British Heart Foundation - Your guide to a Coronary Angiogram, a test for heart disease

British Heart Foundation - Your guide to a Coronary Angiogram, a test for heart disease

British Heart Foundation - Your guide to a Coronary Angiogram, a test for heart disease

Do you have a Coronary Angiogram coming up? Watch this video to find out what to expect.


7.319 -> This film will show you what to expect if you are having a coronary angiogram
11.69 -> sometimes called a cardiac catheterization
14.7 -> my name is Alan Price and I'm from
17.74 -> Derbyshire and I'm here today for a cardiac angiogram
21.399 -> The procedure today is straightforward
25.45 -> and will explain in a little more
28.82 -> detail about what happens next.
33.16 -> It's a straightforward operation, no reason to worry at all.
39.6 -> I'm Jaydeep Sarma,
41.71 -> I'm a consultant interventional cardiologist at the Northwest heart center,
45.339 -> in Wythenshawe hospital in South Manchester
48.339 -> So a coronary angiogram is an X-ray based
51.809 -> set of pictures that we take of the heart
54.989 -> and in particular the coronary arteries.
59.199 -> the procedure is done under local anaesthetic
62.35 -> either into the skin around the wrist artery, or sometimes into the skin around the top of the groin.
66.88 -> depending on which artery we need to use.
70.42 -> we do more and more of these procedures using the wrist artery these days
74.93 -> because we want to get people up and about, it adds convenience for the patients.
79.43 -> What we'll do is we'll let that work its way in while we're setting all our other equipment up.
84.68 -> When you have coronary heart disease
88.15 -> fatty deposits build up on the inner walls of your coronary arteries
92.1 -> causing narrowing or blockages which restrict blood flow to your heart.
96.2 -> a coronary angiogram helps identify
100.09 -> if you have these narrowings and shows how severe it is
103.36 -> A catheter (thin flexible tube)
107.72 -> is passed into your artery through your groin or arm
110.83 -> and then up to your heart. A special dye called contrast
115.37 -> will then be passed through the catheter so that your arteries show
118.82 -> on the X-ray. A series of x-rays will then be taken
122.39 -> to locate any narrowing in your arteries.
126.36 -> We put a very small needle into the artery
128.31 -> again, either the groin or the wrist, and use that needle to feed a tiny wire
132.049 -> into the artery. That allows us to put a plastic tube
135.439 -> over the wire, removing the needles and then
138.76 -> that plastic tube allows us to inject liquid dye into the arteries
142.59 -> allowing us to see the course of the arteries on the x-ray machine
145.92 -> What we're doing now is just manipulating the catheter into the right position,
151.219 -> to take a picture of the right coronary artery
154.329 -> People generally feel a little bit of pressure but not discomfort when the
157.629 -> tubing is being moved inside the arteries often with the arm
160.969 -> sometimes around the leg area. Some people complain of
165.099 -> feeling hot or flushed when the dye is being injected
168.859 -> but generally speaking most people aren't aware of the fact that their heart
172.739 -> arteries are being filmed and the x-rays are actually being taken.
175.769 -> Very good indeed there are a few irregularities but nothing untoward
179.54 -> A diagnostic angiogram is generally very straightforward
183.79 -> very well organised procedure and normally it would take in the region
187.23 -> of 10 to 15 minutes to get the pictures
191.48 -> most people who have a diagnostic procedure do so as a day case
195.439 -> so they can go home that afternoon or evening. The main complication people
199.549 -> suffer from is bruising or bleeding from the point of access
202.799 -> either into the wrist or groin where the tubing's inserted.
206.099 -> So overall the risk of any major complications is extremely low.
210.5 -> Having had
214.219 -> the angiogram I'm sitting here now feeling
218.69 -> no bad ill effects whatsoever.
221.72 -> I could go home two hours after it, it's as simple as that.
225.97 -> My hopes for the future
229.189 -> are to return to the outdoor lifestyle I led,
233.29 -> which will be walking in the hills and I see no reason why that's not achievable.
239.14 -> Heart disease is still the single biggest killer in the UK
243.72 -> but for over 50 years we've tirelessly pioneered research that has helped
247.72 -> transform the lives of people living with heart and circulatory conditions.
251.67 -> Join our fight for every heartbeat in the UK
255.5 -> every pound raised every minute of your time and every donation to our shops
260.01 -> will help make a difference.
