the sputum
214.08 -> sensation of drowning and extreme
216.319 -> anxiety
217.599 -> the physical examination findings are
219.92 -> tachypnea patients will be sitting
222 -> upright using accessory muscles of
223.76 -> respiration and unable to speak in full
225.92 -> sentences
227.44 -> tachycardia
228.799 -> the pulse rate is most often elevated
231.599 -> secondary to an increased adrenergic
234.319 -> drive
235.68 -> blood pressure is
237.28 -> markedly elevated if you acute heart
239.439 -> failure is secondary to
241.439 -> hypertension emergency it may be low in
244 -> presence of acute coronary syndrome and
246.4 -> cardiac arrhythmias
248.4 -> the oxygen saturation is usually less
250.879 -> than 90 on roomy air before treatment
253.76 -> auscultation of the lungs reveal
256.239 -> coarse gravitations with ways that are
258.479 -> detected first at the lung bases
261.04 -> but then extend upward to the apises as
264.479 -> the pulmonary edema versus
266.96 -> cardic auscultation may be difficult in
268.72 -> the acute situation but third and fourth
271.919 -> hearthstones may be present
274.24 -> now let's discuss the investigations
277.04 -> ecg
278.16 -> every patient presenting with symptoms
279.919 -> of heart failure should have ecg
281.6 -> performed as soon as possible it may
284.08 -> reveal the evidence of ischemia or
285.84 -> infection arrhythmias or
288.639 -> evidence of left ventricular hypertrophy
290.96 -> usually seen in patients with diastolic
293.12 -> heart failure
294.88 -> chest x-ray
296.479 -> common findings on chest x-ray include
299.04 -> increased alveolar markings due to
301.6 -> accumulation of fluid in the alveoli
304.24 -> fluid in the horizontal fissure and
306.639 -> blending of costophrenic angles
309.199 -> other findings may be presence of
311.36 -> cardiovascularly and upper lobe
313.199 -> diversion which are basically prominent
315.52 -> upper low pulmonary vessels
317.919 -> chest x-ray is also useful to roll out
320.4 -> alternate diagnosis like pneumonia
323.84 -> natural uretric peptide
326.56 -> nice guidelines suggest to perform a
328.4 -> single measurement of serum nitric
330.88 -> uretric peptide like bnp or nt pro bnp
335.84 -> in people presenting with new suspected
338.639 -> acute heart failure
340.56 -> diagnosis of heart failure
342.639 -> is ruled out if bnp is less than 100
346.639 -> nanogram per liter or anti pro bnp
351.12 -> is less than 300 nanogram per liter
354.479 -> however elevated levels of nitrouetic
357.68 -> peptide do not automatically concern the
360.319 -> diagnosis of heart acute heart failure
362.4 -> as
363.28 -> they may be associated with wide variety
365.68 -> of cardiac and non-cardiac causes
369.199 -> routine blood tests
370.96 -> including urinary electrolytes troponin
373.6 -> especially if there is evidence of
375.039 -> ischemia or infection on ecg
377.6 -> and d damage if suspicion of pulmonary
380.319 -> embolism
382.039 -> echocardiography
383.84 -> echocardiography is used to assess
386.16 -> myocardial systolic and diastolic
388.639 -> function of both left and right
390.88 -> ventricles
392.08 -> follicular function and measurement of
394.72 -> left ventricular ejection fraction
397.44 -> any patient with suspected
399.6 -> heart failure who is hemodynamically
401.84 -> unstable
403.12 -> or in respiratory failure should have
405.68 -> immediate bedside echocardiography
408.88 -> if a patient is stable
410.52 -> echocardiography should be performed
412.96 -> within 48 hours
415.28 -> coming to management
417.199 -> oxygen therapy should be titrated to
419.28 -> achieve oxygen saturation of 94 to 98
422.72 -> percent
423.919 -> nitrates
425.12 -> nitrates in the form of sublingual gtn
428.24 -> or intravenous form as isosobide
431.68 -> dinitrate used to be part of initial
434 -> therapy
435.12 -> but current nice guidelines suggest not
437.759 -> to use nitrates routinely and to
440.319 -> consider only in specific circumstances
442.96 -> with close monitoring of blood pressure
445.44 -> for people with concomitant myocardial
447.919 -> ischemia
449.039 -> severe hypertension
450.56 -> or aortic or mitral valve regurgitation
454.72 -> diuretics
456.479 -> diuretics are the ministry of treatment
459.28 -> loop diuretics like furosemide is the
461.84 -> first choice
463.12 -> it can be given as intravenous bonus or
465.599 -> as infusion
467.199 -> nice guidelines does not give a specific
469.84 -> recommendation about dosage but 40
472.24 -> milligram intravenous bonus is the
474.08 -> optimum initial therapy
476.4 -> adjust the dose according to the
478 -> patient's response and clinical status
481.12 -> if a patient is already taking a
483.599 -> diuretic we should consider a higher
485.68 -> dose and some experts
488 -> recommend to use twice the equivalent of
490.479 -> oral dose unless there is evidence of
493.12 -> patients non-compliance with the therapy
496.4 -> ionotropes and vasopressor
499.84 -> patients with acute heart failure with
501.68 -> potentially reversible cardiogenic shock
504.72 -> should be treated with ionotropes and
506.4 -> vasopressors and should be admitted in a
508.56 -> coronary care unit or ito
511.199 -> discussion of individual drugs in this
513.039 -> situation is beyond the scope of this
514.959 -> presentation
517.279 -> ventilation
519.039 -> a person with cardiogenic pulmonary
521.279 -> edema with severe dyspnea acidemia
523.36 -> should be considered for
525.279 -> non-invasive ventilation such as cpap or
528.08 -> bipap without delay
530.56 -> considering ventilation in people with
532.32 -> acute heart failure that despite
534.08 -> treatment is
535.519 -> leading to or is complicated by
538 -> respective failure or reduced
539.92 -> consciousness or physical exhaustion
542.959 -> and the last but not the least is the
545.279 -> management of underlying cause of
547.12 -> cardiac failure simultaneously with the
549.44 -> other management strategies we have
551.44 -> discussed just now
554.08 -> let's do the submariner heart failure is
556.56 -> defined as inability of the heart to
558.72 -> pump the blood to meet all the needs of
560.8 -> the body although there are many causes
563.12 -> of heart failure the most important
564.72 -> causes are acute coronary syndrome high
567.76 -> potential emergencies and erythema's
571.279 -> clinical features of acute heart failure
573.2 -> include certain onset of severe
575.519 -> shortness of breath associated with
578.08 -> decreased oxygen saturation and presence
580.72 -> of reputations on lung auscultation
584.48 -> most important initial investigation is
586.48 -> ecg which may reveal underlying cause of
588.88 -> heart failure such as acs or cardiac
591.519 -> arrhythmias
593.04 -> chest x-ray helps to confirm the
594.8 -> diagnosis of heart failure and rule out
596.959 -> alternate diagnosis such as pneumonia
599.2 -> etc
600.88 -> a limited level of bnp is seen in many
603.76 -> cardiac and non-cardiac causes but
606.24 -> normal levels in the setting of acute
608.399 -> presentation of shortness of breath
610.64 -> rules out the possibility of heart
612.72 -> failure and nice guidelines recommend to
615.92 -> perform single measurement
618.24 -> at baseline
620 -> apart from routine blood tests other
621.76 -> investigations include troponin if
624.079 -> suspicion of ischemia or infection
626.48 -> in fact european society of cardiology
628.959 -> guidelines suggests to perform troponin
631.2 -> in every patient with acute heart
632.959 -> failure as elevated troponin level is a
636.079 -> poor prognostic marker
638.959 -> echocardiography helps to evaluate the
641.36 -> structure of heart valvular disease
644.32 -> and injection fraction
647.04 -> treatment of underlying cause of heart
648.64 -> failure is an important aspect of
650.8 -> management and should continue
653.04 -> simultaneously to other treatment
655.04 -> options
656.72 -> ministry of management of acute heart
658.72 -> failure is diuretic therapy the first
661.36 -> choice being ferroysmite
663.839 -> nitrates should only be used in specific
666.399 -> situations such as management of severe
668.56 -> hypertension with close blood pressure
671.36 -> monitoring
672.88 -> ventilation such as cpap or bipap is
675.839 -> indicated in presence of acute heart
677.92 -> failure with acidemia
680.48 -> mechanical ventilation is indicated in
682.56 -> patients with reduced level of
684.32 -> consciousness of physical exhaustion
686.88 -> in presence of reversible underlying
689.279 -> factors
691.12 -> inotropes and vasopressors are indicated
694 -> in presence of cardiogenic shock
696.88 -> this is the end of this presentation
699.44 -> thank you for watching the next topic is
701.92 -> on hypertension
703.6 -> till then take care and good bye
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebuKpl55GSI